CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Make fun of Kurogane's name

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--- Quote from: Arcademan on February 11 2008, 03:16 am ---The English dubs on the DVD set in the United States were done by FUNimation and had cast totally different voice actors than Animax. Though still faithful mostly to the original script, they are a number of places where the dubs add and delete lines (and don't get me started on how they pronounce 'CLOW' like "cow" and not "crow")

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LOL?! COW?!!! Shouldn't they hear how it's pronounced first? ._.

Sailor Yue-chan:
no one in dubs really pays attenetion on how to say japanese. i her that only the actreess voicing Yuuko got Kurogane's name the right way the firts time, with the proper inflections.

only a few jap dub's get names the right way. Genoen did a decent job on some, like in Samurai Champloo. AND on alot, they just licensed for subs, lie Loveless.

sometimes i think that TRC would have gone better if it was just licensed for Sub.

lol, they should listen to how its pronounce... Funny americans ._.

Yes, us Americans fail, don't we.


--- Quote from: Takeru ¥amamoto on February 13 2008, 07:30 am ---Yes, us Americans fail, don't we.

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No offense =X


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