CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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I was thinking a lot of this character particualry, first of the points that some one mention is the "age thing", we have to remember that CLAMP like a lot to desguise the age, we have to remember Magic Knight Reyearth, maybe Fai is a lot older that we thought....

And we have to think about his world, a lot of magic, there is a past, very hide... other think we have to remember the relationship with Ashura-ou & Fai (remember the part of the manga, chapter 130, when he said to Yuuko "a lot of lies, an when Ashura.ou took him in"), maybe The past of Fai is more related with the plot of Magic Knight Reyearth; this is my confusing conclution, guys.... i don't know, we have to analize all the CLAMP work and "try" to think about this character in particular....

Aa~ Apparently we get to see Clamp's chibi!Fai (with Ashura D:?) in the second Character Guide (and a new omake.. with lots of milk.. .. ._. )
I'm getting the guide when tank 17 comes out.. so.. if no-one else scans them before then I will. But I'm sure someone will.
 Ah- someone over at the chinese boards is apparently gonna scan them when they get their scanner working.

According the babelfish.
 Which is still translating Fai as "law iraq" and Sakura as "prunus pseudocerasus" X'D
(might be a few pages into the thread before anyone mentions the ChibiFainess. Cant remember.)

Oooh, that would be wonderful if someone could scan and then post the link here! *waves cookies as incentive*

From the chinese forums:

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oh my!!!really kawaii!! can you post the bigger version of those pics???
I really want it!! >_<
cookie for you....if you post the bigger version one.....


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