Well, technically Fai's name is written in katakana, which I don't believe will show up here on the board. Katakana means it's a foreign name, which also means some liberties have probably been taken in the translation to romaji.
Yes, Clamp spells it Fay as far as we've seen. However, the spelling 'Fai' tends to show the closest pronounciation, at least for me. So, unless I write it in katakana, it will stay 'Fai' for me. And really, you should respect how other people spell his name. If we want to get really technical, we'd all have to type it in only katakana. ^^
Yes, I'm aware of katakana... I'm not ignorant of Japanese - in fact (at the risk of sounding full of myself), it's probably the exact opposite. [/end my over sensitivty]
But since there are so many variations of ways to romanize spellings, I look to official spellings, namely because it's CLAMP's manga - not mine. I use "Chunyan" instead of "Chun Hyang" because it's CLAMP's spelling, as well... (nevermind that the Japanese isn't the same as the Korean XD it's the Korean pride thing that makes it hard, if that makes any sense.) And perhaps because it
is in katakana, it's a more western name that CLAMP wants to portray as such, instead of relying on whatever spelling could be most accurate to Japanese pronunciation, etc. But Syaoran kind of refutes that... but I guess I could point out that Syaoran's name is in kanji, blah blahb... what am I talking about again?
I've always been aware of CCS!Syaoran's name differing in spelling, but it's now basically golden to type it as "Syaoran" instead of Shaoran. Despite the fact that the DVDs by Pioneer had "Shaoran", I'm supposing people use Syaoran because CLAMP came up with it
edit: Errr, and I want to mention it wasn't at all my intention to insult or offend anyone. I find it hard to see how anything I said
was offensive. I'm just tossing out my opinion and some fact that I use to back it up with
and maybe to stay on topic: I still love Fay! :3