CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Fai - Character Discussion

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--- Quote from: Sakaki on September 01 2005, 06:33 pm ---I think I'd be a little scared!
Actually, that would be pretty strange if they suddenly arrived in Fai's world and it went remotely like what we wrote! I think I'd faint.
I think we wrote it how we pictured it really happening though.
I know I did Fai's part that way. Imagining how he would react, and feeling
his emotions...

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i dont think they will return to their original world so soon? hmm.. or probably to either one in the final episode..

Fye/Fai/Fay is awesome XD
He's cool...heheh.......


--- Quote from: charcoalz on September 07 2005, 07:02 am ---Fye/Fai/Fay is awesome XD
He's cool...heheh.......

--- End quote ---

Yes he is. ^__^ I love him. However I have my own solution to his name issue.. *points under name* Heh heh.. XD

i have a question,what do you think what would happen to Fye in the end?i l think he woud not live happily ever after. i think he and kurogane might die. it woud be so sad!(i love tragic endings and heros)


--- Quote from: pierrot on September 09 2005, 06:08 am ---i have a question,what do you think what would happen to Fye in the end?i l think he woud not live happily ever after. i think he and kurogane might die. it woud be so sad!(i love tragic endings and heros)

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O.o..... N-no that CAN'T happen! NOOOO! AHHHHH! *calms down* Ahem, actually... A lot of people are thinking that could happen... I am just praying against it, becuase so far Fai is my only surviving favorite character in anime/manga history. However, if Fai DOES die, (god forbid) I hope it's doing something cute. Like protecting everyone from Ashura... (Or.. heh heh, protecting KUROGANE in particular, from Ashura.. Heh heh... *cough*) But yes, I agree. Even if he doesn't die, I'll doubt CLAMP will let him live happily. It's just the CLAMP way, the most lovable characters are the ones that get tortured.... It's just... the way CLAMP is... *sigh* Sadly... But all us CLAMP fans must be masochists, cuz we all keep comin' back for more! XD (Anyway, me loves your username, here's a cookie!)


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