CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

xmas horitsuba omake

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Sailor Yue-chan:
scans here:

i NEED translation so i can scnlate plese ^w^


Thank you for brightening my day, CLAMP (and thank you, Sailor Yue-chan, for posting it)!

I want to know what they say, too. R!Syaoran is such a matchmaker - that :3 face he did at page two looks almost Tomoyo-ish! He and Fai seems to have a Serious Talk about C!Syaoran/Sakura at the last page, don't they (oh, I hope they're saying that the two of them will surely find each other, or something). The last image is lurve!

And, ahem... I'm not a Syaorancest shipper, but this picture was begging for it (very sensitive readers be warned).

Sailor Yue-chan:
kekekeke XD

thats what omakes are for. fanserive alterations XD

Thanks! I love reading those omakes! I really hope it will be scanlated soon, it will be fun to understand what they are saying.

Sailor Yue-chan:
im still working on it. ive been busy...

Yuui's got lojng ponytailed hair. just like Fai in TRC O_O sweet


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