CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
I have been reading the differents theories about Fye that you guys have here. There are some interesting ones.
Someone said something about Fye having a 'guilty conscience'. I have to agree with that, is just his expression when someody try to talk with him about his past. He had really big isues back in ceres.
But whatever it is I just love the character of Fye, he is so mysterious and a nice person. And I like the way he knows everything but just act like a foul.
Well that is my opinion. BYE
What age do you think Fye is? I know that Kuro-chin's age is estimated at around 20, but Fye acts so much more older at times, and like a child the rest of the time. But I can't imagine him to be just 19/20. Your opinions?
--- Quote from: Quimmy on November 26 2005, 05:02 am ---What age do you think Fye is? I know that Kuro-chin's age is estimated at around 20, but Fye acts so much more older at times, and like a child the rest of the time. But I can't imagine him to be just 19/20. Your opinions?
--- End quote ---
Hmmm... I've talked about this with a couple people now. I don't believe Kuro is that
young. I mean really, there are times in the anime that the man looks 40 years old. Weird.
And Clamp is screwy with ages.
I think Kuro is at least 28. And I've always just been certain that Fai
is a little older than Kuro. Maybe a year and a half, or maybe just six months older.
Well, because Fai's birthday is January 1st and Kuro's is July 1st. Exactly six months apart.
Okay, yeah, I made that up. XDÂ But it just fits... Fai would be winter, Kuro would be summer. And I have a whole script made up for when Fai finds out he's older. XD
28? Makes sense, but it's still almost too mature an age for Kuro. But I agree, Fye is definitely older by a year or so.
Y'think? I've always pictured Kuro as more of an autumn person, October at the latest. After all, reds become him!
*shoots self*
--- Quote from: Quimmy on November 26 2005, 05:52 am ---28? Makes sense, but it's still almost too mature an age for Kuro. But I agree, Fye is definitely older but a year or so.
Y'think? I've always pictured Kuro as more of an autumn person, October at the latest. After all, reds become him!
*shoots self*
--- End quote ---
28 really isn't that mature though, lol!
I still like the winter/summer thing, but yeah, I totally agree Kuro looks nice in red, but
he also looks nice out under the hot sun wearing nothing but... ^__^
Fai just seems winter to me because of his coloring and such, and I wanted to keep them
at opposites, since that is what's pulled them together, yin and yang.
*Now is picturing Fai and Kuro wrestling around in the autumn leaves* XD
Arigatou for this image, Quimmy!
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