CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Make fun of Kurogane's name

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lol the english dubs are weird they gave kuro-wan-wan diff funny names


--- Quote from: Takeru ¥amamoto on February 09 2008, 06:14 pm ---I will once you get back on topic, because you certainly aren't acting twice my age. As a former moderator, you of all people should be fully aware of the rules we have imposed. Follow them.

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And AS a moderator, you should know when one's having fun here and knowing not to engage a member in a thread like this so start acting like one. Don't push your luck with me...two can play this game.

So as to stay on topic:

--- Quote from: RenaRyuugu on February 09 2008, 10:26 pm ---lol the english dubs are weird they gave kuro-wan-wan diff funny names

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Yes, the English dub has a lot to be desired in that department. Bad enough they can't get Kurogane's name pronounced right, Fai's English pet names are just plain horrible  ::)

weird though but when i watch in animax (eng dubbed version) season 1 the voices diff from season 2  dunno why ._.


--- Quote from: RenaRyuugu on February 10 2008, 11:08 pm ---weird though but when i watch in animax (eng dubbed version) season 1 the voices diff from season 2  dunno why ._.

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The English dubs on the DVD set in the United States were done by FUNimation and had cast totally different voice actors than Animax. Though still faithful mostly to the original script, they are a number of places where the dubs add and delete lines (and don't get me started on how they pronounce 'CLOW' like "cow" and not "crow")

Sailor Yue-chan:
which is better?


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