CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Fai - Character Discussion
--- Quote from: Hori on September 01 2005, 05:56 am ---Akaiyuki-chan ! So halerious the way you say that ! .. Kawaii !
But It would be soo cool if the next chapter was that !
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Kyaaa! *blush* Hori-san called me kawaiiiiiii... (Yes that would be a great next-chappi, ne?)
( Hai hai )
Please.. call me Hori-chan ^_^
--- Quote ---Just like in the cracked smiles?Â
Thatd'd be cool if you predicted it almost exactly!
--- End quote ---
I think I'd be a little scared!
Actually, that would be pretty strange if they suddenly arrived in Fai's world and it went remotely like what we wrote! I think I'd faint.
I think we wrote it how we pictured it really happening though.
I know I did Fai's part that way. Imagining how he would react, and feeling
his emotions...
--- Quote from: Hori on September 01 2005, 05:43 pm ---( Hai hai )
Please.. call me Hori-chan ^_^
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OK, Hori-chan! You can call me Yuki or Yuki-chan if you'd like! ^__^[
--- Quote from: Sakaki on September 01 2005, 06:33 pm ---I think I'd be a little scared!
Actually, that would be pretty strange if they suddenly arrived in Fai's world and it went remotely like what we wrote! I think I'd faint.
I think we wrote it how we pictured it really happening though.
I know I did Fai's part that way. Imagining how he would react, and feeling
his emotions...
--- End quote ---
Kyaa! You'd FAINT?! You couldn't becuase if you did and they made in episode about it you wouldn't be able to see it!!! *gets a bucket of cold water ready just in case* Well, I guess you wouldn't be passed out for that long... Cuz you'd faint when they put it in the manga... *fans Sakaki with the manga pages instead*[/color]
hai hai Yuki-chan
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