AuthorTopic: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)  (Read 1232678 times)

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #900 on: November 05 2011, 02:10 pm »
WWE NXT Redemption Results: 11-2-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Jimmy Uso starts the match by taking down Tyson Kidd. Regal says that when he was GM, stuff like Curtis not getting a shot would not have happened. Some back-and-forth between Kidd and Jimmy, and Jey tags in. Double-team gets a two count. This is a dead audience. Jimmy and Jey tag back and forth. Curtis finally tags in and goes to work on Jimmy. Both announcers have now made "chip-on-the-shoulder" comments regarding Curtis, recalling his lame vignettes on Smackdown. Kidd tags in but gets tossed onto the turnbuckle. Jey tags in and goes to work, but Curtis distracts him letting Kidd knock him off the turnbuckle to the floor.

Curtis has Jimmy in a leg bar and is screaming "I won this show!" which is funny. Kidd tags in and applies a leg lock of sorts that looks vicious. Curtis tags in and hits an over-the-rope leg drop, then goes back to working the leg. Regal with a neat insight, "you never get used to the pain but you get used to the situation" regarding escaping holds. Regal begs Korpela to talk about the people in the ring, not to talk up his credentials. Regal is so refreshingly humble on announcing duties. Kidd tags in, but Jimmy kicks him away when he tries the Sharpshooter.

Kidd and Jimmy both tag out. Jey knocks Curtis silly and clears Kidd from the apron. He fires up and hits the stinkface, but Kidd break sup the pin. Kidd keeps Jey outside the ring, but when he tries to jump on both of them from the apron, they catch him and toss him onto the barricade. With Kidd out of the picture, Jey tries to reenter but Curtis catches him. Curtis tries a suplex, but Jey counters and puts Curtis into a fireman's carry. He backs into his corner and Jimmy tags in, Jey does a Samoan Drop and Jimmy nails the Superfly Splash from across the ring for the win. Beautiful ending sequence.

WINNERS: The Usos in 10:00. Good match, with no weak spots. The crowd even got involved, despite having no clue what NXT was about.


Tamina with a quick headlock and takedown, but Kaitlyn reverses into a scissor hold. Tamina fights out and they go back and forth with blocks. Kaitlyn back to a scissor hold and uses it to get a one count a number of times. They reset and Kaitlyn hits a big suplex, but Tamina catches her charge with a boot and does a series of knee and elbow drops. Tamina with some more strong offense and two counts. Tamina slows it down with a rear chinlock and the crowd rallies behind Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn eventually ends up on offense, with some elbows to the seated Tamina, but Tamina chops her to the ground. Tamina with a generic looking hold and Kaitlyn arm drags out. Tamina fights the hold and gets out. Kaitlyn whiffs a dropkick, but when Tamina charges, Kaitlyn catches her arm, and does some sort of move which I supposed is a finisher, but it gets the win. It was like an RKO grasping the arm near the shoulder instead of the head.

WINNER: Kaitlyn in 7:00. Interesting to see so much chain wrestling in a women's match. Kaitlyn and Tamina both looked good to go, and even the dead audience got a bit involved near the end. Kaitlyn's come a long way in the ring, and Tamina seems to be improving, too.


Maxine and A.J. start and Maxine dominates quickly with her power. Maxine's ring style is like a cross between Sheamus and Batista, which makes her quite unique for a Diva. A.J. turns it around with a boot to Maxine when she charges, a top rope arm drag, and a dropkick. Maxine tries to get back up but A.J. drops her with a spinning heel kick. Maxine tags in JTG, and Percy Watson comes in. JTG runs the ropes and Watson throws him over his head which gets one. Titus tags in and they double team. Percy tags back in, but JTG slides under and tags in Bateman. Watson with a big arm drag and a dropkick but the cover doesn't even get one. Regal continues to criticize Watson for showing off instead of making covers.

Watson stays in control, but Maxine distracts him, letting Bateman get a dropkick for two. Bateman puts boots to Percy in the corner. Bateman tags Watson to the heel corner and they do the heel teaming routine. O'Neil gets the hot tag and does his typical routine on the tag. Bateman counters the shoulder tackles with a sweet dropkick, but Percy breaks up the pin. JTG comes in and Percy clears them both out. A.J. then clears Maxine, which makes Bateman get distracted, and he walks right into the "Clash of the Titus" sit out slam.

WINNER: Titus O'Neil, Percy Watson, and A.J. in 8:00. This is probably the best match I've seen with the combination of Titus, Watson, JTG, and Bateman. No one had too much ring time, and no one dominated long enough for it to get stale.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #901 on: November 05 2011, 02:14 pm »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 11-3-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Tenay called Karen Jarrett a biased leader of the Knockouts Division. Taz, ridiculously, took exception to Tenay's self-evident statement of fact. Kim and Rayne were accompanied by Karen and Traci Brooks. Tara and Tessmacher made a big production of taking off their cut t-shirts to reveal their red, white, and blue tops. Tenay kept hyping that "Ronnie from MTV's Jersey Shore" would be on the show later. MTV and Spike TV are under the same Viacom corporate umbrella. When Tara had Rayne down for a possible pin, Karen distracted the ref. Gail Kim then entered illegally and gave Tara her dropdown boot to the face, then put a groggy Rayne on top of Tara. The ref turned and counted the pin. Karen openly celebrated with the heel duo afterward. Traci didn't look as pleased. Tenay asked Taz if he agrees Karen is biased now. "She might be biased, a little bit," Taz conceded.

WINNERS: Kim & Rayne in 5:00 to capture the titles.


Taz said Aries walked around like he's God's gift to Earth. Kid Kash walked up to Tenay and Taz at the start of the match. He called Sorrensen a disrespectful little boy who doesn't belong in his dressing room. He said he's a legend in this sport and when he walks through the dressing room, he expects Sorrensen to drop his bag and shake his hand. Sorrensen slingshot himself over the top rope at Aries, but Aries moved. Aries then did a suicide dive through the ropes, ramming Sorrensen hard into the ringside barrier. Kash continued ranting about demanding respect and learning that the fans and the other wrestlers can't be trusted. "Kick his face in!" shouted Kash. "Beat his ***!" Aries set up his brainbuster suplex, but as Aries looked over at Kash, Sorrensen surprised him with a roll-up for the win.

WINNER: Sorrensen in 5:00.


Anderson is growing out his hair and it's darker than it used to be. Tenay said Jarrett takes it personal that Hardy was welcomed back. He said he was instrumental in bringing him to TNA in the first place so he should be able to block his return. Tenay called it a big-time high-profile tag team match-up. Jeff did the Jarrett strut early in the match. They plugged Dixie Carter's Twitter and Facebook pages. At 3:00 Ray and Anderson both tagged in. Ray bumped a few times for Anderson during a flurry of Anderson offense. Jarrett broke up an Anderson pin attempt. Hardy launched off of Anderson's back and crashed into Jarrett in the corner. With both heels down, Hardy and Anderson climbed to the top rope on opposite corners. Scott Steiner interfered and the ref called for the bell.

WINNERS: Anderson & Hardy in 4:00 via DQ.

-Afterward, Steiner hit Hardy across the back with a chair. Bully Ray brought his chain into the ring and he clotheslined Hardy with it. Ray gave Anderson the Bubba Bomb as Jarrett gave Hardy the Stroke. The three Immortal heels stood in the ring with their arms raised.

4 -- JAMES STORM vs. BOBBY ROODE -- TNA Impact Wrestling Heavyweight Title Match

After a few minutes of moves and counter-moves, they cut to a break.

After the break they continued to battle. Both men were down for an eight count at 8:00, then fought from their knees back to their feet, exchanging punches. At 11:00 Roode hit a spinebuster for a near fall. Both men were nearly counted out at 12:00. Roode countered a Storm DDT attempt into a crossface submission attempt. Storm reached the bottom rope to force a break. Storm came back with a top rope elbow for a two count. Storm set up the superkick. Roode stood, but caught Storm's leg, kicked him in the gut, and set up a fisherman's suplex. Storm blocked it. Roode whipped Storm into the corner and he almost hit the ref. Roode charged, but Storm moved. Storm then dropped Roode onto his knees. Roode tumbled to the floor where the ref was clutching his knee from a fall. Roode looked at the beer bottle sitting on the ringside steps and assessed the situation. Roode reached over and picked up the beer bottle. "Wait a minute," said Taz. Roode then KO'd Storm with the beer bottle. Storm fell back knocked out. The ref returned to the ring and counted the pin. The boo machine really kicked in here. Tenay said in disgust, "Are you kidding me?" Taz said he was shocked. Roode stood over Storm and spit on him a few times, then stood on his chest. "That's how you treat a brother? Bull(bleep)!" said Tenay as the show ended.

WINNER: Roode in 16:00 via DQ. (**1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #902 on: November 05 2011, 02:21 pm »
WWE Smackdown Results: 11-4-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


I guess Greenville isn’t good enough to have the city identified in the name of the Street Fight. The announcers were shown on camera during Orton’s entrance, and it seemed right off the bat like Booker T. was being paid by the word. Baggers again trailed Rhodes on his way to the ring.

Cole gave the rules of a Street Fight once the bell rang to start the match. After a long lock-up, Rhodes kicked Orton in the knee. Headlock take-over by Orton. The match went outside the ring and Orton stared down a bagger. That distraction allowed Rhodes to whip Orton into the ring steps. Orton was then whipped into the side of the ring. Snap-mare, then a knee-drop at ringside. Orton used the ring itself to his advantage, then sent Rhodes head-first into the steps twice. Orton clotheslined Rhodes into the crowd, then went after him. Hey, someone has a drawing of Bender on their sign! Orton continued the assault on Rhodes throughout the crowd. They found their way back to ringside, where Rhodes tossed his bagger into Orton. Orton gave him a back body-drop, and decked Rhodes too. Rhodes went to the other side of the ring and fed his other bagger to Orton. RKO for that guy. Rhodes backed up the aisle, unsure of what to do next, as Orton smiled at him from the ring. They went to break at 5:16.

Back at 8:53 of the match, with Orton continuing the beating on the entrance ramp. At the top of the ramp, Rhodes turned the tide, smashing Orton’s face into the steel. Rhodes attempted to suplex Orton off the stage, but Orton reversed it and suplexed Rhodes onto the grate. Orton rolled off the stage and Rhodes crawled down the ramp. Orton grabbed Rhodes and propped him against the railing, pounding away on the masked face of his foe. They made their way back to the squared circle, and Orton superplexed Rhodes back into the ring. It got a two-count at 11:55. Somehow, Rhodes dropkicked Orton once they got back to their feet. Orton was tossed out of the ring, but Orton reversed a whip and Rhodes went into the timekeeper’s area. Rhodes bashed Orton with his mask. His elbow was bleeding as well. They went to break again at 13:10.

The show returned at 17:06, with the fight having moved to the commentator’s table. Rhodes punched Orton a few times in the forehead, then sent him back into the ring. Front suplex, then a stomp to the face. Rhodes registered a near-fall at 18:30. The announcers sold how much of a beating Orton had taken over the last few minutes. Orton desperately kicked Rhodes in the face as he tried to crawl away from Rhodes, a movement the announcers made a big deal about. Figure-four leg-lock by Rhodes, right in the middle of the ring. Rhodes again used the mask, hitting Orton in the face while in the move. He tried for it a third time, but Orton kicked Rhodes in the gut and nailed him with the mask. Orton then set up for the punt, shaking off all the punishment he had just taken over the last several minutes. He did his comeback with no signs of said beating. Rhodes dodged an RKO and hit a springboard kick in the face of Orton for two. Cross-Rhodes was countered into a back-drop. Rhodes countered the DDT try and the two traded right hands outside the ring. Orton dropped Rhodes gut-first over the barricade, and Orton DDT’d Rhodes from that position onto the ringside mat. Orton rolled Rhodes into the ring and hit the RKO for the win.

WINNER: Orton, at 23:33. So we had to pay to see an uneventful one-on-one match at the last PPV, but got to see the more intense, spot-heavy Street Fight for free?


This match certainly came out of nowhere. Mathews talked about the “DiBiase Posse,” wherein DiBiase gets together with fans to tailgate before WWE live events. DiBiase dropkicked Kidd, but Kidd quickly took back over on offense. Kick to the head from the apron by Kidd, then a springboard elbowdrop, but it missed. DiBiase came back with some offense as the announcers compared the number of Twitter followers they have. Dear Lord. Kidd countered Dream Street, but DiBiase rolled through with him and hit the move for the win.

WINNER: DiBiase, at 2:07. Didn’t have a good flow to it and was a bit choppy; that said, a nice showcase for DiBiase at least, and I always welcome Kidd getting TV time.


No Beth Phoenix to accompany Nattie. Fox stole the one-legged dropkick from Eve…unless she just botched a regular dropkick. Natalya stomped on Fox’s feet and lower legs, then tossed her to the mat. Nattie told Fox she stuck her nose where it doesn’t belong. Boston Crab applied by Natalya, and Mathews had to correct Cole that it wasn’t the Sharpshooter. Natalya grabbed Fox by the boot, but Fox countered with an enziguiri. She followed that up with a flip leg-drop for the win.

WINNER: Fox, at 1:29. Not a whole lot to it. I know women’s match are usually short, but having Natalya lose this quickly doesn’t speak well for her.


Sheamus pounded on Barrett from corner-to-corner, then slammed him. Cole complained that no one from the WWE medical staff came down to check on Christian. Sheamus ran Barrett over, then gave him forearms to the chest. It was all Sheamus in the opening minute-and-a-half. Sheamus dove over the top and shoulderblocked Barrett down for a two-count. Barrett fired back with a running forearm. Barrett with knees to the face of Sheamus, who was caught up in the ropes. Barrett delivered a running kick to the head of Sheamus, sending the Celtic Warrior to ringside. They went to break 2:30 into the match.

The show returned at 5:30 of the contest. Sheamus broke out of a submission move, but missed the Brogue Kick. Barrett kicked Sheamus in the mid-section as Christian continued to convalesce at ringside. That must’ve been some chokeslam. Barrett stretched the arms of Sheamus as the crowd lightly chanted for him. Knee-lift, followed by a big boot from Barrett. Hard whip into the turnbuckle by Barrett, who then connected on a middle rope elbowdrop, but only for a one-count. Rear chin-lock by Barrett. Sheamus appeared to go for the High Cross, but Barrett gave him a back-drop instead. Kick to the skull by Barrett, again just a one-count. Sheamus began a comeback at 9:42. Powerslam, then an attempt at his finisher. Christian jumped on the apron to distract Sheamus, so Barrett took advantage and rolled him up for the win.

WINNER: Barrett, at 10:30. This makes me feel a little better about my comments about Barrett in my weekly chat with James Caldwell right here on


No entrance for Epico. Cara started off hot, but Epico landed a few back suplexes. Epico, without a mask, is Primo’s cousin Orlando Colon, from developmental. He looks exactly like Primo. Epico with a version of the Gory special, but Cara came back with his springboard wrist-lock take-down. Kick to the head by Cara. He went to the top rope, perhaps for the finish, but Hunico came out and pushed Cara off the top rope for a disqualification.

WINNER: Cara, via DQ, at 2:16. This was a unique way to introduce Epico, as wrestlers don’t generally show up without hype of some sort (or without an entrance).

Hunico and Epico continued their assault on Cara, with Hunico nailing Cara with a few right hands. Epico tossed Cara up to Hunico, who powerbombed Cara.


Big Show, as promised, came to the ring with Bryan. Henry easily flipped Bryan off his back to start. Bryan tried to kick at the legs of Henry, but Henry tossed him in the air. Bryan came down in a front face-lock submission. Henry slammed him into the buckle, then tossed Bryan to ringside. Show shouted words of encouragement to Bryan. As Bryan re-entered the ring, Henry kicked him, then followed that up with a headbutt. Bryan was sent to ringside again, and Henry simply took Bryan’s head and shoved it against the ring post. Big Show ran Henry off of Bryan. Back in the ring went Bryan and Henry. Booker said Bryan should just “take his medicine like a man” and not have Big Show at his side. Cole called Booker “Michelle Bachmann” for flip-flopping on the issue. Henry applied a neck vice and Bryan kicked his way out of it. Dropkick to the knee sent Henry to one knee. Bryan continued with kicks to the chest and one to the head. That got a two-count at 4:11, and the crowd seemed into it. Henry created some separation with a headbutt. Bryan leapt from the top and again caught Henry in that front face-lock. Down to one knee went Henry. Henry suplexed Bryan off. Henry got an angry look in his eyes and hammered away at Bryan in the corner. Two big splashes in that same corner. After a third splash, Big Show slid into the ring and knocked Henry out with his knockout punch.

WINNER: Henry, via DQ, at 6:24.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #903 on: November 09 2011, 04:51 am »
ROH TV Results: 11-5-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Radican's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 - - MICHAEL ELGIN (w/Truth Martini) vs. SHILOH JONES

Elgin drove Jones into the corner and beat him to a pulp. The crowd chanted for Jones, who tried to fire back, but he ended up taking a big slam. Kelly ran down ROH’s live event dates as Elgin hit a big shoulder tackle off the second turnbuckle. Jones tried to fire back again on Elgin, but got tossed into the corner. Elgin ate a boot, but managed to counter Jones moments later and hit a big powerslam. Elgin covered Jones with one finger and he managed to kick out. Kelly ran down the lineup for the rest of the show. Jones went for a sunset flip and Elgin tried to sit down on him, but Jones got out of the way. Jones hit a forearm off the top for a 2 count. Elgin fired back with a spinning back fist. Elgin followed up with a buckle bomb and a twisting powerbomb for the pin.

Winner: Michael Elgin –This was a good showcase of Elgin’s power in the ring. The crowd was behind OVW talent Shiloh Jones, so it created a good atmosphere for the squash. The announcers focused more on previewing live events and what was coming up on the show and didn’t spotlight Elgin on commentary like they should have here.


There was a terrible glare from the lights during a floor shot as Benjamin took down Coleman. Both men exchanged holds on the mat. Benjamin got an arm triangle, but Coleman got the ropes. The announcers talked about Coleman being an ordained minister. Coleman countered a slam and exchanged counters with Benjamin and they came to a stalemate as the crowd applauded. Haas tagged in and slammed Coleman. Haas went to work on Coleman’s arm on the mat and the crowd applauded. Coleman fired back with some kicks from the mat and tagged in Alexander. Alexander nailed Haas with a running knee in the corner. Benjamin blind-tagged himself into the match and caught Alexander with a superkick from behind. Benjamin went to work on Alexander’s leg. He tagged in Haas who continued to work over Alexander’s leg. Kelly talked about Alexander’s amateur wrestling background. Haas went to the second rope and snapped Alexander’s leg down to the mat.

They came back from break with no commercial aired. Highlights aired of some action during the break with Alexander trying to fire back on Benjamin, but he got cut off with a knee to the chest. Back to live action, Benjamin was still working over Alexander on the mat. Kelly said Alexander & Coleman had proven they are a cohesive team. McGuinness said they hadn’t proven much to him. Haas tagged in and locked in a leg submission on Alexander. Alexander struggled, but got the ropes. Kelly ran down some upcoming live events. Alexander tried to fire back, but Haas cut him off. Alexander fired back again with a tornado DDT off the second rope and both men were down.

The crowd clapped as both men struggled to get to their feet. Both men tagged out. Coleman took down Benjamin with a leaping leg drop for a 2 count. Kelly said there were less than four minutes left in the time limit as Coleman caught Benjamin with a hurricanrana off the turnbuckles. The action broke down with Coleman and Alexander working over Benjamin, but they missed the camera shot of the double team maneuver. Haas dragged Alexander to the outside. He came back into the ring and gave Coleman a suplex. Haas & Benjamin isolated Alexander and caught him with the leap of faith. They then caught Coleman with wrestling’s greatest finisher for the win.

Winners: Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin – This was a solid main event. Alexander & Coleman looked good in their television debut, but didn’t do a lot to stand out to new fans seeing them for the first time. The match was competitive at times, but you never got the sense Haas & Benjamin were in any danger.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #904 on: November 09 2011, 04:52 am »
WWE RAW Results: 11-7-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. JOHN MORRISON -- non-title match

A black-and-white theme to this match, as Vickie was in a white shirt and black tie, Ziggler was in black wrestling shorts, Morrison was in black and white/silver pants, and the referee was in zebra stripes. Cole continued to rip Ryder's petition while trying to incorporate some sports analogies that failed, as pointed out by Lawler. The two men in the ring went back and forth as the crowd settled into their seats before Cole fed to a break at 3:00.

Back on Raw, Ziggler was working over Morrison as Cole suggested Morrison's losing streak was about to continue. The announcers then bickered over whether Morrison was dominated during the break or not. Ziggler took his time wearing down Morrison before taunting him with verbal and right hand jabs. Morrison had enough and snapped on Ziggler before almost getting himself DQ'ed. Ziggler capitalized with a back elbow smash for a two count to resume control. The audience started a dueling chant of "Let's go Ziggler / Let's go Morrison." Lawler would normally call this bizarro world, but said he likes a crowd split right down the middle.

Vickie sold concern ringside as Morrison finally scored with some offense and scored a nearfall following a neckbreaker. Morrison then wanted Starship Pain, but Ziggler moved and Morrison landed on his feet. The two men traded holds before Ziggler hit a guillotine leg drop for a two count. Morrison then came back with a springboard kick strike, but Vickie had the ref distracted on a pin attempt. Suddenly, Morrison rolled up Ziggler from behind and scored a surprise three count to end the streak.

WINNER: Morrison at 13:03. Solid singles match. The crowd wasn't as hot for the nearfalls as you would expect, but WWE has beaten the life out of Morrison's character for so many weeks that the audience doesn't have reason to invest in Morrison. (**)


Mason toyed with JTG early on as Cole noted Ryan has a degree in construction management from Cardiff U. The crowd was quiet as Ryan went through his power routine dismantling JTG. Ryan put JTG on his shoulders for a submission before going back to the power offense. Ryan screamed, then hoisted JTG into the air for a powerslam. Ryan followed with a full nelson, tossed him around like the Masterlock, and turned it into a full nelson slam for the pin and the win. Lawler called him a cartoon character or a superhero as they replayed the finish.

WINNER: Ryan at 2:23.

3 -- WWE champion ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. WWE tag champion KOFI KINGSTON -- non-title match

The bell sounded as Lawler noted tonight's Raw could be Cole's last full episode if he loses the MCC to Ross next week. Del Rio smashed Kingston to the outside early on before rolling Kingston back into the ring to inflict more punishment. Kingston landed some offense before Del Rio aggressively threw him shoulder-first into the ringpost. Del Rio followed with the cross arm-breaker and Kingston was forced to tap out.

WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 2:09. Nice, decisive win for Del Rio, but odd to use Kingston in this spot. Of note, there was no mention of a suspended Evan Bourne or the state of the Tag Titles.

4 -- JACK SWAGGER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. SANTINO

Cole went through Swagger's background, including playing college football at OU. Lawler followed with a Penn St. joke that it's a good thing Swagger didn't go to Penn St. because "all of those guys are going to end up at State Penn." Cole followed with more JR jokes to hype the MCC next week. Lawler followed with a pig joke on Vickie. In the ring, Swagger and Santino went back and forth for a bit before Swagger's eye started twitching and he slapped on the anklelock. Santino tapped out, giving Swagger the win. Post-match, Swagger did his victory lap as Vickie applauded.

WINNER: Swagger via submission at 3:02. This one had the trifecta of awful commentary. Tasteless attempt at a Penn St. joke with alleged child abuse involved affecting real lives, a fat joke on Vickie, and more J.R. bullying.


Cena and Truth started things off, but Truth decided to duck out of the ring and tag in Miz. Cena delivered offense on Miz as the crowd chanted, "We want Ryder." Cena acknowledged the chant as Truth re-entered. Cena then slapped Truth over the ear and the heels regrouped on the outside. No Ryder as Cena readied to square off against Truth again. Instead, Cena tagged in Ryder and gave him a pat on the shoulder. Ryder entered the ring and delivered a pancake before throwing Truth clear over the top rope to the floor. Truth clutched the back of his head as they cut to break with the faces in control.

Back on Raw, Miz and Truth were working over Cena as they went to several replays of Truth smashing the back of his head on the floor prior to break. Lawler called it a concussion causer. Yet, not even a kayfabe medical check of Truth to see if he could continue to send a message that concussions are a serious issue. The heels continued to work over Cena as Ryder waited for a hot tag on the ring apron. Meanwhile, the crowd picked up a "Let's go Cena / Cena sucks" chant.

Cena made the hot tag to Ryder at the top of the hour. Suddenly, all four men were in the ring. Cena put on Ryder's sunglasses, did the fist pump, and did a simultaneous Broski Boot. Ryder then wanted the Rough Ryder on Miz, but Truth popped him in the head from the ring apron. The heels then isolated Ryder as Lawler played up the idea of seeing a better tag match at Survivor Series with The Rock in Ryder's place. Another dueling chant as Cena waited for a tag on the ring apron and the announcers hyped Rock and Cena together in the same ring at Survivor Series. When it's delusional lead announcer Cole trying to create the imagery for that moment in The Garden, you know the PPV hype is in trouble.

Ryder made the tag to Cena at 16:30 and Miz tagged in for Truth. Cena delivered his signature offense on both men before setting up for a double You Can't See Me. Cena opted to bring in Ryder to help him with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Both men bounced off the ropes and delivered the Shuffle. Ryder then dumped Truth to the outside. Back in the ring, Miz delivered a kick to Cena's head and covered Cena as Truth held down Cena's feet from the outside. Miz with the pin for the win. Cole wasn't able to seize the moment on commentary as Cena laughed to sell that he couldn't believe he was pinned by Miz. The heels retreated up the entrance ramp as Cena shouted toward the stage that they got their one victory, but they won't get two. That's how Raw concluded.

WINNERS: Miz & Truth at 17:18. Except for the heels winning, this came across like a house show main event from the in-ring storytelling to the action to the commentary. WWE tried to erase last week when Cena easily discarded Awesome Truth and re-establish some credibility for the heel duo here, but the uninspired commentary and Cole's inability to sell a big moment hurt the proceedings. Meanwhile, The Rock's first match in seven years at Survivor Series still hasn't been made to feel like a big deal, which puts WWE in a tough spot next week where they can't give away too much with Rock back on Raw TV, but have to create enough momentum to get people to spend $45 to see Rock at Survivor Series. (**)

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"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #905 on: November 19 2011, 10:55 am »
I've been gone for quite a long time so those needing to be caught up since the last reported results here, you can go to Neo-Geo Forum: Official WWE Thread Post #12,995 (direct link to thread) and posts thereafter. Thank you.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #906 on: November 19 2011, 11:06 am »
WWE RAW Results: 11-14-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed mostly to in-ring results with my personal comments in italics.

Show starts with Michael Cole challenge against Jim Ross. Cole wins but then is laid out by CM Punk.

1 -- SIN CARA & WWE tag champion KOFI KINGSTON vs. IC champion CODY RHODES & HUNICO

Sin Cara delivered fast-faced offense on Hunico early on before Cody and Kingston tagged in. The unmasked heels found themselves on the floor and the faces splashed them on the outside leading to break.

Back from break, Rhodes was in control of the action working on Sin Cara as Ross noted Cole is still receiving medical attention after having a run-in with C.M. Punk. A graphic flashed on the screen that "Mick Foley" is trending right now on Twitter. The heels began taking turns wearing down Sin Cara as the announcers discussed Rhodes losing his mask. Kingston took a hot tag at 7:30 and scared Rhodes with a somersault entrance. The action broke down moments later as bodies started flying. In the ring, Rhodes dropped Kingston with Cross Rhodes for the pin and the win. Ross wondered if that gives Team Barrett some momentum heading into Survivor Series.

WINNERS: Rhodes & Hunico at 8:22. Basic tag match emphasizing a new Cody Rhodes. Fine. (*1/4)

JR, who was announcing with Lawler, was replaced by Cole, who had his arm in a sling. That sucks!

2 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. MASON RYAN -- non-title match

Ryan dominated early on as the crowd sat on their hands. Ryan power-lifted Ziggler into the air before Vickie hopped on the ring apron to slap Ryan. It caused a DQ. Ziggler then bailed from the ring and retreated up the entrance ramp with Vickie. Suddenly, John Morrison charged the ringside area and threw Ziggler back into the ring. Ryan clutched Ziggler in the Masterlock before delivering a full nelson slam. Cue up Ryan's music again. Morrison noted to Vickie that he beat Ziggler last week.

WINNER: Ryan via DQ at 1:05.

Mick Foley greets John Cena with the infamous 'This is your Life' segment ala The Rock a few years back. The Rock ends up coming out and Rock Bottoms Foley.

3 -- SHEAMUS vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Vickie Guerrero)

Sheamus dominated early on, then clotheslined Swagger over the top rope to the floor. Since wrestling doesn't seem to matter on Raw, they cut to break 1:30 into the match. Why didn't they cut to break 1:30 into Foley's 20-minute segment with Cena?

Back from break at 4:30, Sheamus was pounding on Swagger's chest with repeated forearm smashes. Swagger took control of the match moments later as Vickie cheered on. Sheamus then came back with blows to the upper back followed by a bodyslam for a two count. Vickie celebrated the two count before Sheamus set up for the Celtic Cross. Swagger slipped out, though, and delivered a bodyslam. He followed with the anklelock, but Sheamus kicked Swagger away. Sheamus followed with the Irish Curse backbreaker and started pounding his chest. Sheamus then wound up and delivered the Brogue Kick for the pin and the win. Cue up screams from Vickie.

WINNER: Sheamus at 8:51. Solid win for Sheamus keeping him strong as he remains just below the World Title level on Smackdown.

4 -- NATALYA (w/Divas champion Beth Phoenix) vs. KELLY KELLY (w/Eve and Alicia Fox)

Back live, the Divas were already assembled in the ring. They cut to a video package of Kelly's Maxim shoot before the match started. Since Kelly was more interested in watching the video than wrestling, Natalya took early control. Less than a minute in, though, Kelly snuck in a quick pin to counter the Sharpshooter. This frustrated Natalya & Beth prior to Beth's title defense against Eve at Survivor Series.

WINNER: Kelly at 0:53.

5 -- World Hvt. champion MARK HENRY & WWE champion ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. BIG SHOW & C.M. PUNK

Show destroyed Del Rio early on as Cole reset the show. Punk then tagged in and tagged Del Rio with right hand strikes. Punk continued to attack Del Rio before snapping off a suplex for a two count. Back came Big Show, who assaulted Del Rio before Del Rio ran over to Henry for a tag. The crowd popped as Henry slowly entered the ring for a confrontation with Big Show. Lock-up. Stalemate. Lock-up again. Stalemate again. Show then ripped off his t-shirt. Lock-up again. This time, Show flung Henry across the ring. He tried to follow with a bodyslam, but Henry fell on top of Show for a two count.

Del Rio then tagged in and began to wear down Show, who was off his feet now. Show then fired back with a clothesline on Henry. Show warmed up for the KO Punch, but Henry ran over to Del Rio to tag him in before ducking out of the ring. Del Rio demanded an answer as Henry shouted that he tagged in Del Rio. They cut to break with Show waiting for someone to fight.

Back from break, many things had changed with Del Rio in the ring and Punk looking for a tag to Show, but Henry cut off Punk after tagging in. Cole then read a tweet from John Laurinaitis thanking Cole for "toughing it out" tonight on Raw. The heels began working over Punk as Cole continued to talk himself up. Punk then came to his feet and started trading blows with Del Rio. The action broke down moments later with all four men in the ring. Suddenly, Henry caught Del Rio in mid-air for the World's Strongest Slam. Show clotheslined Henry out of the ring, though, only to eat the ringpost. In the confusion, Del Rio rolled up a weakened Punk for the pin and the win.

Post-match: Cole called it a picture of Survivor Series when Del Rio pins Punk. Del Rio then grabbed Punk and slapped on the cross arm-breaker. Punk screamed in pain before Big Show made the save. Del Rio left the ring as Punk sold a left shoulder injury. Cole said Del Rio could be closing in on a successfully title defense on Sunday. This is where they need Punk to have a babyface promo later in the show vowing revenge on Sunday.

WINNERS: Del Rio & Henry at 12:07. Good action. They didn't give away too much of Henry-Show and kept the focus on Punk-Del Rio to continue trying to make Del Rio seem credible despite the past several weeks undercutting him as champion. (**)

Santino come out to plug Boston and recommit himself to becoming a champion. Kevin Nash's boot in his face ends all that.

6 -- WADE BARRETT (w/Swagger, Hunico, Ziggler, and Rhodes) vs. RANDY ORTON (w/Sheamus, Cara, Kingston, and Ryan)

The bell sounded back from break and Orton landed an early haymaker. Barrett came back with a Black Hole Slam for a two count, then followed with repeated right hand blows from the mount position. As Barrett slapped on a sleeperhold, Cole played serious lead announcer talking up the history of Survivor Series and past memorable PPV moments. Cole plugged that Rock would be on Raw in a matter of minutes. Orton made a comeback, including his elevated DDT, before teasing the RKO. Rhodes then hit the ring, though, to attack Orton for a DQ.

Post-match: A ten-man brawl broke out before bodies started flying to the outside. Hunico was the last heel standing to take an RKO from Orton. Next, Ryan press-slammed Hunico over the top rope into a pile of heels. The heels retreated on the outside as Lawler actually said he has a good feeling about Team Barrett.

WINNER: Orton via DQ at 3:40. Basic set up for the Survivor Series match at the PPV. Five or six participants in the match have been presented as filler just to add bodies to the mix.

The last 20 minutes of the show was all about The Rock and his return at The Survivor Series. Miz and R-Truth interrupt...then Cena comes out. Guess what happened?!!

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #907 on: November 19 2011, 11:07 am »
WWE NXT Results: 11-15-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


O'Neil was on commentary for this encounter. Titus picked up a football discussion with William Regal, who seemed disinterested. Showtime dumped Bateman to the floor 90 seconds in before landing forearm blows to the neck. Back in the ring, Bateman returned the favor with a swinging neckbreaker. And pause for a randomly inserted WWE/Kmart commercial. Bateman took control of the match and began playing to the crowd in-between moves. That gave Showtime an opening to make his comeback, highlighted by a Showtime Splash. Moments later, Watson finished off Bateman with the Percy-cution for the pin and the win. After a replay of the finish, Titus gave a positive evaluation of Percy's performance in the opener.

WINNER: Watson at 4:23.

2 -- YOSHI TATSU vs. JTG (w/Tamina)

Back from the Rebound, Yoshi was already in the ring. No make-up for Yoshi, whose look continues to change. JTG was out next, flanked by Tamina in a business suit. The match started with a fast-paced back-and-forth, suggesting this would be a quick match. JTG then settled into a series of submission holds, leading the crowd to rally behind Yoshi. Yoshi ripped off a series of kick strikes before Tamina hopped on the ring apron to yell at Yoshi and the ref. It was enough of a distraction to allow JTG to plant Yoshi into the ringpost before rolling him up for the pin and the win.

WINNER: JTG at 4:06. Yoshi's stock has apparently dropped significantly. It sets up Yoshi for a revenge match on a future episode, but a loss to JTG, who WWE designated as an enhancement wrestler prior to joining forces with Tamina, isn't a good sign.

3 -- TITUS O'NEIL (w/Percy Watson) vs. TYLER REKS (w/Curt Hawkins)

Mathews and Regal noted Striker angrily put together this match for the show, which led to them wondering why Striker is so angry this week. The match started with a basic back-and-forth before Titus dumped Reks over the top rope to the floor. Titus was slow re-entering the ring, which gave Reks an opening. Hawkins then tried to get involved, but Percy blasted him with a right hand. The ref only saw Percival's involvement, so he got the boot from the ref, like the player retaliating in a football game getting a 15-yard penalty. But, Hawkins, the instigator, was also given the boot before they cut to break.

Back from break, Reks was in control of the situation in a strict one-on-one now. Titus eventually shook off Reks's attack and delivered a back elbow smash followed by right hand blows. Reks cut off Titus and went for a second-rope move, but Titus intercepted with a two-hand catch into his sky-high bomb finisher. Titus made the cover for the win.

WINNER: Titus at 7:21. Just hand Titus the season win and move on.

Post-match: Darren Young made his return from suspension for a post-match attack on Titus. Young then demanded a microphone and cut a promo in Titus's face that it's not about redemption, but retribution. Young looked different facially. Perhaps shorter hair. D-Young left the ring, leaving Titus to recover in the ring. They went to a replay of the main event finish and D-Young's post-match attack before back-and-forth camera shots of Young and Titus closed out the show.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #908 on: November 19 2011, 11:08 am »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 11-17-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1 -- ROBBIE E. (w/Robbie T.) vs. DEVON -- TNA TV Title Match

This is an odd match-up. Devon went on early offense. Terry jumped onto the ring apron and distracted Devon. The Pope was at ringside mouthing off to Robbie E. They shoved each other. Devon jumped to the floor and threw Robbie back into the ring. Terry then nailed Pope from behind with a big double axe handle shot. Back in the ring Devon continued to beat on Robbie E. Then Eric Young came out to ringside and hit Terry in the back with a chair as he began to make a move toward Devon's sons at ringside. His sons leaped the railing to check on The Pope's condition. Devon one-arm slammed Robbie, but then turned to tell his kids to get back across the railing where it was safer. Robbie then schoolboyed Devon for the win. Terry chased Young and his chair to the back. Devon's sons kept checking on Pope, ignoring Devon pleas to get back to their seats.

WINNER: Robbie E. in 2:00 to retain the TV Title.


Tenay said it'll be interesting to see if Kash and Aries can work together after what happened at Turning Point. Sorensen's chest was badly beat up from the match on Sunday, with burst blood vessels clearly visible. Sorensen took it to Kash in the opening minute leading to an early near fall after a bodyblock off the second rope. The bottom of the screen said the Twitter Question of the Day is which match was your favorite at Turning Point. There was a vote for Hardy vs. Jarrett and the X Division Show "cuz all three men put on an amazing show." It didn't take long for Kash and Aries to argue. At 5:00 Kash and Sorensen were back against each other. Kash reached for a tag to Aries, but instead slapped him. Aries smiled and entered the ring, then tagged Kash back in, dropped to the floor, and said, "You wanna be a dick, go be a dick in there." Kash went for a top rope moonsault on Sorensen, but Sorensen moved. He then gave Kash a reverse neckbreaker for a three count.

WINNERS: Kendrick & Sorensen in 5:00.


FALL ONE: ROSITA VS. SKY: Taz said this is Sky's chance to get the no. 1 contender position back in the Knockouts Division. After Rayne trash-talked Sky, Sky instantly gave her a double-underhook DDT for a sudden pin. WINNER: Sky in ten seconds.

FALL TWO: MISS TESSMACHER: Sky with a running bulldog in 30 seconds.

FALL THREE: ANGELINA LOVE: Sky stomped on Love at the start, but Love made a quick comeback with a kick and a clothesline. Then she powerslammed Sky for a two count. Love then scored a pin with a yank on Sky's tights. WINNER: Love in 1:00.

FALL FOUR: MICKIE JAMES: Love attacked Mickie in the aisle with a kick. They cut to a break. The Mickie-Love battle continued after the break. Mickie finished Love with a reverse sidekick. WINNER: Mickie in 5:00.

FALL FIVE: SARITA: Sarita took early control, then backflipped and danced a little. As she showboated, Mickie countered with a roll-up for a near fall. Mickie eventually finished Sarita with a jumping DDT. WINNER: Mickie in 2:00.

FALL SIX: TARA: Tara went to work with some matwork on Mickie at the start, but Mickie reversed it. Tara hit a standing moonsault for a near fall a minute later. Mickie came back with another leaping DDT for the win in 3:00.

FALL SEVEN: WINTER: As Mickie was slow to get up and catch her breath, a fresh Winter entered. Tenay said the luck of the draw is factoring in huge. Winter went for two quick covers, then mounted and punched Mickie. Taz said Winter always tries to talk to him, but he always feels weird about it. He said he's a shy type. Mickie, out of nowhere, finished Winter with a reverse sidekick. WINNER: Mickie in 2:00.

FALL EIGHT: ODB: Taz said, "She's back!" Tenay said Karen did reinstate her recently. Taz said she's thicker and more massive than before. She's still able to kip up. There's a couple things that give her the momentum she needs when she's trying to gain momentum to land on her feet. She scored an early two count on Mickie. Mickie came right back with a Thesz Press for a clean win. WINNER: Mickie in 1:00.

FALL NINE: MADISON RAYNE: ODB gave Mickie her finisher after the match, which Taz said set the table for Rayne. Rayne strolled confidently to the ring as if she had all day. The ref checked on Mickie, who was face down on the mat. Rayne did the pageant wave to the crowd, but when Rayne finally entered the ring, Mickie surprised her with a roll up for the win. Tenay said Mickie now gets the title shot against Gail Kim.

WINNER: Mickie James in 16:00 to earn a TNA Knockouts Title match.

4 -- MEXICAN AMERICA (Hernandez & Anarquia w/Rosita, Sarita) vs. CRIMSON & MATT MORGAN -- TNA World Tag Team Title Match

At 4:00 Morgan overhead tossed Hernandez and then threw Anarquia into the corner and clotheslined him. Morgan followed up with a one arm slam for a two count, broken up by Hernandez. Hernandez attacked Morgan in the corner illegally, but Morgan fought back by clotheslining both heels at once. He set up a suplex, but Hernandez hit him from behind. Crimson entered the ring and knocked Hernandez over the top rope to the floor. Morgan then gave Anarquia a Carbon Footprint to capture the TNA Tag Team Titles.

WINNERS: Matt Morgan & Crimson in 6:00 to capture the TNA Tag Team Titles.

5 -- GARETT BISCHOFF (w/Sting) vs. GUNNER (w/Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair)

Garett wrestled in basketball shoes and pants, but without a shirt. What is it with promoters' sons and wrestling in tennis shoes? Gunner charged at Garett in the corner, but Garett moved and Gunner went shoulder-first into the ringpost. Taz said, "Can you imagine having Eric Bischoff as a father?" Taz said he has a son and he can't imagine rooting against him in anything he ever does. Gunner sold a shoulder injury, which distracted the ref long enough for Bischoff to hook Garett's leg as Gunner charged at him. Gunner side-slammed Garrett and then fish-hooked his mouth. Bischoff celebrated Garett getting beaten down. Garett surprised a cocky Gunner with a DDT out of nowhere for a three count. Sting laughed as Bischoff at ringside reacted with rage.

WINNER: Garett Bischoff in 4:00.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #909 on: November 19 2011, 11:09 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 11-17-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report). Condensed here like the milk your mom uses for baking desserts :p


McIntyre wins an early lock-up, but Riley wins a second, then forces Mac to the ground. This is being paced like a marathon match. McIntyre back to offense, but Alex comes back with Ten Punches in the corner. Drew outwits Riley on the outside, sending him to ringside selling a leg injury. A false commercial break, and Drew is still working the knee. Drew catches Alex when he tries to get his boots up on the corner charge, and uses it to hurt the leg some more.

The ref asks Riley if he's okay; he says yes, so McIntyre continues the leg work. Stanford questions the decision to continue at McIntyre puts on the Figure Four around the ringpost. McIntyre pulls Riley's kneepad down and continues various attacks on the leg. Riley finally kicks Drew off, who lands shoulder-first into the ringpost. Riley with big right bombs but Drew kicks his knew out. Riley hits clotheslines, a corner splash, and a spinebuster gets two

Drew comes back and gets a big boot for two, then with a corner attack until the ref pulls him out. He sits A-Ry on the turnbuckle, slaps him, and moves for a superplex, but Riley knocks him off and surprises him with a tornado DDT. McIntyre sends him back to the corner and tries a splash, but Riley ducks. Drew lands on the ropes, and Riley picks him up ona fireman's carry and hits his finisher (that Stanford calls "The Final Score") for the win.

WINNER: Alex Riley in 9:00. Riley looked good in the win and Drew McIntyre was his usual reliable self in putting on a very watchable match.


Interestingly enough, the heel team came out to Epico's music, not Primo's.

Quick takedown by Jimmy on Epico, and Jey tags in. Primo tags in and Jey blocks an arm drag to send Primo to the corner. Primo tries to shuck and jive but Jey keeps up. Jey whiffs a superkick but gets a back body drop when Primo tries to capitalize. Jey gets dumped to the outside, and there is a false commercial break.

Back on the show, it's Epico and Jimmy in the ring. The heels tag team inthe corner, and they do a unique double team spot where Primo suplexes Epico over the rope to drop him onto Jimmy. Primo slows it down while Jey begs for a tag. Quick Samoan Drop by Jimmy and both men tags out. Jey runs over Epico with a mix of blows and a stinkface. The action falls apart and Primo hits a codebreaker, sending Jimmy outside, then Epico gets the backstabber on Jey for the win.

WINNERS: Epico and Primo in 7:00. Very nice match - both teams have speed and skillful execution. Last year, WWE offered a lot of good matches between The Usos and the Hart Dynasty; I could watch The Usos and the Epico/Primo/Hunico stable go at it on a regular basis.


I'm looking forwards to this, as these two always put on a good show. Lots of time in the show to give them a good match.

Lock-ups give neither man an advantage, even though at one point Kidd bends Trent all the way to the mat. Quick back and forth. Super-slick spot where Kidd is laying on the apron, Trent tries a baseball slide, but Kidd lifts his torso enough for Trent to slide underneath him to ringside. Kidd takes advantage then rolls Barreta into the ring. Meanwhile, the announcers totally ignore the action to give Matt Striker a lesson in social media. Even my beloved Superstars is being ruined by Twitter!

Trent finally gets some space with a running neckbreaker. Springboard legdrop by Trent as Kidd hangs through the ropes, then he gets his corkscrew moonsault for two. Tyson avvoid the Dudebuster DDT but Trent follows up with an enziguri and the Gobstopper Knee for two. The moonsault finally gets Striker and Matthews back on track. Kidd repeats the funky catch and toss (like a mid-air catch plus a flapjack of sorts) that he did last week, this time sending Barreta onto the turnbuckle face first. Kidd with a sick brainbuster for the win.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd in 5:00. What? There were 20 minutes left in the show when the match started; this should have been 15-20 minutes. Instead, the show ended with a 15-minute replay of Raw's final talking segment from Monday. Frankly, Tyson Kidd and Trent Barreta put on a great match and I thought Monday's talking segment was boring. This match was outstanding for the time it had. I'm not too keen on Tyson Kidd's brainbuster as a regular move, though, as it looks very dangerous when done to someone light like Trent Barreta. I'd hate to see what happens if he tries it on someone bigger or heavier.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #910 on: November 20 2011, 05:54 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 11-18-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Ziggler took Cara down, but he didn’t stay down for long. Back to a vertical base, Ziggler slapped Cara. Fireman’s carry take-over by Ziggler. Mathews said Zack Ryder’s petition is “the most-signed petition in Twitter history.” Does no one in WWE realize how ridiculous that sounds? Couple of leap-frogs by Cara, then Ziggler held onto the ropes to slow things down a bit. Headscissors take-over by Cara sent Ziggler to the outside. Suicide dive landed. Lots of “Sin Cara” chants during this match thus far. As Cara tried to get back into the ring, Ziggler gave him a kick to the chest to send Cara back to the arena floor. Back in the ring, big elbowdrop by Ziggler. The US Champ worked the arm of Cara, grounding the high-flying superstar. High-flying springboard wrist-lock take-down by Cara, then a kick to Ziggler’s head. Roll-up by Cara, but Ziggler reversed and rolled Cara up, held the tights, and picked up the win.

WINNER: Ziggler, at 4:27. Under the right circumstances, a re-match between these two could really be fun.


This match was joined in progress, but it looked like it was early in the contest as they were still only locking up. Mathews said Teddy Long made this match during the break. Ryan broke out of a rear waist-lock and powered Swagger into the corner. Short-arm clothesline by Ryan. He picked Swagger up, but Swagger ducked out the back and chop blocked the big man. Vader Bomb onto Ryan’s back for only two. Swagger hammered away with right hands on Ryan in the corner. Ryan was getting his arm up to defend himself though. Two splashes in the corner by Swagger, then a third. Vickie was still at ringside, but no sign of Ziggler or Cara. Suplex by Ryan, but they got to their feet at the same time. Swagger hit the ropes, then was hit with a clothesline. Running knee in the corner on Swagger, then a running big boot. Powerslam by Ryan for two. Michael Cole ran down some of the big moments in Survivor Series history. Swagger avoided a full-nelson and went for the knee again. Swagger couldn’t get the gutwrench locked in and Ryan put him in the full-nelson, then slammed him for the win.

WINNER: Ryan, 4:20 shown. Swagger did what he could with Ryan and made it watchable.


Bateman was seconded by Maxine. They did an inset interview where Bateman called themselves WWE’s power couple. I don’t know where to begin to analyze how exactly Bateman is on this show when he’s still technically competing for a contract on NXT. Not sure why they didn’t just use Johnny Curtis in this role, since he actually won a season, though you wouldn’t know it. Hip-toss by DiBiase, then a dropkick. Bateman took over thanks to a distraction of the referee by Maxine. Neck-breaker by Bateman for two. DiBiase turned things around in the corner, but it didn’t last long, as Bateman whipped DiBiase hard into the corner. DiBiase made his comeback after fighting off a rest-hold. Dream Street finished Bateman.

WINNER: DiBiase, at 2:36. DiBiase is certainly working his way up the ladder. I wish they’d build more guys up in this fashion.


Hunico grabbed a mic when he came to the ring. He spoke in Spanish at ringside. I caught “Hunico,” but that was about it. He did not translate for us gringos. Arm-drag by Kingston, but when Kingston tried a leg flip, Hunico dropkicked him. Front suplex by Hunico for two. He stretched Kingston’s leg while also working a chin-lock. Kingston got to his feet, but Kofi rolled him up for two. Kick to the mid-section of Kofi, then Hunico choked Kingston in the ropes. Hunico applied another unique potential submission move, a modified abdominal stretch with both men on the mat. More choking from Hunico. Hunico landed on his feet after Kingston moved out of the way of a springboard moonsault, but Kofi picked up the pace and hit his signature moves. Cross-body off the top but Hunico rolled through for a two-count. Hunico argued that it was three, so Kingston hit the SOS for the pinfall win.

WINNER: Kingston, at 5:01. And Kingston is off the schneid. Hunico got quite a bit of offense there.


During Nattie and Beth’s entrance, a graphic showed that Beth will be defending the Divas Title against Eve at Survivor Series in a Lumberjil match. AJ may have gotten re-tooled music. Either that or it’s Kaitlyn’s music, which we never hear. Dropkick by Kaitlyn on Phoenix, followed up by forearms in the corner. Phoenix brought Kaitlyn chest-first over the top rope, then continued to clobber her. Double-team by Natalya and Phoenix on Kaitlyn. Natalya with some trash talk, then an abdominal stretch in the middle of the ring. Kaitlyn took Nattie down and tried to tag AJ, but Natalya prevented that. Bodyslam by Natalya, but she missed a leg-drop. AJ tagged in and flew off the top with a cross-body. Natalya avoided a sunset flip and applied the Sharpshooter. AJ tapped after Natalya sat all the way back in the move, to the point that her shoulders were actually pinned to the mat.

WINNERS: Phoenix and Natalya, at 2:53. That finish looked extremely painful. The match was decent while it lasted.


During Barrett’s entrance, they showed him picking up the win last week against Orton. I like the second remake of Cody’s original “Smoking Mirror” theme. That theme can really do no wrong; all three have been above-average. Rhodes did an inset interview that was a bit odd, basically saying he had no feelings toward Orton. As we saw on Monday, Rhodes is now without the facemask. Sheamus took Rhodes down, and Rhodes cowered a bit in the corner. He tagged Barrett and the ref’s mic was turned way up. Hard back-elbow to Barrett, then a cover for barely one. Suplex by Sheamus for another one-count. Back kick by Barrett to the mid-section of Sheamus, then an elbow. Orton came in and cleaned house, hitting his patented DDT on Barrett. Rhodes tried to come off the top rope while Orton set up for the RKO. Orton kicked Rhodes in the stomach as he came off the top, then gave him a gutwrench suplex. Big running boot by Barrett before they went to break at 3:50.

Back at the 6:45 mark of the match. Christian joined Team Barrett at ringside. Barrett was in control of Orton, but Orton fired back at 7:23 with right hands. The men hammered away on each other, but Barrett seemed to get the upper-hand with a knee-lift. Tag in to Rhodes, who stomped on Orton’s head. Back body-drop by Orton – Rhodes managed to make the tag, but Barrett attacked Sheamus before he could tag in. Knee-drop by Barrett for a near-fall. Back-breaker by Orton at 9:41 and both men were down. Both men made tags and Sheamus took the beating to Rhodes. From the top, he hit a shoulder tackle. He then tossed Barrett out of the ring over the top rope. He lined up for the Brogue Kick, but Christian tripped him with the crutch. No DQ yet, but then Christian poked Sheamus in the gut with the crutch, which ended the match.

WINNERS: Orton and Sheamus, via disqualification, at 10:45.

Rhodes and Barrett focused on Sheamus in the ring after disposing of Orton outside of it. Rhodes got the crutch, but Sheamus Brogue kicked him before he could use it. He then jabbed Barrett with the crutch and slammed it over his back. Orton slithered into the ring, gave Barrett and RKO, then slithered back out. Celtic Cross to Rhodes. The finish was replayed – I didn’t catch Cody’s Beautiful Disaster kick on Sheamus after the crutch shot. They also replayed the big spots in the post-match. Orton and Sheamus posed on opposite turnbuckles as Mathews got one last plug in for Cena and Rock, never before, never again, before the show signed off.

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #911 on: November 21 2011, 02:15 pm »
WWE Survivor Series PPV Results: 11-20-11 (Next three posts)

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's ongoing report).

1 -- U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) vs. JOHN MORRISON -- U.S. Title match

The crowd chanted, "We Want Ryder," at the start of the match. Of note, the giant videoboards next to the entrance ramp changed to photos of Ziggler and Morrison. Cole acknowledged the chants for Ryder and noted Laurinaitis denied Ryder's petition for a U.S. Title shot. As for the actual match, the two men worked hard early on trying to put the focus on themselves, but the crowd continued to chant for Ryder. As Ziggler settled into a reverse chinlock, the crowd started a very loud Ryder chant. Ziggler smirked, then yanked down Morrison by the hair to maintain control.

Morrison came back with a clothesline, then a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. The two men traded control before Ziggler slapped on his sleeperhold finisher. Morrison escaped, though, and slapped on a sleeper of his own, which drew boos. Morrison transitioned to a DDT and made a cover, but Vickie put Dolph's foot on the bottom rope. Ref Charles Robinson stopped the count, but gave Vickie the boot from ringside. The crowd popped as Vickie screamed and shrieked on the way out.

Back in the ring, Morrison approached Ziggler for a suplex, but Ziggler blocked and scored a two count on a small package. Sudden pinfall exchanges ensued. Ziggler then delivered a Rocker Dropper out of nowhere, but Morrison kicked out in time. Ziggler grabbed his hair in frustration before going for a desperation Zig-Zag that Morrison blocked. Morrison then hit a knee to the head, but Ziggler blocked Starship Pain. Ziggler then followed right up with the Zig-Zag to Morrison's injured neck for the pin and the win.

WINNER: Ziggler at 10:44 to retain the U.S. Title. Solid opener. They did their best to keep the focus on the match in the face of non-stop Ryder chants and Morrison looked good in defeat. (**1/2)

2 -- Divas champion BETH PHOENIX (w/Natalya) vs. EVE -- Divas Title match -- Lumberjill match

Back-and-forth early on with some lumberjills involved, but no outright brawling. Eve tried a moonsault, but Beth blocked, then went for the Glam Slam, but Eve blocked with a mid-ring submission. Beth escaped with help from Natalya, though. The match moved up top where the Divas struggled for control before Beth hit a top-rope Glam Slam for the win.

WINNER: Beth at 4:35 to retain the Divas Title. The Pain Train rolls on for Beth. It looks like Kelly will be next in line for another run at Beth's title.

3 -- Team Barrett (WADE BARRETT & IC champion CODY RHODES & HUNICO & U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER & JACK SWAGGER) vs. Team Orton (RANDY ORTON & SHEAMUS & WWE tag champion KOFI KINGSTON & SIN CARA & MASON RYAN) -- traditional Survivor Series elimination match

Cole referenced historical WWE debuts in Survivor Series matches including Taker in 1990 and Rock in 1996. Ziggler, pulling double-duty, faced off against Kingston first. Suddenly, Orton tagged in and dropped Ziggler with an RKO. Orton scored a quick pin for the first elimination.

*** Ziggler eliminated by Orton at 1:33 ***

After the elimination, the heels huddled on the outside and Orton decided to bring a fight to them on the outside. Kingston and Sin Cara then landed big splashes on the heels on the floor. Sin Cara sold a knee injury after the spot, though. Referee Scott Armstrong checked on Sin Cara before trainers attended to him. The crowd picked up a "We Want Ryder" chant during the break in the action. A replay showed Cara catching himself on the top rope and airballing a splash on Hunico, who still sold it anyways. Justin Roberts then announced a formal elimination of Sin Cara as Cara removed his boot.

*** Sin Cara eliminated at 3:44 ***

After a break in the action, Orton and Cody picked things up again. Ryan then tagged in, the crowd groaned, and Ryan began delivering offense to Rhodes. Ryan tried a big boot, but Rhodes bailed to the floor. Hunico was the next man in for the heels and he took a beating from Ryan. Rhodes made a blind tag, though, and dropped Ryan with a step-up kick into Cross Rhodes to a big reaction. Rhodes pinned Ryan for the next elimination.

*** Ryan eliminated by Rhodes at 8:52 ***

"Cody, Cody" chant as the faces decided who should be next in the match. Sheamus entered and picked up a fight with Rhodes. The heels eventually isolated Sheamus and the announcers talked about Survivor Series history, stressing Shawn Michaels. Kingston then tagged in and the announcers said Kofi grew up wanting to be like Mike...aels. Kingston cleared the heels in and out of the ring, but Barrett cut him off with a kick inside the ropes. Barrett then hit Wasteland for the next elimination.

*** Kingston eliminated by Barrett at 14:06 ***

As expected, Orton and Sheamus were the last two men for the faces and were faced with long odds. The heels isolated Orton as Lawler referenced his personal SS history. Sheamus eventually took a tag and delivered a beating to Swagger. Hunico was dumped to the floor, then Sheamus dropped Swagger with the Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus then had enough of Swagger and delivered a corner beating that lasted past a five count, drawing a DQ.

*** Sheamus DQ'ed at 18:30 ***

After being DQ'ed, Sheamus dropped Swagger with the Brogue Kick, which probably should have DQ'ed his entire team for a post-elimination attack. Orton then scooped up Swagger's scraps and scored a pinfall to eliminate Swagger, which drew Cole's ire.

*** Swagger eliminated by Orton at 19:33 ***

With Orton alone in the match, the heels began working over Orton. Cole said it would be an "absolute miracle" if Orton pulled this off. Rhodes stomped away at Orton, then mocked The Pose right in front of Orton. Orton then exploded on Rhodes with strikes and a snap powerslam. Orton followed with a faceplant DDT off the second rope before entering That Place. Barrett distracted him, though, and Hunico tagged in for Rhodes. Hunico went for a springboard move, but Orton intercepted him with a mid-air RKO. Orton with the pin.

*** Hunico eliminated by Orton at 21:38 ***

Barrett was the next heel in the match and was able to blindside Orton after Orton dropped Rhodes with an RKO. Barrett then hit Wasteland to score the decisive pin for the win. Cue up Barrett's celebration before Cole claimed Sin Cara has a ruptured patella tendon and the knee injury prevented him from continuing in the match. They went to a replay of the finish before Barrett and Rhodes celebrated the win.

WINNERS: Barrett & Rhodes at 22:10. The match was set up for a predictable outcome of Orton overcoming the odds, but WWE is obviously really, really behind Barrett right now, as evidenced by the outcome. Rhodes had a very strong showing along with Barrett. The match itself was okay, but never really moved to the next level. (**)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #912 on: November 21 2011, 02:17 pm »
4 -- World Hvt. champion MARK HENRY vs. BIG SHOW -- World Hvt. Title match

The bell sounded and Show displayed his power by shoving Henry down. Henry, stunned and angered, shoved Show away to the ropes after a second lock-up. Show knocked down Henry again and Henry rolled to the floor for a breather. Back in the ring, Show took down Henry with a waistlock. Henry tried to charge at Show, but Show side-stepped and Henry spilled to the outside. Another breather for Henry, who claimed Show hooked his tights. Cole used the break in the action to hype Twitter again.

Henry returned to the ring and complained about Show's tactics to continue stalling as he looked to frustrate Show. Henry finally got an opening after clipping Show's left knee. Henry then began focusing on Show's knee. The crowd became restless as Henry continued his methodical attack. The crowd chanted "Daniel Bryan," which Cole acknowledged and said Bryan was not in the building due to Henry's attack on Smackdown.

Show made a comeback and wanted a chokeslam, but Henry countered with a slam for a two count. A big splash off the ropes also resulted in a two count for Henry. Henry wanted another splash and turned it into a leaping elbow drop, but Show kicked out again. The match then moved to the floor, where Henry charged Big Show with a big splash that knocked Show through the gimmicked guardrail. No planted "fans" ringside to react a la Summerslam. Cole referenced the same spot at Summerslam and said Big Show was Sheamus tonight. Henry managed to make it back into the ring at nine to avoid a count-out, so the match continued.

In the ring, they teased a top-rope spot, but Show blocked. Show then hit a standing superkick to Henry's jaw the decked him. "HBK" chant as Show caught his breath then slowly approached the top turnbuckle. Show started climbing as the crowd came to their feet. Show made it two-thirds of the way to the top turnbuckle, then balanced himself at the very top. Show bounced on the top turnbuckle a few times, then flew off the top with an elbow drop across the ring that popped the crowd. Show paused before making cover, allowing Henry to kick out. The crowd gasped for the nearfall, then chanted "Randy Savage" as the two men collected themselves on the mat. After a reset, the two men came to their feet and Henry kicked Show between the legs, causing a DQ.

Post-match: Show's music played as Henry received his title belt. Henry stood over Show, then dropped his title belt and left the ring to retrieve a chair. (TLC foreshadowing?) Henry threw the chair into the ring, kicked Show in the head, and placed Show's foot inside the chair. Henry then wanted a big splash, but Show managed to move his leg to avoid. Show then came to his feet and delivered the KO Punch to Henry. The crowd chanted "Daniel Bryan," wanting the MITB cash-in. No dice. Show then grabbed the chair Henry tried to use on him and placed Henry's foot inside the chair. Show paused, then delivered a big leg drop that caused Henry to scream in pain and roll around on the mat.

Medics checked on Henry before Show casually walked out of the ring with his music playing. After a replay of the finish and post-match, they went back to the ring to show Henry being helped onto a stretcher. Booker wondered aloud if the World champ will be out of action after this. Henry tried to refuse medical attention, but claimed his ankle was broken. Henry cut a promo on the medics before they cut away.

WINNER: Show via DQ at 13:04; Henry retained the World Title. Some slow moments, but also some memorable moments to this second encounter. The use of the chair points to a No DQ Chairs match at the TLC PPV, assuming WWE doesn't script a write-off for Henry following the post-match injury angle.

5 -- WWE champion ALBERTO DEL RIO vs. C.M. PUNK -- WWE Title match

Cole noted the WWE Title has changed hands 15 times at MSG, the most of any arena. The crowd chanted, "We want ice cream," before the two men locked up. Stalemate. "C-M Punk" chant before the two men locked up again and drew even. Punk took control moments later, so Del Rio bailed to the floor to stall for time. The announcers then plugged Twitter and what was trending at the moment. Suddenly, Ricardo tripped Punk from the outside, drawing The Look from Punk. Punk then chased RR around the ring, but ran right into a dropkick from Del Rio.

Back in the ring at the top of the third hour, Del Rio delivered a double axehandle from the top rope for a two count. Del Rio then began working over Punk's left arm to set up the cross arm-breaker later in the match. Del Rio spilled to the outside, though, and sold an injury that alarmed Ricardo.

Del Rio returned to the ring, where he ate a dropkick. The two men then traded blows from a standing position as the crowd joined in with yeah / boos. Punk scored with a dropkick to finish the sequence, but Del Rio kicked out. Punk followed with a corner knee, then running bulldog, but Del Rio escaped again. Punk followed right up with a springboard clothesline and Del Rio kicked out for the third time in a row. Punk wanted to end it and signaled for the GTS, but Del Rio escaped with a backstabber. Punk kicked out of a pin, though.

Del Rio took control moments later with a step-up enziguiri next, but Punk kicked out of a pin. The match moved to the top turnbuckle, where Punk headbutted Del Rio to the mat. Punk then collected himself and surveyed the crowd before doing the Macho Man signal. Del Rio popped up to his feet and cut off Punk, though, and delivered a kick to the arm. Del Rio tried to follow with a charging attack, but Punk moved and Del Rio ate the post. So, Punk tried the Savage elbow drop for a second time and connected this time. It was only good for a two count, though. "Randy Savage" chant as Punk collected himself. Punk then began stomping the mat before trying the GTS again, but Del Rio escaped. A series of nice counters ensued. Suddenly, Del Rio rolled into the cross arm-breaker targeting Punk's injured arm. Punk screamed in pain as the crowd chanted "C-M Punk," then Punk broke the ropes to save the match.

Del Rio tried to follow up, but Punk blocked and big-booted Ricardo off the ring apron. Del Rio tried to follow with a small package, but Punk kicked out just before three. Punk then slapped on the Vice and Del Rio fought the hold furiously. Del Rio tried to eye-gouge Punk to break the hold, but Del Rio tapped out and Punk is the new WWE champion.

Post-match: The crowd roared, then Punk left the ring and jumped into the crowd. Fink announced him as the *new* WWE champion before Punk received his title belt to celebrate in the crowd. Punk returned to ringside before jumping back into the crowd on the other side of the ringside area. That looked like Peter Rosenberg ringside. They replayed the finish before returned to a live shot of Punk celebrating in the ring. Lawler and Booker noted Cole was quiet here. No apology from Punk to Cole yet. Punk celebrated on the way out of the ring before pausing off-stage to bow to the crowd. Cole said he can't believe this man is representing WWE now. More shots of Punk posing with the title belt.

WINNER: Punk via submission at 17:17 to capture the WWE Title. Excellent title match. Some very good sequences, a hot crowd, and a memorable moment for Punk. I predicted a DQ victory for Punk to set up another match at TLC, but it looks like the re-match will still take place at TLC to possibly conclude the feud. (***1/2)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #913 on: November 21 2011, 02:18 pm »

Once the bell sounded, Rock started things off. Rock looked like a giant man standing next to Miz. Rock ran over Miz with a shoulder tackle, then delivered a forceful armdrag. And another. Textbook victory roll by Rock nearly scored a pin. The crowd popped as Rock stood tall center-ring and the heels retreated on the floor. Rock then turned toward Cena and stared him down. Cena just nodded. "You still got it," chant from the crowd. Nice opening moment.

Miz returned to the ring, but Truth stopped him and said he wants Rock. Rock told Truth to just bring it. Rock grabbed a headlock, then did a kip up before blasting Truth with a right hand. Rock then executed a fisherman suplex on Truth, but Cena had charged the ring to blast Miz, causing the ref to miss the three count. Cena returned to his corner and took a scolding from Rock. Cena smirked and said it was his bad. The heels regrouped and Miz re-entered. "Fruity Pebbles" chant from the crowd, then Miz demanded a piece of Cena. Rock asked Cena if he's ready, the two men exchanged looks, and Rock slap-tagged Cena into the match.

Cena slowly entered the ring to loud boos to face off with Miz. Cena smiled, then circled the ring. Cena and Miz paused to listen to the crowd and soak in the crowd response. "You can't wrestle" chant before Cena and Miz locked up center ring. Cena delivered a monkey flip out of the corner, then a dropkick that sent Miz scurrying to the corner to tag in Truth. Cena danced around the ring and Rock sold annoyance before pacing the ring. "You still suck" chant from the crowd. Center-ring, Cena and Truth squared off before Cena delivered a series of shoulder tackles. Cena wanted the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but paused to give Rock the You Can't See Me handwave. Rock slowly entered the ring to exchange words with Cena, which allowed Truth to blindside Cena. The heels then took over and began working over Cena.

The crowd picked up a dueling chant of "Cena Sucks / Let's Go Cena," but the pro-Cena chants were drowned out. This was followed by a "We Want Rocky" chant. Cena then found himself on the outside, but the heels rolled Cena back into the ring to deliver more offense. Rock teased entering the ring to break up a pin just before Cena kicked out of a DDT from Miz. Booker suddenly started heeling on Rock, calling him a very selfish person. Lawler joked that just because Rock beat him on a handful of occasions doesn't mean Rock is a selfish person. The crowd was quiet at this point with no one to root for since they weren't being "rebellious" favoring Truth or Miz and weren't there to see Cena.

At 15:00, Truth did a dance move into a leg drop on Cena for a two count. Truth then tried a top-rope move, but Cena rolled through into a "display of power" attempt, only to have Truth counter for a two count. Miz tagged in and began taunting Rock with a big smile on his face. Miz tried a kick, but Cena countered with an STF. Truth broke it up with a kick to Cena's face, then tagged in, but Cena dropped him with a pancake. Rock paced the apron looking for a tag as Cena crawled across the ring, but Miz charged Rock to cheap-shot him. On the floor, Truth assaulted Rock while Miz continued to wear down Cena. After Rock recovered, he tried to charge the heels in the ring, but the ref held him back.

The action reset with the heels in control again. Truth did another dance move into a leg drop attempt, but Cena moved and Truth ate the mat. This time, Cena made the tag to Rock, who came in hot on Miz and Truth. Truth ate the Rock Bottom, then Rock slapped on a Sharpshooter on Miz. Miz fought the hold and tried to reach the ropes before Truth dropped Rock with a DDT to break it up. Cena then cleared Truth from the ring, leaving Rock and Miz alone in the ring.

At 20:30, Miz landed rapid-fire blows to Rock before talking trash. Miz kept talking trash, which opened him up for a spinebuster. Rock then paused to stand over Miz as the crowd popped. Rock faced the hard camera, removed the elbow pad, tossed it into the crowd, and delivered the People's Elbow right to Miz's heart. Rock made the cover and it was good for the win.

WINNERS: Rock & Cena at 21:35. Rock looked completely dominant here, as expected. It was interesting WWE kept things simple with the finish by having Rock win clean to give the audience a satisfying ending rather than a rapid-fire sequence of events ending with Miz or Truth scoring a quick pin, then a post-match angle taking precedent. It was just Rock finishing off the heels and being the dominant star in the Rock-Cena program. Overall, a satisfying conclusion to the PPV built on Rock's return. (***)

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #914 on: November 23 2011, 02:33 am »
WWE RAW Results: 11-21-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Caldwell's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Del Rio quickly pounded on Ryder once the bell sounded. Cole said Del Rio is going to take out his frustrations on Ryder. Del Rio quickly targeted the left shoulder as the crowd tried to rally behind Ryder. Cole plugged Twitter before Ryder made a comeback with a Broski Boot. Ryder wanted the Rough Ryder, but Del Rio blocked and shoved Ryder into the corner. Del Rio followed with a step-up enziguiri before slapping on the cross arm-breaker. Ryder tapped out immediately, which gave Del Rio the submission win. Cole said Del Rio is ready for his title match next week. Booker said Ryder isn't ready yet to take the next step.

WINNER: Del Rio via submission at 2:26. Exactly what you would expect: Del Rio dominates early, Ryder makes a comeback to retain some credibility, and Del Rio gets the decisive win ahead of next week's title match.

2 -- SHEAMUS vs. JACK SWAGGER (w/Vickie Guerrero)

Sheamus cleared Swagger to the outside early on, so Swagger walked around on the floor to stall for time. Back in the ring, Sheamus delivered more offense before Swagger took control in the corner. Swagger followed with a corner Vader Bomb before applying submission holds. The crowd rallied behind Sheamus, who made a comeback with a bodyslam for a two count. Sheamus then uncharacteristically climbed up top and jumped over Swagger, who was ready for a top-rope move. They countered each other before Swagger slapped on the Anklelock. Sheamus escaped, then followed with the Brogue Kick for a pin and the win. Booker said Sheamus was the better man tonight.

WINNER: Sheamus at 4:31. Nice, clean win for Sheamus to reinforce his singles dominance. And, another reminder that Swagger is a few pegs below Sheamus, but has enough physical credibility to make it look like a meaningful win for Sheamus.

3 -- IC champion CODY RHODES vs. SANTINO -- non-title match

Booker and Cole referred to Booker's recent issues with Rhodes on Smackdown, continuing to foreshadow Booker's in-ring return. In the ring, Rhodes stomped away on Santino. Suddenly, Santino blocked a corner move and wanted the Cobra, but Rhodes easily avoided and hit Cross Rhodes. Pin and the win in one minute flat. As they replayed the finish, Booker continued to call out Rhodes.

Back live, Rhodes stepped off the ring apron in front of the announce table and approached Booker. Rhodes said he can hear him. He told Booker to come get some. Booker said he has no personal beef with him. Suddenly, Rhodes threw a cup of water in Booker's face. Now it's personal. Booker stepped up to glare at Rhodes, who simply walked off to the back. They cut to a replay of Rhodes embarrassing Booker as Cole complained about getting wet. Booker, indignant and trying to keep his cool, wiped himself down as Cole demanded a towel for himself.

WINNER: Rhodes at 1:00. Nice, slow build to Booker's return for a feud with Rhodes.

4 -- WWE champion C.M. PUNK vs. U.S. champion DOLPH ZIGGLER (w/Vickie Guerrero) -- non-title Champion vs. Champion match

Loud "C-M-Punk" chant as the bell sounded. Cole continued to add insult to Booker's injury that Cody Rhodes is trending on Twitter after throwing water in Booker's face. Booker said he's not going to let Rhodes insult him like that. Meanwhile, Punk and Ziggler went through a feeling-out process to start the match. They had an interesting exchange teasing each other with leap frogs that looked like a combination of a blown spot or a planned spot that was meant to look spontaneous. Ziggler then bailed to the outside for a breather.

Back in the ring, Ziggler took control and began wearing down Punk with strikes to the upper body. Cole reset the show, noting Cena will be heard from later tonight, but still no mention of Jonah Hill. Punk then made a comeback and Vickie hopped on the ring apron to provide a distraction. It was good enough for Ziggler to avoid a corner attack and Punk went flying over the top rope to the outside. Ziggler randomly did a handstand as Punk sold on the outside and they cut to break.

Back from break, Ziggler was wearing down Punk in the ring. Punk then made a comeback with a lariat, knee strike, and swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Punk teased the GTS, but Ziggler countered with a sleeperhold. Ziggler put Punk on the mat, but Punk reached his feet to switch into GTS position, but Ziggler rolled through into a pin attempt. Ziggler tried to use the ropes for leverage, but the ref stopped him. Punk tried to follow with a pin using the ropes, but Ziggler escaped.

The action reset at 13:00 with Punk delivering a corner knee strike into a bulldog for a two count. Punk followed with a scoop slam before going to the corner for a Macho Man elbow drop. Ziggler rolled to the opposite end of the ring, though, so Punk stepped down and slowly walked toward Ziggler, but walked right into a snap dropkick. Two count only. The fight then moved up top, where Punk headbutted Ziggler to the mat before delivering the Macho Man elbow. Punk made a cover, but Ziggler kicked out again.

At 15:00, Punk called for the end. Punk measured Ziggler for the GTS, but Ziggler slipped out and delivered an overhead suplex for another nearfall. Ziggler snapped and nearly got himself DQ'ed trying to inflict rapid-fire blows to Punk. Ziggler calmed down, then wanted the Fameasser, but Punk countered by grabbing Ziggler in the air. He was apparently going to transition to the GTS, but had to drop Ziggler on the mat to avoid hurting each other. Punk followed right up with the finish of a GTS for the pin and the win.

Post-match: The camera zoomed in on Punk having a bloody lip. They replayed the high points of the match and the finish before returning to the ring to show Punk sitting down and celebrating the win. On the ramp, Ziggler was shown catching his breath and clutching the U.S. Title belt. Back to Punk celebrating in the ring leading to a plug for Cena addressing Rock tonight.

WINNER: Punk at 16:25. That was a very strong TV match minus the botch at the end. Greg Parks and I talked about the possibility of a Punk-Ziggler series on the post-Survivor Series PWTorch Livecast last night and they certainly delivered on the first night. (***)

5 -- WADE BARRETT vs. WWE tag champion KOFI KINGSTON

Barrett was the aggressor early on, but Kofi came back with rapid-fire offense. Barrett had enough and delivered a knock-down clothesline. The crowd tried to rally with a "Kofi, Kofi" chant before Randy Orton's music hit. Barrett, who had Kofi in position for Wasteland, dropped the move as Orton walked toward the ring. Barrett backed away as they cut to break with Orton standing by the ring staring a hole in Barrett.

Back from break, Barrett was working over Kofi as Orton was seated quietly in a folding chair ringside. Barrett continued to dominate Kofi as Orton watched intently. In-between moves, Barrett shot a look toward Orton to make sure he got a good look at his dominance. Meanwhile, WWE flashed a list of items trending on Twitter right now and they actually included "Masked Kane," revealing the mystery vignette earlier. The match moved to the top turnbuckle, where Kofi knocked Barrett to the mat before landing a high cross-body. Kofi started to build some momentum and delivered the Boom Drop.

At 11:00, Kofi warmed up for Trouble in Paradise, but Barrett avoided, only to take a pendulum kick. Kofi tried a top-rope move, but Barrett kicked the ropes to crotch Kofi. Barrett followed up with Wasteland - while staring down Orton - and it was good for the pin and the win.

Post-match: They replayed Barrett the finish before Barrett took a mic in the ring and re-announced himself as the winner in Orton's face as Orton was trying to leave on the outside. Orton then slowly turned toward Barrett before frightening him with a quick jabstep move. Orton flashed a half-smile before his music played and he walked away. Barrett quietly nodded, trying to maintain his composure.

WINNER: Barrett at 11:45. Solid match, albeit mainly one-sided in Barrett's favor. I like this Orton-Barrett feud, which is keeping both men right around the World Title picture on Smackdown. (**)

Final segment of RAW was about Cena and the apparent breakup of Awesome Truth as Miz grabbed Truth and dropped him with a Skullcrushing Finale on the entrance ramp.

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"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #915 on: November 24 2011, 01:07 pm »
Hulk Hogan gets body-slammed as divorce details go public.

Basically Linda got more than 70% of the liquid assets plus 40% ownership stakes in his companies and also a $3 million property settlement to boot. OUCH!

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #916 on: November 26 2011, 02:50 am »
WWE NXT Redemption Results: 11-23-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report). Coondensed here to in-ring results only.


Tatsu chases Curtis to the corner after winning an early lock-up. Regal claims to have been married 16 times. Tatsu continues to maintain control. There is some bizarre banter here. Curtis is selling as if Tatsu is wearing lead gloves, but he turns it around. He goes to the apron, shimmies his rear in Maxine's direction (or perhaps he is trying to impress Regal?), and then launches himself over the ropes and leg drops Yoshi for a two count.

Curtis prepares for a suplex, but waves to Maxine first. Bateman gets annoyed and Maxine says that she can't control his behavior. Bateman starts getting riled up about the Maxine-Curtis situation as Tatsu gets out. Maxine storms out, and gives Curtis a lingering look on her way out. Bateman brags about trending on Twitter, so I guess he's ready for Raw. Curtis gives Maxine the "call me" sign as she leaves the ramp.

Tatsu goes on the attack with chops and strikes, then lands a running spinning heel kick. Curtis dodges a big boot and puts Yoshi on the turnbuckle, but Tatsu fights off the superplex. Yoshi with the top rope heel kick for the win.

WINNER: Yoshi Tatsu in 5:00. This was an angle, not a match, and the folks in the ring didn't give it their all as a result.

2 - JIMMY USO (w/Jey Uso) vs. JTG (w/Tamina)

JTG with early control, but his showboating lets Jimmy kip up and slap him out of the ring. JTG uses Tamina as a shield and he gets back in the ring, but Jimmy ducks a punch and sends JTG to the corner. JTG turns things around and goes on his generic offense routine. Striker goes on a long series of famous Samoans in WWE, and Regal says he'd like to see Rikishi come out and dance on the stage. On the outside, Jey rallies the crowd to get Jimmy fired up. He fights out of a hold and slaps JTG a number of times, sends him to the corner and splashes him.

Jimmy with the stinkface, which gets two. JTG slips our of a Samoan drop attemp, tries a drop down punch, but gets superkicked in the face. Jimmy goes to the top with the Superfly Splash for the win.

WINNER: Jimmy Uso in 6:00. This match never got out of neutral, let along second gear. JTG just doesn't put on good matches, and the Usos haven't mastered singles matches yet.


Watson and Young start off, but Young hides in the ropes when it looks like Watson may have the better of him. Watson gets the better of him once he gets his hands on him. Percy tags in Titus, but Young runs to the corner to bring in Reks. Reks mocks Titus, so Titus hauls off and punches him in the mouth. Back-and-forth between Reks and O'Neil, and Reks drags Titus to the corner to tag in Young. Heel teamwork in the corner by Reks and Young. Titus blocks Reks's suplex, and counters with one of his own, and tags in Watson. Watson with a pair of dropkicks and a flying clothesline and a throw send Reks to the ringside to catch a break. Percy with a leap over the rope to take them out as they cut to break.

Out of the break, Reks fights out of a double team situation and isolates Watson, and eventually settles into a side headlock. Regal is excited to be in "WWE '12" because he has abs. Strikers asks if Regal likes video games and he says that he just likes to see how good he looks in the game, with abs. Young tags in and continues the assault. Regal praises Young and Reks for sticking with the basic tag match formula. Regal says he was always impressed by Young, even when they had their spat. Reks tags in and abuses Watson some more. He starts yammering at the crowd, and Watson tries to use that as a chance to come back.

Gordbuster from Reks prompts Striker to say they need a Twitter campaign to get Arn Anderson in the Hall of Fame. Reks clears Titus from the apron, but that lets Watson surprise him with a back body drop. Watson kicks Reks away and both men tag out. O'Neil knocks Reks off the apron, and does his hot tag routine. Reks breaks up a pin so Watson clears him, then Young clears Young. O'Neil prepares for the end, but Hawkins distracts him, so Young is able to hit the Gut Check for the win.

WINNERS: Tyler Reks and Darren Young in 10:00. I like Tyler Reks, I like Percy Watson, but this was a really generic tag match where the whole match was just filler for the "everyone clears everyone from the ring until one person hits a finisher" ending. Interesting to see them so high on Darren Young fresh off of a suspension.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #917 on: November 26 2011, 02:53 am »
WWE Superstars Results: 11-24-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to James's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Pre-match, Drew comes out looking like he just found out that someone stole his car or something, taking out some aggression on the apron. There's a little DiBiase chant going on, makes me question what he does at those "DiBiase Posse" things. Ted escapes and reverses an early lockout and takes Drew to the mat. Ted continues with chain wrestling, including an interesting arm drag into a sideways jackknife pin. Ted with a number of different leverage pin attempts. Drew slaps Ted, causing Ted to get aggressive. DiBiase clotheslines McIntyre from the ring, then actually does a suicide dive through the ropes. Very impressive for a guy who is billed as about 70 lbs. more than Daniel Bryan. On the outside, Mac manages to wheelbarrow DiBiase face-first into the apron. Again, impressive.

Back from beak, McIntyre is kicking the stuffing out of Ted. There's a sweet spot where Ted tries the "leap over the person charging in the corner" trick, but instead of running into the ring post, McIntyre slides and does a Pele kick to DiBiase's gut, sending him flying. Very innovative. McIntyre covers for two and then moves to a seated abdominal stretch. Ted jawbreakers his way out, and then from nowhere comes out with a crucifix pin attempt, good for two. Gutbuster from Drew coming out of the cover, then he drags Ted's head over the apron, goes outside, and starts beating on Ted's chest. He drapes DiBiase's face over the second rope and playfully kicks it. Drew starts to paintbrush Ted on the mat, but Ted comes back with slaps. Drew with a Big Boot to put Ted back down. More "DiBiase" chants.

Drew to the second rope, but Ted counters with a dropkick on the whiffed move. both men are down and the ref gets to seven before they both get up. Ted with punches, atomic drop, and a running high knee or dropkick. Ted with the turnaround clothesline for a convincing nearfall. Ted is rocking a moustache, of note. McIntyre creams Ted when Ted tries something from the second rope. They trade moves, and Drew pulls out a wheelbarrow into a front suplex for two. Drew maintains control in the corner, but Ted reverses a suplex attempt into Dream Streets for the win.

WINNER: Ted DiBiase in 13:00. This was a very believable match. Unpredictable in the finish, and a number of spots from both men where they looked like they were wrestling in a Cruiserweight style. I was really impressed here, and if you get a chance, this match is worth a watch. Nice length. McIntyre does a good job at making others look good, while he's been on a losing streak he's managed to retain credibility, and he always looks like he could actually win the match. Both men should be putting this match on their highlight reels.


Funny crowd shot of a girl in Macho Man shirt and Broski sunglasses going nuts for Alex Riley. The same fans in classic C.M. Punk shirts that cheered Ted DiBiase are cheering for Alex Riley. McGillicutty is so dull, he can't even get the vocal males to prefer him to the face. McGillicutty tosses his hat at Alex to divert his attention, then kicks him into the corner. Alex is angry and goes ape on Mike. Alex with strong offense, including Ten Punches in the corner followed immediately by a DDT. McGillicutty dodges a charge and Riley eats ringpost. McGillicutty kicks his head as Riley rests, and then hits a big dropkick. McGillicutty takes elbows to Riley and settles into a headlock.

Riley headbutts out and drops big bombs on McGillicutty, who counters with a neckbreaker. They trade rights and McGillicutty knocks him down again. Back-and-forth, but A-Ry gets a spinebuster and his floatover DDT but it's only a nearfall. Riley looks angry, but McGillicutty dumps him outside. As Mike tries to come trough the ropes, Riley hits a dropkick and goes to the apron. McGillicutty grabs the ropes to get up, and Riley pulls off a springboard sunset flip but McGillicutty sits down to pin Riley for the win.

WINNER: Michael McGillicutty in 8:00. The match itself was decent. Riley showed great promise and the sunset flip was nuts for a guy his size. That said, the wrong person won here. I don't think McGillicutty has any upside right now, while Riley has a lot of promise.


I hope they give this lots of time. Jinder Mahal has a very unique style that I enjoy watching, with crisp execution and he has a good look too. He also carries himself well in segments. Pre-match, he cuts a promo in Hindi. And, Trent Barreta is one of WWE's unappreciated gems.

Jinder leads off with hard knees to the gut, Trent comes back with a snap huracarana then his elbow from the ropes. Trent goes to the turnbuckle for his corkscrew moonsault, and in the "HOLY COW" moment of the night, the cameraman sitting at the bottom of the turnbuckle catches it as Mahal pushes Trent so hard off the turnbuckle that he lands into the barricade. This is something you see sometimes and it looks high impact, but the camera angle just made it look like Mahal airmailed Trent back to Long Island. Great work from the production team.

Scott Armstrong checks on Trent while Mahal sends him back into the ring and covers twice. Trent is selling hard and Mahal sends some hard boots into the ribs. Jinder with a gutbuster which gets one, then moves into the abdominal stretch. Barreta looks like he's going to cry, and Mahal abuses his ribs when he tries to get out.

Striker calls Mahal the "Punjab Punisher," which I like. Mahal places Baretta on the turnbuckle and looks for a belly-to-back suplerplex, which Trent elbows out of. Barreta stays up top and nails his corkscrew moonsault for a nearfall after a slow cover. They are both slow to get up, and Barreta goes back on the attack with chops, but Jinder cuts him off with a knee to the gut. Mahal shrugs off a Dudebuster DDT attempt and Barreta sells the rubs. Mahal with a Camel Clutch and Trent taps out.

WINNER: Jinder Mahal in 8:00. Wow, that was a really fun match! Like the first match, there was no way to know who was going to win based on the booking, the two fighting styles contrasted so well together. I don't think I've seen a Trent Barreta match I didn't like, and Jinder Mahal has a lot of in-ring talent too.


Kidd tries to chain wrestle Jackson, but Jackson powers out. Matt Striker with the announcing line of the month, says that Kidd told him that last week they spent too much time talking about Twitter and not enough time talking about the match (very true, as I mentioned in last week's report!) and that Kidd will kick Matthews in the face if they do it again this week. I'd like that to be a general rule. Matthews no-sells it. In the ring, Kidd struggles to gain traction. He tries a springboard move, but Jackson plucks him off the top rope and does a number of overhead presses. Kidd slips out and takes Jackson down by the knee. Jackson grabs Kidd by the throat and sends him into the ropes, and gets a big back body drop. Easily eight feet of air there.

Kidd kicks the feet out of Zeke again, then with a dropkick to Zeke's head. Jackson throws Kidd out of the ring on the kickout. Kidd hotshots Jackson on the ropes and then chokes him in the ropes. Tyson with a guillotine leg drop on Jackson who is draped through the ropes, then a springboard elbow drop for two. That was his finisher in his ECW debut. Kidd with a chinlock that looks laughable on Zeke. Zeke gets out but eats boots on a charge. Kidd with a tornado DDT for two. Kidd back to the chinlock. Jackson stands up but Kidd holds on until Jackson backs into the corner. Jackson with a back elbow, then the corner clotheslines, and punches on Kidd, nearly drawing the DQ. Belly-to-back suplex from Jackson, then he picks Kidd up for the torture rack, Kidd taps out.

WINNER: Ezekiel Jackson in 5:00. I can't believe they kept Big Zeke, but let Chris Masters go. Not even Tyson Kidd could make Ezekiel Jackson watchable. I guess Kidd "looked good in the loss" by hanging with Zeke for five minutes. I would rather have seen these five minutes go to a Divas match, and the Barreta-Mahal or DiBiase-McIntyre matches as the main event.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #918 on: November 28 2011, 03:32 am »
WWE Smackdown Results: 11-25-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Parks' complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.


Wrist-lock take-over by Gabriel, but Hunico came back with a short clothesline as Cole gloated about Bryan getting this World Title taken away from him. Hunico suplexed Gabriel from the apron back into the ring for a two-count. Tilt-a-whirl back-breaker for another two-count. Hunico blocked a clothesline and hit an Olympic slam. Another chin-lock. Hard whip into the buckle, then Hunico propelled himself into the ring and landed a dropkick on the seated Gabriel. Headscissors by Gabriel, and Hunico rolled to ringside. Gabriel with a twisting cross-body onto Hunico at ringside. Kick to the back of the head by Gabriel back in the ring. Springboard moonsault found the mark for a near fall. Gabriel placed Hunico on the top turnbuckle and attempted a back suplex, but Hunico gave Gabriel a thumb to the eye to send him to the mat. Swanton by Hunico for the win.

WINNER: Hunico, at 4:23. I thought maybe Hunico would ended up being treated like Tyler Reks after last year’s Survivor Series, but this would seem to indicate differently.


Nattie with a knee to the gut in the corner. Kaitlyn took Nattie to the babyface corner and tagged in AJ. AJ flipped Natalya into the ropes, and rolled Natalya up for two. Hair pull took her down, however. Nattie then locked in the Sharpshooter for the win.

WINNERS: Natalya and Phoenix, at 1:05. Just a way to further the AJ/Kaitlyn storyline and set up Fox as a possible title contender in the next few weeks.

After the match, a frustrated Kaitlyn walked out on AJ as Natalya reapplied the Sharpshooter and Phoenix got a microphone, imploring AJ to cry. Fox got up from the announce table and entered the ring, backing down the heel Divas.


Ziggler took Sheamus down in the first minute, and did some showing off. Sheamus responded with a hip-lock take-over. Ziggler telegraphed a dropkick, then Sheamus gave him a fall-away slam. Swagger tagged in at the two-minute mark. Swagger tried to do some amateur wrestling, but Sheamus elbowed out of a rear waist-lock and added a few headbutts for good measure. Swagger was sent to ringside, as was Ziggler. Ryder hit the ropes and somersaulted over the top and onto the heels. The babyfaces celebrated as momentum was on their side. The show went to break at 3:17 of the match.

Back at 6:23 of the match with Ryder ducking a few clotheslines by Swagger and nailing him with a forearm. Sheamus tagged in and gave Swagger a diving shoulder tackle over the top rope. Swagger took control with a shot to the knee. Ziggler tagged in and aggressively went after Sheamus. Swagger came back in and did some more damage, but Sheamus got his knees up on a Vader bomb attempt. Sheamus made the tag to Ryder, who white-washed Swagger with a boot in the corner. Vickie got on the apron to distract the ref (and Ryder), allowing Swagger to escape the ring. Ryder went out after him and Ziggler sacrificed himself so Swagger could recover and retaliate on Ryder. Roll-up out of nowhere for two by Ryder, but Ziggler followed with a high elbowdrop. Neck-breaker then a kip up by Ziggler. Ryder was able to fight out of the heel corner, at least, for a few seconds, but the numbers game became too much. Sheamus broke up a pin after Swagger held Ryder for Ziggler’s fameasser. Vader bomb by Swagger and still only a two-count. Ryder and Ziggler traded near-falls, but Ryder desperately needed a tag. The long heat segment on Ryder continued with Sheamus attempting to interfere, drawing the ire of the ref. Tornado DDT at 15:20 by Ryder and both he and Swagger were down. Sheamus and Ziggler both tagged in so Ziggler could bump around for Sheamus. Celtic Cross, but Swagger interrupted it. Ryder tagged himself in as Sheamus nailed Swagger with the Brogue Kick. Zig Zag was shrugged off by Sheamus (after it looked like Ziggler overshot it a bit), then Ryder hit the Rough-Ryder leg-lariat for the win.

WINNERS: Ryder and Sheamus, at 16:27. The heat segment on Ryder was long, but in the end, Ryder gained more credibility with his pinfall over the United States Champion.


Right after the bell rang to begin the match, Jinder Mahal spoke on the Titan-Tron. He chastised DiBiase for foregoing his family lineage to hang out in parking lots with commoners. Slater then attacked DiBiase from behind when Mahal was finished. Dropkick by DiBiase turned the tide. Suplex out of the corner for two. After Booker compared DiBiase to Tim Tebow, Cole got on Booker for not explaining who Tebow was. That sounds like it came from Vince McMahon, as Cole covered himself by saying he thought Booker said T. Boone Pickens. Sounds like Cole knew how absurd it was to ask who Tebow was, but I’m sure Vince has no idea. Slater worked the arm of DiBiase, giving him a greater challenge than DiBiase has had in recent weeks. Submission maneuver applied by Slater and DiBiase worked back to his feet. Back body-drop by DiBiase as the announcing at this point continued to devolve. DiBiase made his comeback and after the boomerang clothesline, sent Slater to Dream Street.

WINNER: DiBiase, at 4:51. Slater lasted longer than I expected, especially coming off a Wellness suspension.


Orton and Barrett paired off and stayed in the ring, while Bryan and Rhodes fought on the outside. Rhodes tried to surprise Orton from behind, but Orton met him with a dropkick. Whip into the buckle by Orton, then Bryan followed with a running dropkick. Dueling chants for Orton and Bryan as they faced off. No physicality between the two before they went to break at 1:42.

The show returned at 5:06 of the match and all four men were back in the ring. It was only for a brief time, however, as Orton was thrown out by Barrett, who went after him and tossed him into the steel steps. Rhodes and Barrett then double-teamed Bryan in the ring. Orton snuck back in not long after and went to work on both heels. Pump-handle slam attempt, but Orton got out of it and Rhodes snuck up from behind and gave Orton a Russian leg-sweep. Bryan came back in and went after Rhodes with kicks. Barrett put Bryan on his shoulders and Rhodes came off the top with a clothesline, the old Doomsday Device. Barrett wanted a pin, but Rhodes broke it up and tossed Barrett out. They went to break at 8:59 of the match.

Back from the final break at 12:24 of the match. Orton was back in the thick of things, working against Rhodes and Barrett. Barrett laid in the knees with Orton stuck between the ropes. Running boot to the skull and Orton fell to ringside. Rhodes attacked Barrett after Barrett had gotten the best of Bryan. Beautiful Disaster kick on Bryan for a two-count at 13:50. Bryan back-dropped a charging Rhodes to ringside. Barrett reappeared and he whipped Bryan into the ropes, but Bryan dove through them and onto Rhodes at ringside. Orton hit his signature moves on Barrett, but Bryan broke up a pin. Kick to the head of Orton for two. Rhodes dropped Bryan across the top rope and he fell to the mats outside. Rhodes for a cover on Orton, only getting two. Face-first suplex by Rhodes on Orton. Crowd chanted “Randy” as Rhodes slowly climbed the top rope. Orton tripped him up and connected on a superplex. Barrett tried to steal the pin, but Bryan dove off the top with a headbutt to cancel the fall. All three men were down in the ring and Orton re-entered. Barrett was thrown over the top, as was Rhodes. Cole said Orton was turning his attention to the weaker man. Rope-assisted DDT to Bryan. Before he could hit the RKO, Barrett pulled Orton out of the ring and gave him a DDT. Rhodes tried to pin Bryan, but Bryan grabbed the arm and locked in his finisher for the win.

WINNER: Bryan, at 18:34.

They replayed the finish after the match, but then Rhodes attacked Bryan from behind. He turned around into an RKO. They played Orton’s music until Bryan got back to his feet, then they played his. Josh Mathews gave a hard-sell for Tuesday’s live Smackdown as the show went off the air with Bryan holding up his Money-in-the-Bank briefcase.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!

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Re: The Official Wrestling Thread (now with more news and stuff)
« Reply #919 on: November 28 2011, 04:01 am »
TNA Impact Wrestling Results: 11-24-11

Results courtesy of (direct link to Kester's complete report). Condensed here to in-ring results only.

1. Matt Morgan and Crimson squashed Mexican America in 1:54. Hernandez got sent to the floor early and spent the match selling at ringside.

Matt Morgan and Crimson worked their respective move sets on Anarquia before finishing him off with a double chokeslam.

2. Velvet Sky Brooke Tessmacher, and Tara defeated Angelina Love, Winter, and Madison Rayne in a Thanksgiving Thong Thunder Match in 9:51. The six women had a pose off during the first two minutes of the match.

The heels eventually attacked the faces and the fight was on. Winter took control of Tara, and they became the first two legal women…

Back from the break, Tara hit Winter with a standing moonsault before tagging in Tessmacher. Tessmacher used her stink face on Winter. Rayne tagged in and regained control for her team. The heels proceeded to work quick tags, keeping Tessmacher down.

Tessmacher got the hot tag to Sky, who quickly took out her heel opponents. The match broke down and all six women started to brawl with one another.

Mickie James ran down and stopped Madison Rayne from using her belt to hit Velvet Sky, and Sky hit Rayne with a butterfly facebuster for the victory.

3. Eric Young defeated Robbie E in 2:29. Robbie E assaulted the turkey suit to start the match.

Robbie E hit Young with a foreign object and got the pin, but Charles found the object afterwards and he restarted the match. Young hit a jumping piledriver on Robbie E and scored the pinfall victory.

Robbie E couldn't get up, so Robbie T had to wear the turnkey suit…

4. Jeff hardy, A.J. Styles, Mr. Anderson, and RVD defeated Bobby Roode Christopher Daniels, Bully Ray, and Jeff Jarrett in an eight-man elimination tag team match in 15:28. The heels took control early and isolated Mr. Anderson. When Anderson finally made the tag, RVD entered the match and was quickly slowed down by Immortal.

Anderson tagged back in and ran through his move set on Bully Ray. Ray, however, caught Anderson with an urinagi. Bobby Roode ran down, blind tagged Bully Ray, and covered Anderson for the pinfall. Bobby Roode pinned Mr. Anderson at 6:13.

Styles entered the match and tore into Bobby Roode. Roode responded with a low blow to get him intentionally disqualified. Bobby Roode DQed at 6:44.

Jarrett entered in Roode's place and attacked Styles as the show went to break…

Back from the break, Bully Ray and Jarrett hit a double suplex on Styles. Daniels tagged in and got caught with a Pele kick from Styles. Styles made the tag to RVD, who took out all three heels. RVD went for the Five-Star Frog Splash, but Angle pushed him off the top rope. Daniels covered RVD to get the pin. Christopher Daniels pinned RVD at 11:10.

The three remaining heels cornered Styles and started their assault. Daniels went for the BME, but Styles got his foot up to catch Daniels. Jarrett and Ray tried to attack Styles but ended up hitting each other.

Jeff hardy made his entrance and tagged into the match. He tore into Christopher Daniels and hit the Twist of Fate for a quick pin. Jeff hardy pinned Christopher Daniels at 14:46.

Jarrett ran in and Hardy immediately rolled him up into a small package for his second elimination. Jeff Hardy pinned Jeff Jarrett in 14:53.

Bully Ray hit a big boot on Hardy. Styles got a blind tag and hit Ray with a springboard cross body for the victory.

After the match, Bobby Roode hit Hardy in the back of the head with his title belt before hitting Styles with a second title shot. Bobby Roode yelled at a prone Styles as overly dramatic music played in the background.

"Everything will surely be all right." 「絶対大丈夫だよ。」, "Zettai daijōbu da yo."
"Force without Master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams, and become my power! SECURE!!!"
Neo-Geo: Come for the games, stay for teh drama!