CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
I do hope Chii returns to play a bigger part eventually. I find her relationship with Fai interesting... in a companion/pet type of way. I doubt there's any romance going on like in Chobits. But I think Fai may have an attachment to her, like she's the only real friend he's ever had (before Syaoran-tachi, of course). I also think it'd be cute to see the gang's (especially Kuro-chan's) reaction to seeing Chii. ^__^
--- Quote --- I find her relationship with Fai interesting... in a companion/pet type of way.
--- End quote ---
That's what I think too.
I think she's like a friend/pet.
She seems more like a pet, how he pats her head and such and she doesn't seem to be
extremely bright in a normal human type of way. I also don't think Fai would have left
her there in danger if he had a deeper relationship with her.
I wonder about that part. He did leave her there, and I have the feeling when Ashura wakes up
she is going to be in danger.
Ruby Chan:
I think that as she's blocking Ashura's exit, Chii will end up destroyed by the dark haired king...and that will add even more guilt onto Fai's shoulders. He may have a slight breakdown, or he could feel her injuries before she's destroyed.
Heh...anyone who's read a certain fanfic about Smiles will recognise that scene.
I don't imagine Ashura being all that interested in Chii, but I think he would use her to get to Fai if he could. And I think Fai would feel guilty if she were hurt, like Ruby Chan said.
And this is totally random, but I happened to look up the name Fay on a baby names site, and it means "fairy" or "elf". Heh... I think it kind of suits Fai's lightness and mystery. I wonder if CLAMP knew that?? XD
--- Quote ---I do hope Chii returns to play a bigger part eventually. I find her relationship with Fai interesting... in a companion/pet type of way. I doubt there's any romance going on like in Chobits. But I think Fai may have an attachment to her, like she's the only real friend he's ever had (before Syaoran-tachi, of course).
--- End quote ---
I hope to see Chii again too!
In an odd way, I sort of find Fai a little like Yue O_O. Okay, Fai and Yue's personalities are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, but both of them are hiding some sort of pain with something else. In Yue's case, he covers up his pain with cold, emotionless expressions, and in Fai's case, he covers up his pain with tons and tons of smiles.
I really really want to know about Fai's past.
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