CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on October 17 2005, 02:19 pm ---Maybe the Ashura you've read about was about the cute reincarnation of Ashura... *is confused* I've only read the first two volumes, and I don't know much about the older Ashura-ou, but the little Ashura was all goodness...

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Wait, do you mean Ashura-Ou as in Ashura's father in RG Veda? Or do you mean the Ashura that's the main character?
Little Ashura was all goodness? So then Ashura *is* good in RG Veda? Because before Yuki's comment about Ashura being a man-whore, I'd only ever heard good things about Ashura in RG Veda.


--- Quote from: LadyUltima on October 17 2005, 02:28 pm ---Wait, do you mean Ashura-Ou as in Ashura's father in RG Veda? Or do you mean the Ashura that's the main character?
Little Ashura was all goodness? So then Ashura *is* good in RG Veda? Because before Yuki's comment about Ashura being a man-whore, I'd only ever heard good things about Ashura in RG Veda.

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Ashura-ou is Ashura's father? Err... either way, yeah, I meant the adult Ashura. ^_^;

Little Ashura has been goodness... so far at least. And I've only read up to the second volume. >_< Yuki-chan's probably gotten farther than me in RG Veda. I think when she was saying that he was a manwhore, she was referring to the adult Ashura, not the little one; the little one is most likely the one that you've heard good things about.

I think I need to read more of the series to find out! :haha:


--- Quote from: hoshisenshi on October 17 2005, 02:37 pm ---Ashura-ou is Ashura's father? Err... either way, yeah, I meant the adult Ashura. ^_^;

Little Ashura has been goodness... so far at least. And I've only read up to the second volume. >_< Yuki-chan's probably gotten farther than me in RG Veda. I think when she was saying that he was a manwhore, she was referring to the adult Ashura, not the little one; the little one is most likely the one that you've heard good things about.

I think I need to read more of the series to find out! :haha:

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From what I remember, Ashura's father is RG Veda was also called Ashura, and was a god-king, so he was called Ashura-Ou, also. That's what I meant. Though I think Ashura's father Ashura-Ou is dead pretty early on in the manga. I need to read it, too.

So, now the question goes back to you, Yuki. Have you read more of RG Veda? Does Ashura become a man-whore/****? Is he a manipulative bastard?

Since this is more just about Ashura and not Fai,
we should move this discussion about Ashura to his actual thread:

i suppose i should post my theory about Fai? Well, i'm sure it's been used already but...

I'm guessing that Ashura and Fai did have a relationship. (aka lovers) And that Ashura really was a good king.
However, remember how feathers can travel through time too? I think Ashura found a feather, which slowly started to turn him evil. Hence, he started killing off random civilians who he found suspicious. Perhaps he became a bit paranoid, that someone would take the feather away from him again.
Ofcourse, the people from Ceres would not stand for that. They started a revolution. Now, let us go back to the chapter where we first see Fai. Ceres country is destroyed and littered with bodies. Obviously, Ashura found out about the revolution and attacked all those people before they even reached the castle.
Now, Ashura's feelings for Fai were buried deep in his heart. Meaning that Ashura still trusted him, and never thought of killing him. Fai however, felt he had to take action (even though most of the people were already dead. Perhaps even all of them) but did not want to kill Ashura either. Hence, he decided to seal Ashura in that coffin, and let Chii keep watch over him. He left the world of Ceres because he was scared that if Ashura were to wake up, he would kill him too. (Only logical aint it? You seal a murderous king in a pond, that's like running around in a pen of bulls wearing nothing but red underwear.)
Fai ofcourse, didn't know about the feather. Ashura kept the damn thing to himself. Probably hid it somewhere.

So... that's my theory. I based an entire fanfic on that... ^^'


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