CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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good theory ! ...

Just like in the cracked smiles? 

Thatd'd be cool if you predicted it almost exactly!


--- Quote from: Starfire on August 29 2005, 12:27 am ---Just like in the cracked smiles?

Thatd'd be cool if you predicted it almost exactly!

--- End quote ---

GOD I hope that happens! *wide puppy dog eyes at Sakaki* Sakaki-saaannn..... Send CLAMP the Cracked Smiles RP and tell them to go to Celes in the next chapter cuz you already wrote the perfect script for them.... All they gotta do is draw it... Pleeeasseeee Sakaki-saaannn....

Ruby Chan:
I agree, Fai will only use his magic to save Kurogane or to protect him from Ashura, if that creep ever turns up again. Safe to say, it's going to play an important part in my fanfic! Cracked Smiles just seemed to have the right idea about that, in my view.....

I think that unless Ashura comes to them, Fai will probably use his magic in none other than Seresu.

Akaiyuki-chan ! So halerious the way you say that ! .. Kawaii !

But It would be soo cool if the next chapter was that !


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