CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on September 12 2005, 06:57 am ---noooo...i don't want fai to die!! but he seems the most likely to, since he has no real goal to reach; he's just running from ashura... but if he does, then i agree with yuki-chan: kurogane better break down. in a way i can't wait for the ending of tsubasa, and many ways i can.

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OMG, I didn't think about that! He DOES seem very likely to die because of that! I mean, everyone has a goal 'cept him. Sakura needs all of her memories back, Syao Syao wants to get all of her memories, Kurorin wants to return home, but Fai's request is a never-ending one! O.O Nooo! *cries* He'll just keep running and running and running until... *grins* Hmm.. what if Ashura dies? Then Fai won't have to! Bwa ha ha, Fear not, Fai! I shall sacrifice Ashura for you, my love! No no, lemme rephrase that... for you, Kuro's love! Bwa ha ha!!! Time to prepare the sacrifice!

huumm....hopefully that won't happen!! but now i know yuki-chan or "otou-san" will be there to help fai! ^__^

i really should read rg veda to see what ashura's personality is like...unless someone on here can tell me? ^.^ is he really cold and manipulating like i've seen in lots of fanfics?

I don't know if he's really "manipulating"... He's just a man-wh*re... XD Really... I mean he *is*... But.... erm... I'm not very good at this... But he isn't exactly *nice*... He's just.. emotionless...

haauu! @_@  he doesn't sound like a very pleasant person... poor fai!! T__T


--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on September 12 2005, 09:28 am ---haauu! @_@ he doesn't sound like a very pleasant person... poor fai!! T__T

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True... He's very war-happy, as well.. And generally only cares about himself..


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