that one gang first finds sakura and takes her somewhere after eating... and then shogo however his name is spelled... i only watched the raw version... anyway! he talked to that other gang and took sakura away... i thought it was sweet how he gave his hand and sakura took it! but it was sad!!
;_; cause that was NOT syaoran! i was about to cry!!
add more laters
Sakura helped the gang to turn over a new leaf, and the gang decides to leave Sakura's safety to Shougo, probably because they know Shougo would return her to Syaoran, but this gives Primella a new reason to be pissed off at him... heh.
About the clothes- changing, I think that is a part of her "body's" memories, where it retains an "instinct" for Sakura to do certain things that have been somewhat a routine for her in the past- eating, walking, talking, changing clothes, approaching Syaoran and grabs his hands for no apparent reasonÂ

But... she can't say much, since she only has one feather, probably only enough to give her the mind of a kindergartener, cloudy- headed and lack of speech (kind of like Chii, possessing only instincts and simple movements). When she has more feathers, she'll regain some of that original Sakura persona, just wait and see!