AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 1232266 times)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1020 on: April 10 2012, 11:26 pm »
WWE NXT Results: 4-4-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).

1 - PERCY WATSON vs. TYLER REKS (w/Curt Hawkins)

Reks with trash talk to start - "You're still a Rookie in my eyes!" Not exactly Mark Henry quality. Watson lands an early arm drag, then Reks comes back with a waist ock, but Watson escapes, cinches a waistlock of his own, and then put Reks down with a belly-to-back. I thought I was seeing Jack Swagger in the ring for a moment. Reks gets out and puts Watson in an armbar, but Watson turns it around. Watson with the scissors kick and a butterfly suplex and Reks heads to ringside for a breather. Reks suckers Watson in, though, to gain control.

Reks demonstrates his power and continues to work Watson's left arm. Regal cuts Reks pretty badly, comparing his career to Sheamus's, and points out that while they both debuted on the same night on ECW, Sheamus is a three-time Heavyweight champion and Reks is still stuck on NXT. He suggests that he needs to look in the mirror and make a change. With Regal, I sometimes wonder how much of his commentary is coming from the script or headsets, how much is improv, and how much of it is legitimate.

Watson turns it around with a boot in the corner, then a high-flying, rapid-fire comeback with dropkicks and shoulder tackles. Watson hits the Highsman, but misses a corner charge. Reks looks for a back body drop, but in mid-air, Watson hooks Reks's back, slides down, and lands a schoolboy for the pin.

WINNER: Watson in 6:00. Watson changed his formula a bit tonight and kept it fresh. He incorporated some amateur style wrestling, for one thing. I almost suspect he's been working with Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, or William Regal based on some of his moves. The mid-air schoolboy was unique and innovative. I want to see Percy Watson in the Money in the Bank match quite badly.


Natalya offers a hand slap and acts perky. Natalya with an innovative roll-through using her legs to hold Kaitlyn down and a bridge for extra leverage, getting a two count. Natalya offers another handslap. Kaitlyn with a headlock into a takedown. Kaitlyn with her power for a cover, and Natalya with a head scissors but Kaitlyn escapes. Kaitlyn with a schoolgirl for two, then a wristlock.

Kaitlyn with punches and Natalya fires out, but a hair pull sends her to the mat. No kidding, I just saw two full minutes of chain wrestling in a WWE Divas match. Natalya gets aggressive, and is bleeding a bit from the lower bicep. How often do you see blood in a Divas match? Natalya with an abdominal stretch and Kaitlyn is wearing Natalya's blood on her chin. Kaitlyn slips out of a powerslam attempt and nails a cross-body for two. Kaitlyn with a bridge cover of her own for two. Natalya bridges out of the cover, and they struggle for control before Natalya sends Kaitlyn to the mat. She looks for the Sharpshooter, locks it in, and Kaitlyn taps out in an instant.

WINNER: Natalya in 3:30. Fun match that smashed a lot of the limitations typical for Divas matches. Chain wrestling, blood, and a win for Natalya? More, please.

3 - THE USOS (w/Tamina Snuka) vs. TITUS O'NEIL & DARREN YOUNG

Jimmy and Young start off, and Young quickly starts to control. Jimmy knocks Young down and brings in Jey. Young tags to O'Neil, who delivers a big boot to send Jey flying. O'Neil and Young isolate Jey in the corner. Big powerslam from Jey and there's a double tag out. Jimmy rocks O'Neil with offense. Young makes the save on a pin attempt, but Jey tosses him out. This gives O'Neil a chance to gain control. Young is lolly-gagging on the outside, staring at Tamina, so O'Neil tells him to get his head right. That gives Jimmy a chance for a Samoan Drop and he tags in Jey, who gets the Superfly Splash for the win.

WINNERS: The Usos in 4:30. Okay match, though way too short for a tag match. Both Young and O'Neil need to work on putting up entertaining, sustained offense.


McGillicutty comes out of the bell like a man on a mission, but Bateman goes on the offensive. McGillicutty turns it into a street brawl. Bateman clears McGillicutty from the ring, then Bateman with a dropkick off the apron.

McGillicutty is fighting a hold out of the break. Vicious neckbreaker onto the rope and off the apron from McGillicutty, who goes into a hard offense mode, and the ref has to pull McGillicutty off Bateman in the corner. According to Regal, getting disqualified means you don't get paid for the night. That's a new one. I think Bateman's been going to the Dolph Ziggler School of Bumping. McGillicutty rolls around the mat with Bateman locked in a tight side chinlock.

Bateman gets some traction and lands a side Russian legsweep into the turnbuckle. Both men are down and get up on the six count. Bateman kicks McGillicutty's legs out a few times, then a huge STO. Bateman looks insane as he beats the stuffing out of McGillicutty. Running neckbreaker from Bateman gets a close nearfall. Bateman involves the crowd and lands a big clothesline in the corner. Bateman looks to head up top, but McGillicutty ducks the top rope crossbody, and McGillicutty cockily looks for the Sharpshooter. Bateman counters with an inside cradle for one, and they separate. McGillicutty kicks Bateman's leg and nails the Turning Heads neckbreaker for the win.

WINNER: Michael McGillicutty in 9:00. This is easily Derrick Bateman's best work on display, and Michael McGillicutty's best match ever except his matches with Tyson Kidd in the last few weeks. I absolutely loved how McGillicutty made it a brawl to suit his "looking for revenge" story, and Bateman clearly wanted to hurt McGillicutty to soften him up for Kidd if he couldn't actually win. They worked stiff and it made this match feel extremely physical, as well it should.

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1021 on: April 10 2012, 11:29 pm »
WWE Superstars Results: 4-5-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's comlete report).

1 - TYSON KIDD vs. HUNICO (w/Camacho)

Fast-paced technical wrestling to start things off. There is some really good work in here, as expected. Hunico shifts to a brawling style and goes into a unique submission to a cover, and Kidd manages to catapult himself over Hunico from a pin, perform a sunset flip, and transition to a Sharpshooter, but Hunico gets to the ropes before it's locked on. Hunico bails out. Kidd jaws at Camacho and Hunico ambushes him from behind. Kidd with a big monkey flip, then gets kind-of a monkey flip through the ropes to put Hunico ringside. Huracanrana from over the ropes and Hunico is down again. Kidd rolls Hunico in for a two count.

Hunico suckers Kidd in and sends him into the ringpost. Cover for two. Hunico with a nasty armbar and Kidd is howling in pain. Hunico blocks a sunset flip and counters with a leg drop.

Kidd fights out of a hold with a suplex, then sends Hunico into a turnbuckle face-first. Kidd with a flurry of kicks and a low dropkick for two. Camacho looks worried on the outside. Kidd then tricks Hunico into flying through the ropes, but Hunico lands on his feet, then kicks him from the apron. Kidd sends Hunico into the ring and hits the springboard elbow drop for a nearfall. Hunico transitions into a Tornado DDT into a suplex with a bridge cover for two.

Hunico on the attack, but Kidd counters a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker attempt with a small package for a nearfall. Kidd spends a moment kicking Camacho through the ropes (Camacho tried to trip him). On his way back to the center of the ring, Hunico catches him with a brainbuster of sorts for the win.

WINNER: Hunico in 8:00. Slick, intense match. Watch the replay if you are a fan of fast-paced, well-executed action. The only drawback is that this is the second match of Hunico's that ended just like this, though.


Reks and Jey start the match, and Jey brings Reks into the corner and gets Jimmy involved. Reks sends Jimmy into the ropes and isolates him with Hawkins. The crowd starts a "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chant in the middle of Reks's offense. Jimmy and Reks both tag out, and Jey takes over on Hawkins. Jey with a beautiful flipping kick, it looks like. The action breaks down and both Usos hit Samoan Drops. Jimmy tags in and lands the Superfly Spash for the win. The crowd celebrates with another "Yes! Yes! Yes!" chant.

WINNER: The Usos in 4:30. Good match, but nothing I haven't seen from this match-up a few thousand times in the last few months on NXT and Superstars.


Slater is unimpressed by Truth showing off, and pretends to kick Little Jimmy, so Truth takes him down, then tends to Little Jimmy. The crowd is popping for Little Jimmy. Truth clears Slater from the ring and checks on Jimmy.

Slater sends Truth into a barricade out of the break. Truth powers out of a hold, but Slater puts him back down with a jumping kick. Jumping neckbreaker gets Slater two. Truth makes a comeback with lots of power and a bit of finesse. Truth then scores with the What's Up for the win. The referee raises R-Truth's hand and Little Jimmy's, too.

WINNER: R-Truth in 5:15. Lots of comedy in a match that didn't have the time or motivation to amount to much.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1022 on: April 10 2012, 11:31 pm »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 4-5-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Turner's complete report).


The match started with Hardy taking the offensive edge with multiple armdrags, and getting the better of Angle on the mat. Angle put an end to Hardy’s offense by raking his eyes. It was short-lived as Hardy quickly hit Angle with a head scissor takedown to the outside where he slammed Angle face first into the ring steps. Angle, who was now bleeding, caught Hardy with a kick on his way back into the ring. Once in the ring, Angle hit Hardy with a suplex for a two count. Angle looked down on a fallen Hardy as the show went to commercial break.

As the show came back from the break, Hardy was able to hit Angle with the Whisper in the Wind. He followed up with a series of clotheslines, and went for the Twist of Fate which Angle countered into multiple german suplexes for a two count. He went for the Angle Slam, but Hardy was able successfully counter with the Twist of Fate. Hardy went to the top rope for the swanton bomb, but was caught off by Angle with a belly-to-belly suplex off the top rope.

Angle put Hardy into the anklelock, but Hardy eventually broke out of it and took Angle down. Hardy tried to go for the Swanton again, but Angle grabbed on to the referee for cover. When Hardy made his way to the situation, Angle tried to hit him with a low blow, but Hardy had him scouted. Hardy once again went for the Twist of Fate, but Angle bowed out, and left the ring. The referee counted to ten for the count out victory for Hardy.

WINNER: Jeff Hardy via countout at 12:47. Well, that was strange. TNA continues to give away their pay-per-view product on free television. Oh well, for what it was both wrestlers put forth a good effort and gave audiences a compelling match.


Winter and Tara started the match with the action quickly escalating to Tara’s standing moonsault. Tara went for the pin, but every Knockout took exception to it and went into the ring to break it up. Love and James were tagged in as the crowd chanted for James. The two exchanged basic holds and shoulder tackles until James connected with a dropkick on Love. Love was able to hit a sidewalk slam for a two count, but James quickly recovered and took Love down. Sky used James to tag herself in and tried and battled Love a for a quick minute until Love tagged Rayne in. Tara used a blind tag on Sky to get herself into the match and hit a big sideslam for a two count on Rayne. Tara quickly tagged Sky back in, but Rayne was able to maintain an offensive edge against her.

All the Knockouts took turns hitting their finishers on each other, ending with Sky hitting James with In Yo Face for the win.

WINNER: Velvet Sky via pinfall at 7:00. That match was all over the place, but it was a good time. I have faith in Gail Kim’s ability in being able to carry Sky to a good match at Lockdown, but if Sky wins the title it’s her following reign I’m concerned about.


The match started with some basic holds until Storm went for a superkick that Styles had scouted. Styles told Storm that he wouldn’t get him and took his turn at trying get on the offensive against Storm. Styles hit a textbook dropkick on Storm which sent him rolling to the outside. Storm blocked a kick from Styles and took him down with a headlock. Styles was able to regain the offensive edge, and eventually grounded Storm with a chinlock.

Storm broke out and missed another superkick, but was able to send Styles into corner and followed up with a kick from the outside. He was able to perform the Eye of the Storm on Styles, but his offense was quickly put to a halt as he was put into a figure four leglock. Storm tried to hit Styles with a clothesline, but missed and was hit with a Pele kick. Styles went for the back flip inverted DDT from the second rope, but missed, and Storm caught him with a superkick for the victory.

WINNER: James Storm via pinfall at 6:31. It looks like Storm is ready to go now after a few quick wins to cover up his injury. They had an enjoyable match, in fact, I enjoyed that match from Styles more than most of his matches with Kaz and Daniels over the past few months. That being said, if Styles wanted to help Storm get ready for his match at Lockdown couldn’t they have trained together outside of a match?


Anarquia and Shelley started the match as the crowd chanted, “Welcome back.” Shelley stomped on Anarquia in the corner and then tagged Sabin in. After some offense, Anarquia tagged Hernandez in who tried to slow Sabin down, but to no avail. The Guns nailed rapid fire double team maneuvers on Hernandez until he eventually put the breaks on Shelley. His offense didn’t last long as the Guns made quick work of him and Anarquia.

Hernandez tried to hit Sabin with the Border Toss, but was thrown out of the ring and was caught with a suicide dive, but not before the Guns hit Anarquia with a pair of kicks in the corner. The Guns hit a double team maneuver. After the match, Sabin got on the microphone and said the Guns were coming for the TNA Tag Team Titles.

WINNERS: Motor City Machineguns via pinfall at 4:18. A fitting way to reintroduce the Guns. They didn’t give away a big match off the bat, but they let the Guns show off what they are made of in an exciting fashion. I love the idea of a Guns vs. Magnus & Joe match at Lockdown, but I wish they had more time to make a bigger deal out of it.


In the ring, Roode was able to put a halt to Anderson’s offense with a suplex and a pin attempt for a one count. Roode beat on Anderson in the corner with an Irish Whip and a back-rake for a two count. They traded punches in the ring until Anderson was able to hit a pair of clotheslines and elbows into a back body drop for a two count. Roode shoved Anderson into the referee taking him out in the process. Anderson hit the Pittsburgh Plunge, but the knocked out referee was not able to make the count. Roode went to the outside and grabbed a beer bottle from a fan in the audience. He smashed the bottle over Anderson’s head before the referee could see it, and scored the pin. Hogan and Storm made their way to the ring as Roode took a powder. Hogan got on the mic and said he that the decision was reversed, thus making Anderson the winner.

WINNER: Mr. Anderson via reverse decision at 4:55. That was what it was. Nothing spectacular, and seeing Hogan for the hundredth time is starting to reaffirm my fears behind Hogan playing an authoritative figure on television. He’s too chummy with the faces, he’s rambling on about TNA going to the next level, and most importantly he’s hogging way too much television time. All in all, I still enjoyed this edition of Impact more so than the ones TNA was producing a few weeks back. TNA would be wise to scale back on so much Hogan non-sense.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1023 on: April 10 2012, 11:37 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 4-6-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report).


Michael Cole said he heard Booker has been summoned to Connecticut for a closed-door meeting with WWE brass, hinting that it’s part of his punishment for being on Team Teddy at Wrestlemania. Quick cover on Otunga for a near-fall. Lie Detector knocked Otunga over for another two-count. Otunga retreated to his corner and tagged Henry. Truth ran into a big boot from Henry and Henry got his foot a lot higher than I expected. They showed “AW” Abraham Washington being shown watching on a monitor backstage. Before long, Henry had Truth up for the World’s Strongest Slam and delivered. Otunga asked for a tag saying, “I can get him now.” Henry tagged Otunga but said he owes him. Otunga covered for the win.

WINNERS: Henry and Otunga, at 2:03. I wonder if this hints at a possible face turn for Henry. Match was just a way to get heat on Otunga.


The two went toe-to-toe to begin the match, then Orton was clotheslined over the top rope and to ringside. They continued brawling there, with Orton being sent into the announce table. Orton one-upped Kane, sending his opponent into and over the desk. Kane halted Orton’s momentum and sent him face-first into the ring stairs. Uppercut by Kane to Orton. The men headed up the aisle and t to the ramp. Orton and Kane exchanged rights and they proceeded to the side of the ramp. Kane lifted Orton onto the stage, but Orton fought back. Kane teetered on the edge of the stage, but caught Orton in a choke. It appeared he was going to chokeslam Orton off the stage, but couldn’t do so. Orton went for an RKO but was shoved off, almost off the stage. He managed to keep his balance, but Kane sent him face-first into the steel. Both men were trying to restore their bearings as they went to break at 3:35.

Back at 7:05 of the match with Kane still in control and both men back in the ring. Kane removed the turnbuckle pad from the corner. Orton stopped Kane from driving him head-first into the exposed steel, but he couldn’t capitalize. A near-fall was registered by the Big Red Machine at 8:28. Kane climbed to the top rope, but Orton crotched him. Orton tried to clotheslines, but Kane didn’t budge. A dropkick took him off his feet. Powerslam followed. Kane rolled to the apron where Orton set up for the DDT. Kane avoided it and brought Orton down throat-first across the top rope. Outside the ring, Orton was again able to gain the advantage, whipping Kane into the barricade then clotheslining his foe over it. A series of counters led to Kane landing a big boot right to the kisser of Orton. Kane tossed a chair into the ring and rummaged under the ring for another chair. Actually, several. Orton was tossed into the ring, but he recovered enough to nail Kane with the edge of the chair a few times. Rope-assisted DDT followed, onto a chair, at 12:05. Orton was shook up upon impact too and was slow to go for the cover. He only got a one-count. Kane avoided the RKO and brought a chair down across Orton’s back. Cover got two at 13:06. Orton slipped out the back on a chokeslam and shoved Kane into the exposed steel corner. RKO, pinfall.

WINNER: Orton, at 13:52. Wrestling rule #152: If the turnbuckle pad is taken off and isn’t utilized immediately, it will invariably come into play later and almost always lead to the finish.


Oh, apparently the folks watching backstage (The Usos, Kaitlyn, among others) were buzzing about the Ryback debut. Ryback is, of course, the former Skip Sheffield. They showed them backstage again, and Alicia Fox, Camacho, and Hunico were also there. Powerslam by Ryback, who was acknowledged as having been on NXT. Muscle Buster-like slam by Ryback put Stevens away easily.

WINNER: Ryback, at 1:09. Impressive squash from Ryback.


Big Show again showed the video he showed on Raw, a send-up of the videos Cody used to get under Show’s skin. Show pounded Slater with body shots then a headbutt. Hard chop to the chest by Show. Another hard chop, then Show just ran through Slater as both men came off the ropes. Chokeslam ended things.

WINNER: Show, at 1:14. I figured the way things went on Raw, with Show and the video of Rhodes, would’ve been a great way to end this feud. But I guess it isn’t over.


After Nikki came to the ring, Kelly Kelly’s music played and she walked out. Beth grabbed Nikki by the arm and pulled her in for a clothesline. She showed no mercy toward Nikki, choking her with her knee near the ropes. Beth kept an eye on Kelly, who stood in the aisle. More hammering away on Nikki in the corner by Beth. Beth tried to grab at Kelly, who made her way to ringside. Beth missed a charge and went shoulder-first into the ring post. Face-buster by Nikki for the win.

WINNER: Nikki Bell, at 1:01. Looks like we’re setting up for another round of Beth vs. Kelly.


Some quick exchanges early and Sheamus went to the top. His shoulder tackle didn’t connect but he rolled through and hit Del Rio with a forward roll with Del Rio on his shoulders. Del Rio was able to create separation and brought the arm of Sheamus down across the top rope. Back in the ring, Del Rio continued working over the arm of Sheamus. Sheamus missed a Brogue Kick and Del Rio rolled to ringside to regroup with Rodriguez at 2:48.

Back to action at 6:42. Sheamus nailed Del Rio with a shoulder tackle, propelling himself over the top rope to do so. Sheamus brought his forearms down hard across the chest of Del Rio. Del Rio held onto the ropes when Sheamus tried to bring him toward the middle of the ring, then low-bridged Sehamus on a charge. When Sheamus got onto the apron, Del Rio gave him an enziguiri to send Sheamus back to ringside. Del Rio tossed Sheamus into the ring steps. Back in the ring, a lateral press by Del Rio got only one. Del Rio continued to punish the arm of his opponent. Del Rio got caught charging at Sheamus, and he paid with a back-breaker. Both men were down at 10:11 of the match. Sheamus made his comeback and powerslammed Del Rio. Rodriguez distracted Sheamus by standing on the bottom rope, so Sheamus kicked the rope and Rodriguez flew into the ring. A chair was brought in by Del Rio and Sheamus picked it up. The ref turned around from getting Rodriguez out of the ring in time to see Sheamus with the chair. Del Rio sold that Sheamus hit him with it and the ref DQ’d Sheamus.

WINNER: Del Rio, via DQ, at 11:31. I don’t like how they vacillate between “if the ref didn’t see it, it didn’t happen” and what we just saw.

After the match, Rodriguez happily proclaimed Del Rio the winner. Sheamus Brogue Kicked the referee in anger. Sheamus seethed as he started at Del Rio and Rodriguez, who were in the aisle, as the show went off the air.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1024 on: April 10 2012, 11:39 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 4-9-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- U.S. champion SANTINO & BRODUS CLAY vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER & JACK SWAGGER (w/Vickie Guerrero)

The announcers continued to discuss Cena-Lesnar as Lawler noted Cena might have some missing teeth. In the ring, Ziggler and Santino started things off before the two big men squared off in the ring. Swagger took Clay off his feet, then chopblocked him. Lawler said it may be the first time Clay has been grounded, ignoring Heath Slater accomplishing that feat twice last month. They cut to break with Swagger controlling Clay.

Back live, Ziggler was working over Santino after tags were made during the commercial. The announcers lost control of the match when Lawler made a "reptile dysfunction" joke after a series of dinosaur-related jokes during the match. The heels continued to work over Santino before the crowd tried to rally behind Clay. Santino then made a tag to Clay as Lawler ignored the tag, continuing to talk to himself about nothing in particular. Clay then finished off Ziggler with a big splash and it was good for the win. Post-match, Clay, Santino, and the Funkettes celebrated via dance.

WINNERS: Clay & Santino at 7:56. Nothing much here. Swagger & Ziggler, especially Swagger, are stuck, and the Clay & Santino duo seems to be nothing more than a comedy act. Plus, an awful, minor-league call of this match.


Cole noted Rhodes's dad, Dusty Rhodes, will be on the "Blast from the Past" Smackdown tomorrow night. Rhodes scored with the Alabama Slam on Truth 40 seconds into the match, then Big Show walked out on-stage in a suit with the IC Title slung over his shoulder like a toy replica belt. Show rolled footage from last week's Raw when Show embarrassed Rhodes, costing Rhodes a match against Kofi Kingston. After a double-flashback to Mania and last week's Raw, they returned live with Truth hitting the Little Jimmy on Rhodes for the win.

WINNER: Truth at 1:39.


Tensai dominated as the bored crowd lightly chanted, "Albert." Yoshi found himself nearly-unconscious before Tensai delivered a sit-out powerbomb. Like last week, the ref pulled off Tensai so he could check on the opponent. Ref Charles Robinson put a stop to the match, noting Yoshi was KO'ed. Post-match: Tensai spewed mist into the air before applying the Claw. Tensai turned the Claw into a diving Claw bomb of sorts as the crowd lightly booed.

WINNER: Tensai via ref stoppage at 2:03. One of those situations where it's not clear if the crowd doesn't care because of the character or the first two opponents. The way to know is putting Tensai in the ring with a top star and seeing what the response is.

4 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. MARK HENRY -- WWE Title match

Back live, the participants were assembled in the ring as Cole noted this is for the "most prestigious championship in sports entertainment." So, they're battling for best halftime show performance? Once the bell sounded, Punk tried to aggressively attack Henry, but Henry knocked him to the outside. On the outside, Punk retrieved a TV monitor and bashed it into Henry. This caused a DQ, giving Henry the win, but Punk retained the title.

WINNER: Henry via DQ at 0:47; Punk retained the WWE Title.


Del Rio dominated early on before Ryder landed knees in the corner. Ryder then hit the Broski Boot. He wanted the Rough Ryder, but Del Rio launched him into the corner turnbuckle. Del Rio followed right up with his rolling cross-arm breaker finisher and it was good for a submission win. Post-match: They focused on Ryder more than Del Rio by replaying the Broski Boot and showing Ryder standing tall ringside while selling his injured arm.

WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 1:28.

6 -- JOHN CENA vs. DAVID OTUNGA (w/John Laurinaitis)

Once the bell sounded, Cena leaned on the top rope to tell Laurinaitis to watch the match and stop texting. Cena smiled at standard mixed crowd chants before locking up with Otunga. Cena then mock wiped Otunga's baby oil off his chest before they locked up again. The crowd fired up with dueling chants again before Otunga delivered rapid-fire kicks in the corner. Cena fired back with hard strikes of his own, but Otunga cut him off and went to work on Cena.

Otunga paused to flex, drawing questions from Cole on commentary. Otunga fired off a shoulder tackle for a two count as the vocal males chanted for Fruity Pebbles. Otunga continued to cut off Cena before posing some more. The announcers questioned Otunga, who then walked into right hand strikes from Cena. Cena hit the sit-out slam, then set up for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and connected. Cena gave Laurinaitis some extra dirt off his shoulder, then told him to watch as he hoisted up Otunga for the Attitude Adjustment. Cena connected, smiled toward Laurinaitis, then slapped on the STF. Otunga fought for two seconds before tapping out, irking Laurinaitis.

WINNER: Cena via submission at 5:07. Otunga has improved leaps & bounds with his timing and presence in the ring. Solid effort before taking the loss to keep Cena strong headed to Extreme Rules.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1025 on: April 12 2012, 02:20 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 4-10-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed to mostly in-ring results with my usual witty commentary on the non-ring stuff, natch!

- Mean Gene introduces Sheamus, who apologized for his actions last week but then John Laurinaitis comes out, makes him do the whole thing again, puts him on probation and fines him $500,000. Oh yeah...Sheamus has a match later with Bryan and Del Rio with Mean Gene as his partner.


The bell sounded and Booker demanded a legal explanation for Sheamus's permanent probation. Where's Pat McNeill on the call when you need him? Henry landed an early powerslam before they cut to a shot of Cowboy Bob watching intently on a backstage monitor. Orton continued to sell the effects before the cut to break only one minute into the match.

Back live, Henry was wearing down Orton center-ring. The announcers then re-visited Booker's claim that Henry will capture the WWE Title next week against Punk, continuing to stack the deck against Punk. Back to this match, Henry nailed a big splash after bouncing off the ropes, but it was only good for a two count. Henry followed with a big corner splash, then another, as the announcers remained confused on what the others were saying. Henry then went for another big splash, but missed, as Booker noted he had a dream that Cole died.

Orton made a comeback with clotheslines, but he couldn't take Henry off his feet. A sweeping DDT took down Henry, though, and Orton scored a two count on a pin attempt. Orton then wanted the second-rope DDT, but Henry positioned him for the World's Strongest Slam. Orton swung out, though, teased the RKO, but Henry tossed him aside through the ropes to the floor. Nice exchange. On the floor, Orton rammed Henry into the ringpost and landed an uppercut before slipping back into the ring.

Suddenly, Kane's pyro shot off. Kane appeared on the Titantron and taunted Orton that he told him he needed to beat him at WrestleMania to become whole again. And, he did that. But, last week, Orton proved he can be every bit as savage as he can be. Kane told Orton it would be a shame if this ended like this. After all, he's having so much fun right now. Kane stooped down and revealed a KO'ed Cowboy Bob. He said it's the kind of fun the whole family can enjoy. Orton sprinted out of the ring, leaving the ring empty. No decision on this match thus far. They cut backstage to show Orton looking for Bob before finally finding him in a hallway. Kane ambushed Orton, though, and popped him in the mid-section with a lead pipe. Kane said he's a sucker for family reunions. Orton sold the effects next to a KO'ed Bob before Smackdown cut to break.

WINNER: No Decision announced when SD cut to break at 11:58. You knew there was no way there would be a finish when Henry can't lose before next week's Raw title match and when Orton needs to keep momentum as one of Smackdown's top stars, so WWE took the too-often-as-of-late lazy route of just not having a decision.

- Legends watching squash match:


Ryback easily disposed of Camer, prompting laughter from Atlas backstage watching on a monitor. They went to a replay of Ryback's high-impact offense, finishing off Camer with a fallaway slam out of the Torture Rack position.

WINNER: Ryback at 0:34.


As the match unfolded, the announcers discussed Foley's previous Smackdown announcing work with Jim Ross as Hart screamed and shouted into his megaphone. It was essentially a five-man announce booth early on. Foley had enough of Hart's megaphone-use, so he pulled out Mr. Socko to chase away Hart. The distraction allowed the Usos to splash Hart with a Superfly Splash for the pin and the win. Post-match: Foley entered the ring and dropped Hart with Mr. Socko. Foley then shouted into the megaphone as Cole sarcastically said that went over well.

WINNERS: Usos at 2:37.

- Piper's Pit with Daniel Bryan and A.J. Pretty good segment since you can't go wrong with the Hot Rod!


The six men and women were assembled in the ring back from break. Drew cockily went after Khali, but then tagged out of the ring. He said he's better than this, then bailed from the ring and said he's better than this joke of a match. Suddenly, A. Fox executed a suplex on Bella #1 for the pin and the win. Afterward, the announcers stressed Khali's effort in the match as the faces celebrated on the way out of the ring.

When the face trio reached the stage, Mae Young's music played to bring out Young. Young delivered a kick to Khali's knee, dropping Khali down to one knee. Mae then planted a kiss on Khali after chopping him down to size. Everyone danced to conclude the come-down segment.

WINNERS: Fox & Natalya & Khali at 0:56.

5 -- JIM DUGGAN vs. HUNICO (w/Camacho)

Duggan quickly jabbed Hunico in the face to knock him to the outside. Suddenly, Duggan waved to the back, bringing out Sgt. Slaughter to back him up. Ringside, Slaughter neutralized Camacho as the ref continued to apply a ten count. Hunico then slipped back into the ring and Duggan popped him with the 2x4, drawing a DQ. Post-match: Slaughter slapped on a Cobra Clutch as the crowd chanted, "U-S-A." Duggan and Slaughter then celebrated their loss in the ring. Cue up Cole's old jokes to wrap up the bit.

WINNER: Hunico via DQ at 1:01.

- Another embarrassing moment for Cody Rhodes, this time it's not only The Big Show but his father, the American Dream Dusty Rhodes. If they really wanted to pile on the butthurt on Cody, Goldust should've made an appearance.


The heels quickly ganged up on Sheamus, with Bryan delivering rapid-fire kick strikes to the body before Sheamus cut him off with a sledgehammer. Sheamus then dumped Del Rio over the top rope to the floor, but missed with a Brogue Kick on Bryan. Bryan then dropkicked Sheamus to the outside, where Del Rio smashed Sheamus with a running kick. Cole told Okerlund to start getting ready because Sheamus is going to need to make a tag. Suddenly, the heels cornered Okerlund in the ring, then Ricardo entered the ring to taunt Okerlund.

Suddenly, Roddy Piper's music played to bring out all of the scheduled Legends for the show. Cole wondered who opened up the door to the retirement home. All of the Legends assembled around the ring as Piper confronted D-Bryan on the ring apron. Piper told Bryan to turn around, then Bryan ate a Brogue Kick from Sheamus. Sheamus with the pin for the win.

WINNERS: Sheamus & Okerlund at 3:24.

Post-match: Fink ran to the ring, drawing comments from Cole, then the able-bodied Legends took turns giving Ricardo finishers. Cole said they must be close to being over because there's a curfew at the retirement home. Mathews called it a feel-good moment to close the show. After a replay of the finish, Mathews noted Bryan vs. Sheamus for the World Title occurs in a few weeks at Extreme Rules. The Legends and Sheamus continued to celebrate in the ring before Michael Cole entered the ring. Cole said he knows they need to head back to the retirement home, but he thinks they should do a photo-op. The Legends took exception and gave Cole noogies as the crowd sat silently. Cole was then knocked out by Patterson, and Sheamus kicked the trash out of the ring, leaving Cole face-first on the floor. (Will Sheamus be fined for lightly pushing Cole out of the ring?) The Legends and Sheamus got their curtain call in the ring to close the show right at the top of the hour.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1026 on: April 16 2012, 01:14 pm »
TNA Lockdown PPV Results: 4-15-12 (next several posts)

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's ongoing report).


Gunner dominated Garett Bischoff early on, fulfilling Garett's prophecy that he would take a butt-kicking tonight. Further capturing the point, Bully Ray was the second heel out to join Gunner in dismantling Garett. Big heat on Ray, getting the crowd involved in the proceedings. As the countdown clock ticked down for the next entrant, the crowd chanted Aries's name. After a pause, Aries's music played to bring out the X Division champ. Aries went right after Bully Ray with a rapid-fire attack on his TV foe. Ray then accidentally clotheslined Gunner before Aries continued the attack on Ray. But, Aries ran into a big boot from Ray to cut him off.

Next out for the heels was Kazarian to give the heels a three-on-two advantage. Kazarian was sporting very short hair, which the announcers drew attention to. Who knew it would take six years for Kaz to heed the recommendation he cut his hair? The heels continued to dominate Garett and Aries before the countdown clock expired to bring out A.J. Styles to a strong reaction. Styles, sporting blue biker gloves, cleaned house before turning his back to pose for the crowd, only to turn around and take a knock-down chest bump from Ray.

The countdown clock expired at 11:11 to bring out Christopher Daniels for the heels. Daniels joined Ray, Kaz, and Gunner going after the three faces, including Bischoff, who had not been on his feet in several minutes. Gunner then brought GB to his feet and proceeded to throw him into the cage wall. Gunner again brought GB to his feet for Ray to deliver a double axehandle smash from the second rope. The heels stood around waiting for the next entrant, which was Mr. Anderson to make it four-on-four. Anderson seemed a bit off trying to get in his offense on the heels before Ray and Styles took center-stage trading blows. Styles, appearing to be agitated, then lifted Ray into the air and dropped him to the mat with a takedown. Ray no-sold, though, and punched Styles before the heels double-team-suplexed Styles.

Out last for the heels was Eric Bischoff to boos. Bischoff mean-mugged on the way to the ring before entering the cage to grab his son, allowing the heels to tee off on Garett's chest. Eric high-fived the heels as the crowd chanted for RVD, but they were 45 seconds too early. Eric then trash-talked his son before the countdown clock expired at 17:15 to bring out RVD as the last entrant in the match. RVD got his shine cleaning house with signature offense on the heels as Eric Bischoff tried to hide in the corner.

After RVD got in his offense, Anderson reached toward the ceiling a la calling for the mic drop. Instead, the top of the steel cage slowly came down. The usual assortment of guitars, kendo sticks, trash cans, and hockey sticks were attached to the Lethal Lockdown lid. Styles quickly grabbed a hockey stick and smashed Ray with it several times. Ray then took a trashcan lid shot to the head as Garett Bischoff continued to sell on the mat. Meanwhile, Eric Bischoff continued to cower in the corner. The director missed some action, focusing on Aries stomping a mudhole in Ray. Meanwhile, Garett continued to look asleep in the corner.

Styles and RVD then brought Eric out of the corner into the ring. Aries delivered a bodyslam, then RVD went to the corner for a Five-Star Frogsplash, which Gunner blocked by fighting through the faces to crotch RVD. Ray, recovered from multiple attacks, then helped the heels regain the advantage by lawn-darting Aries into the side of the Lockdown cage. Ray tried a top rope move, but Aries crotched him and dropped Ray onto Daniels. Meanwhile, Eric was back in the corner and Garett remained out of the picture.

At 23:00, Styles and Kaz fought to the top of the cage, and Styles dropped Kaz to the mat. Styles then swung his body into position for a diving elbow smash. RVD followed right up with a Five-Star Frogsplash on Kazarian, but Ray prevented a pin attempt. Daniels then scooped up a lifeless Garett Bischoff to feed to Eric, who landed Kendo stick shots to Garett's back. "I told you!" Eric shouted at Garett. Apparently everyone else was KO'ed, as Eric remained in the spotlight for a while. Suddenly, Garett got up with Jeff Jarrett guitar in-hand and popped it over Eric's head. Garett pinned Eric for the win.

Post-match: The faces suddenly came to life and helped Garett celebrate the win as the announcers noted Eric Bischoff is gone from TNA and can no longer use his last name. The announcers also claimed Garett earned respect tonight, which is despite Garett spending the majority of the match face-down on the mat. After a replay of the high points, they showed Garett confidently walking to the back as the heels helped Eric out of the cage.

WINNERS: Team Garett Bischoff at 26:03. This had its moments, but boiled down to a vehicle for mid-card and upper-mid-card stars to yield to Garett Bischoff. Also, on the near-ten-year-anniversary show, the finish was a reminder that TNA is a vehicle to get over Jeff Jarrett with the guitar coming into play for the finish, even if they are in Nashville, where the guitar is synonymous with the city. (**1/2)

2 -- TNA tag champions SAMOA JOE & MAGNUS vs. MOTOR CITY MACHINEGUNS (ALEX SHELLEY & CHRIS SABIN) -- TNA Tag Title match -- steel cage match

Very methodical pace during the first seven minutes, with the champs playing heel and dominating the action while the crowd looked for a reason to get involved. Sabin eventually broke free from Joe and tagged in Shelley as Magnus tagged in for the champs. Shelley and Magnus battled before Magnus blocked Sliced Bread #2. TNA went to a random shot of one lone fan in the arena chanting behind the announce desk, but the rest of the crowd did not respond. Back in the ring, Joe broke up a pin attempt by Shelley as all four men became involved in the ring. Suddenly, Joe grappled Sabin with the rear-naked choke. It looked like they were resting as Magnus tried to hold off Shelley in the background.

The action broke down again as this turned into a Texas Tornado-style match with the ref not trying to take control of the action. The tag champs then cut off another Guns finishing attempt before they hit their double-team combo for the pin and the win. Afterward, Joe confidently walked out of the cage with his Tag Title belt as Magnus followed closely behind.

WINNER: Joe & Magnus at 11:18. A big letdown match that never moved out of first gear. Just oddly-booked with the Guns having very little offense compared to the champs, the crowd dead throughout (was this whole crowd comp'ed?), and an anti-climatic finish. Not exactly a strong PPV comeback for the Guns. (*1/4)

3 -- TV champion DEVON vs. ROBBIE E. (w/Rob Terry) -- TNA TV Title match

Robbie E. took advantage of Terry's pre-match involvement to take control of the match from the outset. The lone vocal fan in the arena from the previous match was back for this match, trying to get a "Devon" chant started. Suddenly, Devon dropped Robbie with a spinebuster and scored the pin for the win. Post-match: Rob Terry hit the ring and jumped Devon from behind. There was a light chorus of boos before the crowd became quiet again as Terry dismantled Devon. The heels then stood over Devon before TNA played Robbie's music on the way out.

WINNER: Devon at 3:24 to retain the TV Title. Another anti-climatic finish after another weak title match. This crowd is making the Impact Zone sound like Chicago for Money in the Bank 2011. (1/2*)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1027 on: April 16 2012, 01:19 pm »
4 -- Knockouts champion GAIL KIM (w/Madison Rayne) vs. VELVET SKY -- Knockouts Title match -- steel cage match
Velvet Sky was out first for the next title match. She spent extra time playing to the crowd to try to get them involved. Gail Kim then came to the cage with on-again/off-again friend Madison Rayne and the match quickly started. Gail controlled the action, then Velvet made a comeback. As Velvet was prepared to win, Madison distracted Velvet from the outside. Velvet then tried to roll up Gail, but Gail rolled through into a quick pin to retain the title. After the finish, Gail and Madison quickly scampered away from ringside to avoid Velvet's wrath. TNA stayed with Velvet for a while selling frustration over the loss.
WINNER: Gail at 7:25 to retain the Knockouts Title.

5 -- MATT MORGAN vs. CRIMSON -- steel cage match
Crimson tried to run over, around, and out of the cage early on. Morgan then cut off Crimson with a clothesline. He had a chance to leave the cage and take the win, but going back to the pre-match promo where Morgan said this is about revenge, he opted to return to the ring. Morgan landed some offense, but Crimson clipped him from behind to begin targeting the left knee. Crimson wore down Morgan before Morgan made his comeback at 5:30.
Morgan played to the hard camera side of the crowd before delivering a back suplex that dropped Crimson on his neck. Morgan followed with a corner splash before measuring Crimson for a flying splash that sandwiched Crimson in-between the ropes and steel cage. Morgan then missed with a corner boot and Crimson tried to climb out of the cage, but Morgan pulled him down to the top turnbuckle. The two big men towered in the corner before Crimson dropped Morgan and Morgan landed across the ropes. Morgan sold a knee injury as he remained hung up in the ropes. Crimson then blew Morgan a kiss and climbed over the top rope down to the floor for the win. Afterward, Morgan sold the knee injury as Crimson taunted him on the way out.
WINNER: Crimson at 7:59. Perhaps this is the end of the feud, even though Morgan hasn't gotten his revenge. It's just not a good match-up for either man, and doesn't help their progression. (*1/2)

6 -- JEFF HARDY vs. KURT ANGLE -- steel cage match
A video package introduced this match-up before a much-heavier Kurt Angle came out to the ring, followed by Hardy. Apparently the KO Tag Title match has the buffer spot before the main event. Hardy delivered rapid-fire offense before Angle cut him off. The announcers focused on Angle's recent injuries that cut off his Olympics run before Angle and Hardy collided in the corner on a Hardy dropkick attempt. Both men took their time selling the effects before resetting with Hardy in control. Angle then flung Hardy into the side of the cage before Angle went on the attack. The crowd sustained noise for the first time all night with chants for Hardy and boos for Angle as Angle methodically picked Hardy apart.
The announcers noted it appears Hardy is bleeding, but they couldn't tell with Hardy wearing so much facepaint. Blood was then visible on the mat after Hardy took a bump. Angle continued to slowly work over Hardy, but Hardy made a comeback with Whisper in the Wind for a two count. Hardy then nailed a Twist of Fate into a Stone Cold Stunner before climbing up top. Hardy took too long, though, and Angle scampered up top to deliver an Angle Slam from the top turnbuckle.
At 10:00, Hardy tried to climb out of the cage, but Angle cut him off. Hardy flung Angle away, though, and swung his body into a flying Vader Bomb of sorts for a two count. After some of the crowd evaluated the performance via chant, Hardy teased leaving the cage, but Angle applied the Anklelock, only to have Hardy counter with an Anklelock. Angle escaped, though, but took a Twist of Fate. Hardy then went up top and delivered a Swanton Bomb center-ring. Hardy wanted another Bomb, and he connected from the opposite corner. Hardy made a cover, but Angle kicked out again.
The match reset with Angle calling for time-out, which lured Hardy into his trap for a blow into the cage wall and Angle Slam for a two count. Angle had enough and dropped the straps before getting into his stance. Angle wanted another Angle Slam, but Hardy escaped and hit an Angle Slam of his own. Hardy then ripped off his shirt and climbed up top again. It wasn't good enough for Hardy from the top turnbuckle, so Hardy went to the top of the steel cage. Hardy posed as the announcers worried about Hardy, then came off the top with a Super Swanton Bomb. He made an immediate cover for the pin and the win.
After the match, Hardy took a victory lap while Angle sold in the ring. Hardy eventually finished his victory lap before Angle was shown being helped out of the ring selling the effects of the finish and his hamstring injury.
WINNER: Hardy at 14:51. The first match of the night that felt PPV-worthy, and an excellent match at that. Both men's health was a concern coming in and Angle showed up to Lockdown out-of-shape, but they worked relatively smart to make the most of their 15 minutes without going over-board. Also, the lesson of tonight's PPV so far is that Hardy and Angle seem like the only full-time wrestlers who are over in this company at a mainstream level. (***1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1028 on: April 16 2012, 01:22 pm »
7 -- Knockouts tag champions ERIC YOUNG & ODB vs. ROSITA & SARITA -- KO Tag Title match -- steel cage match
ODB and EY took control early on with a quick-strike attack, but the challengers cut off ODB and began wearing her down. Sarita and Rosita then tried flirting with EY, which prompted ODB to chug the liquid in her signature flask. This led to ODB scoring a pin to retain the titles.
WINNERS: ODB & EY at 4:30 to retain the KO Tag Titles. Basic buffer match to try to energize the crowd, but not tax the audience before the main event.

8 -- TNA World Hvt. champion ROBERT ROODE vs. "COWBOY" JAMES STORM -- TNA World Title match -- steel cage match
The announcers talked dejectedly about the match as Roode continued to smash Storm and Storm continued to bleed. "Fight, you p-----," Roode shouted at Storm, unbleeped. Moments later, Storm slowly stood up and no-sold Roode's attack before landing right hands, only to have Roode cut him off and score a two count. Roode then slowed things down and arrogantly walked around the ring before landing chops and punches in the corner. Roode continued to slow things down before taunting Storm that he never needed nor wanted him as a tag partner.
Once again, Storm stood up and no-sold the attack. Storm delivered rapid-fire strikes, punches, and kicks before putting his boot on Roode's throat. Storm followed with a back body drop before TNA cut to a shot of Storm's wife clapping. Back in the ring, Storm teased the Eye of the Storm, but Roode slipped out. No matter, as Storm followed with a catapult into the cage. But, he couldn't capitalize and a now-bleeding Roode delivered a slam for a two count. Roode sucked air as he pulled himself up to his feet with blood flowing from his forehead. Storm then caught him with a backstabber, but it was only good for a two count.
At 10:00, Roode tried recovering near the cage, but Storm scraped his forehead across the wall. Storm was slow to follow up, allowing Roode to back body drop Storm into the cage wall. After an escape tease, Roode grabbed Storm and slapped on an armbar into a crossface center-ring. Storm faded as Roode told him to quit, but Storm rolled towards the ropes for a break. The fight moved to the top turnbuckle, where Roode teasing climbing out of the cage, but Storm cut him off. Storm then nailed a flying codebreaker from the second rope. He wanted the Last Call Superkick, but Roode pulled ref Brian Hebner in the way and Brian took the Superkick.
After the ref bump, Roode opened the cage door and could have walked out of the cage, but asked ref Earl Hebner (who was in charge of the cage door) to give him the six-pack of beer. Roode smashed a beer bottle over Storm's head, then called for Earl to enter the ring. Roode made a cover, but Storm kicked out before three. Roode sold that he was stunned by the nearfall, then walked right into the Last Call from Storm. Roode rolled away, though, and Storm couldn't make a cover. Storm then went for another Superkick, connected, and Roode fell through the cage door to the outside, landing on the ground. So, Roode wins to retain the World Title.
Post-match: Roode remained KO'ed on the floor before the ref placed the title belt across Roode's stomach. Storm, selling near-tears in the cage, bent down and said he's sorry, apparently aiming the message to his deceased family members. Storm then left the cage, grabbed the title belt draped across Roode's stomach, and spit down at Roode. (In the background, Brooke Hogan was trying to get her TV time in classic Hogan Family fashion.) Storm then chucked the title belt away, flipped off Hebner, and hopped over the guardrail. Storm hugged apparently his mom as his wife stood in the background applauding. They cut back to Roode receiving medical attention on the floor to sell the imagery of Storm being the uncrowned winner. TNA then signed off nine minutes before the top of the hour.
WINNER: Roode at 19:10 to retain the TNA World Title. This didn't quite have the Hardy-Angle heat, but felt pretty close to a TNA PPV main event. The match never reached its climax, though, with a Bound for Glory finish of the babyface challenger not completing his journey and TNA ending the PPV on a downer note yet again. Roode looked very strong as a heel champion, but this slow progression of his heel champion persona on the monthly PPVs is not worth shelling out $35 for each month. (**3/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1029 on: April 16 2012, 02:02 pm »
I haven't been able to post any of this past week's results from WWE, TNA and EVOLVE's iPPV so to get the latest results plus an archive of the past 8 years worth, go to Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread- Results and news! Hopefully I'll keep up this week. Sorry for any problems. Thank you.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1030 on: April 18 2012, 12:34 am »
WWE RAW Results: 4-16-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. MARK HENRY -- WWE Title match -- No DQ, No Count-out match

Punk tried to swipe at Henry with kicks early on, but Henry dodged Punk and went on the attack. Another loud chant for Punk, who tried using his quickness to avoid Henry, but walked into a lift-up slam. Henry knocked Punk to the outside, and the match appeared to be moving to the floor. Except, Punk scurried back into the ring, then flew through the ropes with a suicide splash. Henry was unaffected, though, as he whipped Punk into the ringpost moments later. Henry then tried choking the life out of Punk inside the ringpost and ring apron. Henry took too long following up, though, and ate boots to the face. Punk then hopped on the guardrail, ran the rail, and delivered a flying bulldog on the floor.

Punk spent the next few moments trying to drag Henry into the ring, but Henry rammed Punk back-first into the ring apron. Punk came back with kicks to the back that generated "Yes!" chants with each successful kick. Then, Punk tried following up with a seated splash, but Henry caught Punk in mid-air and absolutely smashed Punk into the guardrail like a ragdoll. They cut to break at 4:30 with Henry in control after a strong back-and-forth, see-saw start to the match.

Back from break, Henry was wearing down Punk inside the ring. Punk tried fighting back with kick strikes, but Henry ran him over with a chest block. Henry then stepped on Punk's throat before doing some trash-talking to no one in particular. Again, Punk with a comeback, then he grabbed a chair from ringside and put two shots to the stomach for a two count. Punk measured Henry for another shot, but Henry back-kicked Punk to cut off the champ again. Henry scooped up the chair, then popped Punk across the back with the weapon. Henry took his time following up, allowing for another comeback. Punk got the "Yes!" chants going, but then ran into another clothesline from Henry, cutting off Punk.

Henry selected a slow song on the dance floor by applying a standing bear hug mid-ring. Punk tried to fight out with rapid-fire elbow strikes, then he chopped down Henry at the knee. Punk followed with a leaning DDT, but Henry escaped a pin at two. Punk tried to follow with a top-rope move, but Henry caught him in mid-air. Punk escaped, then kicked Henry in the head. Punk followed with a corner knee strike, but Henry flung Punk away on a running bulldog attempt. Henry then went for a corner attack, but ate the steel chair wedged in the corner.

The chair fell to the outside and Punk scooped up the chair ringside. Punk then slowly made his way up top as Henry remained KO'ed in the corner of the ring. Punk reached the top turnbuckle with chair in-hand and the crowd reacted as Punk delivered a flying Macho Man chair elbow smash. Punk paused to sell the effects, then made the cover for a three count.

WINNER: Punk at 13:13 to retain the WWE Title. Solid TV match with a nice back-and-forth pace. The match appeared to be edited and chopped for the TV broadcast, which was one drawback to the action. (**1/2)

2 -- U.S. champion SANTINO vs. DAVID OTUNGA -- U.S. Title match

Basic action to start the action before Santino tried getting the "Yes!" chants with rapid-fire jabs, before Otunga kicked Santino in the face. Moments later, Otunga had a pin and appeared to score a three count, but the ref realized at the last second that Santino's foot was on the bottom rope. Ref Charles Robinson waved off his three count, Otunga argued, and Santino made his comeback, culminating with a Cobra shot to the jaw for the pin. Post-match, Cole complained about Otunga's loss as Santino celebrated his win in the ring.

WINNER: Santino at 2:01 to retain the U.S. Title. Basic house show match giving Otunga an "out" and setting up the follow-through.


WINNER: No Match; bell never sounded. This captured Ryder's place in life enhancing upper-mid-card stars. Concerning Kane, more set-up for the inevitable Kane-Orton rubber match at Extreme Rules.


Lawler said he normally likes to hear "Yes," especially if it comes from a pretty lady, but now Bryan has ruined it for him. Moving along, Bryan "yes'ed" in Kofi's face to slow down Kofi as the crowd shouted their support for Bryan. Bryan landed a knee to the gut as a graphic flashed on the screen plugging the theme-less three-hour Raw next week. The graphic stayed on the screen for a while before Kofi teased a comeback, only to have Bryan cut him off with an uppercut. Lawler defended the honor of Gene LeBell as the match moved to the floor, where Kofi cut off Bryan with a strike to the face. They cut to break with Kofi in control.

Back live, Bryan was working over Kofi in the ring. They cut to a shot of A.J. watching the action on a TV monitor, and Cole admired A.J.'s perseverance continuing to pursue Bryan. Bryan blasted away on Kofi with more kick strikes as the crowd loudly chanted, "Yes!" Kofi then made a comeback with high-flying offense before warming up the crowd, which responded with boos. Kofi then delivered the Boom Drop before warming up for Trouble in Paradise. Bryan easily avoided, though, but Kofi came back with the SOS for a two count.

The action moved up top, where the two men blocked each other's offense before Kofi missed with a big top-rope splash. Bryan then wrestled Kofi to the mat and slapped on the Yes Lock center-ring. The crowd called for Kofi to tap out and he did, giving Bryan the submission win. Backstage, A.J. looked on approvingly as Bryan celebrated in the ring with the crowd doing "Yes!" chants over and over.

WINNER: Bryan via submission at 10:34. Strong singles match. Bryan gets a clean win, then reinforces he's a heel (despite the crowd) with a post-match attack. That's the type of win Bobby Roode needs as heel champion in TNA. (**1/2)

5 -- BRODUS CLAY vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Jack Swagger and Vickie Guerrero)

Ziggler tried an early dropkick, but Clay shooed him away and delivered an overhead suplex. Swagger then found himself in the ring and the ref tossed out the match 22 seconds in. Post-match: Vickie tried to get involved, but Clay's dancers pulled her off the ring apron. Vickie shoved down Cameron, then Naomi cornered Vickie and she walked into Clay's jiggling pecs. Naomi then popped a frightened Vickie out of the ring, leading to more dancing for Clay and the dancers.

WINNER: Clay via DQ at 0:22.

6 -- WWE tag champions EPICO & PRIMO (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. IC champion BIG SHOW & GREAT KHALI -- non-title match

Abraham Washington, being called "AW," walked out on-stage to scout talent in the opening minutes of the match. It's not clear which team AW was actually scouting. Cole noted AW has not signed anyone yet as the giant babyface duo dominated the tag champs. The tag champs then decided to leave the match, but Big Show dragged them back into the ring. Khali turned this into a handicap match by dismantling the champs before the giants hit a stereo chokeslam and Punjabi Plunge for a double cover for the win. Post-match, Show and Khali danced as Cole groaned.

WINNERS: Show & Khali at 1:55. Just a showcase of WWE's big-man stars at the expense of the tag champs. WWE's mid-card titles are virtually useless at this point.

7 -- JOHN CENA vs. LORD TENSAI (w/Sakamoto) -- Extreme Rules match

As the bell sounded, Cole took things back to WM28, wondering if Cena has even recovered from his WrestleMania loss to The Rock. And, now, he has to deal with Brock Lesnar. Lawler said he bets Cena thinks about that loss to The Rock every morning he wakes up. Tensai dismantled Cena early on before splashing Cena in the corner, which sent Cena rolling to the outside.

Cena teased a comeback on the floor, but Tensai whipped Cena into the ring steps. Tensai then wanted a powerbomb, but Cena countered with a back body drop. Cena then lifted up the ring steps and cracked the steps across Tensai's body. Cena rolled Tensai back into the ring, but Sakamoto smacked around Cena ringside. Otunga then got up from his ringside seat and rolled Cena into the ring, where Tensai scored a nearfall.

Cole added some very strong commentary that Laurinaitis may have recruited Lesnar because he doesn't think Cena could ever recover from the loss to Rock at WrestleMania, and he needs a new top star. Lawler equated it to Tiger Woods unable to regain his Majors victory form in the past few years following his personal life collapse. Cena finally made a comeback, then hit the sit-out slam. He wanted the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Tensai reached his feet and chopped Cena across the face. Tensai followed with a running splash for a two count.

Tensai continued the attack with a leg drop across the shoulder, followed by an armbar. Tensai leaned back on Cena's back to apply more pressure, but Cena flipped over into the STF in one fluid motion. Otunga then stormed the ring, but ate an Attitude Adjustment from Cena. The distraction allowed Tensai to get his green mist and spew it in Cena's face. Tensai then hit a sit-out powerbomb on Cena and made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Tensai at 6:59. Classic stack the deck formula against Cena, with Tensai being a surrogate for Lesnar and a means for getting sympathy on Cena. Not much heat on Tensai, though, three weeks into his TV return. The character just isn't popping off the screen at a main event-level yet. Lastly, having Cena take a loss this close to Extreme Rules was questionable, but the commentary was really strong focusing on whether Cena is off his game following the loss to Rock at Mania.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1031 on: April 23 2012, 04:45 am »
WWE NXT Results: 4-19-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).


On commentary, Maxine throws Curtis to the wolves, pointing out that he had the chloroform and was the one who did the kidnapping. Watson is dominating the match, and Maxine denies having a relationship at the moment with Curtis. Watson misses a leg drop and Curtis starts his attack. I think I hear a faint "We Want Regal" chant from the England crowd, but the audience isn't mic'ed well.

Curtis is continuing to press his attack on Watson out of the break. Josh Mathews reminds Maxine that we actually saw everything that happened, implying that people in WWE actually watch WWE programming and video packages. Watson tries a jackknife cover, but Curtis kicks out and goes back to the attack. Regal goes through a lengthy, bizarre explanation of how his suit was made and when Maxine calls him out on it, he tells her that it's less of a lie than some of the stuff coming out of her mouth lately.

The action resets in the ring and Watson lands rights and a pair of dropkicks to turn things around. Suplex places Curtis on the mat, then a Highsman gets a nearfall. Percy looks for the Percycution, but Curtis elbows out. Watson shows Curtis into the turnbuckle and catches him on the rebound with the Percycution for the win.

Winner: Percy Watson in 9:00. This was a pretty good match for NXT, but it existed solely to give Maxine and William Regal a platform to discuss the story.

Post-match, Regal gets on the house mic and congratulates Watson on the win. He then recalls Curtis from the ramp to be on commentary as Maxine goes to the ring for a match. Curtis protests; he needs a shower, he says. I guess they'll be playing "he said, she said," which should prove interesting. Katilyn versus Maxine is next.

2 - KAITLYN (w/Derrick Bateman) vs. MAXINE (w/Johnny Curtis)

I think Kaitlyn has new music. Bateman is on commentary, too. Kaitlyn tries a surprise pair of covers out of the break, but cannot get more than a one count. Maxine comes right back, but Kaitlyn comes out with a backbreaker, then a leg lock. Bateman, Curtis, and Regal all agree that Maxine is evil and at the heart of the issues going on. And, Curtis denies kidnapping Striker. Maxine with a boot to Kaitlyn's face, then she holds Kaitlyn down while chopping Kaitlyn's chest. Bateman claims he loves Regal and always plays as him in video games.

Maxine settles into a chinlock and the crowd rallies Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn fights out and hits a crossbody for two. Kaitlyn takes Maxine's face to the turnbuckle, forcing the ref to break them, and Maxine gets a drop toehold to turn the tide and send her face-first into the turnbuckle. Maxine mounts her from behind as she recovers and puts on a Dragon Sleeper hold with leg scissors. Kaitlyn foolishly stands up instead of keeping to the corner for a rope break, lasts about 10 seconds, and taps out.

WINNER: Maxine in 4:00. Again, another match designed to give the commentary a reason to exist.

Post-match, Bateman heads to the ring to console Kaitlyn. Regal detains Curtis at the booth and calls Maxine over, and confronts them on the kidnapping. He says that Maxine must officially be Curtis's manager or else he will fire them, and has a contract for them to sign. They both look furious. Curtis signs it and Maxine holds out. She caves in and signs it. He offers a handshake, and when she accepts, he handcuffs her to Curtis. Clever. That will make bathroom breaks and showers awkward.

3 - TYLER REKS vs. CURT HAWKINS - Loser is Fired - Matt Striker special referee

Reks out of the bell with fast, hard offense. Hawkins leaves the ring and Reks pursues. Hawkins tries to surprise Reks, but Reks doesn't fall for it. It's clear Reks is playing the fired-up babyface fighting for his career. Reks to the top rope, but Hawkins dodges a frogsplash, and takes control. That was a huge jump for a man the size of Reks, as he went more than halfway across the ring. Hawkins keeps Reks down and controls him. Mathews gives them credit for fighting hard and not trying to weasel their way out of the match. Regal sarcastically asks why Striker had a referee's shirt on under his jacket.

Reks lands a slingshot plancha to Hawkins on the outside. This hasn't been seen from Reks since his ECW debut. Reks gets the speed and power turned up. Side Russian legsweep gets Reks two. Reks eats a boot in the corner and Hawkins runs him down for two. Reks looks for a gutwrench move, but Hawkins slips out. Hawkins then tries his swinging bodyslam, but Reks slips out and rolls up Hawkins for the win.

WINNER: Tyler Reks in 5:30. Reks just did a 180 on his in-ring career. He's gone back to the style that I saw so much promise in when he debuted on ECW a long time back - a high-flying moveset in the body of a heavyweight wrestler. Some of it was not quite as deft as a smaller man would have been, but it immediately positions Reks well as having a unique, recognizable moveset in his weight class.

Post-match, Reks panders to the crowd and gets a bit of reaction. Hawkins jaws at Striker, and Striker decks him and screams, "You're fired!" Reks leads the crowd in the good-bye song, then Regal gets on the mic and fires Hawkins officially. He shakes Reks's hand and says they will put their differences aside. Reks says Regal isn't bad after all. Regal asks him to repeat that, then says Reks is fired, too. Reks blows up as referees come out to escort them out to close the show.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1032 on: April 23 2012, 04:49 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 4-19-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).


This is actually a potentially interesting match, considering that both Tatsu and Mahal have martial arts-inspired movesets. Mahal surprises Tatsu as soon as the bell rings, and Mahal repeatedly cuts off Tatsu's offense. Mahal uses the apron to tie up Tatsu and lands a running knee lift to Tatsu's covered head, which was a clever move. Mahal transitions to his typical grinding offense.

Tatsu reverses a suplex into a lateral press, then runs the ropes and swings into a hard-fought crucifix pin for two. Mahal ducks the roundhouse finisher, shoves Tatsu into the ropes, and knees him in the back of the head. Mahal straddles Tatsu's still body and lays into the Camel Clutch for a quick tap-out.

WINNER: Jinder Mahal via submission in 7:00. Good match; they meshed well. It's nice to see Mahal against someone other than Khali, and to see Tatsu doing something.


"Hoeski" chant from the crowd. Eve's changes her outfit to look a bit more like a chainmail bikini - where's my AD&D 2nd Edition book when I need it? You know what, the only person enhanced from the whole Cena-Kane-Ryder-Eve mess was Eve. How often does that happen?

Eve starts the match by forcing Kelly to the corner, then slapping her. Kelly does the leg choke over the ropes as the crowd keeps up the Hoeski chants. Eve sits on the turnbuckle and puts Kelly into a headlock, lifting her off the mat and Kelly kicks like a stuck pig. The crowd goes nuts with a "Yes!" chant. Eve with a resthold, and she keeps leaning forwards to chat with Kelly, but her hair covers their faces and it looks like Eve's trying to kiss Kelly.

Kelly gets come separation and lands a snap head scissors into a roll-up for two. Eve with a reverse side Russian leg sweep for two. Kelly gets her knees up when Eve tries a running handspring splash. Kelly then goes back to the handspring splash and the Booty Call, but Eve stacks her up and pins her with boots on the ropes.

WINNER: Eve Torres in 5:45. Eve is consistently decent, and I give her a lot of credit for both changing her in-ring style to fit her heel turn, and constantly trying new moves. I question the wisdom of giving away her first match against Kelly Kelly on Superstars, but then again, they gave away a few moments of Beth Phoenix against Natalya a few weeks ago.


Swagger leads with a take down and pats the back of R-Truth's head, then does his victory lap. Truth looks mad and they chain wrestle for a bit, which Swagger dominates. R-Truth tackles Swagger when he celebrates, and goes onto his Dance Dance Revolution offensive routine. Lots of back-and-forth and they head to break.

Swagger is in control, but R-Truth turns it around for a moment, until Swagger counters a wheelbarrow with an overhead throw. R-Truth dodges a leg drop and starts a period of sustained offense. Swagger's power puts him back on top. There's a "Let's Go Swagger / Swagger Sucks" chant. What, he gets a haircut and they confuse him with John Cena? R-Truth fights from the top of the turnbuckle, then a tornado DDT gets him a nearfall.

The action resets and R-Truth starts to run Swagger over. Truth with the Lie Detector for a nearfall. Truth gets the leg scissors takedown this time for a two count. Swagger then kicks his legs and landes a takedown for two. R-Truth gets his boots up on a Swagger Bomb and immediately lands the Little Jimmy for the win.

WINNER: R-Truth in 12:30. Lots of back-and-forth in this match; it was good to see Swagger get some extended ring time in a main event match-up.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1033 on: April 23 2012, 04:51 am »
TNA impact Wrestling Results: 4-19-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


In the ring, Morgan and Crimson battled, continuing their battle from Lockdown. Morgan delivered a wind-up sidewalk slam, then measured Crimson for a big boot, but Crimson moved and Morgan ate the top rope. Ray then yanked Morgan's injured knee across the top rope to set up the heels for a two-on-one attack on Morgan. The heels continued working over Morgan as the Impact crowd tried to start at least three slow-claps to rally Morgan.

Crimson finally lost focus, allowing Morgan to cut off Crimson and crawl over to Aries for a tag. Aries landed strikes and punches on Ray, then ducked a clothesline from Crimson and landed kick strikes into a dropkick. Aries followed with left hands & elbows in the corner on Ray before Crimson accidentally speared Ray. Morgan then clotheslined Crimson to the outside and Aries went flying through the ropes with a suicide dive on Crimson.

Back in the ring, Aries smashed Ray with more high-impact offense, but lost focus playing to the crowd too much. Ray then awkwardly rolled up Aries, awkwardly hooked his tights, and ref Earl Hebner awkwardly counted to two-and-a-half or three-and-a-half to give the heels a tainted win. Post-match, Aries sold the finish with his trunks hanging half-way off his rear end as the heels celebrated on the entrance ramp.

WINNERS: Ray & Crimson at 6:06. Aries brought plenty of energy to the situation before falling victim to the typical TNA Babyface Failure Booking of playing to the hard camera before taking the loss.


The match started with the two men dancing around the ring before locking up center-ring. Meanwhile, Tenay said Roode's World Title opponent James Storm has yet to arrive at the building tonight. Angle and Styles continued to feel each other out before TNA abruptly cut to break.

Back from break, Styles ran over Angle with a clothesline, then splashed Angle in the corner. Angle came back with a reverse whip into the corner that rocked Styles. But, Styles came back with a springboard forearm smash to the head. Suddenly, Daniels and Kaz were ringside. Styles then took his eye off the ball when Daniels hopped on the ring apron. Styles yanked the document out of Daniels's hand, then Angle suddenly rolled up Styles from behind for the win.

Post-match: Angle sold the effects of the match as Daniels and Kaz cockily smiled on the way up the ramp. Meanwhile, Styles put the document inside his pants as Angle sold frustration that the match ended that way. Styles continued to sell concern over the contents of the document as Angle tried to call out to Styles that he had nothing to do with the finish.

WINNER: Angle at 6:33. The exact same finish to the opening match. And, it looks like Styles is situated in another oddball storyline that probably won't end well for him.


The announcers focused on a returning Tessmacher throughout the match. The action broke down before the finish, which led to the ring clearing out. In the chaos, Tessmacher scored a roll-up pin on Gail for the win. It looks like Tessmacher is next in line for a title shot against Gail after Velvet didn't get the job done at Lockdown. Post-match: The victorious babyface Divas mocked Gail, who stood frustrated in the ring.

WINNERS: Team Tessmacher at 5:38. Three out of three matches with the same roll-up finish.

4 -- TV champion DEVON vs. GUNNER -- TNA TV Title match

Gunner jumped Devon before the bell, so, of course, with this being TNA, the ref called for the bell despite an unfair advantage to the challenger. Gunner continued the attack, landing forearms to the back of the neck before landing strikes to the chest. The crowd was quick to respond with a slow-clap trying to rally behind Devon. This was followed by a "Deee-von" chant and another slow-clap. And, a third slow-clap all within the first 2:20 of the match.

This was followed by a "Let's Go Devon" chant as Gunner continued to work over Devon, who suddenly came back with a spear. Devon then led the fourth slow-clap of the match to fire himself up and made his comeback. Devon shoulder-blocked Gunner before delivering a Thesz Press into a flying headbutt. Devon orchestrated a fifth slow-clap before delivering another flying shoulder block. Devon then hit a spinebuster for the pin and the win. Devon should have just rolled up Gunner to keep the streak alive.

WINNER: Devon at 4:06 to retain the TV Title. A bit rushed and the crowd was a burden. The TV Title series is fine, but the title needs a lot of maintenance; I'm not sure having it defended every week will accomplish that objective.

5 -- MR. ANDERSON vs. JEFF HARDY vs. ROB VAN DAM -- #1 contender match to the TNA World Title

Once the bell sounded, the three men came face-to-face-to-face for a confrontation. Anderson then teed off on both men, but RVD knocked him down with a clothesline before back-kicking Anderson. RVD then monkey-flipped Hardy clear across the ring before back-kicking Anderson from the second rope. But, Anderson cut off RVD and went to work on both men. Hardy then came back with a Whisper in the Wind splash on Anderson.

At 4:00, the men traded finishing moves on each other, but no one could score a fall. Hardy then went to the top turnbuckle and landed a Swanton Bomb on Anderson. But, RVD popped Hardy with a standing kick to cut off Hardy. RVD then went up top for the Five-Star Frogsplash and he connected on Anderson. Hardy grappled RVD, though, only for RVD to turn a Twist of Fate attempt into a backslide. RVD maintained Hardy's shoulders to the mat, did a leg-split to add leverage, and scored a pin for the win. RVD gets the title shot.

Post-match: Hardy sold dejection as RVD celebrated the win. RVD then checked on Hardy before they replayed the finish, focusing on how RVD used his flexibility to secure the pin on Hardy. Back in the ring, Hardy and RVD embraced before RVD got his shine in the ring. (Anderson completely disappeared, putting the focus on Hardy and RVD.) Tenay plugged Roode vs. RVD at Sacrifice to close the show.

WINNER: RVD at 5:24 to become new #1 contender. Three-ways are a tired match formula, but this was fine for a main event trying to get a lot of star power in one match. Hardy had his "out" selling the effects of Lockdown against Angle, so he didn't lose much from the loss, and gained sympathy based on the post-match. Roode vs. RVD in a PPV main event has no juice behind it, so TNA has a few weeks to try to sell people on a match-up similar to Roode-Styles. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1034 on: April 23 2012, 04:54 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 4-20-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to mostly in-ring results.

- Daniel Bryan came to the ring under big 'YES' chants, told everyone he'll beat Sheamus like a real man best 2 of 3 in Chicago. AJ interrupts and takes a verbal beatdown from Bryan. Poor AJ... :(

1 -- A.J. vs. NATALYA

The referee called for the bell as A.J. continued to stare toward the entrance ramp. Natalya then walked up to A.J. to console her, and A.J. responded by slapping her across the face before pounding Natalya into the corner. A.J. went nuts on Natalya with slaps and kicks and punches before the ref had enough and DQ'ed her. Post-match: A.J. tried to catch her breath before slipping out of the ring. Cole said she needs to get counseling. A.J. became emotional again as she reached the top of the ramp, then turned and ran to the back.

WINNER: Natalya via DQ at 0:48.

2 -- BRODUS CLAY (w/Hornswoggle) vs. HUNICO (w/Camacho)

The bell sounded and Clay stomped toward Hunico before jiggling and shaking. Swoggle then randomly entered the ring and stood up to Hunico to do his own shake. Hunico wanted nothing to do with Swoggle, so he tossed him to the mat, prompting Clay to destroy Hunico. Clay executed a t-bone suplex, then bounced off the ropes for a flying splash to secure the win.

Post-match, Cole noted Clay has been rolling, then Swoggle climbed up top to deliver a Tadpole Splash to Hunico for the exclamation point. Booker said this is what this business is all about. What? They went to a replay of Swoggle's splash before returning to the ring for some final dancing that included Swoggle going too far on the splits.

WINNER: Clay at 1:13.


Mathews framed this match-up as the Usos trying to hold their ground having been part of the Smackdown tag division for a while. Cole added that Laurinaitis is trying to improve SD's tag division. As the action went back and forth, Cole noted Young took O'Neil under his wing to help improve his mic work after subjecting himself to mockery from the fans. The action broke down at 3:00 before Titus sent Jey flying to the outside. Titus then tagged into the match and set up Jimmy Uso for a double-team combination. Titus made the cover for the win, surprising the announcers. Cole said the wins might not going to be pretty, but the style will be rough and tough from Titus & Young.

WINNERS: Titus & D-Young at 3:34. Fine main roster debut for Titus & Young. Meanwhile, the Usos continue to be slotted at the bottom of the tag roster.

4 -- IC champion BIG SHOW vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- non-title match

Show dominated early on, rendering Del Rio ineffective. Del Rio then ducked a clothesline and went for the standard attack going after the knee to chop down Show. Del Rio turned his attention toward Show's left shoulder to potentially set up for the cross arm-breaker. Del Rio went for his finisher moments later, but Show tossed him aside. The two men were slow to their feet, then Show ran over Del Rio with multiple strikes into a spear.

Show made his way back to his feet, then called for the Chokeslam, but Ricardo hopped on the ring apron to provide a distraction that led to Cody Rhodes sneaking in the ring for a Disaster Kick. Rhodes ran out of the ring just as quickly as he entered, then Del Rio fell on top of Show for the win. Post-match, Rhodes knocked Show out of the ring, then bailed from the ring to avoid Show's wrath. Show, with hands on hips, stormed away from ringside.

WINNER: Del Rio at 5:16. And, Show-Rhodes continues. Meanwhile, Del Rio does not look like the same guy who was main-eventing Raw last year before he was injured. The gimmick feels dated and the character is missing a spark.


The bell sounded and Lerman went for weak kick strikes, but Ryback shoved him aside, then tossed him into the air for an overhead slam. Lerman sold as Slater & McIntyre placed bets backstage. Ryback then measured Lerman for a big clothesline before calling for the end. Ryback ran across the ring before delivering a running fallaway slam for the pin and the win. Post-match, Ryback yelled and screamed fragmented sentences before they replayed the action. Backstage, Slater and McIntyre debated whether Ryback is an idiot.

WINNER: Ryback at 1:13.


The match started during the break and the show resumed with Orton working over Rhodes as Cole continued to complain about Show joining the face team. Mathews explained that the heels took out Khali before the match, so Show was allowed to replace Khali. The match settled into the heels working over Sheamus as Cole endorsed D-Bryan, saying they've learned that he can be a pitbull in the ring. Rhodes then lost control of the match, bringing in Orton to tee off on Rhodes. Orton wanted his second-rope DDT and connected. Orton then went to That Place and stalked Rhodes for the RKO, but D-Bryan ran into the ring, only to take a powerslam. Henry cut off Orton, though, and the heels resumed control leading to break.

Back from break, Orton was trying to rip Orton's head off in a neck vice. Orton tried fighting back, but Henry shoved him to the mat, trash-talked, and tagged in Bryan, who delivered strikes as the somewhat-muted crowd chanted, "Yes!" in the background. Bryan then clobbered Orton in the corner with a leg whip before climbing up top for a diving headbutt that did not connect. Both men sold on the mat before Orton made his way to the corner to tag in Big Show. Henry also tagged in and the two big men collided center-ring. Show got the better of Henry early on before butt-splashing Henry. Rhodes attacked Show from behind, though, allowing Henry to clothesline Show to the mat. Henry had enough and tagged in Rhodes, who went to work on Show.

The heels tried to pick up where Del Rio left off in the top-of-the-second-hour match by focusing on Show's lower body, including Rhodes applying a figure-four leglock center-ring. Rhodes then reached up and tagged Henry, who entered the ring with a big splash on Show. But, it was only good for a two count. Henry had enough, so he tagged in D-Bryan, who tried a pin, but Show press-slammed D-Bryan clear out of the ring. Bryan was late re-entering, allowing Show to tag in Sheamus, who went to town on Bryan.

At 16:00, Rhodes found himself on the outside, where Show KO'ed him with the WMD. After that emphatic end to Rhodes's night, Sheamus and Henry battled inside the ring. Sheamus then dropped Henry with the Brogue Kick, and reached over to Orton for a tag. Meanwhile, Show KO punched Henry, who fell backward into Orton, who dropped Henry with the RKO. Orton with the cover on Henry for the win.

Post-match: The faces celebrated in the ring before WWE replayed the final 60 seconds of the match with the faces hitting their finishers leading to Orton's pin on Henry. Back in the ring, the face trio posed in the ring as Mathews plugged Extreme Rules coming up in nine days. Cole gave a final plug for the three-hour Raw on Monday for Cena and Lesnar in the same ring at the same time.

WINNERS: Team Orton at 16:56. Solid six-man tag match with the heels working well during their time to shine before the faces got the final word. Typical Smackdown main event for a "feel-good Friday night moment" since Smackdown didn't have a sense of urgency tonight with the PPV not until next week.

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"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1035 on: April 25 2012, 01:33 am »
WWE RAW Results: 4-23-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Once the bell sounded, the announcers noted Lesnar and Cena's contract signing will occur on Lesnar's time. The match started with a back-and-forth before Jericho slipped to the outside for a breather. Back in the ring, Kofi maintained control before the ref got caught up in the action, giving Jericho an opening to take control of the action. Meanwhile, the announcers focused on the Jericho-Punk title match at Extreme Rules in Chicago, noting Punk had one of the most memorable moments of last year winning the WWE Title in his hometown. Kofi avoided a corner splash and knocked Jericho to the outside, then landed a big flip splash on the floor. Kofi in control heading to break.

Back live, Jericho was in control with a headlock center-ring. Jericho maintained control with an enziguiri, then went to work on Kofi's upper back with a standing surfboard stretch with a knee to Kofi's back. Jericho followed with a bulldog, but missed with a Lionsault, and Kofi followed with a head scissors into a pinning combination for a two count. Jericho cut off Kofi with a clothesline, though, and resumed control. Of note, Jericho was forming a big knot on his forehead from a Kofi elbow strike at this point.

The two men traded nearfalls before Kofi climbed up-top for a big splash to Jericho's back, which he followed up with a Boom Drop. Kofi wanted Trouble in Paradise, but Jericho blocked. Kofi then tried another high-impact move off the top rope, but Jericho intercepted with a Codebreaker. Jericho collected himself, then applied the Walls of Jericho, which Cole called a Lionsault. Kofi had no choice but to tap out as Cole corrected himself.

WINNER: Jericho via submission at 11:57. Strong win & promo for Jericho leading into Extreme Rules, but the problem with a three-hour show combined with a depleted roster reared its head in the opening match - a top star in an unannounced match against an upper-mid-carder on free TV waters down the value of seeing a top star compete in the ring.


Once the bell sounded, some of the vocal males tried to taunt Tensai with "Albert, Albert" chants. Tensai shook off some early attacks from Truth, then headbutted Truth in the corner. The vocal males picked up some "Yes! Yes!" chants for a few moments before Tensai called for the end. Tensai landed a big running butt splash before delivering a sit-down powerbomb. Tensai rolled over Truth, who sold helplessness. Tensai then spewed his green mist into the air before slapping on The Claw. Some grunts later, Tensai clawed Truth to the mat and scored a three count for the win as the crowd groaned. Lawler claimed this is what he did for eight years in Japan.

WINNER: Tensai at 2:01. The slow burn continues.


Khali started the match and demanded Rhodes start the match with him. Rhodes tried to dance around Khali, then intercepted his leg before chopping Rhodes's leg/knee area. Rhodes then slipped out of the ring and tried to shake it off by limping around ringside as Ricardo Rodriguez tried to talk strategy. Rhodes eventually re-entered and tagged in Del Rio, who tried kicking away at Khali, but Khali shoved him off and landed a kick strike. Khali then chopped Del Rio hard across the chest, sending Del Rio to the outside. Ricardo waved the heat off Del Rio's chest before they cut to break two minutes in.

Back live, they went to a wide-shot of the arena before slowly fading to the ring, where Khali tagged in Big Show, who cleaned house. Rhodes then pulled down the top rope and Show went spilling to the outside. Rhodes quickly targeted Show's knee, trying to take apart the big man. The ref then started a ten count as Show sold on the floor. Show made it back in the ring right at nine, then Del Rio resumed the attack. "Let's Go Big Show" chant as Del Rio continued to attack Show before the heels started exchanging tags to wear down Show.

Rhodes then slapped on the figure-four center-ring as the crowd whoo'ed. Show sold the effects, then reached back and slapped Rhodes across the face to break the hold. Show then fought off Del Rio, who decided he had enough of the match and bailed on Rhodes. Back in the ring, Show built momentum and began dismantling Rhodes as Lawler made border jokes about Del Rio. Show then finished off Rhodes with a chokeslam for the pin and the win. On-stage, Del Rio and Rodriguez sold they didn't care about the outcome. Back in the ring, Show and Khali embraced as Show sold the effects of the heels's attack.

WINNERS: Khali & Show at 10:28. So, booking would indicate Rhodes gets back his IC Title on Sunday, but it sure doesn't feel like it unless Rhodes gets a cheap win using the TBD stipulation.

4 -- Divas champion BETH PHOENIX vs. NIKKI BELLA (w/Brie Bella) -- Divas Title match -- Lumberjill match

The Bellas were shown warming up in the ring post-Mathews injury angle. Justin Roberts then announced Nikki Bella challenging for the Divas Title, and Beth Phoenix came out to defend the title for the first time on TV or PPV since February. Before the bell sounded, Cole noted Phoenix is closing in on the record for longest Divas Title reign. Also before the bell sounded, Eve walked out on-stage and said there are too many Divas sitting around here doing nothing, so this will now be a Lumberjills match. So, all of the Divas from backstage poured out to the ringside area. The match turned into a back-and-forth before the action spilled to the outside. Phoenix then sold a major ankle injury when she reached the floor, prompting the Divas to start brawling ringside to distract. Phoenix could barely make it back into the ring, then they went to a finish with Bella pinning Phoenix to capture the title. Post-match, a doctor checked on Phoenix as the Bellas celebrated.

WINNER: Bella at 4:02 to capture the Divas Title. Anti-climatic end to Phoenix's title reign, whether a legit injury or injury angle.

5 -- World Hvt. champion SHEAMUS vs. MARK HENRY -- non-title match -- Daniel Bryan special referee

Bryan tried to instigate Sheamus early on, then Sheamus told Bryan to hit him, which would draw all sorts of punishments since Bryan is a ref tonight. Bryan tried again, but Sheamus refused to take the bait. Meanwhile, Henry prepared to run over Sheamus with a big clothesline once Sheamus turned around. Henry then made a cover and Bryan did a super fast count.

Post-match: Bryan threw off his ref t-shirt and tossed it in Sheamus's face, so Sheamus attacked Bryan ringside and chased him back into the ring. But, in the ring, Henry provided a distraction - taking a Brogue Kick from Sheamus - before Bryan kick-striked Sheamus, then he slapped on the "Yes! Lock" center-ring. The vocal males cheered along before the general audience booed Bryan for his actions. Bryan then left the ring doing his chant before declaring the title is coming back to him.

WINNER: Henry at 1:35. Finally, finally, finally, a biased, heel referee did a fast count in the first pin attempt of the match. That's driven me crazy for years - why would a biased, heel referee ever try to make an objective, dramatic nearfall count when trying to screw over the face? Throw in Bryan getting the advantage here to set up Sheamus for revenge at the PPV and this may have been the best-booked segment of the show.

6 -- WWE tag champions PRIMO & EPICO (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. U.S. champion SANTINO & ZACK RYDER -- non-title match

The crowd was into Ryder early on as he picked apart Epico. Ryder with the Broski Boot, then he measured Epico for the Rough Ryder, but Rosa provided a distraction. Ryder then found himself on the outside, where Ryder ate the ringpost via sneak attack. Back in the ring, Epico covered Ryder for a one count. The crowd rallied with a "Let's Go Ryder / Woo Woo Woo" chant as Cole wondered aloud why the crowd is into Ryder.

Santino then hot-tagged into the match at 2:30 and set up for the Cobra. Chaos ensued, though, then Primo tried a dropkick on Santino, but Santino popped up to his feet, no-sold, and dropped Primo with the Cobra for the pin and the win. Santino and Ryder then celebrated as Rosa sold anger ringside. Post-match, the faces celebrated as Cole called Santino a lucky charm.

WINNERS: Ryder & Santino at 3:15.


Once the bell sounded, Swoggle demanded he enter the match. Clay obliged, going after Ziggler. Off the ropes, Ziggler went for a back-kick that missed Swoggle by about a foot, taking the crowd out of the match because it looked so fake. Ziggler followed up with an attack, but Clay tagged into the match and headbutted Ziggler across the ring before suplexing Swagger. Vickie had enough and entered the ring before slapping Clay, causing a DQ.

WINNERS: Clay & Swoggle via DQ at 1:55. They give Vickie the worst stuff to do, but she handles it like a pro. And, yes, this was the main event match of the show, following Raw's recent pattern of buffer/comedy/mid-card stuff as the actual main event match before a non-match segment closes the show in the TV main event slot.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1036 on: April 30 2012, 10:02 am »
FCW TV Results: 4-15-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to complete report).

3 man announce team: Chris Russo, William Regal, and Jim Ross.


Wasn’t C.J. Parker Pamela Anderson’s character in Baywatch? Before the match starts, Abraham Washington comes out in a suit and sporting a cane. Washington trash-talks Woods & Co. before addressing the crowd. He refers to himself as the kingpin of Florida Championship Wrestling. He says he represents the best talent the organization has to offer before introducing Brad Maddox and the new tag champs Corey Graves (Sterling James Keenan) and Jake Carter.

Woods and Maddox start. Woods gains control and there are a few quick tags in the first minute for both sides as control shifts quickly between the teams. Ross notes how Graves and Carter are talented and have potential, but their lifestyle may be a problem as they like to live life in the fast line. Parker and Jordan hit a double suplex on Carter, then Jordan follows up with some offense on Maddox. As Jordan is distracted, Carter throws him out of the ring.

Maddox is tagged in and applies a Camel Clutch on Jordan. As Jordan gets to his feet, Maddox charges at him, but a low bridge sends Maddox out of the ring. Jordan hits another low bridge, this time sending out Graves. He then follows up with an elbow on Carter, but Maddox intervenes before he can make a tag.

Jordan eventually frees himself and gets the tag to Woods (Consequences Creed), who hits the ring with some fast offense including a nice roundhouse/duck/sweep combo followed up by an Honor Roll (a forward roll spring into a clothesline) on Carter. Teams from both sides enter the ring, but everyone except Carter and Woods end up on the outside. Woods hits Carter with the Lost in the Woods (a sliding reverse STO), which is good for the three.

WINNERS: Parker & Woods & Jordan (Woods over Carter).

MATCH REAX: Standard six-man affair with the finish seeming a bit rushed. Parker didn’t get much ring time, Jordan’s still quite green, and Woods is still fun to watch albeit not really having much time to shine. Maddox, Carter, and Graves are all pretty solid and played their roles well, though it wasn’t a great advert for the new tag champs with one of its members being dispatched quite easily. However, I like the look and attitude of Graves & Carter and hope they get a good run with the belts.


Mike Dalton was FCW champ for a week in what was a bit of an underdog story last month. Now, he gets to face Lord Tensai’s handler, Sakamoto. Last time I saw Sakamoto, he was kicking John Cena. I presume this taping was before Tensai debuted, as there was no mention of him during Sakamoto’s entrance.

Dalton starts on top with a grounded hammerlock on Sakamoto. The pace steps up as Dalton hits a spinning elbow. Sakamoto turns the tables by hitting some pretty loud chops on Dalton before grounding him with the headlock. Dalton briefly fights back before running into one of Sakamoto’s kicks, followed by a headbutt. Dalton again fights back, but Sakamoto responds with an inverted atomic drop and a neckbreaker for a two count. Sakamoto hits some more kicks before going to the top rope. Dalton gets his knees up and throws some shots to Sakamoto’s sternum and finally gets to his feet.

Dalton gains a bit of momentum by hitting a clothesline and a spinning heel kick. Dalton hits a running elbow to the corner, but Sakamoto blocks an implant DDT, then responds with shots to Dalton’s throat. Dalton manages to finally block a shot and hits another spinning heel kick, which is followed up by an implant DDT. This time he’s successful and picks up the three count.

WINNER: Dalton via pinfall.

MATCH REAX: This match is the default for Mike Dalton now. He takes a beating, but manages to fight back and win. When you combine this with his long blonde hair and shiny trousers he’s essentially an old-school babyface. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It will be interesting to see if he can get back into the FCW title picture, as Tyler Black name-checked him last week when discussing challengers, and this week he got a clean win over a guy who was just called up to the main roster (albeit as a sidekick).

3 -- FCW Divas champion RAQUEL DIAZ (Shaul Guerrero) vs. AUDREY MARIE -- FCW Divas Title match

Audrey Marie apparently used to be an accountant. I’m an accountant! Maybe I could be a future FCW Diva. Anyways, Marie takes Diaz down with a headlock to start, but Diaz reverses it into a head scissors. Diaz throws Marie into the corner and then pulls her head down to the mat. After a two count, she hits Marie with a baseball slide, which knocks her to the outside. The Divas trade slaps before Marie pushes Diaz into the steps.

As the Divas return to the ring, Diaz regains control and applies the second Camel Clutch of the evening. Diaz likes to scream a lot. Marie reverses and gets to her feet and attempts a scoop slam, which Diaz reverses into a cradle for a two count. Diaz hits some nice forearm shots and follows it up with a shoulder block. Diaz goes for what may have turned into a Gory Bomb, which Audrey Marie blocks. Diaz manages to execute a roll-up and grabs the tights for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Diaz via pinfall to retain the FCW Divas Championship.

MATCH REAX: Okay Divas match. I think Diaz has potential, especially with her family links. She hit some good-looking forearm shots, too.


WWE stereotypes are ridiculous - Jiro comes out with a fan and a karate kid bandana. Unbelievable. Big E. is billed at “over 300 lbs.," and Ross duly asks what that means. Do they not have scales in Florida? They talk up Langston’s weightlifting background. Langston was the guy in the Raw segment where Cena visited a gym and cheered on Langston during a bench press.

Langston is wearing a very fetching purple singlet. Regal says he’d love to see Mark Henry mentor Langston. Ross agrees. Langston pushes Jiro about and then hits some knees to the mid-section. He charges Jiro in the corner and puts him on his shoulder before drooping out into a cutter style move (or the Big Ending as he calls it). Pin. 1-2-3. Langston wins. Very short match.

WINNER: Langston via pinfall.

MATCH REAX: Good squash for Langston. I disliked Jiro’s stereotypical character, but what else can you expect from WWE.


Benicio Salazar comes out wearing white boots, white pants, a white mask, and a white cape. I love capes. WWE loves stereotypes. Everyone wins! Ohno is out wearing a black zip-up jacket, in similar attire to his Chris Hero gimmick. Regal notes that he used to be “a fat lad,” but he’s got into shape. He certainly looks different to the guy who feuded with Punk in IWA: Mid South all those years ago.

Ohno opens up with a trip and some stomps. He then hits a jawbreaker and puts Salazar in the corner, where he throws some kicks and chops. Salazar fights back and hits a huricanrana followed by a corner monkey flip and a dropkick. Ohno blocks a second monkey flip and then hits the Rolling Elbow! That’s the best finisher in wrestling. And, it’s good for the pin.

WINNER: Ohno via pinfall.

MATCH REAX: Short match, but really fun while it lasted. Salazar looked like he knows what he’s doing and Ohno definitely knows what he’s doing.

6 -- DEAN AMBROSE (Jon Moxley) vs. JAMES BRONSON -- Tapout match

Bronson out first in his sleeveless hoodie. He looks like a cross between Bully Ray and C.W. Anderson. Russo says this is one for the MMA fans. Regal notes how he is a former member of Xtreme Couture.

Ambrose comes straight into the ring and unloads on Bronson, but Bronson slams down Ambrose and transitions into full mount before ground-and-pounding, Ambrose which he then transitions into a reverse armbar. They are both back on their feet as Bronson throws kicks in the corner. Ambrose reverses a suplex attempt into an armbar, which Bronson in turn reverses into an inverted cross arm-breaker. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that move before.

Ambrose escapes and briefly gets into full mount himself. As they get to their feet, Ambrose signals for a Regal Knee, but misses (a recent element of the Ambrose Regal feud has been Ambrose using Regal’s arsenal) and Bronson hits an exploder suplex.

Bronson misses a spinning clothesline and Ambrose hits the Regal Knee, then applies the Regal Stretch. Regal gets up and leaves the arena while the hold is applied. Bronson can’t hold out any longer and taps out, giving Ambrose the win.

WINNER: Ambrose via "tapout" submission.

Post-match: Ambrose seems angry that Regal left and follows him out of the arena. Ambrose is shouting, “You broke my heart,” in the back. Ambrose faces the camera and says, “I thought you were like me but you’re not. You’re just like everybody else.” He says Regal took away his re-match like the drugs that took away his mom, the cops that took his dad, and the social services that took away his little cousin.

While pointing around him, he says this is all he has and how Regal broke his heart today, so he will rip out Regal’s heart and throw it against the wall. Show closes.

MATCH REAX: This was great while it lasted, but it was too short. FCW managed to fit six matches into an hour-show, which is great, but the downside is that this match didn’t reach its full potential. Bronson has talent and I really like his MMA style.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1037 on: April 30 2012, 10:04 am »
WWE NXT Results: 4-25-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).


Bateman starts off with tons of fire, with hard-hitting offense out of the gate. JTG struggles to get traction as Bateman continues to overpower him. JTG dodges the missile dropkick off the apron giving JTG control. JTG with a chinlock, and a "Master Bateman" chant breaks out. Striker actually corrects Hornswoggle's grammar.

Bateman with a jawbreaker to regain control. JTG's funky suplex/faceplant gets a nearfall. After a struggle, Bateman with an odd bulldog or reverse STO thing for the win.

WINNER: Derrick Bateman in 7:00. This match never really got out first gear, which is a common complaint for matches with JTG.

2 - TAMINA SNUKA & KAITLYN vs. NATALYA & MAXINE (w/Johnny Curtis) - Tag Team Match

At the bell, Snuka and Kaitlyn hit dropkicks to send the heel pair out of the ring. Curtis says he hates being stuck with Maxine. Natalya puts power on Kaitlyn, and plays up being jealous. She carries Kaitlyn to the corner and tags in Maxine as Striker brings up his recent history with Curtis. Natalya with a sweet abdominal stretch. Striker comments on Curtis's "Let's Get Weird" shirt, and says, "That's not a WWE t-shirt, is that a Barber Shop Window t-shirt?" Odd that they mentioned that site.

Kaitlyn flattens Natalya with a low crossbody, but Natalya recovers and tags Maxine in. Maxine jumps off the top rope, lands on Kaitlyn, and locks in a front facelock with scissors. Kaitlyn tries to get a rope break, but Natalya tags in. Maxine gets mad, but Natalya continues the offense on Kaitlyn.

Double tag and Snuka comes in like white lightning. Snuka with a leg lariat to the arm, then a leg drop to put Maxine down. Snuka to the top rope, and lands the Superfly Splash for the win.

WINNERS: Snuka & Kaitlyn at 4:45. Good match that I was hoping to see another five minutes of. But, since when did Natalya have feelings for Tyson Kidd in a storyline context?

3 - TYSON KIDD vs. JOHNNY CURTIS (w/Maxine and Michael McGillicutty) - Tag Team Match

Crowd chants for Kidd right out of the bell, and Kidd dominates Curtis with his speed and technical skills. Curtis surprises Kidd and uses his size to control the match. Kidd resets the match with his speed, and Curtis heads outside for a breather. Kidd runs out to meet him, and they brawl ringside. Kidd lands a running, jumping huracanrana from the apron and sends Curtis further away fromt he ring.

Curtis is dominating with an armbar out of the break. McGillicutty talks up Johnny Curtis very well. In fact, McGillicutty is doing a great job on commentary, developing his own character in the process and reminding viewers of his recent feud with Kidd. It looks like Curtis almost bit Kidd's hand, and he continues to control Kidd with both holds and strikes. Curtis keeps drawing the ref's ire with corner work. Striker says Johnny Curtis trained with Killer Kowalski, which is a nice piece of history there.

Kidd gets some space, which allows him go on the attack. McGillicutty puts some moves on Maxine in the interim. Curtis meets Kidd on the turnbuckle and lands a big superplex, but he's slow to cover and only gets a nearfall. Kidd rallies from the apron and heads up top again, and lands a blockbuster from the top rope for a nearfall. Very innovative.

Kidd looks for a Sharpshooter or his new submission, but Curtis counters with an inside cradle for two. Curtis with a quick suplex sending Kidd flying, and covers for another close two count. Curtis goes to the top turnbuckle and tries a big double leg drop, but Kidd dodges. Kidd slaps on his new submission hold, kicking Curtis in the head when he tries to get out. Curtis taps after a few seconds.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd in 10:30. Top-notch match. Curtis had a period of sustained offense that didn't get boring, the "combustible elements" on commentary didn't distract from the match, and Tyson Kidd should be playing ball with Chris Jericho, C.M. Punk, and Daniel Bryan. I love Kidd's new submission hold, it's like a Sharpshooter plus Hell's Gate.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1038 on: April 30 2012, 10:05 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 4-26-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report).

It sounds like Michael Cole is replacing an "injured" Josh Mathews. The pairing of Cole and Matt Striker does not excite me, but the pairing of Striker and Scott Stanford would be delightful.

1 - THE USOS vs. HUNICO & CAMACHO - Tag Team Match

This is, as far as I can tell, Camacho's on-camera in-ring debut. Pre-match, Hunico cuts a promo, and The Usos mock them by having one get onto top of the other's back to satirize their bike entrance, then they cut a promo of their own.

Hunico and Jey Uso to start. Hunico puts Jey off early, but Jey quickly comes back and brings Jimmy in. Cole says that on Friday's Smackdown, John Laurinaitis will have a decision about Brock Lesnar's assault on Josh Mathews. Hunico brings in Camacho. Camaco with basic power, but Jimmy is able to bring Jey in. A double-team move gets two for the Usos. The action breaks down a bit and Jimmy is the active man on the apron.

False commercial break, and Jimmy is being beaten down by Camacho. Either Camacho has a very unique moveset, or he needs a lot of work to tighten things up - it's hard to tell, which is not good. Hunico with a leg lock of sorts, and even Striker can't identify it. The heels continue to isolate Jimmy. Cole also says Brock Lesnar's UFC background gives him the advantage in an Extreme Rules match. I'm not sure why.

Double tag and Jey runs Hunico down. Cole delivers the full Josh Mathews experience: "Shades of his father, Rikishi!" The action breaks down once more, and Camacho gets a cheap shot in while the ref is distracted. Hunico grabs tights and gets the win.

WINNERS: Hunico and Camacho at 9:30. Okay match. I've seen a lot better from both the Usos and Hunico. Camacho didn't get too much ring time, so I don't think he was the issue, though he is clearly quite green.


In a stroke of good luck, Striker and Stanford are in the booth, as I had hoped for. Maxine is without Johnny Curtis; isn't that a violation of William Regal's instructions? Stanford even references the NXT kidnapping angle.

Kelly gets things going with a Thesz Press, then an armdrag, sending Maxine to the corner. Maxine dodges the handspring splash, then settles into a chinlock and looks like she means it. The crowd rallies behind Kelly Kelly, as there's a lengthy hold sequence. Kelly fights out, and Maxine gets the reverse Dragon Sleeper on, but Kelly finally gets to the ropes and rams Maxine into the turnbuckle. Kelly with a choke in the ropes (Stanford calls it the "barbed wire"), then she trips Maxine. Maxine gets the Booty Call in the face, then the handspring splash. Kelly sets up the K2 and lands it mid-ring.

WINNER: Kelly Kelly in 5:00. Maxine has a lot of talent, both potential and realized. I love her in-ring mannerisms, she even carried and lengthy hold convincingly. What a shame to throw her under the Kelly Kelly bus.


Wow, has Miz's stock dropped or what? This is a re-match from a feud from nearly a year ago, and it is insanely rare to see anyone even close to Miz's level on Superstars.

Miz with an armdrag and acts like he's done something impressive. Riley welcomes a lock-up, and tosses Riley again after a brief struggle. Mix dumps Riley with a third armdrag. Riley makes a comeback with power, then Miz takes advantage of a telegraphed back body drop.

Riley makes a comeback that makes me think of Percy Watson, with his big dropkicks and speed. Miz puts boots to Riley in the corner, then Riley comes out of the corner strong. Riley with a strange hip toss suplex combo that looks pretty nasty. Miz suckers Riley and dumps him through the ropes. Miz surprises Riley on the top turnbuckle and slams his arm on the ropes heading to break.

Miz is controlling Riley with mat holds out of the break. Miz plays to the crowd as he dominates Riley. Miz with a very long armbar and wristlock submission, and lectures Riley, who finally fights out, but Miz DDTs the arm for a two count. Miz with the corner-to-corner clothesline, and he goes up top, but Riley counters a double axe handle. Riley is too injured to cover, and rolls to the ropes to pull himself up. Riley lands some heavy rights, then speeds things up even more. Big spinebuster from Riley, and he wants the Final Score, but Miz escapes. Riley with a schoolboy for two.

Miz with the Reality Check for a nearfall. Stanford calls it by name, which is the first time it's been mentioned by name in years. Riley ducks Miz's boot to the head, but Miz sends Riley into the turnbuckle and catches him with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

WINNER: The Miz in 13:15. Very good match. Miz may be in the doghouse, but he's working hard to get out. He's been working hard in the gym, and his physique looks fantastic compared to where it was a few months ago. He put on a good match with the quite competent Alex Riley. It's nice to see The Miz in a long-form match and be able to keep it interesting.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1039 on: April 30 2012, 10:07 am »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 4-26-12

Results courtesy of (direct link to Turner's complete report).

1-- TNA Television champion DEVON vs. BULLY RAY -- Television Title match

Ray and Devon started the match battling at ringside where Devon slammed a drink into Ray’s head. Back in the ring Ray tried to plea with Devon, but he wasn’t having it and continued to beat on Ray. Devon went to the top, but Ray hit the ropes sending Devon, groin first, onto the turnbuckle as the show cut to commercials.

As the show came back from the break, Ray was in control of the match, stomping on a floored Devon. He hit a big splash for a close two count. They exchanged punches accompanied with the audience chanting “yes” for Devon, and “boo” for Ray. Ray nailed Devon with a big boot and a clothesline, and a Bullybomb for a pair of believable nearfalls. Devon hit a spinebuster out of nowhere for the win.

WINNER: Devon via pinfall at 10:22. Ray wasn’t bluffing earlier when he said he didn’t want to be in the ring with Devon because he would make him a star, well, kind of. Good effort for what was probably the most meaningful title defense for Television Title in the history of its existence. In no way do I want to see Ray and Devon feuding for an extended period of time, so I was okay with TNA just throwing the match out there.

Jeremy Borash came out to the ring, and thanked Hogan for the opportunity to air a grievance and call someone out. He singled out Eric Bischoff and called him out for getting liquored up and calling out employees on his Facebook page. He said if it was Bischoff’s last night that he wanted him to put down his Blackberry to come out and fight him as part of Open Fight Night. Bischoff came out as Borash called him out for drunk tweeting and asked him if there was a breathalyzer App on his iPhone. As Bischoff began to retort, Ray came out of nowhere and low-blowed Borash.


Bischoff called for referee and pinned Borash for a three count as Ray filmed the whole thing on Bischoff’s iPhone.

WINNER: Eric Bischoff via pinfall at 0:03.


Anarquia got a little bit of offense in, but Angle made quick work of him with a German suplex followed by the Anklelock for the submission win.

WINNER: Kurt Angle via submission at 0:55. So, is Angle a babyface now? I would have liked to have seen Angle in real action, but at this stage of the game, Angle deserves an easy night here and there and it would have made no sense to give Anarquia any viable offense against the Olympian.

4 -- ROBBIE E (w/Robbie T.) vs. ALEX SILVA -- Gut Check match

Robbie E. started by slapping Silva in the face, but Silva served him with a slap of his own. Robbie got the better of Silva until he missed a move off the top rope. Silva came back with a powerslam, but missed a move off the top rope. Robbie E. caught him with a DDT for the win.

WINNER: Robbie E via pinfall at 2:16. I like that they didn’t have Silva win on the first Gut Check challenge. I don’t know if it was by design, but if they are going to be doing this on a regular basis, it was smart to not have a “rookie” beat someone on the actual roster.

5 -- TNA KNOCKOUTS champion GAIL KIM vs. BROOKE TESSMACHER-- non-title match

Kim blindsided Tessmachaer as the bell rang and got a two count. Tessmacher dodged a forearm in the corner, but before she could mount any offense she was taken down by a clothesline from Kim. Kim picked her up on her shoulders and dropped her with a front slam, but Brooke came back with a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick. Tessmacher’s offense was put to stop by Kim as she called Tessmacher a joke. Kim missed a dropkick off the top rope, allowing Tessmacher to capitalize with a facebuster for the win.

WINNER: Brooke Tessmacher via pinfall at 3:54. Well, it looks like Kim is going to carry another talent-deficient Knockout to a title match on a TNA pay-per-view. I’m hoping Tessmacher’s win is foreshadowings Kim’s victory for their PPV match.

6 -- TNA World Tag Team champions SAMOA JOE & MAGNUS vs. JEFF HARDY & MR. ANDERSON -- Tag Title match

Joe and Anderson started the match off for their teams before Joe tagged Magnus, which prompted Anderson to tag Hardy in with a bit of force behind the tag. Anderson and Hardy tried to double team Magnus, but he caught on and put a stop it and tagged Joe in. Anderson put the brakes on Joe as he and Hardy seemed to be at ends before the show cut to commercials.

The show came back to Anderson and Hardy having the offensive edge after Tenay said that Joe and Magnus had been in control of the match over the course of the break. Joe a got a nearfall after a series of double-team movies followed by a senton splash by Joe. Hardy caught Joe with a Whisper in the Wind followed by both Joe and Hardy getting the hot tag for their teams.

Anderson and Magnus were thrown to the outside, which allowed Joe and Hardy to continue to duke it out in the ring. Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on Joe, and then focused on Magnus on the outside as he beat on Anderson. Anderson tried to take advantage of a downed Joe, but ended up in a rear naked chokehold for the submission win for Joe and Magnus.

WINNERS: Samoa Joe and Magnus via submission at 10:56. Good match, and it was nice to see Joe and Magnus keep their momentum going with a big win over Hardy and Anderson.

As the champs made their way up the ramp, they were attacked by Kazarian and Daniels.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!