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Disney to Produce Animation in Japan

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^ But what I'm worried about America, Disney tends to sugar coat things now.... but then again, if the animation is gonna be done by the Japanese, there's alot of hope there.


--- Quote from: Arcademan on March 07 2008, 05:15 am ---As far as the 'darkening' of Batman, news flash...THAT'S the way it should be!!! Batman started out a a creature of the night, a vigilante obsessed with justice to a point where if became necessary, he KILLED! Even carried a gun. Check out those old stories back in the late 1903's and early 40's.

--- End quote ---
Yes? That's exactly what I was saying. Those old stories were the ones I used to watch. What I was saying was that the prospect of a more light-hearted anime Batman scared me.


And if people dont wanna watch the long boring commetary, here's all the animated segments set to music:

They're making anything anime now. I think it's the same animation as Vampire Hunter D... (and no, I wasnt saying Disney had Batman, I was just using it as an example that now English made shows are becoming anime) XD

Møon Li:

 Don't, please! XD I don't like the idea... I wouldn't like that silly Disney things kill the specialty anime has... Disney is Disney and Japan is Japan hoho. That doesn't mean I don't like Disney, I do but I can't just imagine them "blended" :nono: anime has its particular originality does Disney... I don't knoe, let's see what will happen but still don't agree T_T hehe.

Hey, I think this is cool. As I recall, not all Disney is sugar coated. Like in Lion King 2, they killed off a few Lion's, one even comitted suiside.

Even if its not an animated movie, Apocalypto was made by Disney company.

So I wonder what they will do with this, but still "Stich" isn't my fav. show. I hope they have other plans then just that.


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