AuthorTopic: Chapter 177  (Read 3032 times)

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Offline Itzeen

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Chapter 177
« on: December 26 2007, 04:30 am »
OK MErry Christmas to all ant here is the present from CLAMP!!!!

Scans by cloud9_alice

Translations by


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Did Sakura remeber everything?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! remembered CXIAO?!?!?!?!
and WTF!!!! Sajura's soul died!!!!!!!!! or WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 26 2007, 04:56 am by Itzeen »

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Offline Ando

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Re: Chapter 177
« Reply #1 on: December 26 2007, 12:02 pm »
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I won't even try to understand what the heck is going on in the last pages. CLAMP's action scenes are always so confusing...

Sakura sure is changing her ways of addressing quickly. First R!Syaoran is Syaoran, now C!Syaoran is "Syaoran"-kun (and why is she suddenly calling him anata? Isn't third-person standard)? Well, I know when I am defeated; CLAMP can hardly make it any clearer which Syaoran Sakura thinks of as the "real" one now. I've had about a month to get used to it, though, since she addressed R!Syaoran by name for the first time, so I'm pretty good about it now. Make sure to make her happy, Syaoran.

I don't get it, FWR. If you don't care about whether Sakura lives or dies, why bother so hard finishing her off? That man needs a hobby.

Oh please please please CLAMP, don't let that feather be all Sakura's memories of Syaoran... 'Cause that would suck.
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Re: Chapter 177
« Reply #2 on: December 27 2007, 11:29 pm »
@ Ando:
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So does that mean that he just really needs Sakura's body as a vessel, seeming that he did mention about the irrelevance of her soul to his plans?

And the way of addressing kinda confused me as well... o.o; I'm sure that switching of names meant something for CLAMP

Me thinks that the next chapter will somewhat satisfy our questions.
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Offline Ando

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Re: Chapter 177
« Reply #3 on: December 28 2007, 04:10 am »
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Well, in the last chapter he did say that all he needs is her body, and that it's irrelevant to his plans whether her soul dies or not. It just amuses me that he's still so intent on killing her soul after saying that he doesn't care either way. Couldn't he just leave her in the dream and let the clone go after her body already?

I don't think it's confusing. To me, this makes it very clear that R!Syaoran is the true one in Sakura's eyes, and that she is closer to him than she ever was to the clone.
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.