CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
I really like Fai. He's awesome. <3
I have this theory about Fai's past. Since he was close to Ashura-ou he probably did something he thought it was okay or good for the people/citizens, but ended in a tradegy, and now Ashura-ou is hunting him down to make him pay for what he did, and he's probably ashamed about what he did, or fears the outcome. He probably fears regretion or getting the kids dissapointed about what he did.
Also, he could've done something really terrible meaning it after having a fight with Ashura-ou, and now he's running like hell out of his world for his life. ._.
Ruby Chan:
I'm starting to think that maybe Fai could have a very dark side....and that he's possibly betrayed Syaoran-tachi in some way. Because even though he helps them out a lot, and acts so nice, I'm wondering whether those guilty looks have another meaning closer to home.
Plus, CLAMP like to use that little plot device a of the main friendly characters has a dark secret that affects the group.
So, guys, since there was an Ashura mention, and subsequently another FaiAshura hint, in chapter 131, maybe we should discuss that?
I think that since Fai mentioned Ashura "taking him with him", according to Pikari's translation, that we should probably look back to the bar scene in Outo when Fai was like, "I was always waiting for the one who would take me away" or whatever *paraphrase'd* ^_^;;
I, like many others I'm sure, assumed that Fai was expressing what he wanted, but now I'm thinking that he may have just been reminiscing about Ashura himself. Anyone have any theories?
Sailor Yue-chan:
--- Quote from: Emiko on October 20 2006, 06:32 am ---So, guys, since there was an Ashura mention, and subsequently another FaiAshura hint, in chapter 131, maybe we should discuss that?
I think that since Fai mentioned Ashura "taking him with him", according to Pikari's translation, that we should probably look back to the bar scene in Outo when Fai was like, "I was always waiting for the one who would take me away" or whatever *paraphrase'd* ^_^;;
I, like many others I'm sure, assumed that Fai was expressing what he wanted, but now I'm thinking that he may have just been reminiscing about Ashura himself. Anyone have any theories?
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i agree somewhat, but also, i think that hte resent events that had just acured (syaoran's brtreyment and what kurogane did, and subsequenmtly, sakura putting her life into danger) is whats forcing fai to push them away. he doesnt want them to be hurt anymore.
--- Quote from: Emiko on October 20 2006, 06:32 am ---I think that since Fai mentioned Ashura "taking him with him", according to Pikari's translation, that we should probably look back to the bar scene in Outo when Fai was like, "I was always waiting for the one who would take me away" or whatever *paraphrase'd* ^_^;;
I, like many others I'm sure, assumed that Fai was expressing what he wanted, but now I'm thinking that he may have just been reminiscing about Ashura himself. Anyone have any theories?
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Wow, for some reason I didn't make that connection. I think it's possible that Fai was referring to a past event. He says "I was a guy that always waited for the one who would take me along" (in Del Rey's translation, at least). He's talking about the past in some manner - and maybe he's thinking of how he waited like that in the past, not that he's waiting now. The former might actually make a bit more sense, since he clearly went away from the situation in Celes by himself. Maybe he's remembering how he went with Ashura-ou, and what became of that. Who can say - for every hint CLAMP gives us, they give us yet more questions.
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