CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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ano...I'm glad to help?  :sweatdrop:

Ruby Chan:
He actually does look quite evil there.....but then again, although I love Fai to bits, I can't help wondering if CLAMP will show an angry biter side to him one day...the smug smirks and lidded eyes kinda indicates that.

Fai....what can I say..I LOVE FAI!!! I like the way he always has that optomistic additude and what not. Espicelly his eyes ^^ Go Fai!!

Ruby Chan:
You know, I'd never have guessed, with a username like yours!

Hmm......I don't know what it is about Fai that intrigues me so. I started TRC fully expecting to have Syaoran as my fav character, like in CCS. But then we met Fai, and I fell in love on the spot.

In a way, I think Fai's happier when he's not you know what I mean?


--- Quote ---In a way, I think Fai's happier when he's not you know what I mean?
--- End quote ---

I understand what you mean.
Many times his smile is only covering his pain.
Just a reflex to throw everyone off.
Only when he smiles for real........


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