CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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***Fye referred to Aschura as a "she" in fact like the other characters he meets her counterpart in the Kudan world!***

Ashura is a man.
Maybe there was a mistake in the subtitle?

I don't know if Ashura was good or bad in R.G. Veda, but I have the feeling Fai had to seal him away because he feared what he would do.

I was wondering about the different spellings of his names too. Cuz Fye does seem different in pronunciation than Fai. Fai seems like the English way to spell it though, so is it maybe that Fye really is pronounced Faye in another language, and thats why they translated it like they did? ... i dunno if I make sense.

Anyhoo, I do love Fai sooo much. You can tell that under his playful face he has many secrets. Still, for such a mysterious background (and it seems so dark too), he can make so many jokes and be so lovable. <I especially loved when he gave everyone names in the Country of Oto> ...He's very sexy too, I think (creepy, but yes).

^_^  I havent seen him in the episodes though (because I havent seen any of them), is he different in them? Like, do they change his importance or role any?

Ruby Chan: me, Fai seems less..real in the anime. That's a bad description, but that's all I can thikn of. He seems to have less character development, and you don't get as attached to him as you do in the manga.

***I was wondering about the different spellings of his names too. Cuz Fye does seem different in pronunciation than Fai.***

I don't think the pronunciation is any different. I think changing names from Kana or Kanji to Romaji can be kind of tricky sometimes.
In the books here in the U.S. it was first spelled Fye then changed to Fai.
So that's where those spellings come from. Looks like in Japan, the way to spell it would be Fay, but I'm not sure why really. Seems like they would be more likely to use the Fai spelling. I don't think I see too many words where they use a y in place of i.

*** me, Fai seems less..real in the anime. That's a bad description, but that's all I can thikn of. He seems to have less character development, and you don't get as attached to him as you do in the manga.***

That's how I feel too, Ruby Chan.
I hope that we see more character developement for him in the anime soon.
Until then, I just fill it in myself, since I fell in love with him in the Manga first anyway! :O)

In the Anime they spell it Fye and I think that's sounds much better, or?
It's the right name for a so cool guy!!!

Fye-san 4-ever!!!^^


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