AuthorTopic: Best of friends...  (Read 55484 times)

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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #140 on: June 23 2005, 04:56 am »
yup yup!! with their football jersey too.. *lol*

Vexnet: cool down man... you sound agitated..

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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #141 on: June 23 2005, 06:42 am »
i'm not agitated o.O
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #142 on: June 23 2005, 07:12 am »
I find your definitions amusing...cause they are absolutely true!
I would love to hear your take on a Twink, although I'm sure that's not the "universal" word for them.
But ya know, the Stuck-up cheerleader type chicks.
Pssh, I used to be best friends with one before she went to the "Dark side" and became one. Then she totally snubbed me and pretended like 8 years of friendship was nothing compared to a pair of shoes and a guy on her arm. I guess that's what "fuelled the fire" for my hatred :tongue3:
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #143 on: June 23 2005, 10:22 am »
aah, I see. That classifies a lot of my classmates now, haha.

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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #144 on: June 23 2005, 11:24 am »
I find your definitions amusing...cause they are absolutely true!
I would love to hear your take on a Twink, although I'm sure that's not the "universal" word for them.
But ya know, the Stuck-up cheerleader type chicks.
Pssh, I used to be best friends with one before she went to the "Dark side" and became one. Then she totally snubbed me and pretended like 8 years of friendship was nothing compared to a pair of shoes and a guy on her arm. I guess that's what "fuelled the fire" for my hatred :tongue3:

ehe. sorry never heard of a Twink. and if you want crazy definitions like the ones i give just go to here

it contains some really amusing stuff. and you can add yoru own stuff too. its great.
got lots of slang and sayings too.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #145 on: June 23 2005, 11:36 am »
You mean you've never met a total stuck up, snotty, self-centered, conceited and innapropriately scantily clad girl before?
Well, I envy you.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #146 on: June 23 2005, 10:42 pm »

so i assume Twinks are use to describe the gals and Jocks for the guys? and also, it sounds that both twinks and jocks go well together?

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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #147 on: June 24 2005, 01:00 am »
Yea they could fit eachother by what i hear. they just sound like Preps tho, and Spoiled Rich Kids, i hate them

You mean you've never met a total stuck up, snotty, self-centered, conceited and innapropriately scantily clad girl before?
Well, I envy you.

no i've met those, i just meant it as NOBODY has ever used the word Twink before you just said. anything close and Twinkies and i still have never had any of those. or maybe marmite snacks like Twiglets.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #148 on: June 25 2005, 08:06 am »
yeah or like twinkies
don't like them
hey i've known cheerleaders like that but i got back at her by stealing her boyfriend
and kicking her off the squad. hehe i've got that power.
But anyways Endoh if your friend didn't appreciate you then screw her you've got me.
now what. funny cuz i have a friend that i've know for 12 years and no matter who tell me that they don't like her
 or that she's weird i don't care i love her all the same ( she is a bit weird but that's what i like)
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #149 on: June 25 2005, 08:22 am »
yeah or like twinkies
don't like them
hey i've known cheerleaders like that but i got back at her by stealing her boyfriend
and kicking her off the squad. hehe i've got that power.
But anyways Endoh if your friend didn't appreciate you then screw her you've got me.
now what. funny cuz i have a friend that i've know for 12 years and no matter who tell me that they don't like her
 or that she's weird i don't care i love her all the same ( she is a bit weird but that's what i like)
k, i said twinkies.
and that kinda of seems like Jockish/Preppy way of getting back at someone
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #150 on: June 25 2005, 11:42 am »
if  you ever meet her you wouldn't even be talking Vexnet
do you want to know what she did? ok She got one of my best nicest guy friends drunk like hell and made him drive home
Now tell me would you, a responsible caring person, let anyone do that to anyone you know.
And please don't lie ok.
i went easy on her compared to what my friends were sugggesting.
what she did was not only irresponsible but it was revenge for a childish game
No matter how much you dislike a person
you do not and i repeat DO NOT put their life in danger
what if.. oh god i don't even want to think about it.
What if my friend had gotten hurt * pauses to cry*i would never had forgiven myself
But did she stop and think about the consequenses no she just thought of herself
i'm not mad despite of what hurt she's caused me I'm upset that she didn't have the brain to think her action had severe consequenses.
Now excuse me while i go cry my eyes out.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #151 on: June 25 2005, 12:44 pm »
well, nobody forces you to drive anywhere so its your own choice if you want to drive home, because of an invention called Taxis :D
so i don't see it as being bad. and its thier own fault for going out drinking in the first place. if they were smart, they wouldn't drink. simple as that really.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #152 on: June 25 2005, 01:33 pm »
Oh my god
i can't believe your actually saying this. It wasn't me that was drunk.It was my guy friend!!!!!!
why would you say something like that? you know that My guy friend thought that the girl and her were good friends that is why he trusted to drink around her.
like you would trust a good friend. she betrayed that trust. Is this not sinking in?
Oh and there are no taxis were i live and if there were they are really expensive
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #153 on: June 25 2005, 01:39 pm »
no, i'm not saying anything about you not drinking. i'm just syaing anybody in thier Right Mind knows that if yourgoing to be Drinking (which you shouldn't be anyway unless its an occasion), you should have a plan to get home, i.e, Taxis, Busses, Lifts, Staying over.
I Mean the point is i don't think they should of been Drinking to begin with. its a totally Useless activity that normally ends badly anyway.
Am i the only person with enough Common sense to NOT Get drunk every day, every week or so on and so forth.
i don't Drink because i KNOW its bad and its in no way good for you so its totally and uutterly pointless.

if your gonna drink then the consequences are those that YOU Face. tough luck tough life, all cos your drinking.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #154 on: June 25 2005, 01:53 pm »
so your saying that if and i'm only saying if,
your girl friend drunk and she her best friend gives her the keys to her car (if she had one)
she got into an accident and she broke her leg
all of that is entirely her fault????
I mean it's cool you hev such a strong dislike of alcohol but you can't blame my friend
it was aspecial occasion (graduation) and it was stupid of her to give him the keys Ok
i don't want to talk about it anymore your gettting me aggitated
if that was you i would have been just as worried
why do you look at it from a one sided perspective? he was drinking yes ok
did you even think that if he was ok what happened, how would have you reacted, how you feel if that was,
someone close to you?
i felt so lost when they told me what she did?
if he had hurt someone or worse himself there is not just one person to blame, is there?
ok i have to cry my eyes out again( and no i'm not playing i'm literally cryng as i type this)
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #155 on: June 25 2005, 01:59 pm »
First off , if you Knew my girlfriend, you'd know she would NEVER Drink. she's smarter than that.
plus everyon in my family and friends have organised drivers if there is drinkng.
and fine on that certain situation since it was Graduation. but i still can't really understand why somebody would do that to somebody else.
i just can't stand it when people moan about drinking when they just shouldn't in the first place.

i guess that thier not best of friends. since this topic suggests.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #156 on: June 25 2005, 02:02 pm »
that's what i've been trying to say.
it's like you think you know someone but one
day they just stab you in the worst way.
although it's never happened to me but if it's someone close to then it's like it happened.
I'm a girl i'm allowed to fell this way. *tear*
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #157 on: June 25 2005, 02:03 pm »
that's what i've been trying to say.
it's like you think you know someone but one
day they just stab you in the worst way.
although it's never happened to me but if it's someone close to then it's like it happened.
I'm a girl i'm allowed to fell this way. *tear*

you mean she was close friends with him ? or you ?
girls... i still don't understand them
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #158 on: June 25 2005, 02:05 pm »
Read more carefully
she was a close friend to him.
this didn't happen to me
it happened to my guy Friend.
that's why i was upset.
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Re: Best of friends...
« Reply #159 on: June 25 2005, 02:09 pm »
but thats what i don't understand. why would a close friend even THINK about doing anything like that.
i guess thats what the Motto for California is. "Breaking Hearts just to Pass the Time"
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