CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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slightly off topic
although sometimes BeeTrain manages to make Fay look like his gorgeous manga self you have to admit that anime!Kuro is just plain ugly...

Sailor Yue-chan:

--- Quote from: falka on August 26 2006, 03:52 am ---slightly off topic
although sometimes BeeTrain manages to make Fay look like his gorgeous manga self you have to admit that anime!Kuro is just plain ugly...

--- End quote ---
indeed. BT will NEVER beable to cpture kuro's sexiness in the recent manga chapters :(

yeah,Kurogane's design compared to Fai is rather bungled,there is often a gap between their faces on the same screen,which makes me think that Beetrain only concentrate their works on Fai because they knew that he would be more appreciated by girls than Kurogane,thought  for me we can't love one without the other,due to the fact that their relationship is priceless  :keke:

but however we can't deny that they have greatly improve the quality of the animation in season two,which means that season three could be again much better  :okay:

(season one,Fai's haircut is an horror and Kurogane is lacking cruelly of details  :sweatdrop:)

(season two,Beetrain has finally bought a comb for Fai,and we can see some of Kurogane's muscles  :rotfl:)

well, I agree that probably most girls are fawning over Fay not Kuro (I used be like that too, frankly, I madly fell in love in Kurogane thanks to the latest chapters XD)

BT will never be able to  pull of Fay's hair successfully. in the manga it looks so wonderfully messy and  soft, but it all turns dull in the anime.
and Kuro is just a disaster. most of the time he is too slim, and what about the ears and pointy teeth in Piffle (foreshadowing?!? you've got the wrong person BT!!!).

btw in one of the latest episodes I noticed that Fay and Sakura have almost identical dos... BeeTrain is being lazy (again)?

edit> sorry for being off topic again  :sweatdrop:

don't worry,you are not off-topic,after all how can we speak about Fai without mentionned Kurogane ???

about Fai's eye,i'm totally amazed by the way Beetrain bring them to the fore  :keke:.
but when i think about it,Beetrain doesn't have much work to do on Fai's expressions since he is always closing his eyes in a smile  :haha:!
and moreover in Tokyo arc they will have even less chore because Fai will lose his left eye,so they will only have to draw from time to time one sparkling blue eye when Fai will not smile  :okay:

i wanna drown in his beautiful eyes  :rotfl:


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