CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
--- Quote from: Ruk-chan on September 15 2006, 02:39 am ---So yeah, Fay seems to be several years older than Kurogane… but at the same time, he seems to be a young magician, I mean, Yuuko refers to him as a “child” ... so, if you compare him with a human he could be old, but as a magician he must be very young… I’d say around 50-100 maybe more, but it's difficult to say… :keke:
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That's what I think as well. I think compared to his own kind, he's probably young, which is part of the reason why I think he's so scared of Ashura-ou and why he's reluctant to talk about his own past; there have been times when he's simply looked like a scared child, needing comfort.
In Manga 3, Del Res's Ver., pg 109, The Kiishim call's the three fighters "Amusing Chidren."
Fai laughs and says its a nice compliment, While Kuro gets all ticked that she called them children...
Heh? Well, we just have to wait till CLAMP gives us a real Age. Darn.
Yes, I saw that too.
Somehow, I get the feeling that everyone has thought of this before me... but whatever. I was thinking about something last night: we know that happy attitude is as fake as it gets, but how long has this act been going on? Somehow, it feels a bit strange to assume that something terribly awful happened just minutes before Fai arriving at Yuuko's place that made him put on that mask, but then, the only option left would be that he has been wearing that fake smile for a longer time. Joking away the fact that Terrible Things *dun dun dun dun* were going on in Celes and him being part of them? Maybe another argument for the "Fai suffers from guilty conscience" side.
Oh, and sorry if this has been discussed before.
--- Quote from: Ando on September 18 2006, 02:55 am ---Somehow, I get the feeling that everyone has thought of this before me... but whatever. I was thinking about something last night: we know that happy attitude is as fake as it gets, but how long has this act been going on? Somehow, it feels a bit strange to assume that something terribly awful happened just minutes before Fai arriving at Yuuko's place that made him put on that mask, but then, the only option left would be that he has been wearing that fake smile for a longer time. Joking away the fact that Terrible Things *dun dun dun dun* were going on in Celes and him being part of them? Maybe another argument for the "Fai suffers from guilty conscience" side.
Oh, and sorry if this has been discussed before.
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I agree the whole mask thing has been going on for a very long time. It's a huge cliche that royal courts are filled with intrigue and backstabbing, so every courtier must create a mask to hide their feelings for political reasons. Since Fai was assumedly an important member of Ashura's court he would have learned to hide his feelings in the same way to avoid political trouble, and once Terrible Things *dun dun dun* © started happening, he used the same coping mechanism.
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