I liked Chobits, manga a little more than the anime though. LMAO, at first, I thought it was kind of dirty how Chii is 'turned on'. >_< Hideki was okay, not my favourite bishie though....too much fantasies about porn and girls

Chii got really annoying in the anime though. How many times does one have to say: "Chii!" its like, "ARGH, SAY SOMETHING ELSE!" ^^"
I thought it was okay, the music in the anime was cute and sugary, much like CCS, hmm, however, I loved Ninygo Hime the best, Let me be with you,was a good song, but got on my nerves after awhile. The opening was adorable in terms of visuals, lip singing, lmao!
I have to say, my favourite persocom was Sumomo, just because I like loud, obnoxious, but very cute things!
The underwear episode made me laugh so hard, lmao, That had to be the best episode, of them all! *cries*
I'm done now ^^"