AuthorTopic: Top 10 Bishies  (Read 38287 times)

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #100 on: July 29 2006, 04:35 am »
1. Syaoran (CCS and TRC)
2. Narumi Ayumu (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
3. Daisuke (DNAngel)
4. Coud (Erementar Gerad)
5. Titi (Sequence)
6. Kyou (Fruits Basket)
7. Kotarou (Pita Ten)
8. Nyah (Pita-Ten)
9. Negi (Mahou Sensei Negima)
10. Bankotsu (Inuyasha)

EDITING --  I adore Hiro-kun~
1. Syaoran (CCS and TRC)
2. Narumi Ayumu (Spiral Suiri no Kizuna)
3. Daisuke (DNAngel)
4. Coud (Erementar Gerad)
5. Hiro <333333 (Fruits Basket)
6. Kyou (Fruits Basket)
7. Kotarou (Pita Ten)
8. Nyah (Pita-Ten)
9. Negi (Mahou Sensei Negima)
10. TeiTei (Sequence)
« Last Edit: July 29 2006, 05:32 am by bie liao »
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The smile her highness gave me was so warm.  Just looking at it, I felt a warmth in my own chest.  I thought that I always, always wanted to see her smile. - Syaoran, TRC Volume 4

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #101 on: July 29 2006, 05:10 am »
In no particular order (because I couldn't decide ^^;)...

Fai (TRC)
Kurogane (TRC)
Subaru (Tokyo Babylon/X)
Touya (CCS/TRC)
Doumeki (xxxHOLiC)
Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon/X)
Wolfram (KKM)
Ed (FMA)
Ritsuka (Loveless)
Kakashi (Naruto)

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #102 on: August 02 2006, 09:04 pm »
1) Kurama
2) Kurama
3) Kurama
4) Kurama
5) Kurama
6) Kurama
7) Kurama
8) Kurama
9) Kurama
10) Kurama

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #103 on: August 03 2006, 05:38 am »
mine's not really in a particular order either...eheh...but anyways...

1) Cloud!! (FFVII)
2) Syaoran (TRC)
3) Hikaru (OHSHC)
4) Tamaki (OHSHC)
5) Kyou (Fruits Basket)
6) Kaoru (OHSHC)
7) Kurogane (TRC)
8) Kurou (Love Monster)
9) Sesshomaru (Inuyasha)
10) Takashi (Mori) (OHSHC...again lol)
« Last Edit: August 04 2006, 08:23 am by xx_chibirosie_xx »

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #104 on: August 03 2006, 02:43 pm »
I couldn't decide; so here are mine in no particular order XD

Sora (KH 1 & 2) (<--Would he be considered one? o_O)
Syaoran (CCS)
Kyou (Furuba)
Hatori (Furuba)
Momiji (Furuba)
Rui (Hana Yori Dango)
Eriol (CCS)
Roy (FMA)
Cloud (FFVII)
Kurogane (TRC)

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #105 on: October 07 2006, 04:44 pm »
mine would be.........
 1-Syaoran-kun!! (TRC)
2-Fye-san!! (TRC)
3-Kuro-pon!! (TRC)
4-Kamui (X)
5-Kyouya (OHSHC)
6-Seishirou (Tokyo Babylon)
7-Watanuki-kun!! (xxxHOLiC)
8-Yue (CCS)
9-Touya (TRC)
10-Roxas!! (KH II)

my fave!!   :inlove:   :inlove:

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #106 on: October 07 2006, 04:55 pm »
^heh your SD watenuki avatar is cute

1 Yue (my first loev ~_^)
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool)
4 Watenuki kimihiro
5 inuyasha (human form)
6 Helios (sailor moon super s)
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O] (here. DAMN he;s hot. too bad im not into SC XP)
10 Senri (cute 16 year old kid. he;s the sielent and sdtrong type. he;s also very protective when it comes to younger kids.
heh...thas all i can think of... yeah, lame for stopping at 9 :dodge:

changing my #6 to to Agatsama Soubi. [his first name is Soubi ^^] from Loveless. he's sweet and kind and well HOT ^^ cant decide which looks cuter tho: hair up or hair down both are very bishonen. (he looks way hotter in the manga tho. but with the anime you get to see his blue eyes in color :inlove:

so my new list is as follows:

1 Yue (my first loev ~_^) [CCS]
2 Sesshomaru (bad @$$ with a heart of gold [Inuyasha]
3 Fai D flowright. (*pokes siggie* so mysterious, so funny, so cool) [TRC]
4 Agatsama Soubi [Loveless]
5 Watenuki kimihiro [HOLiC]
6 inuyasha (human form) [inuyasha]
7 Neflite [nephrite](sailor Moon)
8 Seiya (sailor moon stars, here (note: the girl hanging off his shoulders, in case your not an sm fan or just dont know, is his sailor form. yes, a guy turning into a girl is one of the reasons SM stars was never dubbed)
9 Jin (samurai champloo, [even tho i dont watch the show, he is tre cool and i saw an image in anime insiderhim with his haori open and his hair down O.O](here DAMN he;s hot O.O too bad im nt into SC XP]
10 Senri (cute 16 year old kid. he;s the sielent and sdtrong type. he;s also very protective when it comes to younger kids.) [+Anima]
« Last Edit: October 07 2006, 06:48 pm by Super Sailor Yue »
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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #107 on: October 07 2006, 06:00 pm »
Since picking 10 bishies is easy I decided to just pick 1 guy per series (or else I  could just take something like Tenipuri and get 10 guys solely from it).  This is in no order (except Aya).

1. Aya (Weiss Kruez)
2. Tamaki (Ouran High School Host Club)
3. Tezuka (Prince of Tennis)
4. Tsuzuki (Yami no Matsuei)
5. Fay (Tsubasa: RC)
6. Subaru (X)
7. Dark (DN Angel)
8. Yuki (Gravitation)
9. Lui (Meine Liebe)
10. the Maou (Kyou Kara Maou)
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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #108 on: October 09 2006, 11:04 pm »
1) Kakashi (Naruto)
2) Sesshoumaru (Inuyasha)
3) Fai (TRC)
4) Reishin (Saiunkoku)
5) Shueei (Saiunkoku)
6) Fuuma (X/1999)
7) Kouyuu (Saiunkoku)
8) Kurogane (TRC)
9) Miroku (Inuyasha)
10) Yuto (X/1999)

After all this time, I still think Kakashi's hotness/coolness is unsurpassable. :D Got difficult there at the end since I don't really consider Kurogane and Miroku bishies, just that I like them alot. Many from Saiunkoku since I'm really liking this series. Reishin's so very sexy. :lol:

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #109 on: October 10 2006, 12:41 am »
1) Kurogane (TRC)
2) Howl (Howl's moving castle)
3) Jin (Samurai Champloo)
4) L (Death note)
5) Mello (Death Note)
6) Kyouya (Ouran HSHC)
7) Fai (TRC)
8) Kakashi (Naruto)
9) Imai (Girl got game)
10) Tamaki (Ouran HSHC)

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #110 on: October 10 2006, 12:53 am »
1. Fuuma (X)
2. Kurogane (TRC)
3. Touya (CCS)
4. Sanzo (Saiyuki)
5. Yasha (RG Veda)
6. Soubi (Loveless)
7. Mori (Ouran Host Club)
8. Haine (Dogs)
9. Asami (Viewfinder)
10. L (Death Note)

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #111 on: October 10 2006, 02:43 am »
01. Duo Maxwell ~ Gundam Wing
02. Seto Kaiba ~ Yugiou
03. Nara Shikamaru ~ Naruto
04. Touya ~ CCS
05. Sanji ~ One Piece
06. Kurogane ~ TRC
07. Tamaki-sama ~ Ouran koko
08. Hanatarou ~ Bleach      =P
09. Kyou-kun ~ Fruits Basket
10. Shigeki ~ Whistle!

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Re: Top 10 Bishies
« Reply #112 on: October 10 2006, 02:58 am »
1) Kurogane (TRC)
2) Fai D. Flowright (TRC)
3) Watanuki Kimihiro (xxxholic)
4) Doumeki shizuka (xxxholic)
5) Chrno (Chrno Crusade)
6) Kazahaya (Legal drug)
7) Ryuou (Legal drug)
8) Kyo Sohma (fruits basket)
9) Kakashi sensei (naruto)
10) Kusinagi (Blue Seed