CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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Blue eye.  :tongue3:

--- Quote from: Smile_For_Me on September 02 2006, 04:10 am ---In this Chapter 126, Yuko say's Fai is the oldest of the group because of his magic, just how old I wounder?

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It really didn't surprise me to learn he's a lot older than he looks; often CLAMP characters who are strong in magic have long lifespans.  I'd say Fai's at least 100, but he's probably a lot older than that; somewhere in between 100-1000.

Sailor Yue-chan:
not having read many other CLAMP works, i mysself dont like calling fai THAT old. id say probably in his 30s for me :-/

I agree as well- I imagined Fye being at least 25 and Kurogane 27 somewhere in between their 25-30s.
By what I read from the manga in chapter 126, I understood that Fye's lifespan was already long due to his strong power.
She mentioned his lifespan, not that he was already 100 years old or taht he was old, for taht matter.
He could live up to 200 and still look young, I suppose, but she didn't say "Fye is the oldest of the group"


--- Quote from: Super Sailor Yue on September 02 2006, 08:27 am ---not having read many other CLAMP works, i mysself dont like calling fai THAT old. id say probably in his 30s for me :-/

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Ever read MKR?  There's a kid in it who looks 12 but is really around 740. ^_~

The fact that Fai has an unnaturally long lifespan was mentioned, but nothing was said about Fai's actual age, or that he was the oldest member of the group. Leastways, before the apparent confusion between the two possible interpretations of one of Yuuko's lines (I've seen it translated as both "Kurogane, your life is longer now too" and "[Fai] has already lived quite a bit longer than you, Kurogane.") it's difficult to say. However, just because he HAS a long lifespan doesn't automatically make him around 100.

While I agree it's more likely for Fai to have a three-digit age (if it was mentioned, he probably does) but Yuuko never said he'd lived long enough to really reap the benefits of an expanded life. He could very well be 24 and expecting to live to 1000 or something like that. However, I think that Fai's age, when one considers his lifespan, is probably around the equivalent to Kurogane's.

((And before chapter 126, I always pictured Fai to be in his 20s. He doesn't look old enough to be over thirty, IMO.))


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