CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
*sighs* such pretty eyes.
But I'm having the urge to photoshop in an eyepatch in all those pictures. :rotfl:
XD Hahahaha.
I honestly HATE the anime. Gah. But back to being on-topic!
KxF FTW!!!
S. Espoire:
I simply love Fai's blond hairs and blue eyes. :inlove:
--- Quote from: S. Espoire on September 02 2006, 02:28 am ---I simply love Fai's blond hairs and blue eyes. :inlove:
--- End quote ---
blue eyes blue eyes...
In this Chapter 126, Yuko say's Fai is the oldest of the group because of his magic, just how old I wounder?
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