CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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--- Quote from: AkaiYuki on January 26 2006, 03:14 pm ---Whoa! That sister thing would've been pretty awesome, but it'd be a little late for CLAMP to all of a sudden say he had a sister considering he's never mentioned her... Then again, he's never mentioned Chii, either... -_- How stupid is that? It's really getting old.. Did he forget she existed or something?

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Yesh, but see, Fai never mentioned anything from his past. The only thing the gang vaguely knows is that he's running away from a guy who is sleeping there. It might be that Kurogane is the only one who knows his name is Ashura. Seeing Sakura and Syoaran weren't around that time Fai flinched when a guy said Ashura's name.
He never mentioned what kind of a magician he used to be, he never mentioned anything about his family... Oh, he did mention that his country is cold, though.  But that's not sayin' much.
The sister thing... it could be a possibility.

Actually, I sometimes thought that maybe Fai's tattoo surpresses all magic. Not just 'I'm going psycho' magic. Then again, that would mean Fai would be pretty damn useless as a mage, wouldn't he? XD
Mage 1: Hey, let's go to the bar!
Mage 2: Alright!
Fai: Can I come too?...
Mage 1: ... No. It's a... magic only bar. For REAL mages.
Fai: Awwwwww... V_V

Well, since chapter 106 came out, I guess (read as: praying like hell in front of the almighty nodding cat) that we'll soon find out Fai's reason for not using magic. I think that I'll miss speculating, speculating was fun, but then again, not knowing was killing me.

--- Quote ---Whoa! That sister thing would've been pretty awesome, but it'd be a little late for CLAMP to all of a sudden say he had a sister considering he's never mentioned her... Then again, he's never mentioned Chii, either...  How stupid is that? It's really getting old.. Did he forget she existed or something?
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It would be intersting, though, but if it was true it would rule out the possibility of the FaixChi romantic relationship...sort of. :sweatdrop:


--- Quote from: Mizu-Tenshi on February 16 2006, 05:54 pm ---It would be intersting, though, but if it was true it would rule out the possibility of the FaixChi romantic relationship...sort of. :sweatdrop:

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Ick, ruling out the possiblility of Fai and Chii in a romantic relationship is NO problem with me whatsoever! In fact, I'd prefer for it to be ruled out ASAP! XD

Anyway, OMG my fellow Fai fans!!! What do you guys think will become of this whole whistling thing?! Fai will DEFINITELY have some explaining to do in the next chapter, but how can we possibly just wait around for the next week or so to find out?!?! I mean, what ELSE could he be lying about? ((He probably reads kanji like a pro and can eat with chopsticks blind-folded! XD Heh heh, JK...))

I bet there will be tons of theorizing going on in here for a while, ne? XD


--- Quote from: Mizu-Tenshi on February 16 2006, 05:54 pm ---It would be intersting, though, but if it was true it would rule out the possibility of the FaixChi romantic relationship...sort of. :sweatdrop:

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And that's... bad?...

I wonder how the anime will depict that whistling. Will it be just one short whistle? Or a short tune? Or maybe it starts as a short tune, and then echoes into this big pretty song in the background. ^_^
Will it be Fai's theme, or something completely new and mystical?
(I think about the stupidest things, don't I?)


--- Quote from: Mizu-Tenshi on February 16 2006, 05:54 pm ---It would be intersting, though, but if it was true it would rule out the possibility of the FaixChi romantic relationship...sort of. :sweatdrop:

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--- Quote from: Meowzy on February 16 2006, 11:52 pm ---And that's... bad?...
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I completely agree with Meowzy. That's bad how exactly? And besides, I've never had any trouble ruling out the possibility of FaixChi. Chi has Hideki. End of story.

--- Quote from: Meowzy on February 16 2006, 11:52 pm ---I wonder how the anime will depict that whistling. Will it be just one short whistle? Or a short tune? Or maybe it starts as a short tune, and then echoes into this big pretty song in the background. ^_^
Will it be Fai's theme, or something completely new and mystical?
(I think about the stupidest things, don't I?)

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No, that's a good question. I think it will be something more than simply a whistle, though. You can pull that off in a manga, but it would be harder in an anime; it would seem more anticlimatic. I think it would probably be a new tune, though.

Somebody mentioned in the Chapitre 106 thread that this completely destroys the theory that Fai hasn't been using his magic because he can't control it very well. I agree; just thought I'd mention that. 'Course, I have the feeling that a great many of our theories are going to be destroyed once we finally find out what exactly happened in Fai's past.


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