AuthorTopic: Tsubasa Chronicle...Clow reed?  (Read 12936 times)

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Offline Kaptan

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle...Clow reed?
« Reply #20 on: September 07 2005, 07:52 pm »
It's really hard to understand but in CCS Fujitaka was one part of clow and sakura's father,in TRC Clow is her father.
It's kind of same thing.Because in two worlds she is Clow's blood relation.Even Yuuko mention it in xxx holic 2.
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Offline silvertsukuyomi

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle...Clow reed?
« Reply #21 on: September 08 2005, 05:32 am »
It's really hard to understand but in CCS Fujitaka was one part of clow and sakura's father,in TRC Clow is her father.
It's kind of same thing.Because in two worlds she is Clow's blood relation.Even Yuuko mention it in xxx holic 2.

Yeah...that's about right.  But I'm gonna reiterate what you said.
In CCS, Fujitaka is half of Clow Reed's reincarnation.  And Eriol is the other half.  (Which spurrs all sorts of random thoughts).  In TRC we know that Clow Reed was king of Clow Country and is Touya and Sakura's father.  (Which just confuses me more).  But also, aren't only xxxholic and TRC linked in some form or fashion?

Offline ggctuk

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle...Clow reed?
« Reply #22 on: March 19 2008, 07:01 pm »
Naw. I don't think that'd be right.

However, if you noticed, the Clow Reed Yuuko often mentions must be the same Clow Reed of CCS since xxxHOLiC and CCS allegedly take place in the same world (this also raises the question of 'Syaoran''s origins). I also think that Clow Country's Reed might have been in contact with the CCS Clow, perhaps through dreams...

Offline Takeru

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Re: Tsubasa Chronicle...Clow reed?
« Reply #23 on: April 11 2008, 07:49 pm »
It is right. It's canon. Plus, I don't think there's any explicit connection between the CCS universe and the TRC/xHolic universe. Then again, I stopped following TRC way before it ended.

The relationships between the characters in TRC are all mixed up. Just because it is so in CCS doesn't mean it bodes the same for TRC. TRC is a whole different thing entirely.

Also: 3-year-old thread necromancy ftw
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