CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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--- Quote from: tsubasaHime199 on October 22 2006, 06:41 pm ---oh my!!!really kawaii!! can you post the bigger version of those pics???
I really want it!! >_<
cookie for you....if you post the bigger version one.....

--- End quote ---
It's just the forum automatically resizes them, but those are the biggest scans we have.
Credit to ayaxxx from the Tsubasa2005 forums for these, btw. x3

Oooo, intriguing~

The sketch is so cute. Does anyone know what Fai's saying in the last one there?


--- Quote from: Emiko on October 22 2006, 10:39 pm ---Oooo, intriguing~

The sketch is so cute. Does anyone know what Fai's saying in the last one there?

--- End quote ---
I think he's saying they want another 20 bottles of milk, or something like that.
Thats what the chinese description of the omake on Tsubasa2005 translated to, anyway.

The sketch and the chibis are adorable. <3 Ashura-ou looks so parental. (Now there's something we didn't consider...) I can't wait to see the omake in full.

thankz, Znuese-chan!! ^__^
eh???that is omake???new omake by CLAMP??
cant wait!! >_<
oh,cookie for you,Znuese-chan!!


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