^heh your SD watenuki avatar is cute
1 Yue (my first loev ~_^)
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool)
4 Watenuki kimihiro
5 inuyasha (human form)
6 Helios (sailor moon super s)
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars,
here (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O]
heh...thas all i can think of... yeah, lame for stopping at 9