CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
--- Quote --- think that as she's blocking Ashura's exit, Chii will end up destroyed by the dark haired king...and that will add even more guilt onto Fai's shoulders.
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Yeah, I kind of think that could very well happen.
Ashura would probably just destroy everything in his path when he breaks free.
And Fai will know......
--- Quote from: Ruby Chan on August 09 2005, 04:28 am ---Fai turned her into a sort of net I think, that spread across the pool. She's probably a cross between a barrier, and an alarm to warn Fai that Ashura's waking up/escaping.
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I agree. Whatever Fai turned Chii into didn't look very strong. So yea I also think that Ashura will break through Chii. But you never know just quite what will happen in their crazy adventures...
Sayora Chan:
I really don't think that Clamp would have chosen a character as popular as Chii, just to be immediatly destroyed. I think that Chii will play an important role when the spotlight shifts back to Celes.
What do you think will he ever again use magic?I was wondering what kind of power is it it must be very strong.
--- Quote ---What do you think will he ever again use magic?I was wondering what kind of power is it it must be very strong.
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Well, it's my own personal opinion that he will use magic again.
That he will use it possibly to save Kurogane at some point.
I think perhaps that is the only thing that would get him to use it.
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