General Discussions > Anything goes...

is CW Dead?

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Uh...let's not. Code Geass is good but overrated IMO.

And having a Bleach sub-forum isn't a bad idea...


--- Quote from: Arcademan on July 22 2008, 10:44 pm ---Uh...let's not. Code Geass is good but overrated IMO.

And having a Bleach sub-forum isn't a bad idea...

--- End quote ---
Keyword: IMO

Derive the meaning of this post by understanding the significance of that simple acronym.

Konata Izumi:
well, looks like CW is dead, and with TRC/xxxholic ending soon, I doubt it will get any lively soon, sorry to say.

I miss a lot of people here, and I sometimes pass by here to check on things, and little has changed.

oh well. I hope the older members can pass by here sometime as well. I miss them all.

Then there are old members like me who still frequent the site daily for signs of life here are there :)

Kasawa Lanford:
And still a few of us staff here, though I rarely post due to not finding topics that catch my interest (those that do, are older topics)


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