AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 1233126 times)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #820 on: August 09 2011, 02:19 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 8-8-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- WWE champion JOHN CENA vs. JACK SWAGGER -- non-title match

The announcers created a sense of urgency to this match early on, ignoring the social media b.s. that typically highlights the opening match (and most of the matches) on Raw. Cena grabbed a headlock early on and tried to wear down Swagger before running him over with a shoulder tackle. Cena followed with a big corner splash, then a dropkick for a one count. Cena followed right up with an armbar, showing aggression not typical for his matches. Cole, meanwhile, questioned Hunter inserting himself into the referee spot when he has little experience and it's "one of the biggest matches in WWE history." Ross said Hunter's the COO and he can't let anything go wrong and he trusts himself only. Cole then threw a question to Ross for "historical perspective" on whether there's ever been a bigger match in WWE history.

Meanwhile, Swagger was in control trying to wear down Cena. Cena then suplexed Swagger to escape a hold. Swagger came back with a running shoulder block, though, and scored a two count. Ross noted Swagger hasn't targeted the ankle for the anklelock as Swagger went to a hammerlock. Swagger followed with a spear to the knee/ankle region, then both men countered submission attempts. Cena built momentum with his trademark comeback offense, then smiled as he set up and delivered the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena followed with an Attitude Adjustment after smiling to the hard camera and it was good for the win. Cole noted Cena is building momentum for Summerslam.

WINNER: Cena at 5:23. Basic pre-PPV work trying to give Cena an "impressive victory" over a halfway credible opponent, allow the announcers to talk about the PPV, and give pro-Cena TV viewers their weekly dose of Cena physicality. It was refreshing to hear Ross in a more meaningful announcing role and a reduction of Heel Cole's presence taking over the show. (*1/4)


Lawler and Ross said Miz is attention-starved and he can get the right attention with a win over an impressive Kingston. Cole plugged Miz at the Teen Choice Awards last night rubbing elbows with big-name stars. He plugged all of Miz's other appearances as Miz worked on Kingston and got over his aggression. Kingston then clotheslined Miz to the floor before flying over the top rope with a dive. Kingston jumped back into the ring to celebrate before they cut to break.

Back live, Miz was in control of the action working a headlock on the mat. They cut to a clip of what happened during the commercial break when Miz aggressively clotheslined Kingston on the floor. Ross covered some bases on Rey Mysterio: WWE Title re-match is official for next week's Raw from San Diego and Mysterio may or may not be physically ready for Summerslam if he's called upon for action. In the ring, Miz scored a close nearfall on Kingston before Cole plugged Twitter and other social media items.

Miz continued to wear down Kingston as Cole talked more about Miz being in-demand. Kingston and Miz then countered each other before Kingston executed a sick springboard turnaround high cross-body from the top rope that scored a close two count. Miz came back with a spike DDT from his knees for a two count. The battle moved up top, where Miz set up for a superplex, but Kingston countered with a sunset flip powerbomb for a nearfall.

Kingston was up first and started to warm up for Trouble in Paradise, but Miz ducked. Miz then slingshot Kofi across the top rope before hitting the Skullcrushing Finale for the pin and the win. Post-match: Miz continued to sell intensity as Cole said Miz should be a part of Summerslam in some form or fashion. They went to a replay of Kofi's high cross-body splash before showing Miz picking up the win. Back live, Miz celebrated on the stage as Kofi recovered in the ring.

WINNER: Miz at 10:43. It's like a switch flipped for Miz, whose intensity was excellent in the pre-match, in-ring, and post-match. The match itself was a bit slow at times before a strong conclusion. Miz was enhanced, Kofi remained at the same level despite taking a loss, and they set the stage for Miz to be involved at Summerslam in some form. (**)

3 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- non-title match

Brief "C-M-Punk" chant as Cole asked Lawler if he's surprised by the chants. Lawler said he thinks anyone would be favored by the fans against Del Rio. A more sustained Punk chant came up from the vocal males as Punk traded offense with Del Rio. Del Rio then yanked Punk shoulder-first into the ringpost before targeting the shoulder in anticipation of the cross arm-breaker. The vocal males tried another Punk chant that didn't build much steam. Del Rio suddenly missed with a flying splash and flew clear through the ropes to the floor.

Punk recovered in the ring, then Del Rio re-entered and took a swinging neckbreaker from Punk. Punk followed with a knee smash and flying bulldog. He then went to the apron for a springboard clothesline and called for the G2S. Punk measured Del Rio for the G2S, but Del Rio slipped out and rammed Punk shoulder-first into the ringpost. Del Rio followed with a backstabber for a two count. He then tried the cross arm-breaker, but Punk kicked Del Rio in the head and hoisted him up for the G2S. Punk connected on a wobbly Del Rio and it was good for the win.

WINNER: Punk at 4:40. Fine for the basic build-up similar to Cena's match. Punk feels like just another wrestler on the roster, though, and WWE can't re-capture that same buzz with Punk appearing to be an outlaw. Now it's a matter of solidifying Punk as a main event-level star and doing what they can with that. Punk had to win this match clean, so it's interesting they booked Del Rio as his opponent when it seemed like they were re-building Del Rio. (*1/2)


Back from break, Phoenix came to the ring for a Divas match as the announcers hyped the title match at Summerslam. Eve was out as her opponent. The match followed the basic three-minute Divas TV match formula of Phoenix on offense, Eve with a teased comeback, and Phoenix with her Glam Slam finisher for the win.

Post-match: Phoenix took the mic and talked trash at Eve directed toward Kelly. On the outside, Phoenix wrapped up her promo, but turned her back to the entrance ramp. That allowed Kelly to smash her from behind out of nowhere. Kelly then stood tall in the ring and held up the Divas Title for Phoenix to get a look at.

WINNER: Phoenix at 2:58. Fine, basic PPV build-up for WWE's purposes showing Kelly is a fighting champion and isn't afraid to "stand up to bullies."

5 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. ALEX RILEY -- non-title match

Ziggler got in trouble early on, so Vickie tried to nip at Riley's heels from the outside. Ziggler found himself in more trouble, so Vickie walked right into the ring and faced off with Riley, who just smirked at her. Vickie then slapped Riley across the face, causing a DQ. Ziggler was upset with Vickie and screamed at her. Ziggler then pushed Riley, who shoved Ziggler, who bumped into Vickie. Riley left the ring as the DQ winner, then Vickie and Ziggler resumed their argument in the ring. Vickie was going nuts screaming. Vickie then waved him good-bye and left the ring. They continued the argument on the outside.

WINNER: Riley via DQ at 1:25. They seemed to be saving the real match for Summerslam, which they should be, and anything that gets them closer to splitting off Ziggler and Vickie is a thumbs up. Ziggler is coming across like a chump right now, though.


They started with a brawling-style match, which Ross noted. Morrison executed a flip-over move of sorts that caused Morrison to land awkwardly on Truth. Truth then rolled to the floor for a breather before Morrison came flying over the top rope with a corkscrew plancha. Morrison rolled Truth back into the ring, but Truth rolled out again. Morrison then threw Truth into the guardrail and talked trash to Truth for trying to end his career. The brawl continued ringside as the referee could be heard applying a ten count. Truth then dropped Morrison by the back of his neck across the guardrail. They cut to a replay as Truth rolled back into the ring. Morrison sold a re-injury to his neck as he rolled back into the ring at nine.

Truth went to work on Morrison's neck in the ring. Ross suggested the referee needed to show some discretion about Morrison's neck condition. The two wrestlers traded control before Truth scored with Paydirt for the pin and the win. The crowd sort of mumbled at the decision. No music for Truth, so the near-silence could be heard as WWE replayed high points from the match. The announcers tried to cover for Morrison taking the loss by saying it was a gutsy performance with the neck situation.

WINNER: Truth at 4:04. Is this Melina Punishment? Perhaps the best explanation for Morrison taking a clean loss - despite the attempt at a neck injury "out" - and WWE wiping out any of his comeback momentum after returning from injury. Or, they just don't see value in Morrison right now.

The show ended with the official Cena/Punk contract signing which took up the final 21 minutes of the show.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #821 on: August 17 2011, 02:14 pm »
WWE NXT Results: 8-9-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed in-ring results posted below.


Regal relayed a note from a friend that Dynamite Kid is a huge fan of Kidd and Dynamite thinks Kidd is the next installment of him. Strong back-and-forth action early on as Kidd showed his trademark aggression. Grisham noted tonight's show is like a Hallmark movie (as opposed to a Lifetime movie last week) with Regal sharing various career reflections and memories. Gabriel then slipped Kidd to the floor and went for a springboard move, but Kidd cut the legs out from under him and knocked him to the floor. They cut to break with both men selling on the floor.

Back from break, Kidd was in control of the action working a reverse chinlock center-ring. Lots of screaming here from Kidd. Gabriel broke free, but Kidd resumed his attack. Gabriel then flipped over Kidd and landed a discus forearm for a nearfall. He followed with an enziguiri that put Kidd flat on his back. Gabriel then teased the 450 splash, but Kidd wisely rolled out of the ring. Gabriel re-adjusted and executed a baseball slide kick through the ropes followed by a corkscrew plancha.

Back in the ring, Gabriel went for a springboard splash, but Kidd rolled through into a close nearfall. The crowd oohed the nearfall. Kidd then found himself trapped in a neck and leg vice submission before reaching the ropes for a break. Gabriel tried to follow up with the 450 splash again, but Kidd crotched him. Kidd then executed a top-rope springboard huracanrana, but it was only good for a two count. Regal said he believes Kidd has been the star of NXT throughout the season because of his offensive displays.

The action reset at 13:00 with Gabriel countering a whip into the ropes into a sit-out slam for a two count. Gabriel tried to follow up, but Kidd slipped on a single-leg Boston Crab. Regal referenced Lance Storm as Gabriel suddenly countered the hold into a quick roll-up for a two count. Gabriel followed with a modified STO, then climbed up top for a third time. Gabriel took his time setting up for the 450 splash and he connected to a big reaction. (Kidd had to assist in positioning himself a bit.) Gabriel with the pin for the win as the kids roared for Gabriel.

WINNER: Gabriel at 14:43. Nice match. Good athleticism and a nice back-and-forth pace setting up a strong final five minutes. Probably one of the best matches on NXT this season. (**1/2)


Young was out first, then Striker - complete with standard trunks this week - charged the ring and wanted a piece of Young, but the ref held him back so they could officially start the match. Once the bell sounded, Striker charged at Young, who absorbed an early flurry of punches before taking control of the action with a neckbreaker on the ring apron. Young continued to wear down Striker after executing an overhead belly-to-belly suplex that dropped Striker on the front of his face. Striker came up bleeding from the nose, but came back with a Gory bomb special. Striker was bleeding heavily from the nose, but the match wasn't stopped by a ringside medic. Has the blood rule been done away with in WWE?

Striker executed MVP's playmaker, but Young kicked out twice. Striker wiped the blood off his nose as the referee, now wearing gloves, checked on him. Striker followed with a flying boot, but Young kicked out. Young then came back with a gutbuster across his knees after throwing Striker out of the fireman's carry position. It was good for the pin to give Young a win over the bloody Striker.

WINNER: Young at 4:46. Fine enhancement for Young's heel character.

3 -- DERRICK BATEMAN vs. TITUS O'NEIL (w/Hornswoggle and A.J.)

Regal said Bateman is a bit nervous tonight because he was eliminated from Season 4 in this same building. Bateman was the aggressor early on and repeatedly yelled into the crowd after successful offense. Meanwhile, Regal critiqued Bateman on his application of a reverse chinlock, which foreshadowed Titus easily escaping and mounting a comeback. Bateman chopblocked him, though, and went for a sunset flip, but Titus sat down on his shoulders and scored a three count. It was quite anticlimactic and came out of nowhere, exemplified by A.J. looking caught off guard and forgeting to celebrate when the camera focused on her.

Post-match: Bateman attacked Titus from behind, then turned his attention to Hornswoggle, but Titus smashed him from behind. Titus then delivered an emphatic sky-high bomb. Titus wasn't done, as he set up Hornswoggle to deliver the Tadpole Splash for an exclamation point on the proceedings. A.J. applauded this time and the trio celebrated just like last week to close another episode of the never-ending NXT. Titus hoisted Hornswoggle on his shoulders, just like I saw live Week 1 earlier this year, and that ended the show.

WINNER: Titus at 3:29. More of the John Morrison treatment for Bateman, who has regressed from Season 4. Either it's setting up Bateman's character to snap and "flip the switch" to go the other way or WWE has lost complete confidence in him. Meanwhile, Titus is right where he's always been.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #822 on: August 17 2011, 02:15 pm »
WWE Superstars Results: 8-11-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed in-ring results posted below.


Barreta went for an early high-flying move, but DiBiase cut him off with a mid-air dropkick. They cut backstage to show Cody Rhodes watching the action on a monitor, closely inspecting DiBiase. Korpela noted DiBiase has fallen short of his career goals, as he believes he should have been World champion by now. DiBiase showcased his skills with a delayed vertical suplex for a two count, then smashed Barreta with a hard lariat for another nearfall. Barreta suddenly came back with a knee smash, then DiBiase rolled to the floor. Barreta followed with a leaping dive onto DiBiase that wiped out both men on the floor.

Back in the ring, Barreta tried a cover, but DiBiase kicked out. Barreta then scored with a corner smash, but slipped off the top rope when he tried a springboard move. DiBiase quickly capitalized, but Barreta smashed him in the corner again. Barreta tried another high-flying attack, but DiBiase crotched him, then dropped Trent with Dream Street. DiBiase with the pin for the win. Backstage, Rhodes was shown looking on, selling no emotion as DiBiase celebrated.

WINNER: DiBiase at 6:03. Too much offense for Barreta if the goal was to elevate DiBiase (if that's possible on Superstars). Instead, it was a 60/40 type match with DiBiase doing a lot of selling for Barreta, who hasn't won a TV match in months.


Fox, a heel, was out first, followed by Tamina, who was also playing a heel. This match-up didn't make sense, so Korpela filled in the blanks that both Divas have been on a roll and they want to get in line for a Divas Title shot. Tamina quickly took control to establish herself as the dominating heel with Fox playing the babyface working from underneath. Korpela tried to congratulate Striker on his valiant effort Tuesday on NXT, but Striker cut him off to note the match in the ring. "I can't breathe," Fox declared as the crowd sat silently while Tamina worked her over. Fox made a comeback at 3:15, fought off Tamina, and nailed the axe kick for the win. Korpela said Fox has named it Watch Yo Face.

WINNER: Fox at 3:54. Not much for the crowd to invest in with two heels battling. Tamina needs to align with Phoenix and Natalya to form a strong trio of heel Divas.


Clay pummeled A.J. early on as Scott Stanford noted "Aaron James" finished third on the recent season of Tough Enough. Josh Mathews checked Stanford on his cliché use as Clay continued to destroy A.J. Clay with a running powerslam for the pin, but he opted to keep the action going. Clay was more satisfied with a giant shoulder block for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Clay at 1:46. Total squash. Fine reintroduction to create some footage to put in a highlight video WWE can run when he actually "re-returns" on one of the main brands.

4 -- WWE tag champions MICHAEL MCGILLICUTTY & DAVID OTUNGA vs. SANTINO & EVAN BOURNE -- non-title match

Mike and David's new theme music is somewhat catchy. The biggest improvement was dropping the over-done Nexus gear that made them look like walking WWE Shop advertisements. (Is Nexus officially done now?) Santino was in the ring for the first two minutes before tagging out to Bourne, who worked over Otunga. The heels then took over and worked on Bourne, who sold a knee injury. They cut to break with Bourne isolated in the heel corner.

Back from break, Santino was being worked over by the heels now. The tag champs displayed a series of combination moves using the ropes to build momentum. The announcers noted the new duo of Santino and Bourne was having a tough time against the more seasoned tag champs. Santino eventually found an opening, then did the classic comedy bit reaching for a tag to the heel corner because he was so dizzy before turning around to take a clothesline. Bourne finally took a hot tag at 10:00 and cleaned house with a variety of strikes. The action broke down after a pin attempt, then Bourne splashed both heels on the floor.

Back in the ring, Bourne scored with a knee strike before Santino tagged in with the Cobra sock puppet. Santino struck Otunga, but turned around to take a neckbreaker from McGillicutty, who scored the pin for the win. Post-match: Mike got some shine, looking like Larry the Axe Hennig with the beard. They went to a replay of the finish before the tag champs were shown celebrating out of the ring. In the ring, Bourne tried to console Santino, who continues his quest to find the right tag combination to beat the tag champs.

WINNERS: McGillicutty & Otunga at 11:43. Serviceable tag match focusing on the tag champs as a well-oiled tag team. Bourne didn't get much time to shine, so he was unfortunately lost in the shuffle here. Meanwhile, Santino is running out of partners to find the right combination.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #823 on: August 17 2011, 02:15 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 8-12-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report). Condensed in-ring results posted below.


Cole sided with Christian and said he should’ve sued WWE. Sheamus had the early advantage until Christian low-bridged him out of the ring. Baseball slide missed, but Sheamus was rammed shoulder-first into the ring post. Back in the ring, Sheamus missed a charge and again went shoulder-first into the post. Back-breaker by Sheamus and both men were down as if they’d wrestled ten minutes already. It was only 2:40 into the match. The announcers finally got around to talking about Sheamus’s PPV match. Powerslam by Sheamus for two. Christian went back on offense and went to the top rope. He missed a cross-body and Sheamus brought the forearms across the chest of the World Champion. Knee-lift by Sheamus, and then he went to the top. Diving shoulder tackle, followed by a set-up for the Brogue Kick. Christian rolled out of the ring to avoid it and grabbed the World Title from ringside. He wanted to leave, but Sheamus shoved him into the barricade (and it looked to be a rather gentle shove). Back in the ring, he went for the Irish Cross. Christian dropped out the back and to the apron, then worked Sheamus’s neck over the top rope. He took his belt and walked to the back for a count-out.

WINNER: Sheamus, via count-out, at 5:56. Really the only result they could’ve had here (unless Mark Henry interfered for a DQ) with both men competing in high-profile matches at Summerslam on Sunday.


AJ and Kaitlyn were already in the ring. Cole said Nattie and Beth want to be known as “D.O.D: Divas of Doom.” No other explanation for Beth’s appearance on Smackdown. Kaitlyn went for a rear waist-lock, but Nattie laughed it off and slammed her. Tag to Beth, and a nice, unique double-team back suplex for two. Kaitlyn dodged corner charge by Beth, then tagged AJ. Dropkick on Beth, but a roll-up was countered and Beth picked her up for the Glam Slam.

WINNERS: Phoenix and Natalya, at 1:15. Interesting tandem here, but I’m not sure how they pull of a Divas tag team, especially with two from different brands. I’m guessing they’ll run through the division like Kharma was supposed to.


The announcers talked about Cara putting on more muscle. You could tell it wasn’t the original Sin Cara based on body type and the fact that Rod Zapata was not refereeing his match. Cara took Kidd out of the ring and hit a springboard body-press. He tried to get back into the ring but Kidd kicked him in the ribs and sent him back to the floor. Arm-drag by Cara back in the ring. Springboard headbutt, then a headscissors take-over. Springboard clothesline for two. Diving body attack in the corner. Cara set Kidd on the top rope, but Kidd headbutted him down. Booker talked about the new moves Cara has added to his repertoire since being injured. Samoan drop-like move by Cara, then a springboard moonsault off the second rope for three.

WINNER: Cara, at 2:56. Wondering if this will be a permanent substitution for the man under the mask. I personally think it’s too soon to give up on Mistico, but I don’t run a multi-million dollar company.


As usual, Ricardo Rodriguez introduced ADR. Del Rio and Bryan were both wearing white tights and white kneepads. It was quite confusing. Del Rio with a back suplex for two. Cole made fun of Bryan for Tweeting his breakfast earlier in the week. Bryan flipped off the top rope and hit a clothesline for a one-count. Kicks to the chest by Bryan. Del Rio tried the cross arm-breaker, but Bryan wasn’t having it. Bryan back-dropped Del Rio to ringside, then landed his suicide dive. Bryan grabbed at his shoulder as he lay on the mat. Back in the ring, Bryan came off the top and missed a missile dropkick. Del Rio locked in the cross arm-breaker for the tapout win.

WINNER: Del Rio, at 3:30. I should think that the two MITB winners should be a little more evenly matched than for one to win in less than four minutes.


Ted DiBiase and the baggers accompanied Rhodes to the ring. Booker complained about Jackson smiling on his way to the ring, saying he wasn’t taking this seriously enough. Rhodes tried to stay away from Jackson, but Zeke was just overpowering him. Rhodes went to ringside :50 in, and WWE went to break.

Back at 3:53 of the match. Rhodes was working over Jackson with stomps. Rhodes got a near-fall, then worked the arm. Jackson broke free by backing Rhodes into the corner. Zeke went for a punch by Rhodes got his boot up and Jackson punched it. Jackson then shrugged Rhodes off on a bulldog attempt, with Cody getting nice elevation. Good series of moves there. Bodyslam time! He went for the Torture Rack, but Rhodes got the rope and DiBiase provided a distraction. After Cody headbutted Jackson with his mask, Ted tried to get involved again, to no avail. Springboard kick by Rhodes, then Cross Rhodes for three.

WINNER: Rhodes, at 7:35. Surprised this match didn’t make Summerslam, especially if they were planning on a title change.


Curtis facially resembles Matt Morgan. Henry easily broke a rear waist-lock and took Curtis over. He then knocked Curtis down and slapped him. Henry put his head down and Curtis kicked him. Chops from Curtis, but again he ran into the brick wall that is Mark Henry. World’s Strongest Slam for three.

WINNER: Henry, at :58. Has there ever been a worse introduction for a hyped wrestler, combining the awful vignettes and Curtis’s squash debut?

Henry went to do more damage to Curtis, but Sheamus ran out to make the save. The two didn’t touch, but Sheamus grabbed a mic as Henry sauntered off. He said Henry always talks about how tough he is, but Henry always runs away when Sheamus comes out. He called Henry “Shamu” and himself the great white. Sheamus wanted to do things right now. Henry walked back to the ring…took Curtis out of the ring and gave him the World’s Strongest Slam at ringside. “That’s gonna be you!” he shouted at Sheamus.


Khali overpowered Orton, then gave him an overhand chop. Stomps in the corner by Khali. Mahal choked Orton behind the ref’s back. Orton was sent into the stairs at ringside by his opposition. Khali lined up for the Khali chop at 2:12, and it connected. Orton, however, kicked out. Khali grabbed a nerve hold but Orton fought out. Dropkick sent Khali into the ropes, where his arms got tangled. Orton kicked at Khali, then punched Mahal, who had got up on the apron. DDT by Orton, but the RKO was countered with the Vice Grip. Orton fought out of the corner and RKO’d Khali.

WINNER: Orton, at 4:32.

As Orton celebrated, Christian walked out to his music. He said at Summerslam, it’s going to change everything. He said he can’t wait for their No Holds Barred match, because anything goes and he has the best thing going. He told Orton he’d see him on Sunday. Not sure what that was about, but I guess that’s the point. The show faded out with Christian holding his title and jawing with Orton from a distance.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #824 on: August 17 2011, 02:29 pm »
WWE SummerSlam PPV Results: 8-14-11 (Next two posts)

Results courtesy of Caldwell's real-time report via (direct link).


The dreaded Cole/Lawler/Booker three-headed announcing trio was horrendous to start this match, which seemed like a house show main event with wrestlers getting in signature spots early on without a sense of this match meaning anything. "Back to the action!" Booker declared at 2:30 with Truth and Morrison in the middle of a headlock. Awful. Booker then randomly focused on Miz's ring jacket ten minutes after Miz's ring entrance. Del Rio, who was popular with the live crowd in Los Angeles, broke up a pin attempt by Kingston on Miz, then the action broke down. The heels eventually isolated Kofi and worked him over for a few minutes as the announcers discussed why George Lopez's show was canceled.

Mysterio eventually hot-tagged in at 8:30 and delivered signature offense on Truth. Booker suddenly interjected a Soul Train reference out of nowhere. Rey set up a double 619 on Truth and Miz, but Del Rio grabbed his foot from the outside. This set up a series of high-flying moves with the faces clearing the heels on the floor. Rey then splashed R-Truth in the ring for the pin and the win. For the first time in nine minutes, Cole got serious and said Rey proved he's ready for the #1 contender match on Raw tomorrow night.

WINNERS: Team Rey at 9:35. This is going to be a long night having to listen to Cole, Lawler, and Booker. Just awful. The match itself was inconsequential until they got around to focusing on Rey ahead of his title match tomorrow night. (**)

Cole spent a good minute trying to present an illogical argument that Henry is not a bully due to picking on people his size. Booker eventually got around to noting Henry injured wrestlers after winning matches and picked on a production worker. Cole said, okay, maybe he is a bully. Henry dominated early on as Sheamus sold on the mat. Sheamus eventually knocked Henry off his feet with a big Polish Hammer blow to the chest. Sheamus followed with big overhand blows to the chest before they collided mid-ring and both fell to the mat. Sheamus was the first one up and made his way to the top rope for a leaping shoulder tackle, which resulted in a two count.
Sheamus did a classic babyface spot telegraphing his finishing move and Henry avoided the Brogue Kick. Moments later, Sheamus reset and Brogue Kick'ed Henry to the floor. The match moved to the floor and Henry absolutely smashed Sheamus through the gimmicked ringside barricade. Some plants on the front rows over-reacted. It looked like Joey Ryan, Scorpio Sky, and some other local SoCal independent wrestlers. Henry returned to the ring as the plants tried to encourage Sheamus to crawl back into the ring, but Sheamus was counted out, giving Henry the win.
WINNER: Henry via count-out at 9:24. The right finish to keep this going with Sheamus still on the chase, but not losing too much with a count-out loss, while keeping Henry strong. (**)

3 -- Divas champion KELLY KELLY (w/Eve) vs. BETH PHOENIX (w/Natalya) -- Divas Title match
The match quickly moved to the floor, with Kelly landed a flying splash to give Beth something to think about in the size-advantage heel vs. underdog babyface match-up. Back in the ring, Beth took control of the match. She tried to force a submission with a standing shoulder breaker-like maneuver, but Kelly wouldn't quit. For the finish, Beth went for the Glam Slam, but Kelly rolled through into a quick pin for the win. Kelly and Eve quickly bailed from the ring to celebrated as Beth huffed and puffed with Natalya.
WINNER: Kelly at 6:32 to retain the Divas Title.

The match started with the announcers discussing Bryan's vegan lifestyle. Cole heeled on him, saying he believes Bryan should eat a meal once in a while. Bryan stretched Barrett with a variety of holds early on as Cole confused Bryan and Barrett several times. Barrett eventually took control countering a whip to the ropes into a Blackhole Slam for a nearfall. Barrett then went to the mat looking to stretch Bryan, who fought back with a knee strike against the ropes. On the floor, Bryan landed a running knee strike to the jaw that knocked Barrett on his back.
Back in the ring, Bryan went up top for a double-foot dropkick that resulted in a two count. The two men went back and forth before Bryan slapped on a frontface submission that he transitioned into a LeBell Lock. Barrett teased tapping out, but reached the bottom rope for a break. The action moved up top and Barrett crotched Bryan before landing a flying clothesline. Center-ring, Barrett delivered Wasteland and it was good for the win. Cole called it a 50/50 match that was a stalemate throughout. Lawler was speechless at Cole giving Bryan credit. They went to a replay of Barrett in trouble during the LeBell Lock before Barrett came back for the win.
WINNER: Barrett at 11:47. After an hour to forget, a nice match to get this PPV on track for the first time in the night. Barrett looked good, picking up a much-needed win. As for Bryan, it was the best-case scenario for a loss: looking good in defeat after a solid match. Despite Bryan holding the MITB briefcase, WWE simply doesn't see Bryan above Barrett's level, so the outcome was inevitable. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #825 on: August 17 2011, 02:30 pm »
5 -- World Hvt. champion CHRISTIAN (w/out Edge) vs. RANDY ORTON -- World Title match -- No Holds Barred
Christian tried to run away early on, but Orton chased him down in the crowd and threw him back into the ring. Orton blasted away on Christian with right hand blows, but Christian rammed Orton shoulder-first into the ringpost to steal control away from Orton. The crowd was split in their support of Christian and Orton, of note. Christian retrieved a kendo stick from under the ring and used it as a weapon, trying to get Orton to give up.

Orton suddenly scored a two-and-nine-tenths count on a roll-up out of the corner when Christian nearly didn't kick out in time. Christian quickly cut off Orton, though, and went back to the kendo stick. However, Orton intercepted a kendo stick blow from the second rope with a mid-air dropkick. Orton, with a bloody mouth, and Christian then exchanged offense as the crowd ate it up. Orton suddenly got that look in his eyes and wanted The Punt, but Christian slipped to the floor. On the outside, Orton dropped Christian on the ring steps to daze the champion. Orton was the next to search under the ring for some weapons. Orton found two tables to his liking and slid one table into the ring.
On the ring apron, Orton took Christian up top and super-plexed Christian off the top turnbuckle onto the flat table center-ring. Orton made a cover, but the champ kicked out. Orton then set up the table in the corner and flashed a big smile to the crowd. Christian blocked a table whip, though, and delivered a reverse DDT. Christian then crouched in the corner for Edge's Spear, but Orton avoided, then Christian blocked the RKO, and Christian dumped Orton over the top rope. Orton whipped Christian into the ring steps, though, to cut off Christian's momentum.
At 15:00, Orton picked up the ring steps and Christian reversed a whip into the ring steps. More counters and reversals. Christian then placed Orton on the Spanish announce table and mocked his viper-like stance. Christian tried to follow with an RKO, but Orton blocked and sent Christian through the table with an RKO. After a pause to sell the spot, both men crawled back into the ring. Suddenly, Christian dropped Orton with the Unprettier, but Orton kicked out in time, which popped the crowd. Nice pacing going up, down, up from the RKO to the Unprettier. Christian then went to the outside to retrieve two chairs to bring into the ring. Christian measured Orton for the Conchairto and spit down on Orton's face before missing with a chair shot. Orton then got up, took the other chair, and cracked it over Christian's back. Orton followed with a chair jab that sent Christian flying off the ring apron through the second table positioned ringside.
On the floor at 20:30, Orton slid the ring steps into the ring before going under the ring to throw numerous weapons inside the ring. Orton rolled Christian back into the ring and stalked Christian for his next move. Christian avoided a stomp on the steps, but ate a powerslam through the table propped up in the corner. Orton clutched his left wrist to suggest a potential injury before grabbing the kendo stick to crack over Christian's back. Orton then positioned a trashcan near the ropes to deliver his trademark spike DDT into the can. Orton, with blood splattered on his body, measured Christian for the RKO, but Christian popped him with a kendo stick out of nowhere. Christian then tried a sunset flip move, but Orton intercepted him with a mid-air RKO, just like their first PPV title encounter a few months ago. Orton clutched his head, then slowly covered Christian to become World Hvt. champion again. Post-match: Orton celebrated with the World Title belt in the corner as Christian was dragged out of the ring to sell the effects.
WINNER: Orton at 23:42 to capture the World Hvt. Title. A strong PPV title match in their series of strong PPV title matches, using the weapons-match formula effectively. WWE suggested on the pre-show that this is the last encounter between Orton and Christian, so it remains to be seen where they go from here. (****)

6 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. WWE champion JOHN CENA -- WWE Title unification match -- Triple H special referee
Early feeling out process before the two champions paused for a loud dueling chant. Regarding Hunter's role, Cole said some believe there's a conflict of interest with Hunter playing "cop and judge." More feeling out process as the two men traded technical holds and one-counts. Punk with the first sustained offense of the match that led to a dropkick off the ring apron that sent Cena to the floor. Hunter applied a ten count and Cena re-entered at five. Cena came back with sustained offense, but Punk intercepted a classic shoulder tackle with a mid-air knee lift for a two count.
Punk and Cena started countering each other's signature sequences, then Cena did the You Can't See Me wave that Punk blocked before delivering an STO into a neck vice submission. Cena fought it off, then countered into an STF. Punk countered into a keylock submission for a few moments that Cena suddenly countered into an STF. Punk made the bottom rope with his foot, though, creating a break. Nice sequence there.
At 13:40, Punk dumped Cena over the top rope to the floor and Hunter began his count. Punk then launched himself through the ropes with a suicide dive that sent both men into the guardrail. Hunter started his count again and reached nine, then decided to stop counting. He threw Cena into the ring, then threw Punk into the ring. Hunter shouted down that he wants a winner and for them to fight. The two men came to their feet at the same time and started trading bombs. Cena suddenly delivered a dropkick and dropped the Shuffle to Punk. Cena wanted the Attitude Adjustment, but Punk countered. They started trading pin attempts before Punk delivered a sweeping leg kick for a nearfall.
At 17:30, Punk teased the G2S, but Cena blocked. Cena then delivered a modified powerslam for a two count. Booker said Cena is the real deal, which Lawler echoed for Punk. Cena then went up top looking for a high-risk move, but Punk blocked with a high knee to the jaw. Suddenly, the PPV froze with Punk perched up top. About five seconds later, Cena kicked out of a pin attempt. Punk then tried a springboard move, but Cena countered with the STF. Punk screamed as Hunter checked on whether he wanted to tap. Punk made it to the bottom rope moments later and Cena was forced to break.
At 20:15, the two men traded finishing teases before Cena delivered the AA, but Punk kicked out in time. The camera zoomed in tight on Cena selling disbelief. Cena continued to look down at the mat before smiling and asking Hunter about his count. Cena, not quite satisfied, went to the top rope and missed with a guillotine leg drop. As Cena sold a leg injury, Punk followed right up with the G2S. Punk made a cover, but Cena kicked out just before three. The crowd didn't pop huge for the nearfall, as it was an expected tit-for-tat finisher kickout sequence.
At 22:30, Punk slowly slipped to the apron and climbed up top. Punk wanted a top-rope Macho Man elbow drop and connected as Cena tried to move. Cena kicked out of a pin attempt, though, which brought the big eyes from Punk. "Randy Savage" chant from the crowd as Hunter and Punk exchanged words. Suddenly, Cena rolled up Punk, but only scored a nearfall. Punk then kicked Cena in the gut and Cena came back with some emphatic kicks and strikes. Punk came back with his own sequence of emphatic strikes before delivering another G2S. Punk made the cover, but Cena had his foot on the rope at one. Still there at two. Hunter still didn't see it and Punk scored a three count. Cole screamed that Cena's foot was on the ropes as Punk took his title belt.
WINNER: Punk at 24:10 to become Undisputed WWE champion. Another excellent back-and-forth between these two top stars. Not long enough to be at the level of MITB, but another four-star-plus effort. (****1/4)
Suddenly, Alberto Del Rio's music hit and Del Rio stormed the ring with a new referee. Hunter was walking around, still stunned by what happened with Nash.

7 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. ALBERTO DEL RIO -- WWE Title match

The bell sounded to make this official. Booker: "I don't believe this." Hunter was stunned, seeing his entire regime falling apart before him. Del Rio hit a step-up enziguiri, then made a cover and he's the new WWE champion. You could kind of see this on Raw when Punk got the win on Del Rio, then Del Rio would cash in, and now they're 1-1. Hunter talked to the referee, still shocked over what happened. Del Rio left up the entrance ramp as Lawler asked what Kevin Nash (not Diesel) was doing here. Del Rio was shown celebrating on the stage as the announcers tried to figure out what just happened. Del Rio was shown celebrating on the stage to conclude the show at 10:50.
WINNER: Del Rio at 0:06 to capture the WWE Title. Del Rio isn't over right now, but, what has become routine for WWE is to put a top title on a mid-card heel to "legitimize him" in the eyes of the audience. Where this storyline could be going is Nash was Stephanie and/or Vince's hired "back-up plan" to ensure the title did not stay with Punk if he were to win the match over Cena. This time, Vince's attempt to have Del Rio cash in against Punk at MITB would work after Nash softened him up.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #826 on: August 17 2011, 02:31 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 8-15-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to mostly in-ring results.

1 -- JOHN MORRISON vs. R-TRUTH -- Falls Count Anywhere match

Truth nearly won the FCA match with a quick roll-up in the first minute, then Morrison clotheslined Truth over the top rope to the floor. Morrison then measured Truth for a twisting plancha on the floor for a two count. The match moved to the other side of the arena floor and Morrison delivered a step-up kick off the guardrail for a two count. Truth then blocked a suplex attempt and delivered a front suplex for a nearfall. Cole declared Morrison is going to get got as they cut to break.

Back from break, Morrison was sprawled out on the floor before Truth scored a two count and complained about referee Scott Armstrong's cadence. Truth then got into it with an Ultimate Warrior clone on the front row complete with wild hair, tassels, and facepaint. Truth continued the assault with a running strike into the guardrail for a two count. The ringside fans began chanting "Little Jimmy," which drew Truth's ire. Truth assaulted Morrison, then got into it with Fake Warrior again. Truth followed with an atomic drop across the guardrail in front of Warrior, then clotheslined him over the guardrail to the front row as fake Warrior posed in Truth's face. Truth then suplexed Morrison onto the floor as the announcers offered some plugs for the live event experience to see this kind of action up close and personal.

Truth tossed Morrison back over the guardrail to ringside, but took too much time staring at fans. Morrison recovered and kicked Truth on the way over for a nearfall. Truth recovered, though, and assaulted Morrison some more before retrieving an announcer chair. Morrison blocked, though, and suplexed Truth into the chair before nailing him with a knee strike to the face. Ross called it a slobberknocker of a shot as Truth fell over to the ground. Truth with the cover for the win on the floor. Cole noted Truth dominated nearly the entire match before Morrison pulled it out in the end. Morrison, limping, returned to the ring to pose as they went to a replay of the finish.

WINNER: Morrison at 10:49. Nice match that WWE doesn't offer too often on TV, so it stood out. I'm not sure who the star of the match was, though: Fake Warrior or R-Truth, who was terrific dominating this match and creating intrigue leading to Morrison's comeback and eventual win. This was an even-steven match pointing to a possible re-match unless WWE wanted to quickly end this and move on with both men. (**1/4)


Is there any chance of Eve joining Beth & Natalya or will she be in Kelly's shadow for the rest of her career? Kelly got in early offense before the Bellas cut her off. Eve hot-tagged into the match, Kelly cleared Bella #1, and Eve delivered a top-rope moonsault on Bella #2 for the win. Post-match: Phoenix and Natalya walked out on-stage and mock applauded the victorious babyface Divas. Kelly held up her Divas Title belt to show Beth she didn't get the job done at Summerslam.

WINNERS: Kelly & Eve at 3:05. Fine continuation from Summerslam to keep Beth in the title picture.


Cole asked Ziggler if it's true he wouldn't be U.S. champion without Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler took the opportunity to talk himself up as a champion. He added that Vickie complements him like a nice garnish on a steak. Ziggler shot down a fat joke from Lawler as Swagger wore down Riley in the ring. Ziggler and Vickie continued to sell tension as Ziggler noted Vickie's bad breath is an issue. Cole tried to play Lawler mocking Vickie, so Ziggler shot back on Cole. Ziggler then mocked Vickie some more as the announcers continued to avoid the in-ring happenings. Vickie had enough and dropped her headset to mock Ziggler. Vickie then grabbed Ross's hat and put the hat on to parade around ringside. Vickie hopped on the ring apron and put the hat on the referee, who threw it down at ringside and tried to reprimand Vickie.

In the confusion, Swagger smashed Riley into the ropes before botching a gutwrench powerbomb attempt twice. He finally got it on the third time and scored the pin for the win. Cole said it's the first victory for Swagger on Raw in over a month. Vickie mock-applauded Swagger's win as Ziggler left the announce table to pick up Ross's hat. Ziggler then stepped on Ross's hat and gave it back to Ross. Cole said he's even offended by that. Ross said he thought Ziggler had more class than that. Cole said Ross looks pretty good without a hat. Ziggler went back to talking to the announcers as Vickie left ringside separately.

WINNER: Swagger at 4:24. What a trainwreck of a match, booking, and commentary complete with WWE (McMahon's) continued juvenile treatment of Ross. One of those examples of McMahon being bored and not having competition so he gets a kick out of segments like this one. In the meantime, WWE has seemingly lost track of Riley's push post-Miz.

4 -- WWE tag champions MICHAEL MCGILLICUTY & DAVID OTUNGA vs. KOFI KINGSTON & EVAN BOURNE -- non-title match

As the match started, Cole noted Shawn Michaels just tweeted about the Nash-Hunter issue and Cole referenced Sean Waltman being part of the Clique. The seeds planted at the Hall of Fame continue to grow. The announcers also noted Stephanie is suddenly back in the picture and the root of all of this is Triple H as COO. Cole interjected a quip on Swagger for botching the gutwrench and said he should perhaps stick to the anklelock. Lawler then called out the tag champs needing to show him something because it's the bland leading the bland. Cole mocked Ross's accent a few times before asking him if he ever knew Hillbilly Jim. Lawler interjected he'd like to see the tag champs put the titles on the lines more often.

The action eventually led to Bourne coming off the top with Air Bourne for the pin and the win. Ross said perhaps business will pick up in the tag division with Kofi and Bourne picking up a win. He said they need a tag title opportunity. After a replay of the finish, they showed Bourne and Kofi celebrating as the tag champs were shown clutching their tag title belts on the stage.

WINNERS: Bourne & Kofi at 4:42. Another reminder of WWE being lost or unchallenged creatively, focusing on the performance aspect of the wrestling contests rather than stressing winners and losers as a simulated sport. The match action was presented as inconsequential due to the focus of the commentary.

5 -- WWE champion ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. REY MYSTERIO -- WWE Title match

Ross set the stage as the two men locked up center-ring and engaged in a feeling-out process. Cole noted there's a lot of pressure on Del Rio in his first title defense. Two Del Rio imposters on the front row taunted Rey Fans early on as the champ worked over Rey. Rey then came back with a 619 tease, but Del Rio bailed to the outside for a breather. They cut to break.

Back from break, Del Rio was trying to rip off Rey's mask in the middle of a mathold. Rey broke free, then landed a double-foot dropkick to the face as he sold his lingering knee injury. Rey tried to climb up top, but Del Rio crotched him. Del Rio tried a top-rope suplex, but Rey countered with a super swinging Tornado DDT. He followed with a springboard splash for a two count. Rey followed with a sunset slip for another nearfall that drew ooohs from the crowd. Del Rio then cut off Rey with a strike to the face to catch his breath and slow down Rey.

Del Rio wore down Rey as Cole tried to put over Del Rio employing many workers in Mexico. Ross quipped Del Rio underpays his workers, only giving them 25-30 cents an hour. Del Rio then missed with a dropkick and spilled to the outside. Rey followed with a baseball slide kick before delivering a springboard moonsault on the floor. The ref applied a ten count as both men slowly made it to their feet. Rey rolled Del Rio back into the ring, then went up top for a seated senton into the 619 set-up. Rey went for the 619, but Del Rio cut him off with a clothesline for a two count.

At the top of the hour, Del Rio dropped Rey with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a nearfall as Cole reset the show. Cole noted WWE having more questions than answers with regards to the Hunter-Nash issue. Meanwhile, Del Rio put Rey up top and delivered a step-up enziguiri for a close two count only. Suddenly, Rey rolled up Del Rio and scored a two count. Del Rio came right back with a kick strike to the face that put both men on the mat. "619, 619" chant as Del Rio surveyed the arena. Del Rio tried to quiet them with the cross arm-breaker, but Rey countered with the 619. Rey then went for a top-rope splash, but Del Rio got his knees up. Del Rio rolled right into a quick pin and it was good for the win. Del Rio retains the WWE Title, which Ricardo excitedly announced to the crowd.

WINNER: Del Rio at 12:50 to retain the WWE Title. Solid match between Rey and Del Rio. Good TV main event to book-end the strong opening match between Morrison and Truth. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #827 on: August 17 2011, 02:31 pm »
WWE NXT Results: 8-16-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Kidd taunted JTG early on to establish JTG as the default face for this match-up. Meanwhile, the announcers discussed Yoshi Tatsu's whereabouts after Kidd took him out a few weeks ago. JTG did not play much of a valiant face, as he tapped out to a half-Boston Crab after three minutes.

WINNER: Kidd via submission at 3:02. NXT has officially run out of wrestlers.

Post-match: A cryptic symbol flashed on the screen, suggesting Yoshi Tatsu's presence in the arena. Kidd looked around the arena searching for answers, but none were coming. They cut to the announcers to discuss Matt Striker returning to the ring the last two weeks on NXT. Grisham sent it backstage for a promo from Striker, who said he wants a re-match with Darren Young tonight because he wasn't prepared to face him last week. He said he's not making excuses, then went on to talk about excuses for a minute. Striker sternly told Young he is not ready for what Matt Striker will bring to him. It's next.


Striker lit up D-Young early on with multiple strikes in the corner. Young tried to recover on the floor, so Striker stomped his fingers into the ring steps. Back in the ring, Striker worked over Young's left arm/shoulder with a deep wrenching armbar Young was bleeding from the mouth this week after Striker bled heavily from the nose last week. The intense battle moved to the ring apron, where D-Young suplexed Striker across the edge of the ring. Young then went to work on Striker with mat-based offense. Young tried to follow with a slingshot move from the apron, but Striker intercepted with a nice spinning facebuster. Striker made a cover, but Young got his foot on the rope and Triple H wasn't the ref here, so the match continued.

Striker followed up with a backstabber, but Young kicked out in time. Striker then screamed toward the crowd, which responded, and tried an inside cradle for the pin, but Young - looking like John Cena - rolled right into a Roderick Strong-style fallaway gutbuster across his knees. It was good for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Young at 5:05. That was a heck of a five-minute match. D-Young has finally found an opponent to draw something out of him and Striker has developed a nice connection with the audience. Well done.


Titus was not accompanied by Hornswoggle, who the announcer surmised was checking on A.J. backstage. Titus took out his frustration on Bateman early on, beating him from pillar to post. Regal said he can't figure out Bateman quite yet as he continued to take a beating from Titus. Grisham noted Bateman's Pro, Daniel Bryan, disassociated from Bateman because of his odd behavior this season. Bateman came back with a snap dropkick for a two count, then pounded away on Titus. Regal said it gets his adrenaline going to see hard strikes like the two men were exchanging. Nice close-up on Titus selling intensity as he tried to make a comeback before Bateman cut him off with a neckbreaker. Regal began talking about a tortoise as Bateman ran over Titus with a shoulder tackle for a nearfall.

Bateman actually generated a reaction for his heel work as he continued to wear down the Redemption leader. Regal said perhaps Maxine is bringing out something from Bateman to get him away from being a goofball and more serious in the ring. Titus then shot on Bateman with a double-leg take down for a nearfall. Someone in the crowd shouted, "Finish him!" before Titus ran over Bateman with a clothesline.

Titus delivered a shoulderbreaker, but Bateman kicked out again. Titus followed with an overhead slam that sent Bateman rolling to the outside. Maxine checked on Bateman as Titus followed to the outside looking for more offense. As Bateman returned to the ring, Maxine grabbed Titus's foot when Bateman occupied the ref. Titus took his eye off the ball, allowing Bateman to roll him up from behind. It was good for the quick pin and the win. Post-match: Maxine and Bateman made out on the outside as Titus complained to the ref about the interference.

WINNER: Bateman at 6:18. Another nice in-ring showing here. Titus upped his game a notch and Bateman had his first solid in-ring showing since returning to NXT as a heel. Although not the best talker, Maxine's presence adds a new dimension to Bateman's character to firmly establish him as a heel, which had been missing on Season 5.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #828 on: August 24 2011, 12:42 pm »
WWE Superstars Results: 8-18-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Early in the match, Korpela interestingly referenced Barrett's ranking on WWE's make-believe Top 25 Power Ranking. That would be a nice marketing tool for WWE to use across the board on their TV programs, and actually use to hype match-ups between mid-card wrestlers looking to leapfrog each other by winning matches. Barrett dominated the first three minutes and knocked Trent to the floor. On the outside, Barrett missed with a kick strike and ate the guardrail. Trent lit him up with hard chops, then perched himself on the guardrail to deliver an innovative corkscrew plancha on Barrett.

Both men barely beat the ten count back into the ring as they replayed Trent's high-risk attack. Back in the ring, Trent executed a missile dropkick for a two count. It was Trent's last gasp, as Barrett came back with a loud standing kick before hoisting Trent onto his shoulders for an impactful Wasteland. It was good for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Barrett at 5:11. Good five-minute match. Barrett carried himself like a former main-eventer looking to get back in the title picture while Trent offered some nice athleticism to balance Barrett's power-house offense.


The bell sounded and Clay wasted no time pounding on Vargas. Korpela noted Clay is not a bodyguard for anyone any more, as he's carving his own path. Clay had the pin one minute in, but wasn't satisfied, so he continued to punish Vargas. Clay then delivered a massive lariat and it was good for the win. A subsequent replay was nearly as long as the match before they cut to Clay celebrating the win.

WINNER: Clay at 1:18. Fine re-building effort behind Clay before they find the right program for him on Raw or Smackdown.


Santino, sporting a full beard, took control of the action early on. They did a comedy spot blocking each other's hip toss attempts as they danced around the ring. Primo then turned the lighthearted moment into a heelish attack when he cheap-shotted Santino. Primo went to work as Stanford noted that Santino has decided to pursue a singles run after failing to find a suitable tag partner. Santino made his comeback at 5:00 with left hand jabs that fired up the crowd. Santino then dropped down, hip-tossed, and delivered his diving fist for a nearfall. Josh Mathews interjected Santino is looking to develop his own style of MMA fighting: Marella Martial Arts. Santino then warmed up the non-MMA Cobra and struck Primo for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Santino at 6:05. From week-to-week, you never know what WWE is going to do with Santino, but this was a fine, basic-level start for Santino's "MMA" singles push.


Stanford noted McIntyre is frustrated. Mathews said Mac can only blame himself and he needs a breakout performance soon. McIntyre aggressively went after Ryder early on, but frustrated himself when Ryder was able to avoid his attack. Mac flashed Ryder a wry grin, then kicked him in the gut and went on the attack. Ryder came back with a clothesline that took McIntyre over the top rope to the floor. Ryder followed with a plancha and flashed a smile for the camera.

Back in the ring, McIntyre rolled out of the ring. Ryder followed to the outside again, which set off a ringside brawl. Mac got the best of the exchange with a spinebuster across the ring apron. Back in the ring, Mac went to work on Ryder's back as a "Let's Go Ryder" chant broke out. They cut to break with McIntyre in control.

Back from break, McIntyre continued to work over Ryder, who managed to knock Mac out of the ring to get a breather. Once Mac re-entered the ring, Ryder blasted him with strikes before delivering the Broski Boot for a nearfall. Ryder tried to follow with the Rough Ryder, but McIntyre countered with an emphatic slam for a close two count. Mac tried not to get frustrated as Ryder continued to kick out of pin attempts. McIntyre then flashed another wry grin and wanted the Future Shock, but Ryder blocked once, twice, then nailed the Rough Ryder. Quick pin and it was good for the win. Post-match: Ryder celebrated in the ring as McIntyre checked his jaw ringside trying to collect himself after another loss.

WINNER: Ryder at 9:15. Nice showing for Ryder, who looked like a legitimate wrestling star working with McIntyre, who will always be a "favorite" because of his size & look despite currently being irrelevant. Again, you never know from week-to-week how WWE will present stars, but good use of time to develop Ryder's credibility in the ring to match his personality showcases on YouTube.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #829 on: August 24 2011, 12:42 pm »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 8-18-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- SCOTT STEINER vs. DEVON -- Bound for Glory Series Match

Matt Morgan joined Tenay and Taz at ringside to analyze the match. Morgan noted that Devon has dropped 60 pounds. Morgan said everyone is stepping up because this the World Title at stake. Taz said if you don't want the holy grail, the World Title, you don't belong here. Devon hit a sideslip for a two count. Steiner caught a charging Devon with an elbow and then pinned him with his feet on the middle rope, just as Ray did over the weekend. The announcers didn't mention that because this TV match taped before that house show match took place.

WINNER: Steiner in 2:00.

-Samoa Joe came out and attacked Devo afterward. He put him in his new leglock. Devon's kids and his wife called for help from the back. Terrence and Tyrell ran into the ring and confronted Joe. D'Angelo Dinero ran out and got in Joe's face. Joe jumped out of the ring. Morgan said he used to have respect for Joe.


-Shelley vs. Haskins: Taz said friends of Haskins call him Skins. Tenay and Taz acted bewildered by the nickname. Haskins countered a Sliced Bread and then hit a lift-knee finisher for the win. I'll all for establishing new stars, but this was a bit much, having a new guy beat the established top tier X Division star in two minutes makes everything seem arbitrary unless they're pushing Haskins as the Goldberg of the division. Plus it's irritating when a match-up is booked to end quickly simply because it's a gauntlet match and they have to fit a bunch of falls into a one-match segment, even though there's no logical reason for the match-up to end any quicker than any other one-on-one match would.

-Haskins vs. Robbie: Haskins rolled up Robbie E. right away as Robbie was arguing with Cookie.

-Haskins vs. Zema Ion: Zema scored a near fall after a top rope dropkick at the start. Zema finished Haskins with a 450 off the top rope at 3:00 (overall).

-Zema vs. Jesse Sorensen: Sorensen won in 1:00. This is ridiculous. The action is crisp and athletic and entertaining, but the rapid pitfalls defy any logic and just make everyone look like losers.

-Sorensen vs. Tony Nese: By 6:00 Sorensen was eliminated.

-Kid Kash vs. Sorensen: They actually cut to a commercial. Wrestling matters, really. And in the three minutes they're away, there should be two pinfalls based on the pace of the early finishes. Of course, the match was still in progress after the break. They just happened to pick the "marathon" match-up to cut away from. Right after the break Sorensen won with a roll-through leverage pin at 12:00 overall.

-Sorensen vs. Austin Aries: As Aries got ready to enter, Kash gave Sorensen a double-underhook piledriver. That looked reckless and dangerous. Aries put his foot on Sorensen's chest in a cocky manner, but Sorensen kicked out. Aries yelled at the ref, saying he should count faster. Sorensen scored a near fall with a roll-up. Aries came back with a spear dropkick in the corner followed by a brainbuster suplex for the win.

WINNER: Aries in 12:00.

-Christy Hemme interviewed Aries at ringside. Aries bragged about taking out seven X Division stars. He said that means he is the no. 1 contender. He quoted Eric Bischoff, calling Brian Kendrick "The Wizard of Odd." He said he will beat him and prove he is the greatest man who ever lived. Kendrick walked out and offered a handshake. Aries asked if he was gay and then pulled his hand away. Kendrick jumped Aries from behind as he walked up the ramp. Security tried to pry Kendrick off of Aries.

3 -- ODB (w/Jackie) vs. MICKIE JAMES

Mickie hit a Thesz Press at 4:00 and then went for a leaping DDT. ODB pushed her off mid-air and then splashed her in the corner Stinger style. She followed up with a Rough Rider attempt, but Mickie moved. Mickie then gave ODB her leaping DDT for the win. Afterward a frustrated Jackie offered a handshake to Mickie, but then pulled it away once Mickie was about to accept.

WINNER: Mickie in 5:00.

4 -- ROB VAN DAM vs. A.J. STYLES -- Bound for Glory Series

The announcers recapped the issue RVD has with Jerry Lynn and the situation between Styles and Daniels. They showed Lynn watching from ringside. How does he look the same as he looked 22 years ago when I first started watching his indy matches in Minneapolis on a regular basis? At 3:00 Lynn jumped out of his chair and yelled at the ref for counting too closely on an RVD cover on Styles. RVD shoved Styles off the top rope to the mat and then went for a splash, but Styles lifted his knees leading to a near fall at 4:00. Styles ducked an RVD spin wheel kick, then hit RVD with a Pele kick. When he went for the cover, as the ref began his count, Lynn yanked the ref out of the ring. The ref called for the bell.

WINNER: Styles via DQ in 5:00.

5 -- BEER MONEY vs. MEXICAN AMERICA (Hernandez & Anarquia w/Rosita & Sarita) - Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championships

They billed this as Mexican America's final shot at Beer Money. Jeff Jarrett and Karen joined Tenay and Taz at the Spanish announce table. Jarrett and Karen bragged about knowing the intricacies of the Spanish culture. They did a lousy job promoting this match, by the way. I'm all for the tag titles being featured in the main event, but they have to talk about it before it happens. Tenay got bleeped telling Jarrett he immortalized the AAA Title. I assume he said AAA. Borash added a plug for "5 Hour Energy" to his formal ring introduction. Tenay noted that Angle has accepted Crimson's challenge for next week. At 5:00 Rosita interfered to stop Beer Money's momentum. She spit at Storm. Karen ran to the ring to protect her "Mexican sister." Jarrett said she's just too good-hearted. Anarquia threw Storm out of the ring, but Roode gave him a spinebuster. Sarita distracted the ref as Hernandez KO'd Roode with the Jarrett's title belt for the win.

WINNERS: Mexican America in 6:00 to capture the Impact Wrestling Tag Team Titles.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #830 on: August 24 2011, 12:43 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 8-19-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Jackson took the power to Rhodes early on and even landed a sidewalk slam in which he twirled around a few times while holding Cody in the move. I guess that’s his way of showing personality. Rhdoes missed an enziguiri and Jackson got two on the pin. Rhodes ducked down and hit an uppercut, but then fell victim to a back body-drop. Rhodes went back on offense with body shots, but allowed Jackson to get back to his feet in the corner. Forearm shot to the jaw for a near-fall. Jackson clubbed Rhodes in the neck and back in the corner. Rhodes avoided a slam and fled to ringside. Jackson tossed Rhodes over the ring steps and Rhodes took a spill to the floor. I feel like that would be the lesser of two evils, the other option being thrown INTO the stairs rather than over them. Rhodes kicked the stairs into Jackson’s leg, which hobbled the big man. Back in the ring, Rhodes landed his springboard kick, then Cross-Rhodes for the win.

WINNER: Rhodes, at 3:32. Looks like ol’ Zeke could be going the way of Vladimir Kozlov after Vlad’s initial big push.


Kidd took Gabriel down with a rear waist-lock, then a shoulder tackle. Kidd took Gabriel head-first into the middle buckle, using his feet to do so. Cover by Kidd for only one. Kidd stretched Gabriel’s arms, putting the knee right into the back of his opponent’s neck. Back-and-forth action, then a spinning back-kick by Gabriel that barely caught Kidd. Booker even brought up that Kidd may be missing something, and mentioned a manager as one of those possibilities. Did he really watch Superstars or pay attention to those matches on his brand? Take-down by Gabriel and both men were down at 3:43. Gabriel went to the top but Kidd met him. Gabriel slammed him down, then connected on a 450 splash with Kidd further out from the corner than usual. Still, no problem for Gabriel.

WINNER: Gabriel, at 4:19. Really nice, short match. It wasn’t a squash, as both men had moments where they looked impressive.


This match was in the exact same segment last week. “Daniel Bryan” chants as soon as the bell rang to start the match. Bryan worked over Del Rio with kicks in the corner. Del Rio returned fire by taking Bryan down and laying the boots to him. Del Rio worked the arm and again the crowd chanted for Bryan. Headbutt took Bryan down. Headlock take-over by Del Rio. Back on his feet, knee-lift by Bryan, then a hard kick to Del Rio’s back and upper torso. Del Rio pulled Bryan off the top and brought Bryan’s arm across his knees. Sunset flip attempt by Bryan at 4:13, but Del Rio instead dropped the elbow across Bryan’s arm. Cole is predictably insufferable here, particularly arguing with Mathews over Kevin Nash’s involvement at Summerslam and hyperventilating over Bryan’s YouTube channel. Irish whip into the buckle by Del Rio felled Bryan. Arm-bar as Del Rio went back to working the arm once again. Cole called Mathews “babyface Josh” for rooting for the Cowboys in the movie “Cowboys & Aliens.” This is just so ridiculous.

Another headbutt by Del Rio, but he ran into a back elbow by Bryan in the corner. Hard kicks on ADR in the corner. Bryan built some momentum at 7:30, but struggled to capitalize after a clothesline. Bryan back-dropped Del Rio to ringside then dove off the apron with a flying knee to the face of the WWE Champion. Bryan came off the top and landed on his feet back in the ring, and Del Rio gave him a sweet German suplex with a bridge for two. Del Rio appeared to be bleeding from the lip or mouth. He set Bryan on the top rope, but a suplex couldn’t connect as he rolled over for a body-press. Both men were down at 9:45 when they went to break.

Back at 13:15 with Bryan delivering more kicks. The men did the “boo, yay” thing in the middle of the ring, before Bryan got the advantage. Running dropkick in the corner. Rodriguez was freaking out at ringside as Bryan went to the top. Missile dropkick found the mark for a near-fall. Bryan went into his body kicks for about the fourth time in the match, but nothing came of it. Bryan locked in the front guillotine, but Del Rio rammed him into the corner to break it. Suplex into a cover, but instead of sticking with it, he locked in the cross arm-breaker for the submission win.

WINNER: Del Rio, at 15:23. Now that’s more like it. If they wanted to show Bryan as being a big-time competitor, as they did here lasting 15 minutes with the WWE Champion, not sure why they jobbed him out to the same guy in under four minutes last week.


AJ tried an arm-drag, but Nattie stopped her. She also didn’t move on a roll-up attempt. Off the second rope, Nattie caught AJ on a cross-body attempt. AJ did a float-over into a headscissors take-over, a nice move. Natalya didn’t seem fazed, as she continued to power AJ down and no-sell most of her stuff. She dragged AJ by the hair over to the corner and tagged Fox. Fox did little of note in the ring, but did take AJ down with a hair pull. She dragged AJ by the legs into the corner, where Nattie tagged in. Double suplex and a Natalya cover for two. Cole called AJ’s argyle ring gear “from the Kerwin Silfies collection” (Silfies is a director of WWE programming). Fox choked AJ in the corner with her foot, but AJ fought out and made the tag at 3:27. Kelly with a Thesz Press on Fox, then she spanked her. Headscissors take-down by Kelly. She rubbed her butt in Fox’s face in the corner. Hurricanrana and a pin broken up by Natalya, almost too late. Fox missed a scissors kick after Nattie took out AJ. K2 legdrop for the win.

WINNERS: AJ and Kelly, at 4:31. A marathon match by Divas standards, and most of it was AJ selling, which wasn’t terribly exciting.

Post-match, Natalya got in Fox’s face, showing displeasure over the loss. She called Fox a moron and Fox told Nattie to get out of her face. Natalya backed down. As Fox went to the apron, Natalya knocked her to ringside with a forearm shot. Nattie then applied the Sharpshooter on the arena floor.


Khali backed Mahal in the corner as soon as the bell rang, to protected him. Everyone went after Mark Henry and he shrugged them off. He dropped Trent Barreta hard and sent him out at :20. Yoshi Tatsu gone at :28 of the Battle Royal, again courtesy of Henry. Hey, there’s William Regal! Khali stayed in front of Mahal in the corner. Barrett eliminated Johnny Curtis at 1:04. He came close to eliminating Rhodes a few seconds later. Heath Slater squirmed back into the ring from the apron, but Kidd tried to kick him back out. Hard chop to the chest of Regal by Khali. Sheamus had DiBiase teetering on the ropes. Ryder was hip-tossed out by Cara at 2:12, and there were a few boos for that. Rhodes skinned the cat back in, but Jackson clotheslined him out at 2:38. Early exit for Cody. Jackson then squared off with Khali. Hard body shots and punches, then a running clothesline. Khali with a brain chop, then he threw Jackson out with ease at 3:13. Henry and Khali sized each other up. I think there was a “Sin Cara” chant though it sounded like “619.” Henry was sent to the mat with a brain chop. Henry then picked up Khali and dumped him at 4:01. Mahal was incredulous. Sheamus took Henry down with a forearm and Henry rolled under the bottom rope. Sheamus kicked Slater out at 4:48 and Henry feasted on the remains. Orton got a glimpse of Henry up close and they went to break at 5:13.

Back at 9:04 with Sheamus and Mahal in peril courtesy of Gabriel and Cara. They were both able to survive. Henry was still at ringside. Looks like the herd has thinned out a bit, with Regal having been eliminated during the break. Gabriel went out in a high-risk move by Cara at 10:52. Henry picked up Gabriel and threw him over the barricade and into the fans. The Usos were tossed by Sheamus at 11:18. Henry assaulted them as well. One was thrown into the announce table and looked like he kicked Mathews as he hit. Henry ree-ntered the match and Mahal and DiBiase went after him. He tossed Mahal at 12:11 and DiBiase at 12:17. Kidd was out at 12:33 via Cara. We’re down to Barrett, Sheamus, Cara, and Henry. Crowd liked Cara. All four men looked at each other as we finally heard from Mathews again. The three men went for Henry, cornering him and laying in the boots. Sheamus wore Henry down with knees to the face. Barrett then clotheslined Sheamus. He tried to eliminate Sheamus, but he landed on the apron. He pulled Barrett over and the two men pounded away on each other on the apron. Sheamus booted Barrett down at 14:23. Cara dove at Sheamus and Cara went through the ropes. Back in the ring, he kicked Sehamus in the back of the head. Sheamus kicked Cara, who fell on his butt on the apron. Cara still would not go over. Sheamus set up for the Brogue Kick, but Henry picked Sheamus up and sent him out at 15:21. Cara came off the top with a cross-body, but Henry pushed Cara off and to ringside. Cara came back in and kicked the legs of Henry. Springboard cross-body, but Henry caught him and gave him the World’s Strongest Slam. Henry lifted Cara over his head and deposited him to ringside.

WINNER: Henry, at 16:36.

They replayed the last few big moves of the match. Henry went face-to-face with Orton at ringside as Henry’s music played. He took a sniff of Orton and said he smelled fear. Great way to end things.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #831 on: August 24 2011, 12:44 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 8-22-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- WWE champion ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. JOHN MORRISON -- non-title match
The bell sounded and the two men circled each other around the ring. Lawler with the early hyperbole trying to sell Cena-Punk later in the show by calling their match at Summerslam one of the greatest matches people have seen. Cole hyped Del Rio's week starting at Summerslam last Sunday as Del Rio worked over Morrison's arm and shoulder. Morrison came back with a quick pin attempt, but Del Rio kicked out. Morrison then slipped Del Rio to the outside and followed with a springboard moonsault attempt, but Del Rio avoided and shoved Morrison into the guardrail. Del Rio was in control as they cut to break.

Back from break, Del Rio was working on Morrison in the ring. Del Rio tried to charge Morrison in the corner, but Morrison flipped him over the top rope to the outside. Ricardo tried to help out Del Rio, who made his way back into the ring to accept a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Ross called Morrison's comeback as Morrison set up for Starship Pain, but Del Rio ran away. Del Rio then ducked a clothesline and executed a German Suplex with a bridge for a nearfall. They went to a replay of Del Rio falling on the outside and showed his head bouncing hard off the floor. That didn't look pretty.

Morrison scored a close nearfall with the referee pausing to let Del Rio kick out since Del Rio seemed a bit loopy. This match needs to be stopped if Del Rio is legitimately showing signs of a concussion. Morrison then snapped off a huracanrana for another close two count. Del Rio was taking deep breaths as he landed right hand strikes to comeback on Morrison, who nailed the Flying Chuck. Morrison then went to the corner for Starship Pain, but Del Rio moved and rammed Morrison into the ringpost. Del Rio caught his breath, then went right into the cross arm-breaker center ring. Morrison had nowhere to go and he tapped out after a few moments.
WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 12:27. A bit of a start-stop match, but some good nearfalls for Morrison to keep him at the same level taking the loss. (I would argue they need to be doing more to elevate Morrison in light of Rey's absence.) For Del Rio, this is what was missing from The Miz's title run: some credible victories over credible opponents to build him up as a credible champion. (**)

2 -- EVE (w/Divas champion Kelly Kelly) vs. BELLA #1 (w/Bella #2)
Basic start with Nikki taking control and Eve making a comeback. Eve went for her moonsault finisher, but Nikki crotched her. Eve then hit a spike DDT for the pin and the win. Post-match: Beth and Natalya came out on-stage to give the polite golf clap applause to the babyfaces. Kelly held up her Divas Title belt for them to get another look at.
WINNER: Eve at 2:35. Just a match to fill time and set up the post-match, as a win over the Bella Twins is meaningless since they haven't won a TV match in three months.

3 -- JACK SWAGGER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. ALEX RILEY
A match-up of two "rising stars" like this should mean a lot more than a filler match in the dead fourth quarter-hour. Instead of this route, they could have taken a few weeks of build-up with Swagger picking up a decisive win, then Riley picking up a decisive win, and then having the match. Some basic action between Swagger and Riley brought a random man in a suit down the ramp 70 seconds in. Thee man in the suit was Dolph Ziggler, who wanted to talk to Vickie about her business with Swagger. In the background, Swagger was fumbling with Riley on the gutwrench suplex again. Vickie ended up being knocked down on the floor, which brought over Swagger to argue with Ziggler. Swagger then returned to the ring and was rolled up by Riley, who scored a quick three count. The focus then shifted to Ziggler and Vickie arguing up the entrance ramp.
WINNER: Riley at 2:02. More bizarre booking of the Raw mid-card. Riley's stock continues to slide, despite the win, since his victory and involvement was fourth or fifth-most important based on the presentation.

Kofi started off in control of the action before the heels cut off Kofi on the floor. The announcers continued to focus on "textgate," which no one is calling, as the heels worked over Kofi. Cole said his problem is Hunter needs to get a grip on what's going on around here and he needs to get control over the Nash-Punk issue. Lawler finally got around to pointing out to Cole that the tag champs haven't defended the Tag Titles in a while. Cole said it's not their fault. Ross said they need to be more proactive defending the titles.

Bourne hot-tagged into the match at 4:15 and the action broke down. Kofi took Mike over the top rope to the floor, then smashed Otunga with Trouble in Paradise from the ring apron. Bourne followed right up with Air Bourne and made the cover. Bourne with the pin and it was good for the win. Kofi and Bourne get a prize. Lawler said everyone in the crowd is on their feet and "these kids" will set the tag division on fire. Ross wondered aloud if this will lead to a resurgence for the tag division. They stayed in the moment to make it seem like a re-start for the tag division.
WINNERS: Kingston & Bourne at 5:05 to capture the Tag Titles. The "restart" comes with the caveat that it seems like WWE had no ideas for Kofi and Bourne, so they were given the Tag Titles to have something to do. (*)

5 -- JOHN CENA vs. C.M. PUNK -- #1 contender match to WWE Title
The announcers played up Punk beating Cena in the past two title matches, but Lawler said he's not buying Punk since the first victory came via McMahon's interference and the second victory came via Hunter's officiating error. The crowd was hot early with a "Let's Go Oilers!" chant. (Where are Bum Phillips, Warren Moon, and Ray Childress when you need them?) Cena and Punk grabbed a headlock to take control of the match before Punk teased the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Cena teased his own FKS, and the action spilled to the outside. Both men were selling the effects as they cut to break.

Back from break, Cena had Punk in a headlock center-ring. They cut to a ringside shot to show Laurinaitis nearly asleep watching the match in the ring. Back in the ring, Cena and Punk teased their finishers. Punk then landed a springboard clothesline for a two count as cameras picked up a sign in the background reading: "I Texted Nash." Punk teased the G2S again, but Cena rolled through. More counters for each man. Crossface for Cena, but Punk reached the bottom rope for a break. Cole said he's glad this official is sharper than Hunter was. Punk then came back with the G2S out of nowhere, but Cena kicked out in time. Del Rio was shown leaning forward in his chair selling the close nearfall.

Punk re-positioned Cena in the corner, then slowly climbed up top, selling the effects of the match. Punk wanted a Macho Man elbow drop (which drew a big reaction), but Cena moved out of the way after Punk took too much time. Cena then rolled to the ring apron, gathered himself, and climbed up top for a guillotine leg drop that he connected with. Cena made the cover, but Punk kicked out. The crowd created the sound as the two men reset. Punk landed multiple elbow strikes to the neck, then a running knee that only led to a two count.

At the top of the hour, Cena suddenly nailed the Attitude Adjustment, but Punk kicked out. Cole reset the match as Cena collected himself in his corner and Punk sold the effects. Punk then landed headbutts and wanted a cross-body splash, but Cena rolled through and tried an AA, but Punk countered with a sunset flip for a two count. Punk then nailed a big kick strike that put both men on the mat. Punk made the time-to-sleep hand signal, but Nash's voice was suddenly heard. Nash walked out on-stage with mic in-hand telling Punk this isn't over yet. Lawler asked Laurinaitis for an explanation.

Nash slowly made his way to ringside, then Punk ran toward Cena, who hoisted Punk in the air for the AA. Nash left, then Cena made the cover and it was good for the win. Post-match: Del Rio immediately stormed the ring to attack Cena and lay him out on the mat. Laurinaitis then slipped into the ring to pull Del Rio off Cena. The heat wasn't there since the vocal males were disappointed with the finish (i.e. they were upset with WWE's booking, not upset with Nash for interfering against Punk). Del Rio eventually broke free to attack Cena. Del Rio dragged Cena to the outside and ran him into the guardrail as Laurinaitis tried to calm him down. They went off the air four minutes past the hour with Del Rio seething and Cena selling. Strong emphasis on Del Rio to close the show.
WINNER: Cena at 14:29 to become #1 contender to the WWE Title. Strong five minutes of action after the break, but the kick-outs of finishing moves continues to be a concern. As for trying to figure this Nash thing out, it's apparent Laurinaitis is working against Hunter (lying about Nash's car crash to get Hunter away from Raw), likely on-behalf of Vince and/or Stephanie. Meanwhile, WWE is continuing to plant seeds for a Punk-Nash match, which is probably why Laurinaitis talked to Nash "off-camera" last week to get him signed to a contract (which Hunter presumably doesn't know about) so he could legally face Punk with the goal to take out Punk, who is the anti-establishment figure, on behalf of Vince and/or Stephanie. If it's not that, this is one giant mess. At the end of the day, WWE is making their casual audience think too hard about this with so many different players in the mix. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #832 on: August 24 2011, 01:58 pm »
WWE NXT Results: 8-23-11

Does anyone even watch the trainwreck that is NXT?!! (direct link to Caldwell's complete report) has all the painful details.

This week's WWE NXT episode opened with another exchange between Matt Striker and Darren Young. Young beat down Striker, trying to prove his point against the old guard. William Regal made the save from the commentary position, coming to the aid of Striker.


The crowd was hot for Kidd early on as the two men circled the ring. Referring to the writing on Kidd's bag in the previous segment, Regal threw out a Yoshi Kwan and Killer Khan reference. Regal continued to harp on Young's actions and words, saying he won't put up with it anymore. Kidd and Barreta had a stand-off, which drew applause from the crowd. Todd Grisham noted Kidd has won all of their previous match-ups and Barreta told him before the show that perhaps he needs a more conservative gameplan. Barreta cut off Kidd and worked him over on the mat before they abruptly cut to break.

Back from break, Barreta had Kidd in a side headlock, still trying to wear him down on the mat. Kidd then made a comeback with a double foot kick to the head for a two count. Regal said he could see Kidd a big star in two-to-five years, which brought up a good point from Grisham on whether he can sustain this hard style and pace for that long. Regal said he thinks so and he'll be able to adapt as he grows older in age. Kidd then found himself on the outside and Barreta went for a turnaround splash that came up short, causing him to crash hard on the floor as Kidd tried to catch him.

Back in the ring, Barreta made a cover for a two count. The crowd tried to rally behind Kidd as Barreta put him up top. Barreta wanted a superplex, but Kidd blocked, crotched Barreta (which Grsiham called the capital of Thailand), and climbed up top for a huracanrana. Barreta tried to follow through, but Kidd teased the Sharpshooter, which drew a huge reaction, only to have Barreta counter with a victory roll for a two count. Double knock down and they were on the mat again. At 13:00, they started trading bombs and strikes from their feet before Barreta scored with a running strike for a two count. They reset and Kidd caught Barreta in a single-leg Boston Crab. Barreta fought the hold before reaching the bottom rope for a break.

Suddenly, the ominous music played, supposedly from Yoshi Tatsu. Kidd was distracted by the music and latest message on the screen, then Barreta caught him from behind, nailed his DDT finisher, and scored the pin for the win. And Barreta ends his six match losing streak on TV. The crowd groaned as Barreta collected himself in victory to conclude the match.

WINNER: Barreta at 15:01.

In-ring: Maxine and Bateman slowly made their way to the ring as Regal thanked Grisham for helping him through the past 25 weeks of this show, with it being Grisham's last night on NXT. Interesting.

2 -- A.J. (w/Hornswoggle) vs. MAXINE (w/Derrick Bateman)

The match quickly moved to the floor and Bateman tried to give A.J. a fright, which gave Maxine an opening to take control of the match in the ring. Maxine began to freak out when she couldn't put A.J. away, then a few vocal fans picked up an "A-J" chant. Grisham recapped each of the Divas's history on NXT Season 3 to fill time as Maxine continued to wear down A.J. Grisham noted to Regal they're really struggling in this match. A.J. suddenly tried a roll-up, but Maxine kicked out. So, Maxine went back on the offensive. The announcers moved to Regal's English heritage next and Grisham encouraged Maxine to get it done already.

After A.J. made a comeback, Bateman took out Hornswoggle on the outside, which drew boos and A.J.'s attention away from the ring. Maxine then pinned a distracted A.J. for the win. Post-match: Titus O'Neil ran off the heels as the announcers wondered where he was 20 seconds earlier. Hornswoggle's music played as the faces called down to the heels to come do something.

WINNER: Maxine at 6:24. That was painful.

Raw Replay: A condensed version of the Cena vs. Punk match starting with Cena's ring entrance, a fan tossing Cena his t-shirt back, about eight minutes of the match, and Del Rio's post-match beat down on Cena to conclude NXT.

This was one of the worst NXT episodes of the season. The NXT series has become pointless, as there is barely a hint of this being a Rookie competition and there is no sign of this season coming to a conclusion any time soon. This season has lasted so long that even the lead announcer is leaving the show before its conclusion.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #833 on: August 29 2011, 07:04 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 8-25-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Slater landed an early slap to the face, trying to frustrate the larger Sheamus. Sheamus eventually tracked down Slater and pounded on him with forearms and strikes. Slater tried to start a comeback, but Sheamus easily cut him off with a hard clothesline. Sheamus then randomly went up top and Slater crotched him before landing a double foot dropkick that cleared Sheamus to the outside. Why is Sheamus selling so much for Slater? On the floor, Slater landed more offense as Sheamus sold on the floor. The ref reached a five count when both men returned to the ring for Slater to make a cover for a two count.

Sheamus finally found a fire in his belly and ran over Slater with sledgehammers before scooping him up for a swinging sidewalk slam. Sheamus had enough of Slater and pounded on him with hard forearm blows across the chest followed by a running knee lift. Sheamus pounded his chest, then measured Slater for the Brogue Kick, but Slater ducked. Slater then nailed a kick to the lower back before landing a neckbreaker for a two count. Why is Slater getting so much offense in this match? Slater then went up top for a leaping maneuver, but Sheamus intercepted him with the Brogue Kick. Sheamus then delivered the High Cross for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Sheamus at 5:56. Sure, no one watches this, but how could WWE script Sheamus - a wrestler presented as a top-flight face in the World Title picture - to require six minutes to put away Slater after a near-even-steven match? At the end of the day, Sheamus got in his signature spots and stood tall at the end, which was fine.


Early clubbing offense from Clay, who had the pin 45 seconds in, but pulled off on the cover to continue inflicting punishment. Clay scored with a big corner splash, then the Fall of Humanity cross-body splash for the pin and the win. Matt Striker said Clay is putting the Raw and Smackdown locker rooms on notice and he's on his way. After a replay, Korpela rhetorically asked how long until Clay's in the World Title picture. Striker asked if anyone can stop him.

WINNER: Clay at 1:05. Another effective squash for Clay.


As Gabriel and JTG went back-and-forth early on, Korpela played Clue on why John Laurinaitis gave Triple H bad information on Kevin Nash earlier this week on Raw. Gabriel wanted a high-flying maneuver, but JTG crotched him and followed with a unique swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Gabriel then back-flipped over JTG and landed a kick strike for a two count. Gabriel tried a springboard backflip, but JTG moved and landed another neckbreaker-like maneuver for a two count. JTG pulling out all sorts of new moves this week.

Another counter by Gabriel left JTG KO'ed in the corner. Or so it seemed. Gabriel went up top for the 450 Splash, but JTG ran to the top turnbuckle and crotched him. Gabriel brushed it off and landed a sunset flip powerbomb before climbing back up top. Gabriel flashed a smile, waited for the crowd to come life, and delivered the 450 splash clear across the ring for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Gabriel at 6:13. Interesting match. Just interesting. JTG added a few moves to his repertoire and Gabriel continues to be about the same level trying to build momentum behind his singles run.


Back to the Raw announcers, Stanford and Mathews, to call this Smackdown vs. Raw match taped Monday. The announcers re-visited last week's commentary on McIntyre needing to show something before he lost to Zack Ryder. Stanford stressed Bryan's MMA training as he cleared Mac to the outside. Mac used the breather to take control of the match, but Bryan cut him off back in the ring. Mac then lawn-darted Bryan into the second turnbuckle to take control leading to a break in the action.

McIntyre continued to dominate back from break as Stanford noted Bryan is not shaving his beard until WrestleMania when he cashes in his MITB briefcase. Bryan then ducked a clothesline and ran over Mac to slow him down. Both men sold on the mat before Bryan followed with a kick strike for a two count. Multiple kick strikes gave Bryan momentum before Mac ran him over with a pop-up clothesline for a two count. Mac couldn't follow up and found himself flying over the top rope to the floor, leading to Bryan nailing a suicide dive into the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Bryan tried a top rope move, but Mac ran up the turnbuckles, nearly slipped, and executed a modified butterfly suplex for a two count. Drew tried a sidewalk slam, but Bryan countered into a guillotine choke. McIntyre tried to fight the hold, but was forced to tap out, giving Bryan a decisive win over the larger McIntyre. Bearded Bryan celebrated the win with an intense stare into the crowd before they replayed the finish. Back to Bryan, who continued to soak in the win while McIntyre sold frustration ringside.

WINNER: Bryan via submission at 10:48. Another good "TV" match for Bryan, who continues to be one of the most valuable wrestlers on the roster being able to work with any opponent. A series between Bryan and McIntyre, despite being on separate brands, would be beneficial for McIntyre to build some confidence in the ring since WWE isn't doing anything with him. Nice conclusion to the show. (**1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #834 on: August 29 2011, 07:04 am »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 8-25-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Quick tags early among ODB, Jackie, and Sky against Rosita. Sky took Love down with a sideslam for a two count at 2:00. The other four brawled at ringside. Love gave Sky a backbreaker mid-ring, then invited Jackie and ODB to attack Sky. Instead, ODB and Jackie showed loyalty to Sky by double-suplexing Love and then putting Sky on top for the win. Tenay wondered what Bischoff thought of this since they were trying to improves him to earn TNA contracts.

WINNERS: Jackie & ODB & Sky in 3:00.


Tenay noted Kash is ranked no. 3, Sorrensen no. 2, based on the wholly ridiculous methodology in last week's X Division Gauntlet match. Sorrensen winked at the camera on his way to the ring while wearing his high school football letter jacket. I assume those facts cement Kash as the obvious babyface in this match-up, right? Kash won by pulling on Sorrensen's trunks.

-Christy Hemme interviewed Kash at ringside. He said he taught the kid in the ring a lesson. He called him a prick and said just like his son, he'll put him over his knee and spank his ***. Sorrensen walked back to Kash and told him if he keeps running his mouth, he'll show him if he's a little boy inside the ring. Security came out. Sorrensen immediately tried to get to Kash as soon as security stepped between them.

3 -- ROB VAN DAM vs. "THE POPE" D'ANGELO DINERO - Bound for Glory Series Match

Matt Morgan joined Tenay and Taz on commentary. Tenay said they're one week away from determining the final four in the BFG Series. Morgan said whoever comes out of this tournament the winner will be as battle tested as a wrestler can be. RVD got in a series of his signature moves, then applied an abdominal stretch at 3:00. Pope hip-tossed RVD off of him and then DDT'd RVD for a two count. RVD came back with a jump reverse sidekick. RVD lifted Pope into a surfboard. He bridged Pope's shoulders back onto the mat for a two count, drawing a "wow" out of Morgan. Pope verbally submitted seconds later.

WINNER: RVD in 4:00 via submission.


After a couple minutes inside the ring, Steiner and Gunner brawled with Beer Money backstage. Styles and Ray continued to battle inside the ring. When Gunner returned, Styles turned to him. Steiner then returned and Styles blasted him. Ray recovered and gave Styles a Bubba Bomb for the win.

WINNERS: Ray & Steiner & Gunner in 6:00.

-They cut to the parking garage where Mr. Anderson showed up in a Hummer. Anderson ran to the ring. Gunner attacked him. Anderson knocked Gunner down and then shoved Steiner off the ring apron and through a table at ringside. Anderson wrapped his fist in a chain. Ray grabbed a chair at ringside and yelled at Anderson. Anderson hit Gunner with his chain-wrapped fist. Ray called him crazy as Anderson repeatedly punched Gunner. Gunner bled from the forehead. Anderson held KO'd Gunner and KO'd Steiner in his hands and stared down Ray, who retreated.


At 2:00 they cut to a break after mostly tests of strength spots, with Angle ending up on offense. [c] Angle remained in control after the break. He settled into a side headlock. Crimson broke free and then collided with Angle. The ref nearly counted both men down. Crimson hit a suplex on Angle for a near fall. Then he hit a spear for a near fall. Angle came back with a kick to Crimson's knee and then a quick anklelock. Crimson broke free with a kick. Angle went fo ran Angleslam, but Crimson countered with a Sky High finisher for a very near fall. Samoa JOe then attacked Crimson. The ref called for the bell.

WINNER: No contest in 10:00.

-With Angle's blessing - after a brief tense staredown between them - Joe went for more against Crimson. When he lifted Crimson, Crimson broke free and punched Joe. Joe retreated.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #835 on: August 29 2011, 07:07 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 8-26-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


They aired a Bryan hype video during his entrance. Cole said he didn’t believe that Bryan will end up cashing in the MITB at Wrestlemania. Leg-whip by Bryan then a dropkick in the corner on his foe. First cover of the match got two at :52. Bryan did his dive through the ropes onto Christian outside the ring and then locked in a surfboard. Bryan actually bridged it into a pinning predicament. Kicks by Bryan, but Christian’s flip kick in the corner turned the tables. Bryan was back-dropped to ringside, where they went to break at 2:53 of the match.

Back about 4:00 after they went to break. Bryan broke out of a rest-hold only to get elbowed down by Christian for two. To the top went Bryan and he came off with a missile dropkick. Both men were down at 8:12. Cover by Bryan for two. Flying clothesline by Bryan, followed up by some kicks to the chest of Christian. Bryan blocked a second flip kick attempt and kicked Christian right in the back of the neck. Cole noted Bryan has to develop some charisma. No connection was made between having charisma and being good in the ring/winning titles. If they even attempted to explain, I’d let it pass. Back-and-forth they went and Christian kicked out after a kick to the head. Bryan tried a hurricanrana off the top, but Christian hooked the top rope and landed a Tornado DDT for a near-fall. Killswitch was countered into the LeBell Lock, but Christian got his foot on the bottom rope. Bryan missed a running corner dropkick, then Christian connected on the Killswitch.

WINNER: Christian, at 12:03. Good win for Christian heading into his title match next week after not appearing on the show last week. Bryan lost, but like his match with Del Rio last week, he put up a fight and looked good.


Ah, Cara grabbed the ropes during his jumping entrance! What a fraud! Slater is now the one-man Southern rock band and has theme music to reflect that persona. Also, Sin Cara vs. Alberto Del Rio is slated for Tuesday. Slater attacked Cara just as the bell rang and now Sin Cara’s light show during his match features moving lights. Headscissors take-down by Cara, then he landed a dive in the ring. Big flying headbutt for two. Cara dropkicked Slater off the apron, then landed a cross-body off the top rope. Diving flip on Slater, then a springboard moonsault for three.

WINNER: Cara, at 1:43. Not sure where all the botches came into play, but if the match was edited, I couldn't tell.


Cody Rhodes walked out with DiBiase, as did Cody’s baggers. Rhodes said he performs miracles, resurrecting the IC Championship and the career of Ted DiBiase. Things started slowly, with DiBiase taking Orton down with a headlock, then a shoulder tackle. Cole and Booker nicely put over the IC Title. Leap-frog by Orton, then a dropkick. Both men were back to their feet, circling each other, and going back to square one. Clothesline by Orton. Snap-mare by DiBiase, then a boot to the face for two. Take-down by Orton, then a catapult into the corner. Big clothesline by the Viper. Thesz Press followed. Rhodes got on the apron to distract, and took a right hand from Orton. Randy went to ringside and to RKO Rhodes, but DiBiase broke it up with a baseball slide. They went to break as the commentary team was apparently shocked into silence by that move.

Orton got to his feet after being in a rear chinlock, but DiBiase dropkicked Orton down. Call me crazy, but I think a DiBiase win could work here, though I’m loathe to advocate a champion losing in a non-title match yet again. To the top rope, where Orton suplexed DiBiase to the mat. Cover got two at 9:46. Scoop slam by Orton and he began to get in the zone. DiBiase avoided the back-breaker and went for a roll-up for two. Sit-out spine-buster for two as well. Dream Street applied, but Orton countered. He set DiBiase up for the rope-assisted DDT, and it found the mark. RKO was dodged, as was another Dream Street. Slingshot clothesline missed wildly and DiBiase fell victim to the RKO for the pinfall.

WINNER: Orton, at 12:12. DiBiase sure looked good here, and I wonder if this was an opportunity given to him by WWE management to see what he can do and to see if DiBiase could prove something to them.

An upset Rhodes was left in the ring with a fallen DiBiase. Rhodes offered his hand to DiBiase, who grabbed it. Rhodes appeared to give DiBiase some words of encouragement, but then gave DiBiase Cross Rhodes. Rhodes took a bag and put it over DiBiase’s head. Maybe Cody should lower his expectations next time.


Tamina was already in the ring. Natayla did an inset interview during Kelly’s entrance, calling her a “Barbie doll” and said she doesn’t play with dolls. Tamina tossed Kelly down, but Kelly then did a modified Thesz Press (I’m being generous tonight). Headscissors and Tamina struggled to fall through the ropes from it. Kelly used her feet to choke Tamina, then Tamina brought Kelly throat-down over the top rope. Bodyslam by Tamina, but Kelly broke out of an attempted submission move before it could be fully applied Face-buster by Kelly, then she hit her handspring back-elbow. Stinkface by Kelly, but she then jumped off the middle rope and into Tamina’s arms. Tamina couldn’t capitalize, as Kelly broke free and hit her K2 legdrop for the win.

WINNER: Kelly, at 2:47. She’s really building up some credibility with all these wins the past month or two.


Khali and Mahal’s entrance didn’t make TV. Cole explained what happened in the Battle Royal last week that got Mahal upset at Khali. Jackson ran at Khali and Khali nailed him with a shot to the head. Hard slap to the chest of Zeke in the corner. Clothesline by Khali, followed by a nerve hold. Jackson elbowed out of it and clotheslined Khali into the corner. Big splash was next, but Khali connected on a big boot. He signaled for the Khali Vice grip and he wrapped his giant hands around Zeke’s head. Jackson got separation from Khali’s hands as the fans chanted “Oilers suck.” As the ref admonished Khali, Mahal got on the apron and tried to help Khali, but when Khali went to hit Jackson, he moved and Khali chopped Mahal. Jackson got Khali up for the Torture Rack and Khali tapped.

WINNER: Jackson, via submission, at 2:52. Finisher didn’t look great, since Khali actually looked pretty comfortable on Jackson’s shoulders. Still, I should just accept that a three minute Jackson vs. Khali match didn’t make me want to gouge my eyes out by the end.


Mathews predicted bedlam during this one. We can only hope. Henry whipped Sheamus into the turnbuckle but Sheamus hammered away with forearms and kicks. Quick cover got two. Sheamus appeared ready to utilize the Irish Hammer but Henry gave him a straight boot to the face. Back-breaker for a two-count. Sheamus got whipped chest-first into the corner, then Henry proceeded to stand on Sheamus’ chest. Sheamus tried to fight back but Henry headbutted him down. Bear-hug was applied by the World’s Strongest Man. Sheamus made his comeback but Henry plucked him off the second rope and was ready to press slam him, but Sheamus turned it into a DDT. Impressive. Diving forearm by Sheamus took Henry down after several attempts. He laid in more forearms across Henry’s massive chest. Three knee-lifts from the apron continued the onslaught. Flying shoulder tackle off the top for two. Out of desperation, Henry pulled Sheamus out of the ring, then threw him into the barricade. No callback to Summerslam by the announcers? Henry began to clear off the announce table, but Sheamus escaped a slam attempt and Brogue Kicked Henry right over the table. He tossed a chair onto him for good measure (no DQ, by the way), then re-entered the ring. He made it back for the count-out win.

WINNER: Sheamus, via count-out, at 7:34.

Henry got up and peered angrily toward the ring. He flipped the announce table and walked around the ring. He tried to get back into the ring, but Sheamus met him on the apron. Henry created separation, but couldn’t get in the ring, as Sheamus knocked him to ringside. Sheamus jumped off the apron, only to be caught in Henry’s arms. Henry then drove Sheamus back-first into the apron. Henry went to put Sheamus into the stairs, but Sheamus reversed and Henry went in. Sheamus tried to throw the stairs at Henry but Mark moved and Henry clotheslined Sheamus instead. Henry picked Sheamus up and gave him the World’s Strongest Slam into the steel steps. They showed a replay of the finish of the match, and some of the aftermath. Henry yelled at Sheamus, “you can’t beat me” as they went off the air. I think that’s how every Smackdown should end – Henry shouting insults to a fallen opponent.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #836 on: August 30 2011, 01:49 pm »
WWE RAW Results: 8-29-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- World Hvt. champion RANDY ORTON vs. U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) -- non-title match

The announcers focused heavily on past managers (Heenan, Hart, Albano, etc.) to show that successful WWE managers have included several wrestlers in their stable. Lawler said Ziggler's issue is he believes he should be Vickie's only client. Orton and Ziggler went back and forth before Orton tackled Ziggler with his hips for a Thesz Press that sent Ziggler rolling to the apron. Orton wanted an elevated DDT, but Vickie hopped on the ring apron to distract Orton. Ziggler then dumped Orton over the top rope to the outside and scored with a Zig-Zag on the floor. Ziggler took a blow, too, and Vickie wasn't impressed. The announcers focused on Orton being in jeopardy before rolling back into the ring just in time at nine. Ziggler stomped away on Orton and Cole fed to a commercial three minutes in.

Back from break, Ziggler had Orton over the ring steps before smashing him head-first into the steps. Backstage, Jack Swagger was watching intently as Ziggler went for a cover back in the ring. Ziggler then applied a reverse chinlock looking to wear down Orton as the crowd tried to rally behind the World champ. The announcers re-noted tomorrow night's live Smackdown and played up Orton perhaps having his mind on his title defense against Christian tomorrow.

Orton and Ziggler took the fight up-top, where Orton executed a superplex clear across the ring. Orton slowly made the cover, and Ziggler kicked out in time. Vickie pounded the mat in frustration, trying to encourage Ziggler, who then walked into a clothesline before taking a snap powerslam. Orton stalked Ziggler, then executed a belly-to-belly suplex for a nearfall. Suddenly, Ziggler came back with a Fameasser for a two count. Back to a shot of Vickie screaming as Cole noted this is about money for Ziggler trying to knock off the World champion and earn a future top title shot.

Orton went back on the offensive smashing Ziggler into the turnbuckle with a catapult, followed with a shoulderbreaker slam, and made a cover, but Ziggler kicked out in time. The crowd was hot with an RKO chant, but Orton measured Ziggler for a Punt and Ziggler intercepted with a superkick for a close nearfall. Ziggler tried the Zig-Zag, but Orton avoided and flung Ziggler into the ropes for an elevated DDT. Orton then dropped down to the mat and pounded the mat to set up for the RKO, which popped the crowd. However, Ziggler countered with a sleeperhold attempt, only to have Orton toss him off the ropes, throw him into the air, wait for Ziggler to bounce up, and deliver the RKO center-ring. It wasn't completely smooth, but effective as another innovative RKO counter finisher. Orton made the cover for the win heading into Tuesday night on Smackdown.

WINNER: Orton at 12:27. Strong match and good focus on Ziggler hanging with the champion in defeat. Ross's commentary was very strong and Cole was actually normal to create a strong one-two dynamic for the call of a serious match. (**1/2)

2 -- THE MIZ vs. C.M. PUNK

Cole sided with Miz that Hunter is too wrapped up in the Punk-Nash issue, which has caused Miz and other aspects of the program to be neglected. Ross said Miz can get noticed again by winning this match. Cole then asked if Nash-Punk is the right booking by Hunter. Lawler said he doesn't think it will end the controversy, though, because they still don't know who's behind the text messages and phone calls. "How is that match going to resolve anything?" he asked. Lawler, after killing the hype for the match, covered by saying he still wants to really see that match.

Cole reset the show at the top of the hour and noted Hunter has introduced a "new concept" with Raw and Smackdown stars on the same show for the foreseeable future. As for the match, Miz scored a close nearfall with a spike DDT before going to a reverse chinlock to wear down Punk. The announcers went back to the Conspiracy Theory on whether Hunter is involved in the whole Kevin Nash re-hiring scheme. Lawler said this all started when Hunter came back on the scene. (It's inevitable they're going to re-visit the Clique's Hall of Fame ceremony huddle four months ago.) Lawler asked what role Stephanie is playing. Cole asked what role "Johnny" Laurinaitis is playing. Miz maintained control of the match and flung Punk over the top rope to the floor. Cole claimed Miz was dominating the match, which drew Lawler's ire, and they cut to break at 7:45.

Back live, Cole welcomed the audience back to a match trending on Twitter right now. Punk came back on Miz with a rolling belly-to-back side suplex that resulted in a two count. Punk then followed with a springboard clothesline. He teased the G2S, only to have Miz counter with a Skullcrushing tease, but Punk ended the exchange with a backbreaker for a nearfall. The match moved up top as Ross questioned Punk's strategy and Cole continued to mock Ross's accent. Punk eventually set up for and delivered a Macho Man flying elbow. Punk wanted the G2S, but R-Truth came down to the ring to cause a DQ.

WINNER: Punk via DQ at 13:56. A bit of a "comedown" match for the crowd before they came to life near the end. The match should have meant more with proper hype. (*3/4)


The mood lighting kicked in about five seconds into the match. Early miscommunication between Sin Cara and Swagger before Swagger rolled to the outside. Sin Cara became frustrated when Swagger was out of position for a spot on the outside. He eventually executed a springboard moonsault. Back in the ring, Swagger cut off Sin Cara as Vickie slowly made her way to ringside for a closer look. About a minute later, Ziggler came to ringside to argue with Vickie. Ziggler then hopped on the ring apron to taunt Swagger and Sin Cara took advantage with a springboard DDT. Sin Cara then slowly rolled to the ring apron and executed a springboard dive, then a springboard moonsault. Sin Cara with the pin and the win. Post-match: Ziggler told Vickie, "See?" implying Swagger isn't worth her time. Ziggler stomped off, demanding Vickie leave with him. Vickie was slow to leave, continuing to look into the ring as Swagger recovered.

WINNER: Sin Cara at 2:56. The crowd can't tell the difference between real and fake Sin Cara, which is what WWE is hoping for. Meanwhile, the Vickie-Dolph-Jack issue continues to simmer another week.


Lawler continued to "evaluate the performance" of the challengers as Mike took it to Bourne early on. Lawler said Otunga is married to Jennifer Hudson, and if not, the only thing he would be saying into the mic is "Do you want fries with that?" Lawler continued to heel on the challengers, saying they put him to sleep. Lawler said he would take them under his wing and give them constructive criticism. Kingston eventually hot-tagged and cleaned house. Kingston scored with a high, turnaround cross-body splash from the top rope before the action broke down. Kingston then tossed Bourne over the top rope onto Otunga. Back in the ring, Kingston dropped Mike with Trouble in Paradise and it was over. Air Boom retains.

WINNERS: Air Boom at 2:25. Now, everyone gets to move along. Air Boom gets another opponent at Night of Champions and Otunga will apparently be feuding with Lawler.

5 -- Divas champion KELLY KELLY (w/Eve) vs. BRIE BELLA (w/Nikki Bella)

Kelly putting her 15 match TV/PPV winning streak on the line and Brie putting her 9 match losing streak on the line here. Before the match started, Cole noted Kelly will be defending the Divas Title at Night of Champions. As Brie dominated early on, they cut to a shot of Beth and Natalya watching intently on a backstage monitor. For the finish, Eve was KO'ed ringside during a scrap, drawing Kelly and the ref's attention. The Bellas pulled the Switcheroo in the background, then, back in the ring, Nikki dropped Kelly with a facebuster for the pin and the win. The Streaks are over.

WINNER: Brie (actually Nikki) at 2:10. Basic booking Week 3 of Week 5 building to Night of Champions for Kelly's eventual title defense.


The heels focused on an injured Sheamus early in the match as Cena tried to encourage Sheamus to make a tag. Christian targeted the ribs to continue wearing down Sheamus before Henry tagged back into the match. Henry continued to wear down Sheamus while getting into it with the referee. The crowd was quiet before Sheamus came back on Christian with the Irish Curse backbreaker. The crowd came to life for a Cena hot tag tease and the tag was made. Cena cleaned house before setting up Christian for the Five Knuckle Shuffle and connecting. Cena wanted the AA, but Christian slipped out. Cena then hit a corner splash before delivering a sandbag toss. Christian tried to come back with a turnaround splash, but Cena caught him in mid-air. Christian avoided the AA, but couldn't avoid the STF. Henry broke it up, though. Henry then fell to the outside and Sheamus took him out with a running splash from the ring apron. Back in the ring, Christian speared Cena, but Cena kicked out. Cena avoided the Killswitch, then Christian ate the Brogue Kick, and Cena delivered the AA on Christian for the pin and the win.

WINNERS: Cena & Sheamus at 6:43. Basic main event. But, why would anyone want to see Christian challenge for the World Title tomorrow night? The bigger hook came next...

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #837 on: September 02 2011, 12:44 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 8-30-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Immediately back from break, Cena charged Barrett after the bell sounded. Mathews hyped this as one of two main events tonight. Cole noted Del Rio did not show up tonight, so they're focusing on Cena-Barrett tonight. Cena ran over Barrett with a clothesline, then a corner splash before delivering a sandbag slam. Cena followed with a right hand strike, but walked into a Sidewalk Slam from Barrett for a two count. Cena came right back with a sit-out slam and the comeback routine ensued. After a Shuffle, Cena set up for the Attitude Adjustment, flashed a big smile, and easily connected with little resistance from Barrett. Cena with the pin and the win. Afterward, Cena gave his armband to military personnel ringside before posing in the ring again. Cena left the ring, continuing to be in a jovial mood.

WINNER: Cena at 3:16. This felt like a flashback to the TLC PPV in December when Cena buried Barrett under a pile of chairs. This was all about enhancing Cena ahead of Night of Champions, which is fine, but why put Barrett in this position? Barrett's nine-month recovery process from TLC just took a hit.


Mood lighting in effect here. Bryan quickly cleared Cara to the outside and landed a flying suicide elbow that sent Cara into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Bryan delivered kick strikes as Cole intentionally ignorantly knocked Bryan's submission arsenal. Bryan then slapped on a surfboard stretch that Cara escaped before dumping Bryan to the outside. Cara tried a flying move to the outside, but Bryan avoided. Cara came back with an ugly-looking (compared to the real Sin Cara) springboard splash.

Back in the ring, Sin Cara landed a chop to the chest before the two men knocked each other down with a mid-air collision. Cara was the first man up and delivered a series of kicks to the leg. Bryan fired back with kick strikes of his own before taking an inverted Torture Rack slam. Sin Cara then followed up with his combination springboard dive and moonsault for the pin and the win. Cole declared Bryan has plummeted in Booker's Fave Five rankings.

Post-match: Cara extended his hand to Bryan for a handshake. Suddenly, Sin Cara turned around to kick Bryan in the face. Ref Armstrong held him back as Cole called it awesome. Cara then slowly left the ring.

WINNER: Sin Cara at 5:01. Interesting post-match development to apparently give Bryan and Cara a legitimate program on Smackdown. It's a risky decision turning Cara heel since the character is actually selling merchandise and building momentum, but we'll see how it plays out.


Back from break, Aksana was in the ring to introduce a Divas tag match. First out were Beth Phoenix and Natalya focused on the business at hand. Divas champion Kelly Kelly was out next, joined by Alicia Fox, who has gone back and forth between heel and face more times than Mr. Anderson lately. The heels isolated Kelly early on. Alicia then tagged in and cleaned house before Beth cut her off and delivered the Glam Slam for the win.

WINNERS: Beth & Natalya at 2:01. Decisive win for the Divas of Doom to keep them strong leading to Night of Champions.

The next segment of the show was the match signing between Triple H and C.M. Punk. Nice verbal confrontation followed by Nash jumping in at the end and flooring both guys.

4 -- SHEAMUS vs. GREAT KHALI (w/Jinder Mahal)

The announcers talked as if last night's main event never happened when Sheamus worked through the ribs injury to pick up a win with Cena. Khali targeted Sheamus's chest and ribs early on before applying a vice grip. Sheamus came back with a kick to the knees before pounding on Khali's chest with ten punches in the ropes. Sheamus followed with a running knee before smiling to the crowd. He went up top and delivered a flying shoulder tackle that knocked down Khali. Sheamus wanted the Brogue Kick, but Mahal slipped into the ring to attack Sheamus from behind, causing a DQ.

Post-match: Khali tossed Sheamus over the top rope, per Mahal's instructions. Khali then tried to smash Sheamus into the ringpost, but Sheamus moved and Khali ate the post. Mahal picked up where Khali failed and landed blows before throwing Sheamus back into the ring. Mahal took a sledge to the chest, though, before Sheamus delivered the Celtic Cross clear across the ring. Sheamus stood tall as the heels recovered ringside.

WINNER: Sheamus via DQ at 2:49. Nice showcase for Sheamus to give a Smackdown star some shine on a Raw-heavy episode thus far.

5 -- World Hvt. champion RANDY ORTON vs. CHRISTIAN -- World Title match -- steel cage match

Christian tried to bolt for the door to exit quickly, but Orton cut him off and nailed a textbook dropkick that KO'ed Christian for a two count. They suddenly cut to break 55 seconds in.

Back from break, Christian was in control, but Orton cut him off with clothesline. Mathews said it was pretty even during the break. Orton teased the RKO, but Christian avoided, only to take a back body drop. Orton smiled and tried to walk out of the cage, but Christian grabbed his foot to keep him in the ring. Christian then tossed Christian into a cage wall to cut off the champ. Christian tried climbing over a wall, but Orton pulled him down and scored a two count with a quick roll-up. Christian came back with sustained offense and did the belt-around-the-waist motion while Cole hyped Christian as "one of the greats of all-time." So odd hearing Cole hype Christian.

As Christian teased an escape, Orton came back on Christian with stomps and kicks before Christian cut him off again. Christian then tried to climb over a wall, but Orton pulled him down to the top turnbuckle. Orton smiled, then paid homage to Papa Orton with a superplex clear across the ring. Mathews then sent it to another break with both men on the mat selling.

Five minutes before the top of the hour, they returned with Christian about to escape the cage through the door, but Orton dragged him back into the cage. Orton then sent Christian flying head-first into a cage wall. Nice, safe, dangerous-looking spot. Orton followed with a snap powerslam for a nearfall. Counters and exchanges ensued, like so many of their other matches. Christian then tried to escape over the cage, but Orton pulled him down. Christian fought him off, though, and landed a high-impact frog splash for a two count only.

Christian tried to crawl out of the door, but paused too long, giving Orton an opening to drag Christian back into the cage. Christian fought off Orton, then tried a spear, but Orton blocked. Christian blocked the RKO, then hit a spear for another nearfall. What an exchange. Booker said they're doing it like it's supposed to be done. Christian was the first man to his feet, then he slowly backed away to an opposite corner. He went for Orton's Punt, but Orton moved. Christian teased a sunset flip that Orton tried to counter with an RKO, but Christian pump-faked him and tried to climb out, only to have Orton grab him and deliver a walking slam.

They reset center ring a minute before the top of the hour with Orton winning the exchange to set up the spike DDT. Orton then wanted the RKO, but Christian emphatically blocked. Christian went to the cage wall and tried to climb over. He got to the other side of the cage, but Orton grabbed him to stop Christian from climbing out. The two men sat on top of the cage trading blows before pausing to sell exhaustion.

The two men fought back inside the cage while standing on top of the turnbuckle. Christian teased a top-rope Unprettier, but Orton blocked and bashed Christian's head into the cage wall multiple times. Orton suddenly grappled Christian for an RKO, paused, and delivered a Super RKO from the top turnbuckle. Orton was slow to make a cover, but made the cover and it was good for the win. Orton and Christian paused for a moment to share words on the moment as the crowd cheered for Orton.

WINNER: Orton at 18:35 to retain the World Title. Another excellent encounter in this series. The two mid-match commercial breaks took this down a notch, but the final ten minutes of uninterrupted action was amazing storytelling. (***3/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #838 on: September 02 2011, 12:45 am »
WWE NXT: 8-30-11

The show this week was a video package focusing on the 'graduates' of NXT: (direct link to Caldwell's complete report).

Immediately after the conclusion of the live Super Smackdown on Syfy, this week's WWE NXT episode opened with a video package focusing on the Graduates from NXT. Matt Striker was in the WWE Studio to set the stage for tonight's highlight show.

-- Striker introduced Wade Barrett as the first "graduate" they focused on.
-- A music video-style video package on Brodus Clay brought them back from break for Striker to hype Clay.
-- Striker recapped Season 3 of NXT focusing on the Divas. It was all about chaos, including a wedding between Aksana and Goldust. Striker then introduced a video on A.J., who is now part of the Smackdown roster.
-- Back from break, they focused on Justin Gabriel returning to South Africa on the recent South African tour. In the studio, Matt Striker shared a story about his sister being into Gabriel. Striker fed to match action from Gabriel vs. Kidd on Smackdown two weeks ago.
-- Next, Striker plugged Alex Riley breaking loose of Miz. Speaking of which, Daniel Bryan had to break free of Miz. Cue up video from Season 1 of NXT. Next, Bryan became Mr. Money in the Bank, something Miz knows about. They went to full-length match footage from Smackdown's MITB ladder match at the MITB PPV in July. [Break] NXT returned from break for the finish of Smackdown's MITB ladder match. This took care of about 15-20 minutes of NXT. Back in the studio, Striker hyped Bryan's victory and noted Bryan plans to cash in at Money in the Bank.
-- Back in the studio, Striker plugged Triple H's new movie and said Hunter's character is similar to the Rookies of Season 5 seeking redemption. Striker said each Rookie has stepped up his game on the current season. Cue up a video package focusing on the success and failure of the NXT5 Rookies. Lots of footage of the now-departed Pros and Rookies from earlier in the five-month-long season. The video went through the eliminations thus far before focusing on the Final Three of O'Neil, Bateman, and Young. And that's how the show closed.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

Offline Arcademan

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #839 on: September 03 2011, 01:14 pm »
WWE Superstars Results: 9-1-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Korpela inexplicably described Jackson as one of the hottest Superstars in WWE as of late despite recently dropping the IC Title to Cody Rhodes and losing the re-match. Korpela backed his argument by drawing attention to Jackson putting Great Khali in the Torture Rack last week on Smackdown. Slater tried to find an opening for some offense early on, but Jackson cut him off and took his time taking Slater apart. Slater missed with a corner attack, then stumbled right into the Torture Rack. Jackson locked in Luger's finishing hold and Slater was forced to tap out. Korpela said Jackson is back on-track for the IC Title.

WINNER: Jackson via submission at 3:08. Fine showcase for Jackson.


Nice piece of work from Korpela noting Clay's last three opponents have not been released from the hospital yet. Korpela tried to congratulate Clay on bringing a baby boy into the world last week, but Striker cut him off and said he's not human. Clay had an easy pin, but opted to keep the match going. He then finished off Brandon with his giant shoulder tackle and it was good for the win. And

WINNER: Clay at 0:57. Clay continues to improve on his squash match times, this time finishing under one minute.


Striker used the "belt" terminology to describe Ryder's title as opposed to an official "championship" or "title." Korpela with an early New Kids On The Block reference after saying Ryder is a big fan of boy-bands. Kidd and Ryder felt each other out before Ryder found himself on the ground. Kidd smashed Ryder with a double-foot kick through the ropes before pounding him back into the ring. Ryder tried to come back with the Rough Ryder, but Kidd cut him off. Moments later, Ryder tried it again and connected this time. The crowd applauded as Ryder scored the pin and the win. Striker ate crow and said maybe Ryder belongs in WWE.

WINNER: Ryder at 4:43. Basic booking with Kidd having most of the offense before Ryder scored the win.


The bell sounded and the two men stood their ground in the ring before circling around and locking up. Even exchange to start before Truth snapped on Morrison with right hand blows and taunted the crowd. Morrison fired back with a clothesline that sent Truth to the floor. Morrison then parkour'ed Truth with a flying chuck kick off the ring steps. Morrison made an immediate cover back in the ring, but Truth kicked out. They cut to break with the action ongoing in the ring.

Back from break, Truth was working on Morrison before Morrison suddenly got a burst of energy. Truth absorbed repeated shots, then cut off Morrison and went back to a reverse chinlock. The crowd tried to rally behind Morrison as the announcers speculated on what it will take to end this feud and rivalry. Moments later, Truth got too wound up talking to himself and walked right into an enziguiri that put both men on the mat. Morrison then made his comeback and scored a series of close nearfalls.

Morrison teased Starship Pain, but Truth moved, then hit his flip-over jawbreaker for a nearfall. Truth was sure it was a conspiracy and told Charles Robinson how he felt about it. The action moved up top at 11:00 and Morrison knocked Truth to the mat. Morrison balanced himself on the top turnbuckle, then went for a unique SSP, but Truth blocked with his knees. Truth followed with his "Little Jimmy" paydirt finisher and it was good for the win. The crowd was not pleased as Truth went back to taunting them. After a replay of the back-and-forth conclusion, they cut back to Crazy Truth for a final shot to close the show.

WINNER: Truth at 11:32. Nice match continuing to build on their series of matches. Truth picking up the win was expected with him being featured more prominently on TV, whereas WWE is hot/cold on Morrison. (**1/4)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!