CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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So, I was flipping through book one of Tsubasa today, and I came across that one pannel where there are all the presumably-dead bodies in Fai's word. And this is just a theory, but, what if they aren't actually dead? What if all those people are sleeping, like Ashura? Yes, there's blood there, but Clamp faked us out with Syaoran and the clone "controlling" him, so it follows that they'd potentially do the same with Fai's past.

A lot of people, Del Rey included, seem to think those people are there in the aftermath of a battle, but Fai and Ashura seem to be very close and, on Fai's part at least, affectionate towards each other. So why would they fight? And if they *did* decide to fight each other, if some sort of circumstance turned them against each other, why get other people involved? Fai said himself that he doesn't want people getting hurt by getting involved with him. Now, admittedly this statement could have been made BECAUSE people have gotten involved with him and gotten hurt, but Fai seems like the kind of person who will do anything to avoid fighting. And frankly, in all the pictures we've seen of Ashura, he appears very gentle and not hostile at all.

So, that's my Fai-theory for the day XD

What if the people tryed to save Fai from Ashura-ou? Or Fai just sealed him away because he was getting to power hungry? I hope we get to see his past soon, and in soon, I mean uh like now if they read this site...which would be cool

I'm still in the "Fai did bad things in the past" camp.  Expecially after the way CLAMP is handling Himawari, I feel like Fai has a history of hurting the ones he loves, and being hurt by them also.  I don't know that he is "bad luck" neccesarily,  but I do think he has unwillingly hurt others in the past.


--- Quote from: Emiko on September 18 2006, 03:37 am ---So, I was flipping through book one of Tsubasa today, and I came across that one pannel where there are all the presumably-dead bodies in Fai's word. And this is just a theory, but, what if they aren't actually dead? What if all those people are sleeping, like Ashura? Yes, there's blood there, but Clamp faked us out with Syaoran and the clone "controlling" him, so it follows that they'd potentially do the same with Fai's past.

A lot of people, Del Rey included, seem to think those people are there in the aftermath of a battle, but Fai and Ashura seem to be very close and, on Fai's part at least, affectionate towards each other. So why would they fight? And if they *did* decide to fight each other, if some sort of circumstance turned them against each other, why get other people involved? Fai said himself that he doesn't want people getting hurt by getting involved with him. Now, admittedly this statement could have been made BECAUSE people have gotten involved with him and gotten hurt, but Fai seems like the kind of person who will do anything to avoid fighting. And frankly, in all the pictures we've seen of Ashura, he appears very gentle and not hostile at all.

So, that's my Fai-theory for the day XD

--- End quote ---

Maybe they were fighting and then they all fell asleep, and that's why there's blood around them - from the wounds they inflicted on each other? An interesting thought. It makes me think of Sleeping Beauty, though. Maybe there was battle going on and Fai stopped it by putting everyone to sleep...? That still leaves the question of how Ashura-ou was involved and why Fai had to run away.

Why would they fight is a big question. You're right - neither of them is the type to start a battle. And they don't seem to be set against each other, unless Fai has managed to turn Ashura-ou totally against him (though I can't imagine how - Ashura-ou isn't very fierce).

I'm in the "Fai did bad things" camp as well, I think, though he might have done them unintentionally. Ashura-ou as well.

Hey, just found this, do you think Fai was built off of Faust?

If thats so then.......poor Fai/Faust

Just a fan looking around


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