AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 1279662 times)

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WWE Wrestlemania XXXI Results: 3-29-15
« Reply #1140 on: March 30 2015, 10:58 am »
4 -- THE BELLAS (Divas champion NIKKI BELLA & BRIE BELLA) vs. A.J. LEE & PAIGE -- Divas tag match

 A.J. sold an injury early on, leaving Paige alone to face the Bellas in basically a handicap match. Paige fought back with a double splash on the Bellas, but she could not get a pin. A.J. finally returned to the ring trying to fight through the storyline injury. She put Brie in the Black Widow and secured a submission for the win.

 WINNERS: A.J. & Paige at 6:42. Heels got their comeuppance as part of the feud, but Nikki still has the Divas Title, keeping everyone even. Tough spot following the big nostalgia match with the crowd still recovering. (**)

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WWE Wrestlemania XXXI Results: 3-29-15
« Reply #1141 on: March 30 2015, 11:41 am »
5 -- U.S. champion RUSEV (w/Lana) vs. JOHN CENA -- United States Title match

 Before the bell sounded, Cole noted Cena won his first major title at WrestleMania 20 when he won this very U.S. Title at Madison Square Garden. As soon as the bell sounded, Cena ran over Rusev with a clothesline for a one count. Rusev came back with his own clothesline for a one count. He then dominated Cena to the point where he called for his Russian flag. Rusev waved the flag over Cena, who fought back to cut off Rusev's gloating. Cena made a comeback to boos, then hit a sit-out slam. Boos. Cena wanted the Five Knuckle Shuffle, and he connected. Early for that to connect without a counter. But, Rusev blocked the AA set-up and slammed Cena for a two count.

 Rusev stomped the mat and went for a kick, but Cena ducked, only to take a swinging slam for another nearfall. The crowd picked up a "Let's Go Lana" chant before Rusev tried to get the focus back on him with a standing kick to Cena's face. Rusev wanted a corner attack, but Cena countered with a swinging DDT for a two count. To their feet for a standing exchange. "You can't beat me, John Cena!" Rusev shouted in Cena's face. Rusev delivered the Alabama Slam, but Cena kicked out of a pin.

 Rusev stuck his foot out celebrating too much, allowing Cena to trap him and drag him down to the mat for the STF. Lana chucked her shoe into the ring trying to distract Cena, then Rusev reached the bottom rope for a break. Cena tried to shake off the distraction, but he ran into a big overhead bodyslam from Rusev. Rusev then climbed to the top rope and flew down at Cena with a diving shoulder tackle for a close two count. Rusev, exasperated, just fell back onto the mat not believing it. "Rusev, Rusev" chant from some of the crowd.

 Rusev called for the end at 11:00. He tried to apply The Accolade submission, but Cena turned his body to block and kick Rusev away. Cena then went for something like a springboard turn-around Stunner. The crowd didn't know what to make of it. Cena covered, but Rusev kicked out. WWE went to a slow-motion replay of Cena delivering the backwards Stunner of sorts. Cena tried to follow up, but he ran into a sidekick.

 Rusev slapped on The Accolade center-ring, then squeezed hard on Cena's body as the announcers acted like he was done. Which meant he was not. Cena suddenly powered to his feet, ran Rusev into the turnbuckle, and broke the hold. Rusev tried to charge Cena, but Cena dropped him to the mat with the STF. Cena dropped the hold when Lana got on the ring apron, then Rusev tried to charge Cena, but Cena moved and Rusev crashed hard into Lana, sending her flying off the ring apron to the floor. Cena then hit the AA on Rusev. One, two, no kick-out, three count for Cena.

 Post-match, Rusev yelled down at Lana and the trainer, who was checking on Lana. Cena then took his title belt, kissed the widow of Arnold Skaaland, and took a victory lap. Meanwhile, Rusev stormed away from ringside as the medics helped Lana to the back. Cena returned to the ring and celebrated with the title belt. No big American Flag drop for Cena.

 WINNER: Cena at 14:31 to capture the U.S. Title. Pretty good title match. The crowd wasn't going to be into Cena, but the chants for Lana and some chants for Rusev were not too much of a distraction. Rusev took the loss, but they tried to put the focus on Rusev-Lana issues coming out of Mania to protect Rusev somewhat. Cena winning, combined with Bryan winning the IC Title, shows a renewed focus on the mid-card titles, as long as the follow-up is strong. (**3/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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WWE Wrestlemania XXXI Results: 3-29-15
« Reply #1142 on: March 30 2015, 12:09 pm »
In-ring: Triple H, now in a suit, and Stephanie McMahon were announced in the ring to boos. Stephanie said everyone here has made history setting a Levi's Stadium (marketed) record of 76,976. Steph then talked WrestleMania history and WWE Network. She said she looks out into the crowd seeing people from all 50 states and 40 countries and realizes this evolution of WWE would not be possible without ... me. She laughed and the crowd booed. Steph said WWE would not be what it is today without her and her husband, Triple H. Hunter said some of you don't like that. "And some of you don't like that I beat Sting," he said. Hunter gloated that it's as if he beat 76,976 of you and also millions more watching around the world. He said he owned Sting, just like they own every Superstar and Diva, just like everyone in the crowd. "So, whether you like it or whether you don't, it really doesn't matter because The Authority always wins," he said.

 Suddenly, The Rock's music played to interrupt a Hunter-Steph smooch. Rock emerged on-stage one day after hosting SNL as Steph sold annoyance standing in the ring. Rock marched back and forth on the WrestleMania stage as the crowd roared. Hunter and Steph continued to sell annoyance in the ring as Rock kept on walking back and forth as Cole hyped Rock starring in "Furious 7" and hosting SNL last night.

 Rock eventually marched down to the ring and posed for the fans as Hunter looked up at Rock with a sense of annoyance. Rock walked past Hunter to pose in the opposite corner, then asked for a mic. Hunter sauntered over toward Stephanie as the crowd roared and cheered for Rock. Long staredown as the crowd chanted "Rocky, Rocky." Rock approached the mic to speak, but more cheering interrupted, annoying The Authority some more. Steph sarcastically said they get it, the crowd is happy to see Rock. "Will you be quiet now?" she dryly asked. Rock went to talk again, but the crowd was too loud again, annoying Steph.

 Rock stared at Hunter, who started yelling at the fans. Rock then talked. He said Hunter and Steph do not own the people, and they damn sure don't own The Rock. Rock said what they failed to realize is that Rock is an East Bay Boy (local shout-out). Rock said Rock was born in the East Bay. Pause for another "Rocky, Rocky" chant. So, the way he sees it, either Hunter goes back there and dresses up like Terminator again, or they can create a WrestleMania Moment right here, right now. Rock talked up their rivalry, then Hunter got in his face. He said he kicked Rock's *** for most of the rivalry, and he has nothing left to prove.

 Hunter started to leave, but Rock called him back, noting Hunter has clearly left his balls in Stamford, Connecticut. Rock started bouncing up and down, then Hunter removed his coat jacket. Steph told Hunter to hang on just one second. She said Rock likes to take as many cheap-shots as possible to feed his egos, but Rock knows that without the McMahons, there would be no Rock. Rock shot her a look. Steph sneered back like a brat, then kept on looking at him.

 Steph went to Rock's family, saying High Chief, Rocky Johnson, and Dwayne Johnson would be nobody without Vince McMahon, Vince McMahon, Jr., and Stephanie McMahon. The crowd chanted for Shane McMahon, drawing an eyebrow from Rock. Rock replied that Steph would not be in power without Vince McMahon's "Johnson." Steph sarcastically said he's class as always. She then slapped Rock. Steph got in Rock's face, asking what he's going to do about it. Hit a woman? She said this is her company, her stadium, her ring, her people. She shouted in Rock's face to get out of the ring. Now.

 Rock backed away from Stephanie and leaned against the ropes, drawing more sarcasm from Stephanie, who told him to keep on walking and step right out of the ring. Rock dropped down to the floor as Stephanie continued to taunt Rock. Rock then circled around the ring instead of heading to the back. He stopped at the Four Horsewomen sitting on the front row. "Ronda Rousey" chant from the crowd. They showed Ronda on the front row to a big reaction. Rousey then hopped the guardrail and pounded fists with Rock. JBL told Stephanie to run.

 Rousey entered the ring as Rock held open the ropes. Rousey stood opposite Stephanie as Rock stood opposite Hunter to a big reaction. "Ronda's gonna kill you" chant, like a Samoa Joe chant. Rock spoke first. He said he would never hit a woman, but he has a very good friend who would be happy to. Steph smiled, saying this is a nice little surprise, but she is friends with Rousey. She said she is a big fan of Rousey. "Tell him, Ronda," she nervously said. "Ronda, please tell me Rock didn't fill you with all kinds of hopes and dreams having some kind of WrestleMania Moment."

 "Ronda, Ronda" chant from the crowd. Steph said Ronda might be the most dangerous unarmed woman on the planet. She called her the queen of the octagon, and in the world of MMA, she would never try to mess with Ronda Rousey. But, this is the squared circle. "This is my ring," Stephanie said. "So, Ronda, unless you're going to sit over there and enjoy WrestleMania like a nice little fan, get the hell out of my ring."

 Rock checked with Ronda, who told Steph with authority that any ring she steps into is hers. If she wants her to leave, then make me. Steph laughed. Steph repeated herself: "Get the hell out of my ring. Now." Ronda stood her ground, then Rock stepped in. He said he just has to tell Steph what that look from Ronda means. She said that means Ronda is going to reach inside her throat and play jump rope with her fallopian tubes.

 Hunter spoke up that he's had enough. He said that's the last thing Rock is going to say about his wife. Rock said he could not agree more. Rock landed a right hand on Hunter, rocking him into the corner. Ronda then took down Hunter. Suddenly, Steph spun Ronda around. They went face-to-face as JBL pleaded with Stephanie not to do this. Steph went for a slap, but Ronda caught her, dragged her around the ring, and pushed her away. "She showed compassion," Cole said as the crowd booed a little, wanting to see a big takedown. They eventually cheered as Rock and Rousey stood tall in the ring. Rock said what that is called is being owned. Rock said that is The Rock and Ronda Rousey laying the Smackdown on your candyasses. Rock's music signed off as Hunter tried to check on Steph's right arm on the way out. Rock and Rousey then celebrated on the way out of the ring.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE Wrestlemania XXXI Results: 3-29-15
« Reply #1143 on: March 30 2015, 12:37 pm »


 Before the bell sounded, Bray charged Taker, who intercepted with a big boot to the face. The bell sounded as Taker pounded on Bray, then went Old-School with the big clothesline from the ropes. "You still got it" chant from the crowd. Bray finally got in some offense with a knock-down sending Taker to the outside, but Taker landed on his feet. Bray tried to attack, but Taker dropped him to the floor. Taker then placed Bray on the ring apron for a big boot to the head. "Under-taker" chant from the crowd. Taker then delivered the big leg drop across the chest as Bray hung on the ring apron.

 Standing in front of the Four Horsewomen, Taker smashed Bray into the barricade, then rolled him back into the ring. Taker returned to the ring and delivered a big corner attack. Taker went for Snake Eyes into the big boot, but Bray cut him off with a big clothesline. Bray lit up Taker with right hand strikes, then posed to the crowd. Taker fought back with a jab, but Bray smashed him with a corner attack for a one count.

 Bray settled on a mathold, drawing a rally clap for Taker. Bray pounded on Taker's back, then Taker leaned up and glared toward Bray before dropping to the mat. Bray got excited, so he pounded Taker into the corner. Bray then went for a move smashing Taker's head into the ringpost, but he kind of hit the ring steps with his own knees. Cole and JBL talked about this perhaps not being the same Undertaker after what happened last year. But, Lawler told them to say no to negativity. Bray suddenly walked into Hell's Gate in the middle of the ring. Bray fought the hold, then punched free.

 The crowd continued to sit quietly as Taker and Bray sold on the mat. The crowd tried to make noise to rally Taker, who slowly made it back to his feet. But, he walked into a side suplex from Wyatt. Bray covered for a nearfall, then he grabbed his left hamstring/back of his knee selling an injury. Bray collected himself in the corner, then hung upside down. Bray stalked Taker for Sister Abigail, but Taker grabbed him around the throat and "sat up" in mid-air. Taker then chokeslammed Wyatt.

 Taker staggered on his feet, then targeted Bray for the Tombstone Piledriver. Taker set it up and delivered center-ring. Taker covered, JBL said Taker is back, and Bray kicked out before three, shocking Taker. Taker collected himself, then stood up looking for another Tombstone. But, Bray countered with Sister Abigail. Taker kicked out just before three, this time stunning Wyatt. The crowd came to life after the double nearfalls, then Bray sat up doing his upside down crawl. But, Taker sat up, freaking out Bray Wyatt. Bray shot Taker a look, then they crawled opposite each other.

 Taker and Bray came to their feet and traded bombs. Double shots. Taker staggered. Taker down. Bray mocked Taker with the throat-slash gesture, then he scooped up Taker looking for another Sister Abigail. Kiss to the forehead, but Taker pushed him away and put Bray in the Tombstone. Taker connected on a second, then Taker covered for the pin and the win.

 Post-match, they showed fans celebrating the return of The Undertaker as Taker looked toward the sky. WWE replayed the finish and fans getting to celebrate this year before cutting to a semi-dark Stadium for purple lighting and pyro to fill the sky. Taker knelt down and posed for the crowd as Cole declared that the big dog rules the yard again. Taker left the ring to cheers and looked around the stadium before WWE faded out.

 WINNER: Taker at 15:12. Another good WrestleMania match. They kept it basic for Taker's first match in one year and gave him a win back to set up a headline match next year in Dallas. But, at some point Bray has to win a big match to be taken seriously after losing to John Cena last year at Mania. Of course, WWE did not draw attention to Bray losing last year during this build-up, but Bray has to be rehabbed now on television. (***)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE Wrestlemania XXXI Results: 3-29-15
« Reply #1144 on: March 30 2015, 01:14 pm »
7 -- WWE World Hvt. champion BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) vs. ROMAN REIGNS -- WWE World Hvt. Title match

 Reigns tried to go after Lesnar, but Lesnar blocked him and gave him a big German Suplex. Lesnar came up bleeding from his cheek, then he smashed Reigns with a big F5. Lesnar opted not to cover Reigns, just stand in the corner soaking in what happened in the opening minute. The announcers talked about this being Lesnar toying with Reigns and looking to torment him, feeling like the presentation of Lesnar vs. John Cena at Extreme Rules 2012.

 Reigns teased a comeback to boos, then Lesnar smashed him with another German Suplex. Lesnar paced the ring, then Reigns recovered in the corner and smiled, telling Brock to bring it harder. Lesnar delivered another suplex. "Suplex City, b----," Lesnar shouted at Reigns. Reigns tried to fight back with rights to boos, but Lesnar delivered another suplex. Lesnar got a crazy look in his eyes, then Reigns sat up smiling again. So, Lesnar delivered another German Suplex. Lesnar stalked Reigns as his cheek swelled up. Lesnar dominating is definitely trying to plant the seeds for the possibility of Reigns not winning to keep the crowd invested, following up on Heyman's pre-match TV hype of Reigns taking a major butt-kicking at WrestleMania.

 Reigns sat up shaking his head, so Lesnar kneed him in the gut. Lesnar then suplexed Reigns onto the top rope. Lesnar smashed Reigns off the ring apron to the floor and Reigns shook his head selling the effects. Lesnar then charged Reigns for a shoulder to the gut, but Reigns sold blocking the move and stunning Lesnar. Reigns made a comeback to boos, but Lesnar caught Reigns's leg and smashed him with a clothesline down to the ground. They're building layers of Reigns getting in a little offense, Lesnar smashing him, and building up Reigns's comeback a little more each time.

 Lesnar dragged Reigns back into the ring as JBL said this is about Lesnar having the WWE Title until he decides to give it up. Lesnar then suplexed Reigns out of the ring as the camera focused on Lesnar's facial cut. Reigns got up, so Lesnar tossed him back into the ring with an overhead suplex. "Eight" chant from the crowd, counting along with the suplexes. Reigns sold being knocked out, then Lesnar dropped Reigns with another F5. Cole said this is over, but Reigns kicked out at 9:00. Lesnar just smirked, saying this kid is crazy for continuing.

 Gloves off for Lesnar. Lesnar stood over Reigns, then slapped him across the face. Reigns shook his jaw, then looked up at Lesnar saying he can take more. Reigns got more defiant, then he started smiling and laughing through blood. So, Lesnar picked up Reigns and suplexed him again. And again. "Ten!" the crowd shouted. Lesnar went for another F5, and he connected. Lesnar covered, but Reigns kicked out of a third F5. The crowd booed Reigns kicking out of a third F5, which ended Taker last year. Heyman shouted to Brock that Reigns is disrespecting him.

 At 11:30, Lesnar dumped Reigns to the outside. On commentary, JBL said he saw Cena take a butt-kicking like this, trying to build up Reigns. Lesnar tried to attack Reigns on the floor, but Reigns posted Lesnar. Lesnar came up bleeding from the forehead, dripping blood. Lesnar nearly got counted out, rolling back into the ring at nine. The crowd almost wanted him to get counted out to make sure Reigns didn't win the title. Lesnar stood up, Super Reigns cocked his fist, the crowd booed, and Reigns delivered a Superman Punch. Lesnar did not go down, though. Another Superman Punch put Lesnar in the corner. Reigns tried a third, but Lesnar ducked. Reigns headbutted Lesnar's cut, then delivered a third Superman. Lesnar got up, wobbled around the ring, and Reigns delivered a spear to louder boos. Lesnar recovered to the corner, then Reigns delivered a second spear. Reigns covered, but Lesnar rolled a shoulder like half of a millisecond before three. It looked like the end.

 Reigns recovered to the corner, then stalked Lesnar for another spear, but Lesnar ducked, and delivered another F5. Seth Rollins suddenly showed up with the MITB briefcase. He cashed in despite the match still ongoing. He handed over the briefcase and WWE suddenly changed the rules to this being a triple threat match.

 The bell re-sounded and Rollins dumped Reigns out of the ring, then dropped Lesnar with a Curb Stomp. Suddenly, Lesnar scooped up Rollins for an F5, but Reigns hit the ring and speared Lesnar. But, Rollins discarded Lesnar and dropped Reigns with a Curb Stomp. Rollins pinned Reigns and it was good for the pin and the win.

 Post-match, the crowd freaked out as Rollins jumped up and down in the ring. Rollins grabbed the belt and ran the heck away from the ring. The announcers tried to talk about the moment as Rollins celebrated on the stage, the top heel from The Authority making sure than ABR (Anybody But Reigns) was champion. They replayed the finish and showed Rollins standing tall on the stage. Brock recovered at ringside with Heyman while Reigns sold being stunned inside the ring while pyro shot off inside the Stadium. Cole signed off as they hit the top of the hour, ending the four-hour PPV.

 WINNER: Rollins at 16:43 to capture the WWE World Hvt. Title. So, that happened. So many "outs" with Rollins/Authority changing the MITB rules by cashing in in the middle of match, so many possibilities post-Mania with Lesnar getting his title re-match down the road, Orton being in line for a title shot after beating Rollins, Reigns feeling wronged to set up a title match against Rollins, and how The Authority factors into things. But, the vocal crowd got what it wanted - Reigns took a beating and he did not get the comeback victory. Rather, Tyler Black from ROH finished WrestleMania as WWE World Hvt. champion. Crazy finish to a very good main event built around Lesnar as a powerhouse and protecting Reigns, who literally only had three moves in the match. (****)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1145 on: June 12 2015, 09:36 am »
Dusty Rhodes dead at 69

The American Dream is dead.

The WWE announced on Thursday afternoon that Virgil Runnels, a.k.a. Dusty Rhodes, died earlier in the day.

Rhodes is a WWE Hall of Famer and a three-time NWA Champion. Always one of the most distinctive and fascinating wrestlers, the man nicknamed The American Dream never failed to entertain and/or enrage every time he stepped into the ring. His career began in the 1970s and continued into the 90s.

In one of the great professional wrestling gimmicks, Rhodes was once banned from wrestling in the state of Florida for 60 days after losing a match. Days later, a masked wrestler who called himself The Midnight Rider showed up on the scene. Like Rhodes, The Midnight Rider was over 6 feet tall, weighed around 265 pounds and talked with a bit of a drawl.

The father of two other wrestlers, Goldust (Dustin Runnels) and Stardust (Cody Runnels), Dusty remained active in the WWE long after his retirement from wrestling.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #1146 on: August 01 2015, 10:41 am »
'Rowdy' Roddy Piper dead at 61

Wrestling superstar "Rowdy" Roddy Piper has died at age 61. Multiple reports indicate that Piper died in his sleep from a heart attack.

"Rod passed peacefully in his sleep last night," Piper's agent Jay Schacter told Variety. “I am shocked and beyond devastated.”

Upon learning of his death, WWE chairman Vince McMahon tweeted that Piper was "one of the most entertaining, controversial and bombastic performers ever in WWE beloved by millions of fans around the world."

Piper, whose real name was Roddy Toombs, is a member of the WWE Hall of Fame, and was one of the core members of the '80s-era WWE (then known as the WWF). Born in Saskatchewan, Canada, Piper competed in the very first Wrestlemania, working a faux-Scottish angle in a tag-team match (along with Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff) against Hulk Hogan and Mr. T, and quickly became one of the sport's most hated villains.

Piper's rivalries with Hogan, Jimmy Snuka and even Cyndi Lauper set the tone for the WWF, helping the wrestling organization achieve the nationwide prominence that it enjoys to this day.

Piper's key gimmick was "Piper's Pit," a mock talk show in which Piper would sit down with fellow wrestlers to talk out the issues of the day. Naturally, the talk lasted less than a minute before the fists flew.

Piper later became an actor, with over 100 credits to his name, according to IMDB, including the 1988 cult classic "They Live."

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1147 on: April 04 2016, 10:26 am »
Pre-show results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).

A — U.S. champion KALISTO vs. RYBACK — United States Title match

Early “Goldberg” chant for Ryback. Kalisto and Ryback did the David vs. Goliath match as people in the building tried to engage. Kalisto sent Ryback to the floor, but Ryback turned it around on the floor. Ryback stood tall in the ring before WWE faded to a “Network break.”

Back from break, Ryback scored a nearfall. Meanwhile, fans facing the hard camera entertained themselves with this weird setting of empty chairs everywhere as the opening match unfolded. Ryback eventually tried to play to the crowd, then he delivered a running Michinoku Driver for a two count. Lawler said it’s only a matter of time until Ryback finishes the champ.

Ryback took Kalisto to the top turnbuckle and said this is his WrestleMania Moment. Ryback hoisted him in the air for an extended-length delayed superplex, but Kalisto turned it around in mid-air. Ryback shook him off, but walked right into a DDT. Kalisto snapped off a running huracanrana for a two count. Then a corkscrew elbow smash for a nearfall. Ranallo said Kalisto is tributing Hyabusa tonight, then Ryback smashed him to the mat.

Ryback taunted Kalisto, telling the little guy to get up. Kalisto ended up ripping away the middle turnbuckle before Ryback tried a powerbomb. Kalisto landed on his feet, though, and shoved Ryback into the exposed steel. Kalisto then jumped off the ropes into a springboard Salida del Sol on Ryback for the pin and the win. The match conveniently ended right before the top of the hour when USA picks up their pre-show coverage.

WINNER: Kalisto at 8:58 to retain the U.S. Title. As expected, Kalisto retained and Ryback had an “out” taking the exposed steel before losing. Mid-card action in front of a crowd slowly filing into the building. (**)


The match broke down into a 10-Divas stand-off and WWE cut to an early “Network break.”

Back from break, Eva Marie was in the ring drawing boos from the fans in the building. Eva then played up not getting along with her teammates and slap-tagged Natalya into the match. The heels isolated Natalya until Paige hot-tagged into the match. Wrestlers came in and out trying to get in their big moves until Lana tagged in making her in-ring debut. Russian bicycle kick to Paige, then she taunted Brie. She left on a high note, bringing in Tamina.

The match built to a Tower of Doom spot with Paige trying to wipe out the heels. Eventually, she just dove onto heels down at ringside, drawing applause from her teammates. Paige then tagged in Brie, who teed off on Total Divas escapee Naomi with Yes! kicks. Eva then brought the match to a screeching halt and took a kick to the face from Summer Rae. Chaos ensued with Divas in and out of the ring. It came down to Brie and Naomi, who walked into an armbar into the Yes! Lock. Naomi fought, but tapped out, giving Brie her pre-retirement send-off.

Post-match, Nikki Bella walked down the ramp to the ring in wrestling gear while sporting a neckbrace. Nikki hugged everyone in the ring, then the Total Divas did a curtain call. Brie was hoisted into the air.

WINNERS: Team Total Divas at 11:25. The match built, then kind of fell off at the end when they tried to get everyone in the ring for chaos. Fine farewell for Brie. (*3/4)


WWE cut to a USA break about 30 seconds in, but the Network feed stayed with the match. The Dudleys took control of the match, wearing down Jimmy. Bubba talked a lot of trash, which was audibly mic’ed for added effect. He said he was going to beat him up like he did his daddy Rikishi.

Bubba wanted to tribute Stan Hansen with a lariat, but Jimmy finally escaped to tag in Jey, who unfortunately walked into a top-rope diving headbutt combo from Devon to Uso’s crotch. Bubba and Devon teased getting the tables, going against their heel statement of never using tables again, but Jimmy superkicked them. The crowd booed, of course. The Dudleys wanted a 3D, but Jey superkicked Devon in the mouth after Jimmy cleared Bubba from the ring. Jey then covered Devon for the pin and the win.

WINNERS: Usos at 5:18. A basic Raw TV match that the crowd didn’t really engage in since they’re not into the over-exposed and under-developed Usos and fans wanted the Dudleys in a bigger match. (**)

Post-match, the crowd booed the outcome until Bubba returned to the ring to knock down the Usos. The crowd popped for the Dudleys teasing tables usage, which Ranallo said was hypocritical. Bubba and Devon set up tables in the ring, but The Usos cut them off to boos. The Usos put Devon and Bubba on the tables, then hit stereo splashes through the tables. Well, at the least the Dudleys got to do a Hall of Fame induction last night.

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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1148 on: April 04 2016, 10:31 am »
Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's real-time report).

1 — IC champion KEVIN OWENS vs. SAMI ZAYN vs. DOLPH ZIGGLER vs. THE MIZ vs. STARDUST vs. ZACK RYDER vs. SIN CARA — seven-way Intercontinental Title ladder match

The match started with Owens and Zayn, popping the crowd for the match-up they wanted to see for the belt. Stardust, in Dusty Rhodes black & gold polka-dots, cracked them across the back with a ladder to get some ring time. Owens then back-dropped Zayn onto a ladder. “Who do you think you are? This is KOMania! Go back to NXT!” he shouted. Ryder then smashed Owens and teased climbing. Hard to tell if the crowd was booing (wanting someone besides Ryder to win) or wooing like three years ago.

Zayn suddenly went nuts with a trademark flip dive through a ladder taking out five dudes on the floor. He then ran across the floor to Torpedo DDT Owens on the outside of the ringside area. The crowd went nuts for the sequence. Zayn tried to get back in the ring and take the belt, but Sin Cara cut him off on the ladder. Sin Cara then wiped out dudes on the floor with a springboard top-rope splash.

Back in the ring, Ziggler paid tribute to Mr. WrestleMania Shawn Michaels with a superkick before trying to climb the ladder. But, Owens pushed him down and both men superkicked each other. Suddenly, Stardust went under the ring to retrieve a black polka-dotted ladder, popping the crowd for the Papa Dusty tribute. Stardust, fired up, cleaned the ring of opponents. But, Owens returned to the ring to smash Miz with a neckbreaker across his leg.

Owens chucked the polka-dot ladder out of the ring, then Zayn attacked him. But, Owens cut him off and put him on a ladder. Owens then climbed to the top turnbuckle and delivered a giant frogsplash to Zayn, crunching the ladder. Owens sold injuring himself with the splash, giving Miz an opening to attack him from behind. But, Owens shook him off and delivered a pop-up powerbomb. Ryder cut off Owens, then climbed to the top of a ladder and delivered a giant elbow drop to Miz as his head brushed against the title belt hanging from the ceiling.

Ryder and Ziggler then climbed a ladder and battled before knocking each other down from the ladder. Ziggler sold injuring his left knee on the landing. Dolph hopped up a ladder on one leg, but Owens grabbed him and delivered a powerbomb off the ladder. Sin Cara got some spotlight, but Zayn cut him off trying to climb. Owens then pushed Cara off the ladder and he crashed through Stardust and the ladder Cody was resting on, taking out both men down on the floor.

Owens was alone in the ring looking to climb, but Zayn scampered back into the ring to cut him off. Another Owens-Zayn battle, this time on top of a ladder with the title belt hanging over their head. Hand on the belt. Another hand. Owens thumbed Zayn int he eye, but Zayn refused to let Owens grab the belt. T-bone suplex into a ladder, wiping out Owens.

Zayn wanted to climb the ladder. JBL said he’s leaving WrestleMania as IC champion, which meant he was not. And, Miz ruined his moment knocking Zayn off the ladder. Miz started climbing to boos, then he gloated about winning the title, but Ryder suddenly climbed up the ladder and pushed him down from behind. Ryder, alone, got a mixed reaction, but then he reached up and grabbed the title belt to a loud pop.

Post-match, Ryder celebrated on the ladder, looking as fired up as anyone ever has winning a ladder match. Ryder’s dad then hopped into the ring and met Ryder when he climbed down from the ladder. After a replay of Ryder winning the match, they cut back to Ryder standing on top of the ladder woo-woo-woo’ing with the crowd. Cole said he toiled for 10 years and finally accomplished his dream.

WINNER: Ryder at 15:23 to capture the Intercontinental Title. Exciting match with some nice, tight sequences, especially the Owens-Zayn business that can lead into TV. Ryder’s win was completely out of nowhere if you didn’t see the betting lines completely flip on Saturday. There was hardly any story build-up other than Ryder getting a fluke win over Chris Jericho on Raw leading into Mania. (***1/4)


Styles entered the ring and soaked it up as the opening bell sounded. The crowd picked up a loud “A-J-Styles” chant, taunting Jericho. Jericho got the upper hand, but Styles clotheslined him over the top rope. On the floor, Jericho grabbed a chair and chucked it to the ground in frustration.

Styles chased Jericho back into the ring and slammed him, then nailed an innovative armdrag. Styles then one-upped Jericho after avoiding his offense, sending Jericho flying to the floor. Styles wanted a plancha, but Jericho kicked Styles in mid-air.

Back in the ring, Jericho worked on Styles. He lost focus, though, allowing Styles to nail rapid-fire slaps and strikes into a leaping dropkick. Styles wanted to follow up, but Jericho rolled through into the Walls of Jericho in the middle of the ring. Styles dragged himself to the bottom rope to break free, though.

The match moved to the top turnbuckle, where Jericho yelled at Styles as he pounded him with forearms. Styles blocked, then grappled Jericho and delivered a front-face superplex that put both men down on the mat. Both men returned to their feet and Styles wanted the Pele Kick, but Jericho grabbed Styles’s foot and put him back in the Walls of Jericho. Styles fought the hold, then rolled underneath Jericho to punch and kick free. And he flowed into the Calf Crusher submission. Jericho slapped himself around refusing to tap out. He then elbowed Styles in the back of the head and nearly pinned him.

Jericho tried to attack Styles, who caught him in mid-air for a Clash teaser. Jericho blocked, then dumped Styles over the top rope to the ring apron. Styles rocked him with a forearm, then went for the springboard forearm, but Jericho ducked and nailed the Codebreaker. Jericho was slow to make a cover, though, allowing Styles to kick out. Jericho sold being shocked that he wasn’t able to finish off Styles.

Reset at 12:00 with Jericho slapping around Styles. He wanted the Styles Clash with a big grin on his face, but Styles knew the counter to his own finisher and flowed into a wheelbarrow slam for a close two count. They went into a reverse/counter sequence ending with Styles nailing the Styles Clash in the middle of the ring. The crowd went nuts. But, Jericho kicked out, causing the crowd to go mental.

Reset at 15:00 with both men selling exhaustion. Styles walked into a forearm strike, but Styles smashed him back. Big knock down blow by Styles, but he ran right into boots from Jericho. Jericho wanted the Lionsault, but Styles blocked with knees to the gut. Styles then wanted a springboard 450 splash, and he connected. Styles covered, but Jericho kicked out again. Styles sat up with a fired-up  look on his face, then he snap-suplexed Jericho.

Styles got up and removed his elbow pad with a crazy look in his eyes. Styles wanted the Phenomenal Forearm as Jericho sold on the mat. Styles fired up the crowd before he approached Jericho for the forearm, but the ref was obviously way too close. Styles hesitated when Jericho pulled the ref in the way and he was able to grab Styles for a mid-air Codebreaker. Jericho covered Styles for the win as the announcers argued about Jericho using the ref to defeat Styles.

WINNER: Jericho at 17:10. A very good WrestleMania match with an anti-climatic ending. WWE’s booking plans changed on this one to Jericho winning, making you wonder if they were going to have a big run-in to cause Styles to lose, but instead it was a slight heel tactic from Jericho to get his win and give Styles an “out.” TV follow-up will be interesting to see if they have a fifth match to decide the series. (***3/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1149 on: April 04 2016, 10:43 am »
3 — WWE tag champions NEW DAY (KOFI KINGSTON & BIG E. & XAVIER WOODS) vs. LEAGUE OF NATIONS (SHEAMUS & RUSEV & ALBERTO DEL RIO w/King Barrett) — six-man tag match

As the bell sounded, Cole relayed what WWE decided on this match – a six-man tag, not a four-on-three handicap match. Barrett was the odd-man out. Sheamus overpowered Xavier early on. Rusev, sporting new wrestling trunks and boots, tagged in to work on Xavier. The League worked on Xavier for 4-5 minutes before he dumped Del Rio clear over the top rope to the floor. Barrett tried to encourage Del Rio to stop Xavier from making a tag, and he was able to cut him off by tagging in Sheamus, who blasted Xavier.

Xavier eventually tagged in Kofi, who cleaned house. He introduced a new double-knee smash with a push-down as opposed to fall-away element to differentiate from the Codebreaker. Barrett got involved from the outside, though, nearly costing Kofi the match. Big E. re-emerged and tagged into the match to spear and tackle all three League participants off the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Kofi and Xavier combined for a top-rope double stomp to Sheamus for a close two count. Xavier did not follow up, allowing Del Rio to take him out with a Backstabber. Del Rio then wiped out Kofi with a double foot stomp to the chest on the ring apron. Back in the ring, Xavier stumbled into a Bullhammer from Barrett on the outside. The ref didn’t see it, then Sheamus wiped out Xavier with a Brogue Kick for the win, generating groans from the crowd.

WINNERS: The League at 10:03. Basic TV quality tag match. New Day’s pre-match routine is over, but when they settle into a default face role in a tag match setting, it’s a bit jarring for the crowd used to seeing New Day play the heel role without ever turning face. (**1/4)

Post-match: The League celebrated in the ring, then Barrett took the mic, which could mean only one thing – a post-match angle. Barrett said no three-man unit in history could match them. Shawn Michaels’s music played to interrupt, popping the crowd. Michaels, looking in great shape, got fired up on the stage and posed, then Mick Foley’s music played to bring out a slimmed-down Cactus Jack looking to fight. They needed a third man. The glass broke and “Stone Cold” Steve Austin came out to a huge pop. Big moment for Austin, Foley, and Michaels on the stage in Texas. Austin was dressed in blue jeans, a Dallas 3:16 t-shirt, and tennis shoes for his physical involvement of the night.

Austin led HBK and Foley down to the ring as The League noted there are four of them and three of them. The crowd went mental for the scene. Suddenly, New Day yanked out one of the heels from the outside and the fight was on. Michaels nailed Sweet Chin Music, Foley pulled out Mr. Socko, and Austin dropped a Stunner. Barrett was then tossed back into the ring to take the assembly line Superkick, claw, and Stunner. JBL popped for the Texas reunion down the road from the Sportatorium.

Stone Cold’s music played again, then was interrupted by New Day’s tune. New Day danced and celebrated with HBK, Austin, and Foley. Austin danced with Xavier like a goof, then dropped Xavier with a Super Stunner. Great sell by Xavier. New Day exited and Stone Cold’s music played again. Beers were tossed into the ring and Michaels sold feeling uncomfortable holding this can in his hands. Austin went full Stone Cold mode as the crowd popped. Foley enjoyed a beverage as the Texas Trio celebrated on the way out.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1150 on: April 04 2016, 11:04 am »
4 — BROCK LESNAR (w/Paul Heyman) vs. DEAN AMBROSE — No Holds Barred Street Fight match

As soon as the bell sounded, Lesnar grabbed Ambrose and smashed him into the corner. Big suplex followed. Then a second. “Two!” the crowd shouted. Ambrose shook it off, then smirked. Release German Suplex marked #3 in the first 50 seconds. Ambrose rolled to the floor and grabbed a kendo stick, which he used to blast Brock. Brock took the blows going back into the ring, but shook off the attack and snapped off suplexes #4 and 5.

Lesnar grabbed a kendo stick and snapped it over his leg, saying he doesn’t need it. German Suplex to make it #6. Dean comically indicated he’s good, then fell to the mat. Saxton took Ambrose back to Puerto Rico when he fought through batteries, prompting JBL to scream at him for comparing Brock to batteries. Suplex #7 interrupted JBL yelling at Saxton.

Lesnar then scooped up Ambrose and tossed him overhead for Suplex #8. Lesnar stepped on Ambrose as he reached for kendo sticks scraps, then let him get up. Dean thanked him with a slap to the face. Brock, agitated, stalked his prey until Dean fired back with forearm strikes. And, Brock had enough of that, landing suplex #9. (Notably, they are putting the number of suplexes on the Titantron after each one.)

Brock then picked up a kendo stick looking to take a swing for the fences. No, he didn’t need a stick. He told Ambrose to come get the stick and Dean obliged. Suddenly, Dean smashed Brock with a low-blow, sending Heyman into a tizzy. Dean smashed Brock with the kendo stick, sending him out of the ring, then he flew through the ropes with a suicide dive to the outside.

On the floor, Dean grabbed his chainsaw gifted by Terry Funk, but Lesnar suplexed him on the floor, landing #10. The crowd chanted “10, 10, 10” for the Perfect 10 Tye Dillinger NXT gimmick. It was short-lived, as Dean fired back on Brock with a chair to the back. Dean tried to climb back into the ring with the chair, but Brock stormed the ring ropes and suplexed Dean clear off the top rope for #11.

Lesnar then picked up the kendo stick and decided he wanted to use it this time, but Dean suddenly sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. Dean grabbed a chair and smashed a blinded Brock with it. Dean then put the chair in Brock’s face and nailed a running basement dropkick sending the chair into Brock’s face. Dean then climbed to the top turnbuckle and delivered a chair-aided elbow smash to the chest, resulting in a two count.

Reset at 10:00. Dean left the ring and tossed a dozen chairs into the ring as Brock recovered. Dean charged Brock with a chair, but Brock ducked and suplexed Dean over the chairs for #12. Brock actually landed on the chairs delivering the suplex. Brock got up first and picked up Dean looking for an F5 into the pile of chairs, but Dean landed on his feet and DDT’ed Brock near the chairs for a close two count.

Dean had enough of this and tossed his shirt away. Dean mocked Brock’s pose to laughs, then went under the ring looking for Mick Foley’s gifted Barbed Wire baseball bat. Dean returned to the ring eyeing Brock as his target for a swing, but Brock blocked. He then German Suplexed Dean onto the pile of chairs, marking #13. Heyman told Brock to finish him, and Brock delivered a massive F5 onto the chairs. Brock covered Dean for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Lesnar at 13:06. Expected result and they gave Dean enough offense and cool moments to not be washed away by the outcome. Just a lot tamer of a match than expected with the Street Fight stipulation. More like a WWE-style brawl focusing on one item or one weapon-aided sequence at a time. (***1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1151 on: April 04 2016, 11:46 am »
5 — (Former) Divas champion CHARLOTTE (w/Ric Flair) vs. SASHA BANKS vs. BECKY LYNCH — three-way match for newly introduced WWE Women’s Title

The crowd was jacked at the start of the match. Would they stay jacked once the three-way formula played out with Sasha in a bit of a tweener role and Becky the lovable, yet non-winning babyface? They built to a spot where Flair got involved from the outside. He woo’ed in Sasha’s face, so Becky came flying over the top rope splashing Flair. Flair fell on top of Becky on the way down, then rolled to the ground selling a loss of consciousness.

The match resumed in the ring with the ladies trading submissions, only to be broken up by the other participant. Charlotte even went for a moonsault resulting in a nearfall. Meanwhile, live correspondents are noting studio audience-like cues on the scoreboard, a la the Suplex Counter for Brock-Dean. Back in the ring, all three battled in the corner. Sasha ended up being upside-down in the corner, then Becky superplexed Charlotte right over Sasha.

Sasha recovered and tried to put Becky in the Bank Statement, but Charlotte threw Sasha out of the ring. She then put Becky in the figure-eight submission. Sasha tried to get back in the ring, but Flair had Sasha by the feet, preventing her from breaking it up. Becky was forced to tap out to Charlotte, keeping the gold with the Flairs. The crowd groaned.

Post-match, Saxton and JBL argued about Flair’s involvement, then Cole tried to promote the WWE marketing of a new era of women’s wrestling, etc., trying to cover for the babyfaces losing.

WINNER: Charlotte retained via submission at 16:03, ending the Divas Title era and continuing as the new WWE Women’s champion. Usually, if you have a heel who regularly cheats outside the ring and you get to a big event, you have the heel get neutralized in order for the babyface to prove his/her superiority when the heel is removed from the equation. So, the booking made no sense for this to continue at Mania. Perhaps Mania isn’t a big enough event to pay off Flair’s repeated interference with the face(s) conquering. Or, tomorrow night’s Raw is bigger than Mania. Strange. The rest of the match was strong. (***)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1152 on: April 04 2016, 12:29 pm »
6 — THE UNDERTAKER vs. SHANE MCMAHON — Hell in a Cell match — If Shane wins, he gains control of Raw — if Shane loses, he gives up the lockbox to Vince McMahon — if Taker loses, this is his final WrestleMania

Shane came out of his corner with a pump kick trying to pick a fight with Taker. Shane tried to fire off some right hands that Taker shook off. Shane wanted to do an MMA-style fight with kicks and blows while dancing around the ring. Taker then kneed him in the gut to take control of the Cell. He tossed Shane out of the ring to the floor next to a Cell wall.

Back in the ring, Taker knocked down Shane with a big blow, then dropped Shane with Snake Eyes, but Shane came flying out of the corner with an impressive strike. Taker kind of kneeled up to almost no-sell and shake off the move, then he threw Shane out of the ring. Taker chucked Shane into a Cell wall, then grabbed ring steps. Taker blasted Shane, then dragged him back into the ring.

Taker lifted Shane in the air and delivered a Last Ride powerbomb in the ring. But, Shane kicked out of a pin. Taker was offended by this, so he left the ring to grab the ring steps looking to end Shane, but Shane grabbed Taker in a submission. Shane pumped his fist as if he thought he was going to beat Taker. Taker sold for Shane using just one arm to keep him locked in a submission. Taker eventually broke free, then chokeslammed Shane onto the ring steps. Taker covered Shane on the ring steps, but Shane kicked/rolled out. The crowd booed a bit.

The match hit 9:00 as Taker paced the ring, then wanted a running elbow onto the ring steps, but Shane moved and Taker ate the ring steps. Taker slowly got up and Shane welcomed him to bring it again, so Taker did, and Shane moved, sending Taker face-first into the ring steps. Shane then punched away at Taker, but Taker put him in Hell’s Gate. Shane fought the hold as he groaned to sell pain. He survived Taker’s submission finish, then rolled into a submission of his own, eventually trying to put Taker in the Sharpshooter. He didn’t apply it in full, so Taker eventually kicked him away.

Taker recovered in the corner showing age as Shane punched him with right hands. Shane then went under the ring to retrieve a trashcan. Shane stomped and kicked Taker, then put the trashcan over Taker. Shane wanted the Coast-to-Coast dropkick, he balanced himself on the top rope, and he flew across the ring kicking the can into Taker’s chest.

Shane very slowly managed to cover Taker, who kicked out before three. Shane then left the ring and retrieved some wire-cutters. 17 minutes in, Shane cut open a hole in the Cell as the announcers speculated on Shane’s plans. Taker then met Shane on the floor to resume their fight trading right hand blows. Suddenly, Taker picked up Shane and threw him through the Cell wall, landing on the German announce table.

At 18:00, both men rested on the Cell wall trying to recover. Taker then punched away at Shane before clearing the ringside announce tables. He picked up the oddly-shaped TV monitor that Shane used on him last Monday on Raw and he popped it over Shane’s head. Taker then chucked Shane into the barricade and they spilled into the crowd near Sign Guy.

Taker eventually put Shane on a platform near the announce tables looking for a Tombstone, but Shane hopped on his back and applied a standing sleeperhold hanging onto Taker’s back. Drool from Taker. Taker then regrouped and flung both of them through the air and through one of the tables to break the sleeper.

Super Shane got up first and grabbed a toolbox, which he bounced off Taker’s face. He then emptied the contents of the toolbox onto Taker’s face with another box shot. Shane leaned against the Cell wall as Taker sold on the remaining announce table. Shane then looked up and the crowd went there with him. Shane bashed Taker in the face one more time with the TV monitor, then looked to the top of the Cell. Shane started climbing to the top of the Cell as Taker continued to sell on the table. Shane sold exhaustion once he got to the top of the Cell. “Shane, get down!” Cole shouted on commentary.

Shane peered over the edge of the Cell as Taker continued to sell on the table. Cole told him to think about his sons and his wife. Shane eventually stood up on the Cell, took a careful step forward to the edge, crossed himself, and dove off the Cell like a kid jumping off the high dive for a first time going into 10-foot-deep water. As Shane came falling down, Taker moved out of the way and Shane crashed right through the table, landing with his butt in the air over his head. Refs immediately checked on Shane, whose eyes fluttered selling being KO’ed. Cole freaked out on commentary, then Taker shot a look like this kid is crazy and he just avoided being killed if Shane connected with the dive.

Taker slowly came back to his feet after getting over the shock of Shane’s big flying attempt. Suddenly, Shane got up and told Taker to bring it. So, Taker punched him, then dragged him back into the ring. Taker was slow to recover to his feet as Shane sold losing feeling in his body five minutes removed from the dive. Taker then told Shane to bring it. Shane told him to bring it back, so Taker patted him on the cheek, picked him up in the air, and delivered a Tombstone in the middle of the ring. Taker covered Shane for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Cole said Taker’s WrestleMania legacy is intact and he will be able to continue at WrestleMania. The announcers then talked up Shane wanting to be an agent of change for WWE. They talked up Shane’s guts before noting Taker’s Mania record of 23-1.

Taker then left the ring and slowly walked up the entrance ramp as a cart went flying past him down to the ring. Apparently it was to help Shane out of the ring. Shane writhed on the mat selling the effects of the match before EMTs entered the ring to place Shane on a backbrace and get him out of the ring. Meanwhile, the announcers talked about Shane going to extreme lengths wanting to prove his legacy and be an agent of change in WWE. WWE replayed Shane going off the Cell through a table before cutting back to Shane being placed on the backbrace and taken out of the ring on a cart as the crowd applauded. So dramatic trying to finish off the story. Shane did the Thumbs Up gimmick on the way out before pounding his chest.

WINNER: Taker at 30:05. They went for an epic Mania story, but it was Shane McMahon, a non-wrestler against Undertaker in one of Taker’s last WrestleMania matches. Just a weird deal from start to finish.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1153 on: April 04 2016, 12:56 pm »
In-ring: Wrestlers started filling the ring for the Andre the Giant battle royal. Baron Corbin from NXT was in the mix. So was Tatanka. Mark Henry got his own ring entrance, introduced from Silsbee, Texas. Henry threw up the Hook ‘Em Horns as Cole talked up Henry coming home to East Texas for WrestleMania. Kane’s music then played to bring him out. Bang! Diamond Dallas Page’s music played to bring out DDP as a special entrant. Product Placement in full effect with a DDPYoga t-shirt. Big Show got an entrance, too, as the defending champion. Everyone stared at Show, then new music played. It was Shaq storming the ring as the final entrant.


The bell sounded for Shaq and Big Show to have a big staredown. Then, they double chokeslammed Kane. The whole ring cleared out for Shaq and Big Show to resume their Guest-Star Era feud. Fandango entered the ring and got tossed. Damien Sandow then entered and got tossed to boos. Shaq and Show then had a double chokeslam grip battle, leading to the rest of the battle royal entering the match trying to push both men out of the ring. Shaq was dumped over the top, then Show was dumped over the top for two eliminations. Show and Shaq shook hands before leaving to the back.

The battle royal resumed with the rest of the guys battling amongst themselves after WWE got their big spot of the match out of the way in the opening minutes. Suddenly, Page dropped Viktor with a Diamond Cutter. Connor then dumped out Page. Connor was then eliminated.

Suddenly, Tatanka started feeling it with the ’90s foot stomp no-selling Adam Rose. Tatanka delivered a nostalgia top-rope chop, then measured Rose for a clothesline, but Corbin dumped Tatanka over the top rope. Corbin laughed to himself, then Kane eliminated Jack Swagger. Curtis Axel, wearing PacSun board shorts, went after Kane for a bit.

Truth tried to get some shine, but he got dumped out. Goldust then took a dive from the Social Outcasts, who were ruling the ring. Slater, Bo Dallas, Axel, and Rose did a victory lap around the ring, drawing Kane’s ire. Kane stopped all four in their tracks and they ended up running into Corbin. Axel was eliminated, then Rose. Kane chokeslammed Corbin, though. Henry then dumped out Slater. Tyler Breeze tried to attack Henry, so Henry dumped him over the top rope.

It was down to Henry, Kane, Corbin, Bo Dallas, and Darren Young, who was hiding most of the match. Suddenly, D-Young and Kane dumped Henry out of the ring. Young got himself fired up, so Kane eliminated him. Corbin then eliminated Kane from behind to win the battle royal. Corbin fired up and posed with the Andre statue down at ringside.

WINNER: Corbin at 9:41. This is a weird show. (n/a)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1154 on: April 04 2016, 01:21 pm »
After a pause, Lilian Garcia introduced The Rock. Big reception for Rock, who emerged on-stage, then pulled out a weapon or something. A t-shirt gun? It was a fire gun. JBL called it a flame-thrower. Rock flashed the flame a few times on the stage, then started walking down the stage. Rock told the crowd that he sees them and flamed the air again.

Suddenly, there was a giant “R-O-C-K” sign off-stage. Rock set the letters on-fire. Rock then walked through Cowboys cheerleaders lining the entrance ramp down to the ring. Rock entered the ring and posed for the crowd, sweating profusely. Rock’s music stopped and he did the routine milking the crowd before speaking.

“Finally, Rock has come back to Dallas.” They’re actually in Arlington. Rock said that means Rock has finally come back to WrestleMania. Rock said that entrance was on-fire. He shouted out to the cheerleaders, then “this crowwwwwwd.” Rock said he sees a lot of happy people out there. A lot of smiling faces. He said a lot of people are going to go home and make some WrestleMania babies. He’ll check back in nine months.

Rock said this is the moment he’s been talking about for months. He said this is his place – one mic, one ring, and the millions … and millions. Rock said he told everyone they were going to come to Dallas and make history. He said records are made to be broken. Rock said it is with great honor that he informs everyone that tonight they have officially broken the WrestleMania Attendance Record.

The screen flashed 101,763, topping the marketed 93k at WrestleMania 3. Rock’s music played, making it seem like this was the end of his appearance.

Suddenly, the Wyatt theme played. The stadium lit up with cell phones and the like as Rock stood his ground in the ring. WWE obviously booked the Wyatts for this segment for this visual. Bray Wyatt led Erick Rowan and Braun Strowman down to the ring as Cole recapped their roles behind Bray.

Bray stopped at the ringside area and introduced himself to Mr. Rock. Bray approached the ring apron with his henchmen. Bray said he chose Rock because he represents success and greatness. Bray then entered the ring and told Rock that he represents a lie. He told Rock that this is not his moment. He said this is definitely not the fans’s moment. Bray told Mr. Rock that this is his moment. “I am going to eviscerate you on the grandest stage of them all,” Bray said. “And I’m going to make them watch every second of it.”

Rock contemplated Bray’s words, then spoke. “So, let The Rock get this straight,” Rock said. You came out here to interrupt people making babies and there’s no formal greeting? Instead you come out here with your gimmick before going to Cracker Barrel? Rock said Bray comes out here acting like he’s been high for eight straight days. Braun and Erick tried to storm the ring, but Bray held them back. Rock told Rowan that his parents are clearly related. And Braun looks like he’s been breast-fed since he was 26.

Rock wanted to address Bray. He knows who he is. Rock said Bray has it all. “The ability, the charisma, the tats, the beard, and leadership,” Rock said. He told Bray he made 100,000 people hold their phones in the air. But, what do you do with that? You run some gibberish and now he’s knocking on a door he doesn’t want answered. Bray said he didn’t come here to knock on a door, but kick one down.

Bray said Rock has no idea who he’s fooling with. Rock said he has an idea. Rock removed his tanktop ready to fight. He said this is what they’re going to do in the Big D. They’re not going to have a WrestleMania fight, but a WrestleMania match. Rock said it could be Bray or these two monkeys, but someone is getting their *** kicked.

Rock removed his warm-up pants, revealing his signature Brahma Bull trunks. He then pulled out his elbow pads and prepared to wrestle. Rowan and Rock went face-to-face for about 30 seconds, then Rock told a ref to hit the bell.


Bell, charge, kick to the stomach, Rock Bottom, and three count.

WINNER: Rock at 0:06. Well, that was that.

The announcers hyped that as a WrestleMania match record. The Wyatts wanted more, though, and surrounded Rock in the ring. Suddenly, John Cena’s music played. Cena stormed out on-stage and bounced down the stage conducting the crowd in a “John Cena Suuucks” sing-song. Cena stormed the ring and stood tall with Rock as the Wyatts held their ground on the ring apron.

Cena and Rock then teed off on the Wyatts. Rock Bottom to Braun Strowman. Sit-out slam to Rowan to boos. Cena then dropped the Five Knuckle Shuffle on Rowan. Rowan popped up into an AA, then Bray Wyatt hit the ring and took a spinebuster from Rock. Rock looked deeply into the hard camera, then removed his elbow pad and tossed it into the crowd. People’s Elbow to Bray Wyatt.

Rock then took the mic and welcomed Cena back before signing off. His music played and he celebrated with Cena, who left the ring before Rock. Cena and Rock reunited on the stage to wrap up their segment.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 32 PPV Results: 4-3-16
« Reply #1155 on: April 04 2016, 02:09 pm »
9 — WWE World Hvt. champion TRIPLE H (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. ROMAN REIGNS — WWE World Hvt. Title match

Apparently this is not a No DQ match, per the local advertising.

Hunter emphatically tossed Reigns over the top rope to the floor early on, popping the crowd. Hunter held open the ropes for Reigns to re-enter the ring. “Roman Sucks” chant from the crowd. Reigns returned to the ring with a smirk and locked up with Hunter, who took control of the match. Reigns came back with a flying clothesline that left a lot of light. He tried to charge Hunter in the corner, but Hunter dumped him to the floor. Reigns responded with a two-foot dropkick to Hunter’s face.

Hunter then used Steph as a distraction to smash Reigns low. Hunter took over the match, setting a slow pace working over Reigns. Hunter then dragged Reigns to the outside and rammed his face/nose into the announce table, trying to re-injure him. Reigns fought back to boos. But, Hunter sent Reigns flying over the German announce table, wiping out one of the announcers.

Back in the ring, Hunter hung Reigns across the top rope and looked for an attack from the second rope, but Reigns intercepted with an uppercut for a nearfall. Reigns slowly walked around the ring to boos, then cocked his fist and went for a Superman Punch, but Hunter rolled out of the way to the floor. Reigns followed to the floor with a running clothesline off the ring steps.

But, Hunter reversed momentum and tossed Reigns over the German announce table again. Reigns sold taking a nap as Hunter kind of walked around the ringside area with Stephanie trying to talk him up. Suddenly, Reigns woke up from his nap and charged Hunter to spear him through a gimmicked barricade. Both men sold in the floor seating area.

They eventually made it back into the ring as the crowd became restless. Reigns sold having an injury of sorts. Stephanie taunted him about continuing the match. A “Nakamura” chant broke out as Reigns continued to sell. Hunter eventually just put Reigns in an armbar submission trying to create some excitement. Reigns faded, then sold agony locked in the submission. Reigns started to reverse to boos. They went with this submission teaser for a while, then Reigns powered Hunter into the air for a powerbomb. Two count at 20:00.

Hunter reapplied the submission, and Reigns finally broke free, then launched Hunter over the top rope. Reigns returned to the ring and speared Hunter. But, when Reigns covered Hunter, Stephanie pulled the ref out of the ring. Steph then just casually walked into the ring and yelled at the referee. Steph just kind of hung out in the ring as the crowd made up their own chants. Reigns then charged Hunter and speared Stephanie when Hunter moved. Steph sold being KO’ed in the corner. Hunter then dropped Reigns with a Pedigree, but Reigns kicked out.

The match resumed with the fans singing Bayley’s song. Reigns then hit Hunter with a Superman Punch. The crowd booed. Reigns stalked Hunter for the big spear, but Hunter intercepted with a running knee to the face. Hunter covered Reigns for a two count. The match must continue.

Hunter rolled toward the ring apron, where a now-slightly KO’ed Stephanie managed to slip a sledgehammer to Hunter. The ref reprimanded him, but Reigns hit Hunter with the Superman Punch. Another one in the corner. The crowd booed as Reigns bounced the ropes, avoided a sledgehammer shot, and hit a spear. Reigns covered Hunter for the win.

WINNER: Reigns at 27:11 to capture the WWE Title. That was unbelievably long, flashing back to the previous Mania main event in Texas when Hunter and Randy Orton bored the crowd out of Reliant Stadium. The egos of the McMahon Family were on full display tonight and this was the cherry on top thinking anyone wanted to sit through this long of a main event with a limited mid-card babyface challenger in the key challenger role. Reigns in this role was an embarrassment. He’s so limited and it’s so obvious that it’s about getting over a pet project that would be laughed out of this spot in any other era other than the Three-Hour Raw Mid-Carder Era. (*1/2)

Post-match: WWE tried to find fans in the crowd happy for the result. Lots of thumbs down on the camera shot. Reigns received the title belt and caught his breath. Hunter and Steph disappeared, then Reigns got a big pyro celebration with his music playing over the boos. WWE cut to an exterior shot of AT&T Stadium’s pyro display over the parking lot. Back in the stadium, Reigns posed in the ring with the title belt. Cole plugged Reigns and Charlotte on NBC’s “Today” show on Monday morning. Cole signed off with a final shot of Reigns posing in the ring and Hunter selling in the corner of the ring. The PPV mercifully ended at 10:48 p.m. local time, a six hour and 48 minute event.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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WWE WrestleMania 33 PPV Results: 4-2-17
« Reply #1156 on: April 03 2017, 08:24 am »
Results courtesy of (direct link to Powell's real-time coverage of the WM Kickoff Show)

1. Neville vs. Austin Aries for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. Phillips noted that Neville hasn't lost a singles match since October. The ring was made up in typical cruiserweight style. Aries sent Neville to ringside. Aries charged for a move, but Neville caught him with a kick that drew gasps from the crowd. Neville followed up with a missile dropkick for a two count before they went to a commercial.

Powell's POV: I really wish they would come up with a way to remove the commercials from the network feed. Paid subscribers should be able to see the full match, especially a WrestleMania match, without any commercial interruptions. On a positive note, the building looks packed. I'm sure there are still open seats, but it's not the half empty stadium that last year's Kickoff Show matches played to.

Neville was still in control coming out of the break. Aries came back and performed his spinning elbow drop. A short time later, Aries performed a suicide dive. He threw Neville back inside the ring and covered him for a two count. Aries performed a missile dropkick off the top rope and got another two count.

Neville came back with a wicked German suplex that dropped Aries right on his head. It looked even uglier on the replay. Aries recovered. Neville went for another German, but Aries flipped over and went for a discus five-arm, but Neville kicked him and performed a German suplex into a bridge for a two count.

Aries connected with the discus five-arm that knocked Neville to ringside. Graves said he didn't know if it was awareness or luck that saved Neville. Aries went to ringside and rolled Neville back onto the apron. Neville caught Aries with a kick. Neville went up top. Aries cut him off and performed a huracanrana off the top rope. Aries hit a running forearm in the corner and followed up with a 450 splash for a great near fall. Aries applied the Last Chancery. Neville gouged the bad eye of Aries. Neville went up top and hit the Red Arrow for the win

Neville defeated Austin Aries in 15:40 to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Powell's POV: That was one hell of an opening match. I bit on the 450 splash and the Last Chancery. I really like the decision to go with Neville. He's been phenomenal as the heel champion, and I'd like to see Aries eventually win the championship after a long chase. Here's hoping Aries is okay after that German suplex. He seemed find and simply sold his bad eye afterward. That was one ugly bump. On a side note, it's so cool to see Aries go from working local indies to working his first WrestleMania match. Support independent wrestling. You never know when you're going to see a guy who will go from your local armory to WrestleMania.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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WWE WrestleMania 33 PPV Results: 4-2-17
« Reply #1157 on: April 03 2017, 08:43 am »
2. Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.  Strowman immediately eliminated one of the Shining Stars. Kalisto and Simon Gotch were gone seconds later. The rapid fire eliminations continued. Strowman and Show squared off. Sami Zayn attacked Strowman. The wrestlers all fought on opposite sides. Strowman broke through his side and dumped Big Show over the top rope to eliminate him. A group of wrestlers eliminated Strowman. It's anybody's game, one of the broadcast team members said.

Cole spoke about Killian Dain and noted that he's from the Sanity promotion. Luke Harper stood out as an unadvertised participant. R-Truth was eliminated. Ziggler eliminated Rhyno. Aiden English was eliminated. Cole noted that a number of people were eliminated during the commercial break, so it looks like they stuck with the match on the network feed, but USA Network viewers didn't see the eliminations.

American Alpha eliminated a couple of guys, but they were both eliminated a short time later. Tian Bing eliminated Tyler Breeze and Fandango. The broadcast team put him over. He was eliminated moments later by a Dolph Ziggler superkick. Mojo Rawley eliminated Bo Dallas. Apollo Crews and Ziggler were eliminated. Titus O'Neil eliminated Luke Harper with a kick.

The final five was Zayn, O'Neil, Jinder Mahal, Dain, and Mojo. Zayn eliminated Titus. Dain eliminated Zayn to boos. Rawley and Mojo traded blows. Mojo performed a running shoulder block that knocked Dain down. Jinder threw Rawley through the ropes and then worked him over at ringside in front of Gronk, so you had to know where this was going.

Jinder got in the face of Gronk. He took Gronk's cup, drank from it, and then threw water on him. Jinder returned to the ring. Gronk climbed over the barricade. Security ran over and stopped him, then they backed off. Gronk removed his Mojo t-shirt and entered the ring. Gronk got down on all fours and performed a running shoulder block on Jinder to a nice pop. Gronk left and then Mojo eliminated Dain, and eventually Jinder to win the match. Gronk entered the ring and celebrated with Mojo by slapping his chest repeatedly

Mojo Rawley won the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal in 14:15

Powell's POV: For our non-NFL fans, Gronkowski is a star player for the New England Patriots. WWE will get lots of love from the sports networks for this one. Mojo winning won't excite the masses, but getting Gronk in the ring at WrestleMania is a pretty big deal. My apologies for not getting all the eliminations, but that was chaos.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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WWE WrestleMania 33 PPV Results: 4-2-17
« Reply #1158 on: April 03 2017, 10:46 am »
3. Dean Ambrose vs. Baron Corbin for the Intercontinental Championship. Corbin attacked Ambrose to start. Ambrose came right back with a suicide dive and worked over Corbin at ringside briefly. The sound cut out briefly as Corbin came back with kicks in the corner. A short time later, Corbin took Ambrose to ringside and ran him into the barricade. Back inside the ring, Ambrose caught a charging Corbin with an elbow, then side stepped another charge, causing Corbin to go through the ropes in the corner.

Ambrose went up top for his flying elbow. Corbin caught him with a Codebreaker type of move on the way down. They went to ringside a short time later. Corbin charged, Ambrose moved, and Corbin crashed into the ring steps. Ambrose went up top and performed his flying elbow onto Corbin at ringside. Saxton played up Ambrose having injured ribs and questioned how much damage he did to himself.

Back inside the ring, Ambrose performed a running clothesline, but then he ran into an elbow from Corbin. Ambrose shook it off and performed a neckbreaker for a two count. At 8:10, Ambrose went for his teetering clothesline, but Corbin blasted him with a kick. Corbin followed up with a spinning slam for a two count. Ambrose came back with his rebound Lariat.

Corbin knocked Ambrose down and yelled at him that he was leaving with the Intercontinental Championship. Corbin went for End of Days, but Ambrose avoided it and hit Dirty Deeds for the win

Dean Ambrose beat Baron Corbin in 10:55 to retain the Intercontinental Championship.

Powell's POV: A fairly flat match. The live crowd didn't seem to really connect with the match and the wrestlers didn't really give them much to get excited about. I was looking forward to this match and found it underwhelming. The match being on the pre-show is surprising. At the same time, they played to a full stadium and their match aired on USA Network, so they can't be too disappointed that it wasn't on the main card. Going into the match, I felt there was a chance that Ambrose would win at Mania only to have Corbin beat him on Smackdown. We'll see if that happens on Tuesday.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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WWE WrestleMania 33 PPV Results: 4-2-17
« Reply #1159 on: April 03 2017, 10:53 am »
Remaining results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's real-time report).


Shane came out first. Then Styles. The bell rang. Shane was wearing a white jersey with Shane-O-Mac on the front and dollar signs on the back. Styles outwrestled Shane a little with a lockup and headlock and then a shove into the ropes. He said he's going to embarrass him. He was cocky. A Let's Go A.J.! chant started. Styles caught Shane with a snap mare and he showboated. The crowd cheered. Shane soaked it up while sitting in the corner. Otunga said Styles has to be sure his confidence doesn't turn to cockiness because that could be bad for him. JBL asked how Styles can't be cocky given that he's among the best of his generation. Shane arm dragged Styles a couple times and then did some amateur wrestling and tried to roll up Styles. Styles rolled to the floor and looked back at the ring in shock.

Styles threw the first punch to Shane's face. The announcers talked about Shane training in striking. Styles invited Shane to give it his best. Shane punched away at him and then thtumaplatrew a hard elbow in the corner. Otunga said you don't want to do stand-up with Shane. Styles threw Shane out of the ring, then slide-kicked him hard into the announce table. Shane backflipped over the table and into the chair. Back in the ring, Styles took over on Shane with a methodical beating. JBL talked about how Shane doesn't know fear or hesitation. Shane knocked Styles off balance when he was on the top rope. Shane danced around and threw more punches. He was looking sweaty and winded.

Styles flipped Shane back-first over his knee. Styles countered an attempted Shane comeback into a Calf Crusher. Shane countered into a sleeper. He maneuvered into an armbar. Then an omaplata. JBL wondered how Styles would react if he had to tapout to Shane after bragging he's put on a wrestling clinic. Styles went for a 450 springboard splash, but Shane countered into a triangle. Otunga said Styles might have to tap. Styles lifted Shane and dropped him with a one-armed Styles Clash for a near fall. they exchanged punches mid-ring a minute later. Shane got the better of Styles. He threw some knees in the corner. Styles tried to kick Shane, but Shane ducked and the ref went down. Styles landed a Pel kick. As a medic checked on the ref, Styles grabbed two trash cans from under the ring. JBL said Styles is fighting for his survival since taking Shane to a wrestling clinic wasn? enough. Styles put a trash can up against Shane in one corner, then climbed to the top rope in another corner and went for Shane's signature spot, but Shane leaped up and blocked Styles with a trash can. Styles went down. Shane threw the can out of the ring, but then saw the second one.

Shane then put the trash up against Styles and landed his top rope dropkick into the can. He made the cover. The ref made the count, but Styles kicked out. Shane then went to ringside and cleared an announce table. Shane set Styles on the table on his back. Shane leaped off the top rope and dove at Styles, but Styles moved and Shane crashed onto the table. The table collapsed. Medics checked on him. He clutched his ribs. Styles went after Shane. He rolled him to the ring and threw him into it. Shane went fora Phenomenal Forearm, but Shane caught him mid-air and DDT'd him. Shane then climbed to the top rope. He went for a shooting star press. Styles moved. Another A.J. Styles chant. Styles hit his Phenomenal Forearm for the win. JBL said Styles had to earn that win every step of the way.

WINNER: Styles at 20:35.

(Keller's Analysis: That was on the higher end of any reasonable expectations. They told a good story, if you buy Shane as a wrestler who can hold his own against Styles for 20 minutes. If you can't, then it was groan-inducting seeing Shane outwrestle Styles and out-strike him at various time. It was smart to do that early, since it did feel like a novelty match, and grumpy tired crowd might have been less responsive and even unforgiving of certain aspects, especially if anything went wrong or looked especially sloppy. The crowd definitely enjoyed it and didn't reject the premise. Although it cheated Styles out of a true showcase match for then ages, he'll get historic credit for carrying Shane to a match that largely got by with a story told in the ring. I was truly happy that other than the shooting star press attempt, Shane didn't leap off of anything other than the top rope.)

(2) CHRIS JERICHO vs. KEVIN OWENS  U.S. Title match

Jericho took it to Owens early. They fought at a steady pace for several minutes before taking it to the floor. Jericho made a comeback against Owens. Back in the ring, Owens blocked a Code Breaker and landed a package sitout slam on Jericho for a two count. Cole acknowledged a red contusion on Owens forehead. Jericho pounded away at Owens on the top rope, then landed a huracanrana. Owens avoided a springboard Lionsault, then kicked Jericho in the face and scored a near fall. Owens went for a frog splash, but Jericho lifted his knees. Owens came back quickly and landed a top rope swanton right onto Jericho's lifted knees. Owens went for a Pop-Up Powerbomb, but Jericho avoided it and then instantly landed the springboard Lionsault for a two count. A Y2J chant started.

A minute later Owens put Jericho in the Walls of Jericho mid-ring. Cole asked how embarrassing it'd be if Jericho had to tapout. Graves said, I'd love it! Owens hit the cannonball in the corner. Jericho caught him, though, and twisted him into a Walls of Jericho. Owens reached the bottom rope. Owens came back with a Pop-up Powerbomb for a near fall. The crowd popped. They were slow to get up. When Owens went for a Pop-up, he landed the Code Breaker. Owens placed his index finger on the bottom rope to force a break. A This is awesome! chant started. Owens rolled to the floor. Jericho went after him. Owens powerbombed Jericho spine-first into the ring apron. He went for the cover and got the three count.

WINNER: Owens to capture the U.S. Title. (***)

(Keller's Analysis: For this spot on the card, this worked really well. The crowd was into the match start to finish. I liked that they didn't overdo it with near falls at the end, and sold the idea that a powerbomb on the edge of the ring apron was enough. This was a disciplined, well-executed, smart match that felt like two people fighting over a grudge, not just putting on a show.)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!