CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
S. Espoire:
Yes i thought that is where Fai+Kurogane fans got that idea coz there isn't anything like that in the anime or manga, is there?
Actually when i saw TRC poster for the first time i thought (just like many other ppl) that it was just a nicelly made fanart and in that for a long time i kept thinking that they were yukito and toya. Untill i joined this forum and got 2 know a lot more about TRC.
Ruby Chan:
I saw the scans of when the ganga drop into that world with Ashura-ou today...poor Fai goes so pale...and he shows a true side of him when he says about how Kurogane is more observant than he thought...he looks very shifty.
Gasp! Would Fai betray the gang to keep away from Ashura?
***I saw the scans of when the ganga drop into that world with Ashura-ou today...poor Fai goes so pale...and he shows a true side of him when he says about how Kurogane is more observant than he thought...he looks very shifty.***
Ruby Chan, I LOVE that part!
I am reluctant to admit it, but Fai and Kurogane are probably what is making me the craziest about Tsubasa! I want to know what happens SO bad.
I knew that Clamp wouldn't let us down the moment I saw Kurogane pull out his sword on Fai. At that moment we know that Kurogane knows whats up with Fai, but isn't sure what to do about it.
***Gasp! Would Fai betray the gang to keep away from Ashura?***
Betray? I doubt it.
Run..maybe. I think Kurogane has his eye on him though.
Fai's obviously not afraid of what Ashura will do to him physically, but
mentally is another story.
I so wish I knew what happened between them.
And what about all that time Kurogane and Fai have spent together?
Those months alone.
Who knows if maybe they bonded?
Maybe that is time those two characters needed to become trusting of eachother.
Well, somewhat anyway.
And when Ashura comes, if Fai just gives himself up out of guilt or whatever, will Kurogane protect him?
Ruby Chan:
Probably....He got all upset before when Fai got hurt, didn't he? As for bonding...sad, but doubtful. They couldn't speak, remember?
Perhaps betray is too strong a word...but it's very likely that Fai would run, and the gang would have to search thatworld to find him...then when he's found, he could tell the stroy of what REALLY happened.
I's not the pyshical thing he's afraid of...more the mental, I'd guess.
Fai is love. :haha: I wanna see more of him and learn more about him and care about him. ^^
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