AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 1233534 times)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #380 on: November 26 2009, 10:39 am »
ECW on SyFy Results: 11-24-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- ZACK RYDER (w/Rosa Mendes) vs. SHELTON BENJAMIN

Josh Mathews said Shelton will be named the #1 contender to the ECW Title if he defeats Ryder tonight. Crowd was behind Shelton, who is benefting from being presented as a babyface for a few months now. Ryder tried to bail from the ring, but Shelton flung Ryder back into the ring to work over Rosa's beau. Rosa sold concern ringside with Ryder taking a beating throughout the opening minutes of this one. Shelton then knocked Ryder to the floor and Ryder checked his teeth cutting to break.

Back from break, we got a close look at Shelton's Koko B. Hair while he was chatting with Ryder in the clutches of a devastating mat hold. Mic was too close to Shelton, who told Ryder to pick him up, which led to Ryder picking up Shelton for a back drop. Ryder then went up top and nailed a big splash for a two count. He went back up top again and nailed another top rope Superfly splash, but Shelton kicked out again. Ryder then punched Shelton several times, but Shelton started to no sell and "get all sorts of fired up," according to Mathews. Shelton then fired off a German suplex for a two count.

At 12:00, Ryder blocked a corner attack and wanted a leaping head scissors, but Shelton powerbombed Ryder across the ring into the top turnbuckle. After the buckle bomb, Shelton jumped in the air and nailed the Paydirt in center ring for the clean pin and the win. Afterward, Rosa could only pace around the ring in frustration. Meanwhile, Shelton is the new #1 contender. Post-match: ECW champ Christian came out on stage with the ECW Title belt over his shoulder. He posed a bit, then they just cut to a break.

WINNER: Shelton in 13:00. No word on when Shelton receives his title shot, but WWE booked a nice match here to build up Shelton for the upcoming title match. Shelton showed good fire with his comeback after absorbing the two top rope splashes to continue building up crowd interest in his revitalized character. Ryder, meanwhile, just needs to bide his time and continue to impress management and his peers backstage with is in-ring performance even when booked to lose. Patience. (**)


Reynolds was billed as the local favorite looking for an upset victory over the intense Archer, who has the power to read the thoughts of his opponent by looking into his eyes, according to Mathews. Sure he does. Archer methodically took apart Reynolds Wrap before delivering his impactful reverse DDT finisher for the decisive win. His music didn't hit initially to sell the intensity of his post-match stare to the hard camera. Apparently the music technicians were mesmerized by his intensity and paused before hitting his music. Yeah, that's it.

WIWINNER: Archer in 3:00. Squash. WWE likes to build up their big men to be threats to babyface champions, so you can see where this is heading in a few months if Christian is still champ. (n/a)

3 -- WILLIAM REGAL (w/Ezekiel Jackson and Kozlov) vs. YOSHI TATSU

Even exchange to start before Regal started blasting Yoshi with knee strikes. He went to work on Yoshi's face trying to rearrange his nose and perhaps his orbital bone, then went to work on the back of the head trying to concuss Yoshi with elbow strikes. Yoshi suddenly came right back with a kick strike and scored the pin for the win. Wha?

WINNER: Yoshi in 3:00. Finish came out of nowhere, which was a good thing to tell audiences a finish can come at any time. WWE has to use the "out of nowhere finish" consistently, though, for it to be even mildly effective to train audiences to pay attention to the first few minutes of a mid-card-level match. (n/a)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #381 on: November 28 2009, 02:25 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 11-26-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete results). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ vs. SANTINO MARELLA -- non-title match

Crowd was hot early on with a "San-tin-o, San-tin-o" chant. Santino pointed to himself in his humble routine and asked, "Me?" Santino teased the cobra strike early on, then tried to calm it down. Santino then executed a headlock takeover and declared "I got him!" He followed with a series of arm drags, but Miz blocked a third drag and started pounding on Santino with left hand strikes before settling into mat holds. Cole and Lawler talked turkey for the first Superstars on Thanksgiving, then Miz brought Santino to his feet and landed an emphatic clothesline out of the corner. Miz called a spot for Santino to tease a comeback, then Miz executed a neckbreaker for a two count. Miz is really developing that in-ring work to go with his heel personality. Miz then went up top, but Santino blocked and started his full comeback. Santino did a big Hulk Up and declared it's cobra time. Miz kicked Santino in the hand, though, with a big boot. He followed with the Skullcrushing Finale for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Miz in 6:00. Excellent TV match. Miz played his heel role fantastically while Santino's comedy routine fit the match and didn't overstay its welcome. Highly entertaining and worth watching on a DVR replay viewing. (**)

2 -- KOZLOV (w/William Regal) vs. GOLDUST

On commentary, Josh Mathews wanted to know whether Regal and Kozlov have communicated with Jackson since Tuesday to see where his head is at. Texts, emails, phone calls? Hm, Kozlov texting. Interesting. The match moved to the floor early on with Goldust ramming Kozlov into the ringpost before cutting to a break.

Back from break, Kozlov was in control working over Goldust with multiple headbutt strikes before executing a belly-to-belly suplex. Kozlov worked over Goldust's mid-section before missing with a boot strike. Goldust then made his comeback with a running bulldog before catching Kozlov in the air for a bodyslam and a two count. Regal was rather concerned ringside as Kozlov kinda blocked a move off the ropes. Clunky and awkward block. Goldust then visibly called a spot for Kozlov to go home. Thus, Kozlov hit his Iron Curtain uranage finisher for the pin and the win. Post-match: Kozlov was all-smiles, then Regal put a bigger smile of Kozlov's face with a running knee strike on Goldust to add insult to injury.

WINNER: Kozlov in 7:00. Goldust did his best to work around Kozlov's weaknesses as an in-ring performer trying to simulate a real competition. Rough finish, but Regal's facial expressions ringside were a good distraction from the in-ring action. Kozlov is a more marketable heel being kept in short-form matches where he's not exposed as a weak in-ring performer. (3/4*)


Grisham said he spoke with Ziggler about being on a "six month plan" to become a champion in WWE, and Ziggler is currently on month five. Well, that's one way to explain six or seven IC Title match losses to John Morrison. Probably triple that number if you count the unaccounted-for-on-TV house shows. Match started with Ziggler in control, but Truth knocked him to the floor. Grisham and Striker debated why Ziggler hasn't been able to score a title win and Striker suggested that additional stroke of the hair is one second that he could use to score a three count instead of a two count. Ziggler started toying with Truth, but Truth came back with a dropkick through the ropes. Truth then came over the top with a missile-like plancha with his shoulder crashing into Ziggler and the ground. They cut to break with Truth asking what's up.

Back from break, Ziggler was in control working the left arm and shoulder that Ziggler smashed on the ground executing the missile plancha. Ziggler then knocked Truth to the floor and tried to get a count-out, but Truth broke the count and Ziggler aggressively attacked Truth. Ziggler continued the attack for a few minutes before Truth made a comeback, only to take a Sean Waltman-style faceplant from Ziggler for a two count. Ziggler then missed with a corner attack and Truth nailed his spinning axe kick off the ropes for a two count. Ziggler tried to come back with his finisher, but Truth countered with the Lie Detector spinning fist smash for the pin and the win. After the announcers recapped the finish, the show closed with Truth celebrating with the fans.

WINNER: Truth in 15:00. Solid TV main event. Ziggler played a good, aggressive heel to receive the focus during the match before taking the expected loss. WWE is behind Truth right now, so it will be interesting to see how far up the card he goes with Rey Mysterio now out of a top babyface slot. Truth does need to upgrade that finisher, though, if he's going to be considered a more credible potential main-event level act. All of the movement is created after the initial contact, which looks weak. A different kind of two-star match than the opener, which was at the two-star level for sheer entertainment purposes despite being half the match length of the main event. (**)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #382 on: November 28 2009, 02:38 am »
Results courtesy of (direct link to Wilkenfeld's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Lashley tries to charge Abyss , but bounces off. Lashley's able to get Abyss into the corner, where he lays in with strikes. The ref pulls him off, and Abyss explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Apparently Dinero and Roode are both going for heavyweight shots, which seems especially odd in Roode's case. Abyss chokes Lashley against the corner. Lashley gets up firing, but Abyss no sells them and locks in a Neck Vise. Abyss works the Bear Hug, which Lashley sells the hell out of. Lashley escapes with some short head butts and trips Abyss neck-first onto the ropes. He follows up with a series of clotheslines. Abyss creates some distance with a back elbow but then runs right into the Spine Buster. Lashley clotheslines Abyss out of the ring. When he follows him out and Abyss goes to punch him, he catches Cristal on the back stroke. He rolls Lashley into the ring, then realizes what he's done. He freaks out, which gives Lashley the opportunity to take him down with a Spear and finish him off with a Dragon Sleeper. Cristal gets up, and I'm not sure whether she's selling the ankle or just has difficulty jumping in high heels—I'm pretty sure it's the latter.

WINNER: Lashley. Lashley's looking crisper lately.


Wolfe starts off with a bit of chain wrestling as the crowd reminds him that he tapped out. He hits a cool single-underhook Suplex, but when he tries to follow up with the wrist lock Suicide flips out. Wolfe knocks him down to the mat, sets him up in the corner, and hits a downright brutal running back elbow for two. Wolfe locks in something that resembles a Tazmission. Suicide starts to slip out, so Wolfe yanks him back into a shoulder block, then locks it in again. Suicide powers out and connects with a clothesline a dropkick. He hits an Oklahoma Roll, and smoothly goes to the apron to come back with a Slingshot Leg Drop for two. Wolfe goes to the corner, where he dodges a charge and whacks Suicide in the back of the head. He sets up for the Tower of London, but Suicide slips out. Wolfe looks for his running back elbow again, but gets cut off by a Thrusting Dropkick. Suicide gets whipped into the corner, but dodges a charge himself. He goes to the top rope, but gets caught by a really sloppy Tower of London for the kill.

WINNER: Desmond Wolfe. That could have been better, but was certainly watchable.


Wow—somebody drew the short straw. Kurt starts with a side headlock, but Dinero is able to take him over with an Arm Drag. Angles charges into another, which Dinero transitions ino an arm bar. Angle reverses into a wrist lock, but Dinero slips out and comes off the ropes with a high octane shoulder block. Dinero comes off the ropes again, but this time right into a Belly-to-Belley Suplex. A Vertical Suplex from Angle gets two. Angle works the chin lock; the Pope powers out, so Angle shoots him into the corner. The Pope comes back firing with strikes, but Angle somehow slips beside him and straight into a pair of German Suplexes. Before he can hit the trifeecta Dinero goes behind and nails one of his own. Dinero looks for a second. Angle slips out, but gets taken down with an STO for a long two count. Dinero continues the beat down, taking Angle to the ropes and leaping through them (putting his weight on Angle's neck). Angle rolls into the corner, where Dinero hits his delayed Elbow Drop. He looks for the DDE, but Kurt rolls out of the way and picks an ankle. Dinero kicks him off, but then gets up right into an Olympic Slam.

WINNER: Kurt Angle. That was almost a star-making performance for Dinero as he hung in with Angle. Angle agrees, as he shakes Dinero's hand after the match. Since when does an Olympic Slam keep down anyone?


Roode is, contra what Tenay said earlier, wrestling for the tag division. Homicide ambushes Roode from behind. Roode briefly creates some distance, so Homicide rolls to the outside and yanks Roode out with him. He rakes Roode's back and kicks his head. He rolls Roode back in and kicks him in the side of the head. He charges Roode in the corner and works some quick strikes. Roode suddenly comes back with a series of chops out of nowhere, so Homicide whips him into the corner. Homicide stomps on him, and locks in the oddly dull Asiatic Spike. Roode gets away but bounces back into a Spinning Elbow. Roode reverses an Irish Whip, but lowers his head too soon and gets nailed with a kick. Homicide tries to finish him off with a Gringo Cutter but gets tossed off. Roode gets him with a Decapitator Clothesline and a huge Tilt-a-Whirl Back Breaker for two. Homicide gets a questionably low blow and goes for a Gringo Killer. Its reversed into a Payoff attempt, which is re-reversed into a Cutter attempt, which Roode fights off. Homicide bounces back into a Spine Buster by Roode for the kill.

WINNER: Robert Roode. All of these matches have been great examples of lightning fast action.

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"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #383 on: November 28 2009, 02:38 am »
Battle Royal, with special guest enforcer ODB for the #1 contendership

Taz makes an inappropriate reference to Von Erich's "ugly stick". Hamada takes Daffney out and over right to start. Flash tries to take out Traci, but Traci lands on the apron. Flash tries to fight her off, but Wilde and Sarita sneak up behind her and toss her over; Flash lands on the apron as well. She continues to fight Traci, until both are simultaneously dropkicked to the floor by Wilde and Sarita. They continue at each other's throats from the ground.

The Beautiful People are working over Sarita, and flip her over the rope. Hamada shoots Wilde off into the corner. Wilde catches her with a Leg Scissors and takes her over, but accidentally falls out herself. The Beautiful People are beating Tara around the ring, but when Rayne charges Tara Back Body Drops her over the top. Rayne lands on the apron, but when Sky charges Tara steps aside and knocks Rayne off. Sky briefly holds her own, and even tries to hurl Tara out. Tara reverses and tosses Velvet Sky to the apron. Sky connects with a shoulder thrust, but when she tries to come back in with a Spingboard-something Tara meets her with a Superkick to take her out.

WINNER: Tara. ODB raises her hand, but when Tara looks to share a swig of ODB's flask, ODB doesn't seem all that impressed by Tara.


Taz and Tenay argue over Wolfe-Angle was obviously the match of the year. Lashley locks in a Full Nelson, which I guess he picked up from his experience with the Master Lock Challenge. Wolfe just walks over to the ropes and gets the break. Wolfe tries for a wrist lock, but it's immediately reversed into one by Lashley. Wolfe tries to flip out, but Lashley hangs on. He tries to roll into some sort of choke, but Lashley still holds on, and knocks Wolfe off. An attempt to transition into a side headlock doesn't work well either. Wolfe backs Lashley into the ropes, but as the ref breaks it up Wolfe connects with a cheap shot elbow to the face. He locks in that Tazmission-y thing, but Lashley powers out quickly. They trade hammerlocks, but when Lashley ends up near the ropes Wolfe kicks them up into Lashley's throat. He goes for another running back elbow, but Lashley dodges and connects with a Spear. Lashley connects with an Inverted Shock Treatment and a Full Nelson Slam, but Wolfe kicks out after a long two count. Lashley picks Wolfe up and is about to get a Dragon Sleeper when Wolfe wrenches Lashley's arm and brings him to the mat. Wolfe goes for the Tower of London, but Lashley drops to his feet and right into the Dragon Sleeper. Wolfe gets over to the ropes, and when Lashley breaks his hold Wolfe locks in one of his own, wrapping Lashley's arm around the ring rope. Wolfe taunts into the camera, but in so doing loses track of the five count and gets himself disqualified.

WINNER: Bobby Lashley by DQ—lame.


Angle starts things off with a shoulder block on Roode, but Roode bounces right up. Angle backs Roode up into the corner and starts hitting straight right hands. Roode blocks one and comes back with a few of his own. He shoots Angle off into the ropes, misses the Back Body Drop but connects with the Reverse Neck Breaker for two. A Body Slam and a Leg Drop get two more. Roode Snapmares Angle down and floats over into another Neck Breaker. Before he can capitalize Angle flings him out of the ring. Kurt follows Roode out and bangs his head into the steel steps. He rolls him back in for a cover that barely gets two. A Suplex gets two more, so Angle locks into a reverse gut-wrench. Roode powers out but gets taken back down with the Belly-to-Belly Suplex for two. Angle Snapmares Roode back down and locks in a Body Scissors. Roode gets out, but Kurt transitions into a chin lock. Roode fights out of that two. Angle shoots him into the corner, but he gets his boot up and gets his float over Neck Breaker off the middle rope. Both men are down for seven, then fight to their knees, and eventually their feet. Roode gets the advantage, connecting with a big flying forearm for two. Angle suddenly picks an ankle, but Roode kicks him off. Kurt bounces back off the ropes and into a Spine Buster, but this time it only gets two. He looks for a Payoff, but Kurt slips out and connects with a German Suplex. Angle stalks Roode for an Olympic Slam, but it's reversed into an Arm Drag. Angle dodges a charge and connects right away with another Olympic Slam, but this one only gets two. Desmond Wolfe comes down to ringside and spits in Kurt's face. Angle goes to beat him up, and does so for about nine seconds before realizing that he should charge back to the ring. He makes it by 11, but that doesn't count.

WINNER: Robert Roode by count out. That BS ending made more sense, though it did make the other one retroactively less silly.

#1 Contender's Match for the Tag Team and/or World Heavyweight Championship

Lashley backs Roode into a corner, but grants the clean break. He connects with a sudden gut wrench and tries to turn it into the Dragon Sleeper, but Roode is right by the ropes. Roode gets a side headlock. Lashley shoots him off into the ropes; they trade leapfrogs, with Lashley eventually connecting for the advantage. He connects with a Body Slam and an Elbow Drop. He shoots Roode off into the corner; Roode tries to float over, but gets caught in position for a Power Slam. He slips out and shoves Lashley into the ring post. He yanks Lashley down to the mat.

Lashley is fighting off his knees when we get back. The crowd seems moderately excited by what they've been seeing. Roode takes Lashley into the corner and connects with some chops. He continues work on the left arm, taking Lashley down with a weak looking Fujiwara Arm Bar. Lashley is able to reach out his leg to the rope to break the hold. Lashley tries to punch his way back into it, but Roode takes him back down. He suddenly ducks clothesline and connects with a Full Nelson Slam. He hits a few clotheslines of his own. He takes Roode up for a Back Breaker, but Roode slips out and takes Lashley down with an Arm Bar Takedown for two. Roode looks for a Payoff, but Lashley hoists him up with a standing Back Body Drop. Lashley charges Roode in the corner, but Roode dodges. Roode connects with the Pay Off, but it only gets two. Lashley charges at him; he gets a boot up, but when Roode tries for the float over Neck Breaker Lashley dodges and connects with the Spear for the 1-2-3.

WINNER: Bobby Lashley.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #384 on: November 29 2009, 01:24 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 11-27-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Park's complete results). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


You have GOT to be kidding me. They could put out a three-disc DVD of the televised matches between these two teams at this point. And that would be only the last six months. Tyson Kidd got the best of JTG, allowing David Hart Smith to tag in and hit a back-breaker. Kidd back in for a near-fall. Rear chin-lock, then Kidd again tagged in to up the action quotient. Striker continued to complain about the “questionable footwear” of JTG. Both legal men made tags and Shad came in and hit a second-rope shoulder tackle. A pin was broken up by Kidd. Smith, from behind, landed a Saito suplex on Gaspard to get the win.

WINNERS: Hart Dynasty, at 4:32. And again, nothing accomplished in this feud.


They went to break seconds after the match started.

Punk was working on Matt’s arm out of break. Hardy missed a shoulder charge in the corner, hitting his shoulder on the ring-post. But Hardy caught Punk coming off the top with a Side Effect for two. Matt peppered Punk with some right hands in the middle of the ring. Bulldog by Hardy out of the corner. To the middle rope, legdrop for Hardy. Instead of capitalizing, he waited for Punk to get to his feet to hit him with the Twist of Fate. Gallows got on the apron and reached into the ring, bending Matt back over the top rope for the DQ.

WINNER: Hardy, via DQ, at 5:42. More of a way to “audition” Gallows.

Gallows continued the attack after the match, and held Matt for Punk to hit a spin kick in the gut of Hardy. Running knee to the face in the corner by Punk as Gallows held Matt. Punk laid in the elbows to the chest of Matt. Wade is going to be disappointed- no more “Biscuits and Gravy.” Galloway with what could be called a reverse full-nelson, then he picked Matt up and slammed him back-first into the mat. Kind of impressive. They didn’t have Gallows talk in this segment, so I’m sure they’re saving that for down the line.


How low can we go? Striker mentioned that the black glove Kane wears was the only thing left in the rubble when his house burned down as a child (by Taker, of course). Ah Striker, the master of ret-con. Or was that in Kane’s book? After a short standoff, the fight went to the outside, where Kane’s head was bounced off the padded railing. Back in the ring, low dropkick for two by Kane. Kane with some right hands on the Animal in the corner, but Big Dave came back with a rake of the face. Shoulders in the gut by Batista. Rear chin-lock, but Batista was backed into the corner by his opponent. Back elbow by Batista for two, then another rest-hold. Kane got to his feet and grabbed Batista by the throat, but Batista grabbed the ropes for a break. Kicks to the knee of Kane, and he tried a Batista Bomb. Kane back-dropped him and Kane seemed to want a powerbomb. Batista went back to work on the leg of Kane in the corner. He was down as Batista recuperated on his feet. They went to break about 5:00 into the match.

Batista was still working on the leg as we got a few replays of what happened during the break, mostly leg-related. Well, when one guy is on the mat almost the entire time, it’s a lot harder for this match to completely suck. Uh-oh, Batista brought Kane to his feet and the two traded soupbones. Kane, still holding his leg, got a clothesline in the corner. He got a foot up on a Batista charge and it found a place in Dave’s mush for two. Kane, to the top, but he missed a clothesline and came down hard on his injured leg. Spear by Batista, right into a cover, but only for two. Kane BARELY got Batista up for a sidewalk slam. Again, he went to the top. This time, he connected on the clothesline. He set up for the vaunted chokeslam, but Batista turned around and saw it. Kane charged the corner, but Batista dropped him face-first over the top buckle. He took out Kane’s leg again and got himself pumped up. Batista Bomb, no, Kane went after the knee of Batista. Chokeslam city, but Batista got his foot on the rope to break up the pin. He even had trouble doing that cleanly. Batista rolled out of the ring, but Kane followed, not allowing a break. Kane whipped Batista into the barricade, and Batista flipped into the timekeeper’s bay in an impressive spot. Batista though, caught Kane in the leg as Kane went after him. Batista got back into the ring at the count of eight, while Kane couldn’t make it back in.

WINNER: Batista, at 14:27. WWE clearly had confidence in these guys to give them nearly 15 minutes, despite what could happen. Still, a much better match than I anticipated, with a relatively good story. But did they really need to protect Kane with a count-out? Or give Batista a weak win as he goes to challenge Taker at TLC?


Morrison took Escobar to the mat, then to the outside, where Morrison landed his springboard moonsault (though Escobar had to wait around a little too long to catch him). Vickie grabbed Morrison as he went back in, allowing Escobar to come back outside and ram Morrison’s back into the apron. Bearhug back in the ring by Escobar. Side suplex for two. Morrison caught Escobar with a heel kick coming off the ropes. Batista-like shoulders into the gut of Morrison by Escobar. Flying Chuck kick connected and Morrison set up for the Starship Pain. It landed and garnered him the win.

WINNER: Morrison, at 3:19. I still think Escobar has something to offer, though he appeared to have trouble keeping up with Morrison here at times.


Taker cornered Jericho and worked him over, then Taker went Old School, jumping HIGH off the top rope as he brought his arm down across Jericho. Jericho tried to come back, but Taker shrugged him off and clotheslined him over the top rope. Batista stared coldly at Taker in the ring as they went to break about a minute and-a-half in.

The Smackdown /WWE logo in the bottom corner that usually signals them signing off appeared as they came back from break. Taker continued punishing Jericho, and hit a legdrop with Jericho draped under the bottom rope. Taker continued striking Jericho as Batista got up from the announce table and approached. Before he could get too close, Taker felt his presence, turned around and Batista slowly went back to his seat. As Taker tried to get back in the ring, Jericho dropkicked him off the apron. He threw the Dead Man into the stairs as Striker literally begged Batista for some insight. He did put the headset back on, but said nothing. Jericho continued on offense once the two went back into the ring. Rear chin-lock, and Jericho managed to get a lot of trash talk in while he grounded Taker. High dropkick by Jericho caught Taker as he came off the ropes. That got a two-count. Counter by Taker into a side suplex. Snake Eyes by Taker, then a running boot. Jericho battled out of a chokeslam, and hit with a running bulldog, then a Lionsault. Taker, out of nowhere, with a hand to the throat. Chokeslam was next and he set up for the Tombstone, but Batista interfered with a shot to the knee, drawing the DQ.

WINNER: Undertaker, via DQ, at 11:57.

Jericho got a Codebreaker on Taker. Batista retrieved a chair from ringside and lashed Taker with it several times. No real confirmation that it will be a “Chairs Match,” but Striker did say chairs would be legal in the match. After a replay, of the finish Batista with the chair was your closing image.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #385 on: December 02 2009, 01:36 am »
WWE RAW Results: 11-30-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- Divas champion MELINA & GAIL KIM vs. MARYSE & JILLIAN HALL

Melina and Maryse were going to start, but Maryse played the heel and backed off to her corner to tag in Jillian without mixing it up with Melina. Maryse eventually picked her spot and picked up a win over the champion to get her hand raised and establish herself as the #1 contender to Melina's title.

WINNER: Maryse & Jillian at 2:57. Okay tag match. Jillian is a good enough secondary heel and she kept the match going before the ultimate finish to set up Maryse as the next contender to the women's division title on Raw. (1/2*)


The bell sounded after the ref checked with Kofi one more time, then Orton quickly went after the knee that was softened up by Legacy. The crowd tried to rally behind Kofi as Orton took apart the knee. Orton stalked Kofi then went back to attacking the knee. Ref threatened to DQ him, but he inexplicably didn't DQ Orton. WWE is quite inconsistent with how much leeway referees are given to determine DQs. Orton backed away, then Kofi made a brief comeback, but Orton finished him off with the RKO for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Orton picked up Kingston and wanted to continue the attack. He put Kingston in the corner and executed his elevated DDT straight into the mat after a pause for added effect. Orton did his viper-like stalk to go with his evil-eyes facial expression to sell the attack. Crowd chanted, "Randy sucks" to help sell the angle. Orton's music hit again as the announcers talked about Orton being a tortured soul and obsessed with revenge on Kingston, who seemingly pushed Orton too far.

WINNER: Orton at 3:08. The match outcome sets up Kingston for revenge at a later date, but why they went this route of Kingston taking a pinfall loss was questionable. Orton was at least awesome as the classic Orton heel getting his revenge on Kingston for the past few weeks. Good to see Orton strong again. Now they can set up a strong comeback from Kingston. (n/a)

3 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ vs. MARK HENRY -- non-title match

The bell sounded and Miz tried to mount Henry in the corner to attack him with right hand blows. They cut to a shot of Troyer sitting on stage with the same peculiar facial expression he's maintained the entire show. Miz came back on Henry with a kick strike to the chops for a two count. Miz then tried a springboard splash, but Henry caught Miz in mid-air with the World's Strongest Slam for the easy pin and the win. Announcers said this puts Henry in the U.S. Title chase. Post-match: Henry walked on stage and met with Troyer, who wanted to bring the ladies out for a celebration. Out came the Bella Twins, Kelly Kelly, and Eve for some highly awkward dancing. Henry then lifted Troyer on his shoulders to complete the dance number.

WINNER: Henry at 2:01. Miz can get his heat back from the loss, but this did absolutely nothing for him. It's one thing for the heel champion to be chased by potential contenders and show weaknesses that make a potential title chase intriguing, but it's completely different just to toss him aside with a basic squash. It would be like exposing the villain, capturing the villain, and throwing him behind bars in the opening scene of CSI and having nothing left to intrigue the audience for the next 55 minutes. It simply defies logic. This whole show has defied logic. I'm starting to think WWE has already packed up the plane to Iraq because they're phoning this one. (n/a)

4 -- Unified tag champion CHRIS JERICHO vs. TRIPLE H (w/Shawn Michaels)

Less than a minute into the match, Big Show's music hit and he stomped out to the ring still sporting a suit. Hunter was distracted, which allowed Jericho to take control. Show knocked over the cameraman and the screen went blank momentarily, then Show walked over to the announce table as they cut to break.

Back from break, Jericho was in control as Show was now positioned ringside on commentary. Line-up from left to right was Michaels, Lawler, Cole, and Show. Michaels and Show debated their respective abilities to climb a ladder before the top of the hour.

Hunter made his comeback at the top of the hour so everyone flipping channels for the over-run could see him in control and looking strong. Hunter then missed with a clothesline and Jericho grazed Hunter with an enziguiri kick for a two count. Jericho tried to follow with a Lionsault, but Hunter got his knees up to block. Hunter and Jericho then had a "boo, yay" punch exchange before Hunter exploded on Jericho with a clothesline for a two count. After Hunter scored a close nearfall, Show got up from his seat and KO Punched Hunter. Ref didn't see it, but he booted him. In the confusion, Michaels landed a superkick on Jericho. Ref turned around and saw Michaels involved, so he booted him. With the extra participants cleared from ringside, the match resumed with Hunter and Jericho KO'ed on the mat. Hunter stirred at eight, then Jericho at nine. Both men were up at nine, then Jericho wanted the codebreaker, but Hunter blocked and rolled up Jericho with a slight hook of the tights to put Jericho on the mat for the pin and the win. Next week, it's Jericho vs. DX in a handicap match.

WINNER: Hunter at 11:13. Good, basic TV main event selling one of the PPV main events at TLC. Good drama at the end with the extra involvement to build tension for the finish. Easily the best segment on an otherwise bad episode of Raw with WWE already halfway to Iraq on several fronts. (**1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #386 on: December 05 2009, 03:16 pm »
Former WWE star Umaga (Eddie Fatu) was removed from life support earlier this afternoon, reports WWE announcer Jim Ross, who says he spoke with a friend of Fatu's family.

Fatu's official death is expected to be announced this evening. He was on life support at a North Houston hospital after his wife found him unresponsive this morning at his home in Spring, Texas.

Fatu reportedly suffered a massive heart attack. We reported originally that Fatu was found bleeding from his mouth and nose when he was found in his home.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #387 on: December 05 2009, 03:19 pm »
To check out the results of this week's TV shows, check out Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #9554 and posts thereafter or click the TOKYOPOP link in my signature for my wrestling blog.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #388 on: December 09 2009, 01:24 am »
WWE RAW Results: 12-7-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. CARLITO -- non-title match

Carlito was aggressive early on with blows to the face as Lawler danced around the topic of wrestlers in the locker room being jealous of Cena's spot. Carlito scored an early nearfall that put Cena in jeopardy, but Cena shook off a busted bottom lip and started to set up the Five Knuckle Shuffle routine, but Sheamus's music interrupted. Sheamus came out on stage and Cuban hopped over the railing to stand between Sheamus and Cuban. Cuban told Sheamus to stop in his tracks, then local independent wrestlers dressed as security showed up to stand in-between Sheamus and Cuban. Back in the ring, Cena was distracted, which allowed Carlito to jump Cena from behind. Carlito wanted the backstabber, but Cena transitioned in mid-air to the Attitude Adjustment for the pin and the win. Afterward, Cena high-fived Cuban and Mavs players ringside including Shawn Marion.

WINNER: Cena at 3:03. Seemed like a random match thrown out there, but with a back-story involving Carlito. It was also odd to see Cena early on Raw, as WWE usually saves him for the end of the show. The whole thing was odd without the 15-minute opening talking heads segment to start the show. (n/a)


They joined the action in progress and Cole said Cuban was watching Superstars on Thursday to book this re-match. C'mon, Cole. Legacy cut off Primo throughout the early going as Cuban clapped and encouraged Primo from ringside. Cody and Primo then butted heads in the corner and Primo went to the usual babyface corner, but they switched up the corners and Bourne was in the usual heel corner. Bourne took a hot tag and started flying on folks before going up top. DiBiase cut him off, though, and teased a superplex, but Bourne shoved DiBiase down and landed his double knee smash. Cody broke up a pin attempt, though, and Primo yanked him to the ground. Bourne wanted a kick strike back in the ring, but DiBiase hit Dream Street from behind for the win.

Post-match: Cuban got in Justin Roberts's ear to give him an announcement. Roberts announced that Cuban is having Cody and Ted ejected from the AAC. Legacy threw a fit, but out came the indy security to escort Legacy away from ringside. So, they're removed from the Orton vs. Kofi situation for later on.

WINNERS: Legacy at 3:33. Short tag match to give Legacy a win, but then have them get immediate comeuppance to cover for another Bourne loss. Fine angle to build up Orton vs. Kofi later on. (3/4*)


Well, that was quick. Maryse picked up a quick win in less than two minutes to continue building her up to face Melina for the Divas Title. Post-match, Maryse stomped out of the ring and approached Kelly Kelly "Mean Girls" style. She cut a promo on Kelly, who then shoved her and a cat fight was on ringside. Suddenly, Melina stormed out to ringside and cleared away Maryse, who smiled her heel smile from the opposite side of the ring. Melina checked on Kelly ringside to close the segment.

WINNER: Maryse at 1:43. Basic, short divas match where the post-match angle took precedent. (n/a)


Kofi and Orton locked up and Kofi drove Orton to the corner before clotheslining Orton over the top rope to the floor. Kofi then bounced off the opposite ropes and nailed a suicide dive through the ropes on the floor. Kofi rolled Orton back into the ring, but missed with a corner splash back in the ring. Orton then hit a knock-down clothesline to slow down Kofi and begin a methodical attack.

Orton slowly paced the ring to draw boos as Cuban stood back in the corner observing the proceedings. Orton landed a knee drop, then settled into a good old fashioned Orton reverse chinlock to wear down Kingston. Crowd rallied behind Kofi, then Orton started jawing with Cuban, who pointed to his referee t-shirt to remind Orton what's up. Kofi made a comeback, then fired off a bunch of right hands and Cuban interjected to break up before a five count. Kofi then followed up with more right hands and European Uppercut. Kofi followed with the Boom Drop before beginning his hand clap motion to set up his finisher. Orton ducked Trouble in Paradise, then dropped Kofi with his fallaway backbreaker move. Orton shot Cuban a glare, then he pounded his fists on the mat to stalk Kofi for the RKO. Kofi blocked, though, and put Orton in the backslide pin where Cuban made the fastest three count ever to give Kofi the win.

Post-match: The crowd popped and Orton was seething in the ring after getting screwed by Cuban. Cuban told Orton he waited six years for payback and now he got him. Cuban then booked Orton vs. Kofi in the rubber match at TLC. Cole liked the sound of that and said each one has a win "albeit...under weird circumstances." It was just funny how Cole emphasized "weird." Cuban then celebrated with Kofi to close the segment.

WINNER: Kingston at 5:23. Fine, albeit short match between these two. WWE isn't expecting the match-up to sell the PPV, so they're obviously not too concerned about protecting the match-up for PPV. The chemistry between Kofi and Orton was good for five minutes. (**)

5 -- U.S. champion THE MIZ vs. MARK HENRY -- U.S. Title match

They had an early spot to get the crowd involved where Henry teased sitting on Miz's face after blocking a sunset flip, but Miz moved and went on the attack. Henry came back, though, and went for a gorilla press, only to have Miz gouge Henry in the eyes to avoid the attack. Miz then dropkicked Henry to the floor before dropkicking Henry head-first into the ring steps. Henry then re-entered the ring and Miz wanted a top rope splash, but Henry caught him in mid-air. Henry wanted the World's Strongest Slam, but Miz countered in mid-air with a swinging DDT. Miz then made the pin for the win. Whoa. Lawler built up Miz for "turning it up a notch" with the title on the line.

WINNER: Miz at 2:37. Miz with a clean pin on Henry. And now we're Even-Steven after last week, but Miz's win was pretty strong this week. It sure looked like they were going to have retain via count-out, so the finish exceed expectations for building up Miz as a credible threat in the ring. (*)


WWE didn't give the audience any indication why this match was taking place. Anyways, the match started with Hornswoggle vs. Chavo, then Eve and Jillian battled for a bit. Jillian tried a handspring smash, but Eve got her knees up. Eve then hit a handspring splash and scored the pin for the win. Post-match: Chavo teased taking out Hornswoggle again, but Eve stood up to Chavo. Chavo then chucked Horny down, Suddenly, Chris Masters entered the ring and took off his dress shirt. He confronted Chavo and sold he wanted a piece of Chavo. Chavo then pounded on Masters's money-making pecs a few too many times, prompting Masters to begin flexing his left pec. Chavo checked down at his pecs to see he didn't have that kind of power. Eve was kind of grossed out. Chavo then tried a clothesline, but Masters ducked and put him in the Masterlock before delivering a full-nelson slam. Masters then checked on Eve to make sure she was okay before flexing his pecs some more and Eve smiled and giggled. Masters left with Eve, then Horny tried to flex his pecs, but he realized he didn't have that power either. So, he just delivered some crotch chops in Chavo's direction.

WINNERS: Horny & Eve at 2:20. Don't ask for an explanation. We're just going to move along. (n/a)

7 -- DX (SHAWN MICHAELS & TRIPLE H) vs. Unified tag champion CHRIS JERICHO -- handicap match

Jericho and Michaels started things off, then Hunter tagged in and worked over Jericho. DX began exchanging tags before Michaels blasted Jericho with a chop across the chest. Lawler said many people in the "WWE Universe" were enjoying this beating on Jericho, who had nowhere to go to avoid punishment. Suddenly, Jericho shoved the ref into Hunter. With the ref down, Big Show lightly jogged to ringside and palmed Shawn Michaels by the head to give him a headbutt. Show started landing clubbing blows, but Hunter had a chair. He put it across Show's back, then Show turned around and was not happy. Show then punched the chair and the chair kinda sorta deflected into Hunter's face. Michaels tried to pull out a ladder, but Jericho dropkicked it into Michaels's stomach. Show then rammed the ladder into Hunter and Michaels's stomachs before Jericho and Show placed DX inside the ladder like a sandwich. Show held the top rung down for Jericho to crack the chair over the ladder, with the object for DX to feel the reverberations. Jericho then grabbed the tag belts and yelled "never, never, never" down at DX. Jericho then climbed the ladder and stood atop the ladder while DX sold pain on the mat. Show's music played as the tag champs were in control.

WINNER: No decision or announcement around 3:35. The obvious conclusion is that DX gets the belts on Sunday, but WWE could just find another way for JeriShow to get their comeuppance without DX winning the belts. DX doesn't need the belts, so WWE probably went this route to get folks worked up to order the PPV to see JeriShow just take a beating for 15 minutes in the TLC match before Jericho grabs the belts by the skin of his teeth to win. (*)

The final 15 minutes of the show had Sheamus knock out John Cena and throw Mark Cuban through a table.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #389 on: December 09 2009, 01:39 am »
Ring of Honor TV Results: 12-7-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to DeRosenroll's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Mark started off against Steen and they had a good opening exchange of chain wrestling and mat wrestling. Steen was in control until Mark got free, started running the ropes, took down Steen with a running leg lariat, and tagged out to Jay at 1:30. Generico tagged in to face Jay and the two had a fast-paced lucha style exchange. Jay got the advantage thanks to a running elbow and the Briscoes isolated Generico in their corner at 3:00. The Briscoes worked over Generico with some of their trademarks moves until Generico backflipped out of a back suplex attempt by Mark, hit a back suplex of his own, then tagged out to Steen at 5:00. Steen went for a flip dive off the top rope, but Mark got his knees up then tagged out to Jay and the Briscoes maintained the advantage.

Steen made a comeback at 6:00 when Mark’s surgically-repaired knee buckled while he was attempting to lift Steen for a bodyslam. Steen went after the knee with a dragon screw, then tagged Generico back in. Generico and Steen isolated Mark in their corner and worked over his knee. Mark finally made a comeback at 8:30, hit Steen with a couple of punches to the chin and a suplex, then reached Jay for the hot tag. Jay unleashed a flurry running strikes on both Steen and Generico, then landed a Death Valley driver on Steen for a near fall at 10:00. Mark tagged back in, but his knee buckled again when he attempted to lift Steen, allowing Steen to regain the advantage. Steen went to the top rope, but Jay intervened to keep Steen from landing a move on Mark. This prompted Generico to come after Jay, and Generico landed a spectacular running flip dive to take out Jay on the floor at 11:30.

Steen and Generico continued to tag in and out, taking turns working over Mark’s knee. At 12:30, Steen went for the Sharpshooter, but Jay broke it up with a superkick. Generico and Jay began fighting in the ring. Jay got the upper hand and the Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device on Generico at 13:00, but Generico was not the legal man for his team. Steen had recovered from Jay’s superkick by now and caught Jay with a superkick, then powerbombed Mark and locked in the Sharpshooter again. Mark teased tapping out, but managed to grab the ropes at 14:00. Steen then tried for his package piledriver finisher on Mark, but Mark countered it into an ace crusher. Jay then hit a running clothesline-Jay driller combination on Steen, and Mark made the pin.

WINNERS: The Briscoes in 14:30. Excellent match, helped by a hot crowd and excellent commentary from Hogewood and Prazak. The match built up logically and the finishing sequence was very well done.

- After the match, Hogewood and Prazak reinforced that the Briscoes will now face the American Wolves at Final Battle in two weeks. Hogewood also raised the question of what the loss will mean for the careers of Steen and Generico. Excellent job of making the match seem important.

2 – ROH World champion AUSTIN ARIES vs. KENNY OMEGA vs. RODERICK STRONG vs. DAVEY RICHARDS (with Shane Hagadorn, Eddie Edwards, and Sara Del Rey) -- Four-way ROH World Title match

Aries started the match by cheap-shotting Richards and scurrying out of the ring. As Richards chased after Aries, Omega caught Richards with a rollup for a near fall. Aries pulled Omega out of the ring and they began fighting on the outside while and Richards and Strong began fighting in the ring. Prazak complained that it was unfair to Aries that he could lose the World Title without being pinned in this match. Hogewood said Aries brought it on himself with his misbehavior in recent weeks. At 1:00, Aries grabbed Richards by the ankle and pulled him outside. Richards followed the action outside and all four men began fighting on the outside.

At 2:00, Strong tried to haul Aries back into the ring, but Aries gouged Strong’s eyes as Strong tried to lift him into the ring, then sent Strong back to the outside with a hangman neckbreaker on the ropes. Omega climbed to the top on the opposite side of the ring and landed a missile drop kick on Aries. Omega followed this up with a high-energy flurry of his trademark offensive moves on Aries, while Strong and Richards fought on the floor. Omega clotheslined Aries over the top rope to the floor at 3:30, then went to the top rope to set up a dive onto Aries on the floor, but Richards came back into the ring and stopped Omega with a running boot. Richards then began working over Omega with his trademark hard strikes and power moves, while Strong and Aries fought on the floor. Omega sold very well for Richards’ offence. Richards went for a pin at 5:30 but Strong rushed into the ring to break it up. Strong and Richards then got into a painful-looking chop exchange. Richards grounded Strong with a chin breaker-bodyslam combination, then went to the top, but Aries came from the outside to knock Richards to the floor and opportunistically landed a frog splash on Strong in the ring for a near fall at 6:00.

Aries continued working over Strong in the ring until Strong managed to dodge Aries’s running dropkick in the corner. Before Strong could follow up, Omega intervened and attacked Strong. This started a fast-paced sequence where each wrestler would hit a move or two on another, only to be cut off by a move or two from another wrestler, and so on. The sequence ended with Omega and Strong down selling the moves they’d taken and Aries and Richards having an exchange in the middle of the ring. Aries threw Richards to the outside and attempted his trademark heat seeking missile dive, but Richards stopped him with a hard boot to the head as Aries flew head first between the first and second ropes. Aries and Richards began fighting on the outside until Strong dove over the top rope onto both of them at 8:30. Just as the three got back to their feet, Omega came over the top rope with a spectacular flip dive to take them all out.

At 9:00, Omega rolled Aries back into the ring to press his advantage. Omega tried to set up Aries for a electric chair superplex in the corner, but Aries managed to free himself and kick Omega back to the mat. Before Aries could climb down from the top rope, Richards came in and caught Aries with an incredible German superplex at 9:30. Richards followed this up with a running leg lariat and a German suplex into a bridge pin on Aries, but Omega broke up the pin. Omega attempted an electric chair suplex on Richards, but Aries broke it up and Richards rolled out of the ring. Omega then landed an electric chair suplex on Aries, but Strong broke up the subsequent pin attempt at 11:00. Strong and Omega exchanged forearms in the ring until Aries came back in as the third man and threw Omega to the outside. Strong landed a hard running boot on Aries and tried for a pin, but Richards broke it up at 12:00. Aries rolled out of the ring as Omega came back in with a flurry of hard strikes and power moves on both Strong and Richards.

Just a Hogewood said “Omega is the one who has shown the most in this match,” Richards and Strong turned the tables on Omega and sent him to the outside with an alarm clock-running boot double team at 13:30. This left Strong and Richards alone in the ring. The two former No Remorse Corps stable mates had a long stare down, spit at each other, then had an intense exchange of hard strikes. Richards got the upper hand and tried for a DR driver, but Strong countered it into a gut-buster attempt that Richards countered that into a cloverleaf submission hold. Strong countered the cloverleaf into a small package for a very close near fall. Strong followed up with a powerbomb on Richards, but Aries opportunistically came in from the outside, punt kicked Strong as Strong went for the cover, then stole the pin on Richards.

WINNER: Aries in 15:00 to retain the ROH World Title. Outstanding four-way match with great action throughout. Omega, the least established of the four wrestlers, got plenty of time to shine to elevate him, and the finishing sequence between Strong and Richards was breathtaking. The finish was the right one, since the title should not change hands on a four way on television with almost no build up. Overall, this was one of the best four-way matches I have seen in years. The last four-way match I enjoyed this much was the Samoa Joe-Low Ki-Dan Maff-B.J. Whitmer four-way at the ROH Second Anniversary Show way back in 2004.

- After the match, Hogewood said “Austin Aries’ day is coming, I know it.” Just then, the lights in the arena went out and Tyler Black’s music hit. When the lights came back on, Black was on the entrance stage pointing at Aries. Hogewood said, “The Day of Reckoning has come for Aries!” Black pulled his shirt off and looked like he was going to charge the ring when the show abruptly ended.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #390 on: December 10 2009, 12:31 pm »
ECW On SyFy Results: 12-8-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).

Prior to the ECW taping starting, Goldust came out for the dark match to start the taping. Kaval (Low-Ki) was his opponent. Kaval cut a promo about his discipline and knowledge making him far superior than the fans. Basically, C.M. Punk's "I'm better than you" promos with a twist. And Ki's deep, unique voice.

Dark match: Goldust beat Kaval at 3:52. Crowd was into the match with Kaval flailing around to sell for Goldust. He seems to have studied some Chris Jericho tapes on "playing to the top row of the arena." Goldust avoided a top rope double foot stomp, then hit the Final Cut suplex for the win.


It was interesting to see how the audience would react to Archer in his first long-form match on ECW TV. He attempted a leg drop with a big wind-up that drew a reaction when he missed Dreamer completely. It was a nice transition to Dreamer's comeback, including a slow-motion baseball slide dropkick. Dreamer then missed with a Dreamer DDT and Archer followed with the big boot and reverse DDT for the win.

WINNER: Archer at 5:06. Archer has some charisma WWE can cultivate, but he needs more time before he becomes a marketable top tier star on the ECW brand. A fine TV match for five minutes. (*1/4)


Vaughn was given a payday to basically stand on the apron and take a dropkick near the finish. Good work if you can get it. Meanwhile, poor Franks took a beating from the FCW call-ups. Barreta and Croft made quick work of the enhancement talent with the crowd understanding they were the wrestlers being featured since they were actually tan compared to the pale white enhancement talents. Cue up their "Vitamin C" theme music for the win.

WINNERS: Baretta & Croft at 1:50. WWE's just continuing to build up the new tag team. We'll see where it leads since the ECW tag roster is thin (actually non-existent) minus the feuding Kozlov and Jackson. (n/a)


The opening with Christian and Jackson was received well, especially Christian playing cat-and-mouse with Jackson to expose Jackson's "weakness" as a slow, sluggish brute. The heels then isolated Shelton Benjamin for a good while. One man in the crowd was determined to get a "Let's go Shelton" chant started. After shouting himself hoarse, the audience finally picked up on it. Sign Guy then started a slow-clap rallying clap for Shelton, who fought to his feet from a seated position and broke free from Regal. The spot where the referee doesn't see the hot tag to the babyface initially didn't draw a reaction because the audience saw it coming, but they booed when Christian and Yoshi sold their frustration with the ref to the top row of the arena. Eventually, Yoshi took a hot tag and the action broke down. Jackson then wanted a tag to Kozlov, but Kozlov hopped off the apron and started to leave. Jackson chased him down and they brawled ringside while Regal tried to restore order. In the process, Team Regal was counted out.

Post-match: Shelton did a leap over the top rope onto Team Regal that got the flashbulbs popping. Meanwhile, Yoshi disappeared from sight really selling an injury to his jaw/mouth. Christian then grabbed the ladder from the opening segment and set it up in the ring. He scaled the ladder to retrieve the ECW Title belt hanging above the ring, but Shelton suddenly popped to his feet and springboard leapt onto the ladder. You could see how gimmicked the ladder was when it buckled slightly, but absorbed Shelton like the ladder was made of rubber. Christian and Shelton then grabbed hold of the title belt and had a face-to-face, nose-to-nose stare down standing atop the ladder to close the show.

WINNERS: Team Christian at 12:01. The post-match was more important than the in-ring action, as the match was basically six minutes of Shelton selling for the heels. The closing image of Shelton and Christian on top of the ladder was a good sales pitch for the TLC PPV on Sunday. Not the best episode of ECW, but it was effective for advancing the PPV sales pitch and the TV storyline-driven feud between Kozlov and Jackson. (*3/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #391 on: December 12 2009, 10:13 am »
TNA Impact! Results: 12-10-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Wilkenfeld's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Has Doug Williams always been blond? He suddenly reminds me of Bruno. We're told that Nash has banned Alex Shelley from ringside. Sabin and Williams start off with a bit of chain wrestling, culminating in a Side Headlock from Williams. Sabin shoots him off, pops Magnus off the apron, tosses Williams out, and looks to flip out onto them when he's cut off by a shoulder block from Rob Terry. Williams comes back in and chokes Sabin against the corner. Magnus tags in and they hit their Double Union Jack, followed by the Handshake of Doom. Williams tags back in and whips Williams knee first into Sabin. Williams returns the favor by whipping Sabin into a Big Boot from Magnus. He tags in Rob Terry (who the crowd says can't wrestle), who hits a Body Slam, but whiffs on an Elbow Drop. Sabin whips him into the corner. Williams and Magnus come in to help, but Sabin dodges and stacks them up in the corner. He looks for a running kick to all three, but Williams and Magnus get out of the way—Terry still eats it. Magnus and Williams try to strike back with some type of double clothesline, but Sabin dodges and they run right into Terry. While they recover, Sabin hits a quick Tornado Small Package (which I didn't even know was a move) on Terry for the pinfall.

WINNER: Chris Sabin in four minutes. Williams and Magnus are unhappy at their partner. I really hope that this is the start of a MCMG push and not a Rob Terry face turn.


Nash can book matches with people who aren't TNA employees? Could he have booked me in a match? Steiner has a picture of Kristal on his crotch. Lashley starts things off with a kick to Steiner's gut, a sledge to the back and a Body Slam. Steiner rolls out of the ring and has the ref rebuke Lashley for the use of a closed fist. Lashley follows him out—shouldn't he have just let the match end by count-out? He follows Steiner back into the ring and gets caught by a couple of Knife-Edged Chops. Lashley just powers him onto his shoulders for some type of Rib Breaker. A Suplex gets two. Lashley comes off the ropes but gets tripped up by Awesome Kong. Steiner knocks him down, then floors him with a clothesline when he gets back up. Kong comes in to help out with Lashley, who ducks. Kong inadvertently clotheslines Steiner. While they argue, Lashley clubs Steiner and then takes him over with a T-Bone Suplex. Steiner rolls to the outside, and when Lashley follows him out Steiner whips him into the steel steps near Kristal. She goes to check on Lashley, and might actually have accidentally tagged in. Steiner glares at her, and she backs up into Kong. Kong crushes her and starts to go to the top rope for a big Splash, but Steiner just takes the moderately sexual cover and then does some pushups over her.

WINNERS: Scott Steiner & Awesome Kong in four and a half minutes.

Global Championship Match

They lock up to start. Young backs Hamada into a corner, then pats her on the head. The crowd chants for TNA to fire Eric. He plays to the crowd a bit, only to eat a Spinning Heel Kick. He rolls to the outside, where she follows him with a bunch of quick strikes. EY goes to the corner, and when she charges he gets up a boot—I guess that doesn't count as hitting a woman cause she was moving? His edge doesn't last long, as Hamada gets him with a leaping kick, then takes him down with a top rope Frankensteiner. She goes for a Moonsault, but whiffs. EY makes the cover with the ropes to get the win.

WINNER: Eric Young.

(4) TARA (w/POISON) vs. ODB
Trailer Park Throwdown

In honor of the late Mr. Fatu I will be bringing back the shot-to-the head counter, and this time will keep it cumulative. ODB gives Tara, who's looking like she's going to puke, a bucket, but Tara whacks her with it. ODB rolls to the outside, where ODB whacks her a few more times with some sort of handle. Tara is poised to drop a cooler on ODB's head, but ODB takes a sip and spits some booze in her face. She wraps Tara up in caution tape, then hits her on the back with some sort of tray. She hits a plunger to Tara's butt, and they go back into the ring. There's a ladder set up in the corner, and ODB catapults Tara into it. I'm pretty sure that was protected. ODB starts to climb the ladder, but then randomly decides to bust out a step-ladder instead. A Splash gets two. ODB backs Tara into the corner and chokes her with a tiki torch. Tara flips her out. They get back to their knees. Each of them grabs a trash can, and…uh oh.

Headshot Counter: 7

Tara Body Slams ODB, sets a trashcan lid on top of her, and Moonsaults onto it. She starts to climb for another, but stumbles and falls off the turnbuckles. ODB chokes her out with a steel chain, and uses it to nail a Face Buster onto the chair.

Headshot Counter: 8

WINNER: ODB in six minutes.


Rhino starts things off with a kick to Morgan, but gets backed into the corner for Morgan's back elbows. Devon tags in, but bounces off Morgan. Suicide and Ray tag in as well. Suicide this a few Arm Drags, but Ray powers him down and tags in Jesse Neal. Neal hits a series of clubs in the corner, then tags in Rhino. Rhino keeps working over Suicide, hitting a Spear in the corner. Devon tags back in and beats Suicide to the mat. Devon charges, but Suicide gets a boot up. He takes advantage of the distance to hit a thrusting dropkick. Hernandez and Neal tag in. Hernandez takes down Neal with his Slingshot Shoulder Block, takes down an interfering Rhino and Devon, then pops Ray off the apron. He lifts Neal over with a Back Body Drop, then flies to the outside to take out the other three men. Hernandez comes back in and floors Neal with a Dominator for 1, 2…no! Ray comes in and hits a Bubba Bomb, Morgan takes him out with a Carbon Footprint, and everyone starts hitting finishers in rapid succession. Eventually Hernandez ends up with Devon, whom he nails with the Border Toss, only to turn into a Spear from the legal Neal for the three count.

WINNERS: Team 3D, Rhino, & Jesse Neal? What just happened? Hernandez was kept down by a Spear from JESSE NEAL? B.S.

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Kurt comes down to commentary for the match. Wolfe gets an immediate Full Nelson, then a wrist lock. AJ tries to flip out, but Wolfe blocks him. AJ then does flip through, but Wolfe maintains the hold and gets AJ back down. AJ gets up and hits a Body Slam, but Wolfe still hangs onto the hold. Finally AJ reverses the hold, they trade wrist locks, and eventually AJ shoots him off and gets him with a high dropkick. AJ gets a quick hammerlock, but Wolfe elbows his face. Wolfe tries to run AJ into the turnbuckle, but AJ blocks it. AJ whiffs though on a strike in the corner, and Wolfe connects with his Hammerlock Slam, then the Suplex. He pounds AJ's left arm against the mat, then twists it against the ropes. AJ uses his free hand to fight back, but Wolfe headbutts him back into the corner. He charges right into a Big Boot, and AJ connects with a series of clotheslines and then some sort of Back Breaker to his own knee. Wolfe lifts him up with a Back Body Drop, but AJ lands on the apron and comes back with the Flying Forearm. AJ knocks him down, and as Wolfe falls he kicks AJ in the groin. The ref treats it as an accident, but Wolfe points to his head to let us know that it wasn't. He signals for his lariat, but Daniels comes down and grabs him from the outside. When Wolfe looks at him, AJ sneaks up and gets him with a roll-up into a bridge for three.

WINNER: AJ Styles in five minutes. I like the plot twist, but I would have preferred seeing these two ramp up more quickly if the match was going to be this short. (I realize that wouldn't actually make sense—how would they know in advance it would be a short match?—so I guess this works too).

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #392 on: December 12 2009, 10:18 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 12-10-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Having already seen this match at the Smackdown taping on Tuesday, I'm interested to hear the added commentary and catch any possible audio sweetening. Early on, the announcers used Finlay's presence in the ring to talk up Sheamus going into the TLC PPV. After a feeling-out process, Finlay engaged the crowd by trapping Ziggler in the ring apron for his signature move. Back in the ring, Ziggler rammed Finlay in the gut before ramming him head-first into the ringspot. Odd and sad to hear Striker being produced to almost glorify the effects of being hit in the head with a chair to sell Batista vs. Undertaker at the PPV. On cue, the match cut to a break with both men down on the mat after knocking heads in the ring.

Back from break, Striker was still being produced to glorify chair shots to the head. Hurry, order TLC to see wrestlers inflict more punishment to their heads. Ziggler was on the offensive working Finlay's arm and shoulder. Finlay then tried to attack Ziggler in the corner, but Ziggler moved and Finlay hit the turnbuckles. Dazed, Finlay stumbled back into the Zig-Zag finisher from Ziggler for the win.

WINNER: Ziggler in 12:00. Basic, okay singles match. Striker being produced to show enthusiasm for chair shots to the head and the effects of blows to the head was just wrong. Ten years from now with more and more research, people are going to watch this tape and their jaws will be on the floor. (*)


Wang and SMJ scored some early high-flying offense, then Yang found himself on the floor. Natalya landed a bodyslam on the floor that generated one of the legit biggest pops of the Smackdown taping during any match on the show. Back in the ring, Smith went to work on Yang as they replayed Natalya's slam on Yang. SMJ took a hot tag at 3:00 and went to work on Kidd with fast-paced offense. Smith then broke up a pin and Yang cleared him to the outside. Back in the ring, though, Kidd blocked a suplex and hit a back kick into a flip-over neckbreaker for the pin and the win. Sweet finish.

WINNER: HD in 4:00. This was better on TV than live at the taping. Nice pace with the camera and production enhancing the high-flying, fast-paced offense throughout the match. Yang and SMJ had enough impressive-looking offense to look strong in defeat. (*1/2)


The match started with an early exchange to feel each other out. Lawler after the opening bell: "Did you know MVP's high school newspaper had an obituary column?" Now that Lawler isn't running for mayor in Memphis, he can crack jokes again. MVP had a flurry of offense at 2:00, so Swagger slipped to the outside to recover. MVP told him he was ballin', so Swagger stomped up the ring steps back into the ring to answer. MVP went back on the offensive and teased dropping the Ballin' elbow, but Swagger rolled to the outside. Cole said Swags needed a time-out, but MVP interrupted with a plancha to the floor. MVP in control going to break.

Back from break, MVP was still in control. Lawler suggested MVP "gets up" for Swagger and does his best work in the ring opposite Swagger thanks to the trash talk over the past few months. Swagger then took control working over MVP's left shoulder while MVP's nose was in the canvas. MVP then fired off a round of right hand blows and back-dropped Swagger to the mat before landing a series of clotheslines. MVP then set up the Ballin' elbow drop when he could have made a pin when Swagger was motionless for over three seconds. MVP then wanted the Playmaker, but Swagger held the ropes to block. MVP tried a small package, but Swagger kicked out. Swagger then landed a knee to the gut and MVP just kinda fell down in the corner for Swagger to hit a running Vader bomb for a two count.

Time to go home nearing the top of the hour. MVP blocked a neckbreaker, then he charged Swagger and nailed a big boot right to the head, but Swagger kicked out and MVP sold shock. MVP tried to capitalize, but Swagger dropped MVP face-first on the top turnbuckle and followed right up with the gutwrench powerbomb. Swagger with the pin for the win.

WINNER: Swagger in 12:00. Nice TV main event. Good counters and reversals throughout. The finish was telegraphed early and often, as MVP had tons of offense compared to Swagger to protect MVP before he took the eventual fall. Good conclusion to the show. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #393 on: December 13 2009, 10:51 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 12-11-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Park's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


At one point, when Truth was yelling, “what’s up?” as part of his intro, Punk replied “Straight Edge!” Matt followed Truth and was handing the Hardy DVD to fans. Punk’s indignation and desperate attempts to convince fans not to accept them while Truth was still rapping was funny. Truth gave a cheap-shot to Punk before the match as Punk was yelling at Hardy in the ring.

After Punk recovered, the match began. Punk got in Truth’s face and taunted him. Not Punk’s most sagacious moment, as Truth came back with a clothesline and sent Punk to the outside as they went to break under a minute into the match.

They returned to action about 3:30 into the match. The faces were double-teaming Punk, but Punk came back to hang Truth waist-first on the top rope. Gallows tagged in and registered a gut-buster on Truth. Striker lauded the team of Punk and Gallows, while Grisham reminded him it was their first match together. Scoop slam by Punk for two. The heels isolated Truth and worked him over. Gallows cinched in a bearhug. Belly-to-back suplex by Punk, then some taunts of the fans to draw some more heat. He went for a springboard clothesline, but Truth dropkicked him in the chest as he came down. Matt tagged in and went to work on Punk. Powerbomb-like move out of the corner, then a legdrop off the second rope. Gallows broke up the pin, but Truth took care of him. Punk tossed Truth. Couple of reversals by the legal men. Twist of Fate, but Punk made a blind tag prior to that and Gallows gave him a big boot and his finisher (which Striker called “The 12th Step” and “The Gallows’ Pole”) for the win.

WINNERS: Punk and Gallows, at 8:51. Good tag match to put over the Punk/Gallows relationship.


Jericho slapped Escobar after a brief face-off, but Escobar came back with some rights. Jumping leg lariat by Escobar, then he walloped Jericho some more in the corner. Sky High by Escobar for only two. He clotheslined Jericho over the top and to the outside. At this point, Vickie came out to make it a two-on-one handicap match with Big Show and Jericho taking on Escobar. You could see that one coming as soon as Jericho was thrown over the top rope.


Escobar tried for a quick pin before Show got to the ring, but it was unsuccessful. Jericho took over on offense and immediately tagged Show. After about a minute of beating down Escobar, Jericho tagged back in and locked in the Walls of Jericho to pick up the submission victory.

WINNERS: Show and Jericho, at 2:59. I wouldn’t say this makes the champs look especially strong heading into TLC.


During Knox’s entrance, they replayed the finish of last week’s match between these two. Kane got a big boot early on, then a snap-mare, but Knox fled the ring before Kane could hit him with the low dropkick. As he came back in, Kane grabbed him by the throat. Knox elbowed out, then hit a pump kick. Knox kept Kane grounded with elbows and punches. Short-arm clothesline from Knox. Kane got his knees up on a splash, then came the low dropkick. That got a two-count. One-armed sidewalk slam by Kane, an impressive sight. The Big Red Monster missed a clothesline off the top and Knox responded with a cross-body for two. He went for a Knox Out, but Kane countered with a chokeslam for the win.

WINNER: Kane, at 2:55. Knox’s gimmick doesn’t really work when the guy never wins.


They officially announced Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool for the Women’s Title at TLC. Maria opened the match with a couple arm-drags on McCool. Michelle recovered and came back with a back-breaker. McCool knocked James off the apron and as the ref tried to restrain James from coming into the ring, the heels took advantage with some double-teaming. Maria fought back with a head-scissor take-down and tagged James. McCool tagged out to Layla, who ate Mickie’s offense. Hair pull took Mickie down, but Layla got nailed with a Thesz Press. Mickie shoved her into McCool, who was on the apron, then rolled Layla up for the win.

WINNERS: Mickie and Maria, at 1:56. The match served its purpose, nothing more.


Batista started the match on offense, whipping Rey hard into the buckle. Hard elbow to the chest put Mysterio down again, and got a two-count. Batista really worked over Mysterio, bodyslamming him and paint-brushing the back of Rey’s head. Mysterio finally fought out of a powerslam and took out Dave’s knee. Batista got set up for the 619, but escaped. Rey used some tomfoolery to get into Batista head, stepping over him to get out of the ring, then coming back in when Batista went out after him. Baseball slide and Batista landed hard against the barricade as the show went to break a little under three minutes into the match.

Batista was twisting Rey’s body around the ring post as the show returned. They showed a replay during the break of Batista taking over on offense with a boot to the face and a whip of Rey into the ring steps. He began to whip Mysterio with camera cables at ringside. Batista dropped Rey jaw-first onto the announce table. Hey, I just noticed sign guy in the front row. The Animal worked over the back of Mysterio in the ring. Striker wondered aloud if, because Batista’s milk intake is more than the normal man, and milk strengthens bones, whether it makes Batista’s head harder and requires more chair shots to daze him. I wonder what goes through his mind sometimes. Batista brought a chair into the ring, but Rey came back and prevented him from using it. Mysterio got the 619 and the springboard splash, but only for two. Mysterio whacked Batista in the back with a chair, then went after him with it raised above his head, resulting in him getting speared by Batista. Spinebuster by the big man. Chairshot to the head by Batista, followed by a pin for the win.

WINNER: Batista, at 11:11. Well, Batista has the match at the PPV, so he had to go over here.

Batista went back for seconds, but the lights went out and Taker’s gong sounded. The lights came back on, and Taker was in the ring. He pummeled Batista and grabbed the chair, but Batista escaped before Taker could wield it successfully. Batista crawled up the ramp, trying to catch his breath, as Taker did the throat-slash gesture in Batista’s direction.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #394 on: December 17 2009, 11:08 am »
WWE RAW Results: 12-14-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Khali started things off and looked horrible trying to move around. Christian then tagged in and the heels isolated Christian to begin working him over after he took a beating in the ladder match last night. Kane then tagged in and battled with Regal. Jackson then tagged in and clotheslined Kane. He yelled and screamed, but the audience was sitting on their hands. Kozlov then blind-tagged in to upset Jackson. Kane then ran over Kozlov and Khali suddenly tagged in and delivered a big right hand chop to Kozlov for the pin and the win. Regal was frustrated with his bad luck post-match. Khali did a little dance post-match while Kane stared at him.

WINNERS: Team Christian at 2:30. Why the torment? A slow, plodding, brutal match. (1/4*)


The bell sounded and there was a "Kofi, Kofi" chant that sounded close to a "Cody, Cody" chant. The announcers talked about the breakthrough performances by the young stars on TLC last night. Kofi hit a Boom Drop less than a minute into the ring, then Ted DiBiase stormed the ring and attacked Kofi for a DQ.

WINNER: Kofi via DQ at 1:01. (n/a)

Post-match: Evan Bourne made the save for Kofi. After things were settled down, Dennis Miller was back on-stage and he awarded himself a Slammy for Best Announcement by a Guest Host when he ordered the match restarted. "Al Sharpton, Jeremy Piven, Suck it! Ring the bell," he said. That got a crowd reaction. Miller's best moment (read: not super-awkward moment) of the show.


After the "Suck It" declaration, the bell sounded and Kofi and Bourne hit double planchas on Legacy on the outside. They cut to break and plugged Tribute to the Troops airing on NBC this Saturday night.

Back from break, DiBiase had Kofi in a headlock on the mat. Striker inserted a product placement plug, saying DiBiase was almost "Marine-like" taking apart Kofi. Cody and Ted continued to tag in and out working over Kingston as the audience tried to rally him. Bourne then took a tag at 6:30 and cleared the heels from the ring. Bourne then hit a double knee drop on Cody in mid-air for a two count. DiBiase and Kofi ended up on the outside, then Rhodes caught Bourne and turned his neck inside-out with an emphatic Cross Rhodes spinning neckbreaker for the pin and the win. Post-match: Kofi checked on Bourne while Legacy left the ring with a victory.

WINNERS: Legacy at 7:20. It was quite obvious how this going down once Bourne entered the match to be the man to take the fall. Meanwhile, Kofi is back to floating around aimlessly in the mid-card. (3/4*)

4 -- JOHN CENA vs. C.M. PUNK -- Superstar of the Year tournament match

Cena ran over Punk with a shoulderblock, but Punk answered with a leg whip. He then mocked Cena's You Can't See Me and followed with a high knee in the corner followed by a running bulldog. Punk then settled into a mat hold as the audience chanted for Cena. Punk then tried the G2S, but Cena countered center-ring with the STF. The audience popped, then Cena re-applied the STF and locked it in center ring. Punk had nowhere to go and he tapped out. Cena briefly celebrated before selling frustration with his current circumstances.

WINNER: Cena at 1:43. Short match to get Cena his heat back and set up the post-match. Punk had a promo to help cover for the inevitable short loss, but this wasn't a good showcase for Punk. (n/a)

5 -- RANDY ORTON vs. THE UNDERTAKER -- Superstar of the Year tournament match

The bell sounded and the announcers picked up the debate on Batista not winning the World Title thanks to Teddy Long. Cole and Lawler defended Long's decision-making. Have to go with Shane McKinley's point on the inconsistency with Long's character since Long didn't call for a restart in Morrison-McIntyre after McIntyre won the IC Tile thanks to an illegal eye-gouge. As for the match, Taker teased his signature moves early on, but Orton countered everything. Taker then delivered a "vintage" leg drop across the ring apron from the outside. Striker asked Cole if he does "vintage" twice in one match. Cole said he tries not to. Legacy then walked down the ramp and Taker scared them back up the ramp. After scaring away Legacy, Taker walked back to Orton, who surprised Taker with an RKO on the floor as the ref was at a six count. Orton slid into the ring at nine and Taker made a last-second dive back in the ring, but he fell on the ground. Taker was counted out, giving Orton the win.

Post-match: Legacy tried to jump Taker, but Taker sat up and flung them to the outside. Taker then delivered a chokeslam on Orton and ref Robinson scurried out of the ring. After clearing the ring, Taker simply paced around the ring before his music played. So, now we have Cena vs. Orton once again.

WINNER: Orton via count-out at 3:20. It became obvious how this was going down once Cena won earlier. No way they were going to give away Cena vs. Taker on free TV with no hype. Of course, they had to protect Taker, so they went the cheap route to give Orton his ticket to the tournament finals. Not enough time to develop anything in the match itself. (*)

6 -- Unified tag champions DX (TRIPLE H & SHAWN MICHAELS) vs. BIG SHOW & CHRIS JERICHO -- Unified tag title match

The bell sounded and after a brief stare-down period, Hunter shoved down the ref. The ref stood up and surveyed the scene before shouting for a DQ. The audience figured out what was going on as Jericho stood stunned. Michaels sarcastically told Hunter he just cost them the match. Fortunately, the titles don't change hands on a DQ, but he did cost them the match. Hunter sarcastically said he just cost them the match and the winner's prize money. Michaels said there goes Christmas. Hunter said that also was the re-match and Jericho is done with re-matches. Michaels: "Oh man, this has to be horrible to be you." He then told Jericho technically he's not even supposed to be in a Raw ring. Michaels told Hunter that Jericho is trespassing. Hunter said if only there were a group of superstars who hate Jericho as much as they do.

Cue up the DX music to bring out Hurricane, R-Truth, Shelton, Cryme Tyme, Finlay, and Christian in DX Army gear. Best look was Christian sporting a Cowboy hat and DX beanie and pulling it off with style. There was even a DX Snuggie, thanks to Cole referencing it. Jericho yelled at the DX Army, but Michaels blasted him with a superkick to shut up Jericho. The makeshift DX Army then helped escort Jericho up the rampway. Of note, Big Show disappeared after the DQ. Jericho finally left and Michaels and Hunter were left in the ring to declare Jericho is outta here. They cut backstage where Jericho turned over a catering table while the DX Army pushed him down the walkway to the exit door. They pushed him out the door and closed the back door. Jericho pounded on the door, but Christian crotch-chopped the door.

WINNERS: Jericho & Show via DQ at 0:22; DX retains tag titles. Well, there goes Jericho back to Smackdown only it appears. Unless Jericho shows up as the Winnipeg Kid next week and wins a contract over a recently re-hired Wellness Policy violator. Or, he just badgers each week's guest host to get another chance on Raw. Meanwhile, Big Show can disappear for knee recovery ... or feud with Mark Henry.

Continued in next post...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #395 on: December 17 2009, 11:09 am »
WWE RAW Results: 12-14-09

Continued from previous post...


The heels tried to chase Henry around the ring, but Henry clobbered Miz and brought in Morrison. Miz and Morrison did battle to re-live the good ol' days before McIntyre tagged in and Morrison tackled him hard to the mat. Ryder then tagged in and he demanded a piece of Yoshi, who tagged in. Yoshi and Ryder had a nice exchange leading to a stand-off. Ryder then did "Woo Woo Woo" and Yoshi blasted him with a kick to the face. Yoshi made the cover for the win. That was pretty funny. Striker then nearly lost control of his bowels on commentary watching Yoshi jump up and down celebrating the win post-match. He's so happy it's almost painful.

WINNERS: Team Yoshi at 2:11. At this rate, Cena vs. Orton is going to last 34 seconds. This show has been laugh-out funny for good and bad reasons, absolutely horrible at other times, and a complete trainwreck at other times. Just a weird show. (3/4*)


Fourteen divas assembled in the ring dressed in evening gowns. They couldn't decide who should be Diva of the Year, nor who should start the match. Eventually, Mickie entered the ring and scored a quick pin for the win as her consolation prize after not winning the Women's Title last night.

WINNERS: Team Mickie at 0:48. You knew this one was going short after the pattern on the show and the women dressed in evening gowns. (n/a)


The match moved to the floor early on where Orton took advantage before throwing Cena back into the ring to inflict more punishment. Orton proceeded to stomp and kick and punch away on Cena, who sold pain before making a comeback with a bulldog. Cena then went up top and hit the guillotine leg drop for a close two count. Cena tried to collect himself before going after Orton, but Orton caught him with a fallaway backbreaker for a two count. Orton landed a straight right hand, then Cena came back with a small package pin attempt, but Orton popped up and landed a hard clothesline for a two count. Announcers cast doubt over Cena's chances tonight, which means he's winning. Orton continued the beat down before airballing on a high knee drop. Cena then made his full comeback as the crowd popped for his You Can't See Me routine. Cena then tried the Attitude Adjustment, but Orton blocked, and tried the RKO, but Cena countered into an STF attempt. Orton blocked, but Cena countered into an AA for a close two count when Orton grabbed the bottom rope just before three. Orton rolled to the outside to recover, then he caught Cena and implant DDT'ed right off the ring apron face-first into the padding. Orton then rolled Cena's lifeless body back into the ring, but Cena kicked out at two. Orton, now beside himself, did his evil-eyes look as Cena stirred in the corner. Orton saw his chance and backed into the corner for The Punt, but Cena moved and hit the AA this time in center ring. SuperCena then made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Cena at 9:03 to become Superstar of the Year. Darn good main event. Great counters and reversals, but you could see the finish coming a mile away with a "reinvigorated and renewed" Cena being the focal point of the match. (***)

Post-match: Cena celebrated his victory and award-winning night, then Sheamus came out on-stage with the WWE Title belt held high in the air. Cena told Sheamus to come get some, but Sheamus remained on the stage gloating about his possession of the title belt. They closed ten minutes past the top of the year with Sheamus smiling a big smile.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #396 on: December 17 2009, 11:11 am »
ECW on SyFy Results: 12-15-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- THE HURRICANE vs. THE RIPPER PAUL BURCHILL (w/The Beautiful Nightmare Katie Lea)

Instant thumbs up for the match with Josh Mathews referencing "The Office." Context was Hurricane is Jim trying to eliminate Ripper, who would be Dwight Schrute. The match was controlled by Ripper early on as Katie continued to hold her mask and shout encouragement from ringside. Burchill tried to charge Hurricane in the corner moments later, but Hurricane responded with a Hurricean Uppercut for a two count. He wanted to follow with the Shining Wizard, but Burchill ducked and hit a neckbreaker for a close two count. Hurricane then came back with a Tornado DDT from the corner. He then tried to unmask Burchill and eh removed the Ripper mask. Burchill, angered and flustered, walked into the Shining Wizard from Hurricane, who made the cover for the win. Post-match: Hurricane held up Burchill's mask triumphantly as Burchill tried to make sense of his bad luck.

WINNER: Hurricane in 5:00. Fine singles match. Not enough time to be on par with their previous matches. Now, Burchill goes back to being in limbo for the time being. (*)

2 -- EZEKIEL JACKSON vs. KOZLOV (w/William Regal) -- ECW Homecoming qualifying match

The bell sounded and they went face-to-face center ring. Jackson pie-faced Kozlov, who answered with a forearm to the blow. Jackson then landed a scoop slam. Meanwhile, Mathews delivered the news: there will be 16 men in the #1 contender tournament and the eight winners will compete in an ECW Homecoming finale in five weeks. They quickly went to the finish where Regal subtly tripped Kozlov from the outside. Jackson then hit his Uranage on Kozlov for the pin and the win. Post-match: Regal smiled and patted Jackson on the back. He smiled, then Jackson started to walk off. Regal went back to get his coat and Kozlov confronted him on the outside. Jackson then blasted Kozlov from behind and Regal ran him into the announce table to KO Kozlov. They aired a replay of the post-match, which Regal and Jackson celebrated on the way out.

WINNER: Jackson in 2:00. Yes, they are apparently trying to turn Kozlov babyface. Or, just switching Jackson back to a heel since he wasn't over as a babyface. You figure it out. (n/a)


Mathews sarcastically congratulated B&C on their victory over the Unified tag champs playing video games. B&C methodically worked over their opponents as the crowd seemed completely disinterested in the action. B&C then finished the match with a double-team Hangman's neckbreaker for the pin and the win. Post-match: Barreta stole the mic from Savannah and did the announcement: "Your winners, next year's Slammy-Award winning tag team of the year, Trent Barreta and Caylen Croft."

WINNERS: Barreta & Croft in 2:00. Squash match to continue getting them on TV. Their gimmick is for the kids, which may or may not catch on. Stay tuned. When WWE puts them in an actual tag match after establishing them in squash matches, a proper evaluation can be made. (n/a)

4 -- KANE vs. ZACK RYDER (w/Rosa Mendes) -- ECW Homecoming qualifying match

Ryder tried to be aggressive early on, but Kane blasted him with right hand uppercuts. Ryder blocked Kane in the corner with a boot, but Kane caught him in mid-air for a powerslam off the second rope. Kane missed with an elbow drop, though, and Ryder went to work on Kane with matholds. Ryder then avoided a chokeslam before punting Kane in the back of the leg to begin taking apart the left knee and hamstring. Rosa shouted encouragement from ringside as Ryder tried to force a submission. Ryder surprisingly in control as the announcers sold speculation that perhaps Kane under-estimated Ryder going into the match. Kane made a comeback at 4:00, but Ryder went back to the left knee. Ryder then hit a Rocker Dropper for a two count. He tried to follow with the Rough Rider, but Kane slipped out and grabbed Ryder around the throat to deliver a chokeslam for the pin and the win. Post-match: Kane shot the pyro in the ring as the announcers talked up Kane qualifying for the Homecoming in January.

WINNER: Kane in 5:00. Decent little TV match with Ryder having a good amount of offense. Of course, Ryder in control throughout the match telegraphed the finish of Kane eventually winning. Based on how this is going, the ECW Homecoming is going to feature every big man on the roster. I suppose we can look forward to Mark Henry and Big Show joining and perhaps cameos from Viscera and Boogeyman. (*1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #397 on: December 18 2009, 05:01 pm »
TNA Impact! Results: 12-17-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- Knockouts champion ODB vs. ROXXI -- non-title match

ODB controlled the match from the start. She then delivered a Bronco Buster in the corner and the announcers offered a sophomoric attempt at a double entendre. ODB tried to follow with a charging splash in the opposite corner, but Roxxi moved and rammed ODB head-first into the corner turnbuckle pad. Roxxi followed with multiple right arm forearm blows before hitting the Voo Doo Drop for a nearfall. ODB then pounded her face to "wake up" and she rolled up Roxxi for a two count. Roxxi then jack-knife pinned ODB, but she only scored a two count. ODB then went looking for her flask to get some liquid courage, but the ref reprimanded ODB and Roxxi rolled up ODB for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Roxxi in 5:00. Solid Knockouts match. Roxxi looked sharp and moved well in the ring. The build-up for the title match at the PPV was well-done as well. (*1/2)

2 -- MATT MORGAN (w/Hernandez, The Pope, and Suicide) vs. BROTHER RAY (w/Brother Devon, Jesse Neal, and Rhino)

After a few moments of action, the lumberjacks on the outside teased a fight, but the focus returned to the action where Morgan landed his signature rapid-fire elbow smashes in the corner. Ray then came back with an elbow smash and he dumped Morgan to the floor for Team Ray to land some shots before there was a stand-off. Back in the ring, Ray dropped Morgan with a neckbreaker for a two count. Morgan then made a comeback and landed a scoop slam for a two count. Ray tried to roll to the floor for a time-out, but Morgan's help blasted him with right hands. Back in the ring, Ray was fully recovered to do his Dusty Rhodes routine before Morgan hit a chokeslam. Ref Hebner was then distracted and the action broke down in and out of the ring. Hebner was then distracted by Devon allowing Neal to low-blow Morgan. Ray then hit a DDT on Ray and pinned him for the win. The announcers reminded viewers that Hernandez is alone for the first five minutes on Sunday.

WINNER: Brother Ray in 5:00. The match had the expected outside interference and referee incompetence to complete the standard TNA TV match. The hype was fine, though, for the eight-man tag match at the PPV to see Team Ray get its comeuppance... that is, if anyone is interested in the eclectic babyface mix where TNA has somehow managed to make the sum of the parts less than the parts.


The bell sounded and Tenay said there is no Impact next week on Christmas Eve. New Year's Eve will have a one-night Knockout tournament and the Best PPV matches of 2009. The action spilled out everywhere in and out of the ring at a fast pace since they were only going a few minutes. After Hamada got in some highspots, they went to the finish where Kong sat on Rayne's chest to score a pin for the win. Post-match: Lauren brought in the Beautiful People on the entrance ramp and Lacey yelled at Lauren to find a backseat to crawl into. We're back to the name-calling of Lauren? Lauren slapped Velvet, then stormed off to the back, leaving the BPs to fume on the ramp.

WINNERS: Kong & Hamada in 2:00. Quick, short match to get in as many spots as possible. Not much here. (n/a)


The bell sounded and they locked up with Lethal doing his Randy Savage-style right hand jabs. Tatanka then hit a clothesline as the announcers tried to talk up the veterans have an "experience edge" over Lethal to cover for the ridiculousness of the gimmick. Tatanka delivered a hard chop in the corner, followed by another. Lethal then came off the top with a double axehandle smash for a two count. Tatanka suddenly Hulked Up and started doing a war dance around the ring before landing a series of chops. Tatanka followed with a back body drop and he landed another series of chops. He followed with a Tomahawk chop before going up top for a flying T-Hawk chop for a close two count. Tatanka wanted to finish him off with a Samoan Drop, but Lethal blocked and went up top. Tatanka blocked, though, and landed a Samoan Drop for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Tatanka in 4:00. Tatanka looked sharp compared to when we last saw him on Smackdown a few years ago. Lethal losing these matches doesn't do much for him, though. As a standalone match, this was good for four minutes. (*)


Wolfe worked over Daniels's neck with a cravate hold early on to control Daniels. Wolfe continued to go back to the hold, then Daniels went to a side headlock to control Wolfe's movements. Nice little technical exchange that will cause people to tune out because TNA has trained the audience to skip the wrestling and wait for the comedy and storylines because TNA's TV focus isn't on wrestling. Daniels eventually broke the headlock and shoved Wolfe to the mat. Wolfe stared a hole into the ringside camera and locked up with Daniels again. Right on cue, the announcers hyped Jeff Jarrett meeting with Kurt Angle up next. My point exactly. Wolfe then hit a European uppercut at 5:00, but Daniels popped up to his feet and knocked down Wolfe with a forearm. Wolfe then went nose-to-nose and slapped Daniels. Daniels responded in-kind. This was followed by a forearm exchange leading to a leg whip from Daniels. Daniels followed with an STO takedown for a two count, then a split-legged moonsault for another two count. Wolfe then followed with his running European uppercut after toe-tapping the opposite corner and charging Daniels. He scored a two count, then went to work on Daniels, who came back with a step-up enziguiri after being shot off to the ropes. Wolfe then blocked Angel's Wings and trapped Daniels in a submission hold focusing on the left shoulder and neck area. Wolfe cranked back on the crossface, but Daniels bit his way out. Daniels followed with a face-jam into the Koji Clutch, but Wolfe broke free. Wolfe wanted to follow with the Tower of London, but Daniels countered into a pin attempt for a two count. Wolfe and Daniels then entered in a nice pin exchange before testing their strength with backslide counters. They started rolling around the ring with multiple pin attempts before the bell sounded. The announcement was a ten-minute time limit expiration. The announcers didn't draw attention to there being a time limit at any point in the match, rendering this an out-of-nowhere finish. The crowd chanted, "Let them fight," as TNA went to a commercial with Daniels and Wolfe having a mid-ring stand-off.

WINNER: Draw at 10:00. Great technical exhibition in the ring from two excellent wrestlers. I wouldn't be surprised if the quarter-hour rating drops, though, based on zero pre-match hype and TNA's history of training their audience to pay attention to the storyline-driven segments and ignoring the wrestling. Just look at how much emphasis has been on Jarrett in a non-wrestling role and how little focus has been on wrestling during this show. (***1/2)


Abyss, Raven, Stevie, Lashley, and Steiner were removed from the situation before the commercial break. The bell sounded with four minutes left to go in the show with Kurt Angle facing Magnus. Tomko then tagged in and Brutus raked his eyes. Tomko then smashed Williams with a big boot and he delivered a powerslam. Angle tagged back in and Styles complained about not getting a chance to play. Williams took down Angle with a European Uppercut, then BI hit their weak double-team finisher for a one count on Angle. The announcers briefly talked up Styles having Daniels on Sunday, Bobby Lashley still with a title shot in his back-pocket, and Angle gunning for the title. They suddenly cut backstage where Lashley and Steiner were brawling in the parking lot. Meanwhile, Stevie and Raven were slamming Abyss with trashcan lids. And back to Lashley and Steiner. Oh yeah, and there's a match in the ring. Whoops, rest hold. Cut back to the brawls in the back. There's Angle making a comeback as Taz apologized for giving the audience a headache. Meanwhile, Terry yanked down Tomko and Styles tagged in for his first real focus 119 minutes into the show. Styles teased the Clash on Magnus, but Williams cut him off. Tomko then broke up a BI double-team move and Styles rolled up Magnus for the win.

WINNERS: Team Styles in 4:00. Just a match to get some folks on TV and try to hype as many PPV matches as possible from three different locations while dizzying the audience. Too much in too little amount of time. (n/a)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #398 on: December 18 2009, 05:02 pm »
WWE Superstars Results: 12-17-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


The bell sounded and we have a screamer in the crowd. We heard from her early and often in this match. Dolph and Knox worked over JTG early on, but Shad tagged in and bodyslammed Dolph. Meanwhile, Knox blind-tagged into the match and smashed Shad wit a big cross-body block. Both men sold the effects of the mid-air ab collison and they cut to break.

Back from break, Dolph was working over Shad and he scored a nearfall before bringing in the good doctor to work over Shad. Shad made a fiery comeback at 8:00, but Knox cut him off with a dropkick that looked pretty impressive coming from the big man. Ziggler then tagged in and took his time setting up a big elbow drop that he let everyone in the arena know was coming. Dolph tried to settle into a chinlock, but Shad pulled a John Cena and powered up to his feet to drop Dolph on the mat. JTG and Knox then took tags - JTG's being hot - and JTG dropkicked Knox to the corner. JTG started rolling the dice before giving Knox a faceplant, but Ziggler broke up the pin attempt. Shad then came in and dropped Ziggler with an STO before Knox clotheslined Shad to the floor. Knox tried to follow with a big boot on JTG, but JTG ducked and hit the Shout-Out necktie drop. Didn't look like enough offense to pin the much-larger Knox, but it was the finish and JTG scored the pin for the win.

WINNERS: Cryme Tyme in 12:00. That was a good, well-executed, stand-out TV tag match. Knox was impressive on offense, Ziggler got his personality across to the audience, and Cryme Tyme did their thing to excite the audience leading to the finish. All of the elements came together nicely. It would have been nice to see Ziggler pick up a win, but at least he didn't take the fall. (**)


The bell sounded and Archer flung Dreamer across the ring before stomping away on his head. Archer continued to pound away on Dreamer as he insulted Dreamer with trash-talk in the process. Time for a Tommy Dreamer comeback and we got one at 3:00 including a corner mount and three punches to the head before landing a bulldog. Dreamer followed with a Dreamer DDT, but Archer used his long leg to put his foot on the bottom rope for a break. Dreamer tried to follow with a frogsplash, but Arch moved and exploded out of the corner with a clothesline. Arch followed with a big boot as the audience chanted Tommy's name. It was for naught, though, as Archer hit his swinging reverse DDT with an intense grunt for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Vance Archer in 5:00. Fine match. WWE is just trying to build up Archer and Dreamer is an easy sympathy magnet to transfer the heat onto Archer. (*)


The bell sounded and the announcers were back on the same talking points from last week - and every other match-up between these two - on MVP doing hard time and Swagger being born into greatness. I hear "hard time" and I think Dusty Rhodes promo. How did WWE not at least nominate him for Best Guest Host? Anyways, MVP and Swagger walked through a good feeling-out process to start, then MVP blasted Swagger with a clothesline and worked over Swagger in the corner. Swagger then came back with a boot to the chin to begin working over MVP on the mat. Swagger tried to toss MVP over the top rope, but MVP skinned the cat back into the ring. Swags saw it coming and smashed MVP to the floor to take control going to break.

Back from break, Swagger had MVP on the mat with an amateur hold as the audience tried to rally behind MVP. Swagger continued to work over MVP's back, then he turned his attention to MVP's mid-section with hard knees and body shots. MVP fired back with right hands, but Swagger answered with a textbook armdrag into another mat-based hold. Swagger teased the gutwrench powerbomb at 12:00, but MVP slipped out and smashed Swagger in the corner with a big Chono Boot. MVP then followed with the Playmaker for the pin and the win.

WINNER: MVP in 13:00. Finish was obvious since the match was the complete opposite of last week. MVP dominated last week and Swagger scored the win. Swagger dominated this week and MVP scored the win. Now they're even from the past two weeks and a rubber match should be coming on Raw (hahahaha) or on a future Superstars. This was an equally-good match compared to last week. Well done to close the show. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #399 on: December 20 2009, 06:28 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 12-18-09

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


One minute into the match, they cut to a break. Gallos got sustained offense on Morrison, then tagged in McIntyre. At 11:00 Morrison hot-tagged Hardy. Striker he was fighting "for everyone who's ever been told what to do." Groan. Hardy hit a Side Effect for a two count. Gallos broke up the pin. Truth ran in, then so did McIntrye. Punk yanked Morrison off the top roep, then blocked a Hardy Twist of Fate attempt. Punk then hit Hardy in his "surgically repaired abdomen" with his Slammy Award trophy for the three count. Striker said thanks to Punk cleaning up his life, he had the clarity to take advantage of the situation in help Punk score the pin.

WINNERS: Punk & Gallos & McIntrye in 12:00.

STAR RATING: ** -- Basic stuff. Fine.


WINNER: Kane in 2:00 with a chokeslam.

3 -- THE GREAT KHALI (w/Ranjin Sing) vs. CHRIS JERICHO

Jericho bailed out to ringside when Khali entered the ring. Khali chopped Jericho in the head as soon as he entered the ring. He stomped on him in the corner. Jericho bailed out to ringside again. He climbed back in and leaped at Khali off the top rope, but Khali caught him and then chopped him again. Khali went for the vice grip, so Jericho rolled to the floor to avoid it and just walked to the back, getting intentionally counted out.

WINNER: Khali in 3:00 via countout.


Striker said Master J is trying to pull Yang over to the "hip hop side of the ATL." Grisham said Yang wants to be called the "Asian Redneck Gangster" now. Yang and Master J dove to ringside onto the Dynasty. Wang then went to work on Kidd inside the ring. Some nicely paced action culminated with a Hart Attack clothesline on Master J for the win.

WINNERS: Hart Dynasty in 3:00.


Maria dove at Phoenix at 1:00 off the ropes. Maria surprised Phoenix with a roll-up for a near fall. Maria kicked Phoenix in the face, but Phoenix shoved her to the mat on a head scissors attempt, then gave her the Glam Slam for the win.

WINNER: Phoenix in 2:00.


Not casting judgment on either, because both are on opposite extremes, but Smackdown usually reserves nearly the final half hour for nothing but some routine filler (Raw Rebound, movie trailer) and the main event, including drawn out ring intros, while Impact shoved the main event into the final six or eight minutes of the show, while putting three weeks worth of Smackdown angles into the rest of the final half hour leading up to the main event. It's such opposite booking philosophies and pacing. Batista fended off early Rey offense. Rey snapped Batista's neck over the top rope and then dropkicked him to the floor at 1:00. Rey then springboard dove onto Batista at ringside with a seated senton. Batista caught Rey on the next dive and rammed him into the security wall. They cut to a break at 3:00.

Batista continued to beat on Rey after the break. After sustained methodical offense by Batista, at 10:00 Rey caught Batista with a dropkick. It slowed Batista, but it took a few more moves to drop Batista. A bulldog led to Rey's first cover and a two count. Grisham said there was a big match feel in the arena.. Rey hit a springboard legdrop for another two count at 12:00. Rey caught Batista with a 619 at 13:00, but when he went for a springboard dive, Batista lifted his knees and scored a two count on Rey. Batista wasn't happy when, after a one-armed Bossman slam, Rey grabbed the bottom rope to stop the count. "You're kidding me!" he angrily yelled. Rey avoided a Batista Bomb and then head scissored Batista to ringside. Batista threw a fit and grabbed a chair at ringside. The ref warned him. He slammed the chair to the mat, then speared Rey back in the ring for a believable near fall. The kickout popped the crowd. Batista picked up Rey, but Rey countered his weight and landed on top and small packaged Batista for a surprise three count. Grisham called it a shocker.

WINNER: Rey in 16:00 to earn a World Title shot against Undertaker next week.

STAR RATING: ***1/4 -- Nice match, especially the first few minutes and late few minutes.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!