I'M A RINGWORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've seen 'Ring', 'Ring 2', Ring 0', 'The Ring', 'The Ring Virus' and 'Rasen'.
I've seen 'Ringu', I loved it. I also thought the remake was a little... weird... Rachel and Noah didn't seem to be in love to me. They had no chestry whatsoever. Ryuji seemed to really still care for Reiko, and I think that was very upset about his death, but she realised that she has to think fast. Remember how Ryuji was the brain of the movie? Reiko was desperate. I mean, if you're husband died, but there was still a risk your kids gonna die, isn't better to save the kid and morn for your ex-hubby later?
But, anyway, Sadako is the freaky and scariest thing I have come across since... ages! She never showed her face and you were like 'Agh! What's she got to hide?' and then... Ewwwwww! I cried at the end when Ryuji died, the poor guy didn't deserve it! I seriously weeped for him, and the way Reiko look the lose was so beautiful and quite mornful. I just loved Yoichi, he's such a sweet kid! (bare in mind, before you question me that I have seen this movie over 103 times now, and still counting. I've taken such a great view on it that I'm so sad.... I wrote an essay on it!)
But don't get me wrong, I love Noah! He was a right laugh! That bit where he's running with the hose, and it isn't long enough so he goes shooting backwards... It was so funny I cried with laughter. Not to mention him screaming at the sun! "Damn you Mr Sun!" Okay well maybe he didn't say that, but he was thinking it. I think the Japanese one was more serious and realistic. I loved Ryuji so much, and he and Reiko were get together. Best movie bond I've ever, ever seen...
I guess it's fair to say that 'Ring' is my favourite movie. ^_^