CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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Ruby Chan:

--- Quote from: Pikari on August 08 2005, 04:21 pm ---And this is totally random, but I happened to look up the name Fay on a baby names site, and it means "fairy" or "elf". Heh... I think it kind of suits Fai's lightness and mystery. I wonder if CLAMP knew that?? XD

--- End quote ---

Probably....they put a lot of thought inot choosing their names most of the time, as it can alter how a story is told, or their background scenes (eg, cherry blossoms for Sakura). And I think that Fai really is elflike, so it sort of suits his personality.

Sayora Chan:
I definatly think the name is not an accident.  I also think that Clamp may have had a special reason for choosing Chii.  Somehow I am convinced that Ashura has the power to come after Fai.  I think that the next time we see him, it will not be in Celes.  As for Chii's fate, I think it depends on what Fai turned her into.  I really couldn't tell what she was.  (Maybe a fancy alarm system?)  :confused:

Ruby Chan:
Fai turned her into a sort of net I think, that spread across the pool. She's probably a cross between a barrier, and an alarm to warn Fai that Ashura's waking up/escaping.

I think that this could be one reason why Fai, whilst running, doesn't seem to be so paranoid that he continually looks over his shoulder. He trusts Chii to warn him before danger comes in the form of Ashura.

I wonder how she's going to warn him...will it be like telepathy?

Sayora Chan:
That seems very likely, since Fai was not sure of where he was going to be when Ashura wakes.


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