CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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A new omake? I hope the it  will be realesed soon!
The sketch is cute, but Fai sitting beside Ashura? :surprised: The chibi pic is also cute! And I like the last picture of Fai too.

Yay! a new omake! Fai looks sooooo cute!
* wanna see*

a new omake is exactly what we need to bring a little cheerfulness after all this violence sadness and cold-heartedness :sweatdrop:.
but Fai doesn't have his bandanna on the third picture,so it won't be about his new status of vampire  :(.

but at least we got to learn another funny information about his flavors,because according to his happy face he seems to be as much addicted to milk than alcohol  :tongue:!
and again he is playing the role of the mother since Shaolan and Sakura are in the background and that milk is essential for children's growth  :wink:!
moreover Fai we can suppose that Fai is asking Kurogane to milk the cows for the sake of the children  :haha:

Fai Kurogane Shaolan and Sakura as farmers would do a hilarious omake  :okay:


--- Quote from: Znuese on October 22 2006, 07:25 pm ---

--- End quote ---

How cute! So this means there's quite an age gap between Fay and Ashura, whatever they were. Way to make me even more curious, CLAMP.

The omake sounds great, I can't wait to see it! Fay is SPARKLING!  :inlove:

Yeey! Another omake! It was about time ne?

Thank you Znuese, if I could I'd give you not only a cookie, but a whole cake! i_i *dies at the though of chibi-Fay and daddy-Ashura* (Fay has a thing for daddy figures!)

I imagine Kuro-tan being treated like a slave again (like in Outo) XD
this makes me have naughty thoughts that include a dog collar, a whimp and a seme-Fay...

The kids have to eat! Work hard Daddy!! ^^


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