CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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Meowzy, thanks to you, now I'll have the image of Fai running around in red underwear stuck with me all day. XD

If there was a war on Celes I have a feeling Fai was not completely innocent. There's something in his expression that just screams 'guilty conscience', and I don't know if its just because he sealed Ashura. I think Fai might even have figured out that Ashura had a feather, but he's not saying anything yet because he doesn't want to go back. That's part of my theories. ^^;

Heheheheh... red underwear...

Guilty consciense eh? hmm...
"Really Ashura? You found some strange item that enhances your magical abilities? That sounds nice. You should totally use it without restraint."

or maybe...
"Help! the people are revolting! Ashura, you must stop them!"
*kaboom* *eathquake* *death/murder*
"Not like that!" O_O

I, too think that Fai is not entirely innocent. I think that Ashura started to turn evil at some point. Fai knew in his heart that Ashura was abusing his power, but because he loved Ashura he went along with Ashura's methods and goals, even using his magic powers to help, until it came to the point that Fai could no longer blind himself to the evil Ashura was committing. (I like to think that Chi had something to do with his realization.) Once Fai could no longer fool himself and could not live with what Ashura was doing, he was forced to rebel. Now he has to deal with the guilt of what he himself did for Ashura and for betraying his country by allowing Ashura to abuse his power, and probably some guilt for betraying Ashura since he did love Ashura and Ashura was his king. Guilt's irrational like that.

I'd never though about Ashura having a feather.... Interesting thought. And what with all the time traveling stuff that was thrown in the Shurano/Sharano storyline, it's entirely possible. But I disagree about the feather turning Ashura evil... The feathers don't turn anyone evil; they never have. When people have abused the power of the feathers, it's because the power of the feather gave them the ability to indulge their selfish, power-hungry side. It has never been because the feathers created that selfish side of a person.

****But I disagree about the feather turning Ashura evil... The feathers don't turn anyone evil; they never have. When people have abused the power of the feathers, it's because the power of the feather gave them the ability to indulge their selfish, power-hungry side. It has never been because the feathers created that selfish side of a person.****

     You're probably right, LadyUltima-san...  :hello2: when a person gained something powerful, they become corrupt & evil (umm. is that the right word?). Just like the presidents in our country...(Damn! I shoudn't say such things to my country... gomenasai! :sweatdrop: :heh: ) Maybe, Ashura-ou has just been carried away by the feather's power and became evil. The feather can't make a person evil because the feather is still from sakura and we all know that sakura has a very pure heart which means, the feather is also pure. It's just tainted by someone who has an evil will.

    As for the character discussion, When I first saw TRC in the net I already liked the big-kitty... I don't know why but there's something in him that makes me like him... Maybe it's his mysterious past and his mask... I like those kind of characters and once again I don't know why... Maybe because I can relate myself to them... Also, I like the way Fai-san controls his emotions... ummm.. being cold and have the guts to smile in a dangerous situation...

I LOVE FYE, i love his smile and, as -=kuro_woof= , i like the way he can control his emotions. i love all about him. :inlove:


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