CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
yeah,it's very hard to guess how old is Fai,because the contrast with his personnality is fooling us :surprised::
even if he has got more than hundred years old,he is far from behaving like a "old wise",on the contrary he is acting like a child,always teasing,playing,smiling like a innoccent kid who has just started to discover the outside world :keke:
...but however in the same time he seems to be fed up of life,totally depressed and unwilling to take care of himself,like if he was letting himself slowly dying :( the reason could be because he has already lived since a long time and that he couldn't bear anymore to drag his past burden :sweatdrop:
maybe that Fai's "true life" has begun when he has left his world and that he started travelling with Kurogane,Shaolan,and Sakura,because it was at this very moment that he has found the real signification of his life  :wink:
Well considering who Fai is, and what his past is/was or whatever the heck it was, messed him up, and he's only acting the way he thinks others act, ei children...., I'm sure its some sort of disorder.
Hey, just listen a song and made me think of Fai,
James Blunt "Out of my mind" I think it fits him, considering the latest chapters
the oldest in the group would be mokona :)
I'd guess Fai was also in a three digit age, but a low one. People(cultures) perhaps mature differently when they live longer. however, I certainly don't think he acts his age, even if he is in his 20s.
Of course, ACT, is the key word here. He certainly has scars/disorders/complexes though, and that can make him seem both younger and older, depending on whihc one you focus on.
*off topic*
Eleath, your sig. is beautiful. ^.~
--- Quote from: Elenath on September 02 2006, 09:46 am ---She mentioned his lifespan, not that he was already 100 years old or taht he was old, for taht matter.
He could live up to 200 and still look young, I suppose, but she didn't say "Fye is the oldest of the group"
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--- Quote from: Emiko on September 02 2006, 10:27 am ---The fact that Fai has an unnaturally long lifespan was mentioned, but nothing was said about Fai's actual age, or that he was the oldest member of the group. Leastways, before the apparent confusion between the two possible interpretations of one of Yuuko's lines (I've seen it translated as both "Kurogane, your life is longer now too" and "[Fai] has already lived quite a bit longer than you, Kurogane.") it's difficult to say. However, just because he HAS a long lifespan doesn't automatically make him around 100.
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If you read this translation: ( wich I think is very reliable since the translator is half japanese, you will see that Yuuko actually said: “In fact, Kurogane. He has already lived several time more than you.”
So yeah, Fay seems to be several years older than Kurogane… but at the same time, he seems to be a young magician, I mean, Yuuko refers to him as a “child” ... so, if you compare him with a human he could be old, but as a magician he must be very young… I’d say around 50-100 maybe more, but it's difficult to say… :keke:
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