AuthorTopic: Fai - Character Discussion  (Read 173289 times)

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #240 on: May 09 2006, 10:16 am »
yay! flashback! seriously though, that's a good idea
by me.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #241 on: May 09 2006, 10:20 am »
What if, instead of Seeing the past, they are in the Past for Fai's history to come up. It could happen.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #242 on: May 09 2006, 10:23 am »
but it would be more interesting if only kurogane only knew
by me.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #243 on: May 09 2006, 10:58 am »
Yes it would be, I wish I knew what CLAMP was thinking, do they have a flip a coin to determin what to write next,
"So what should we do!"
"Flip a coin, heads move on to another world"
"Tells, Fai's past"
Flips the coin........ rolls on the table and stops.
"Lets just say it was heads"
"Just to drive the fans crazy, right?"

So that is my idea why the never bring Fai's past up.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #244 on: May 10 2006, 10:42 am »
Hehehe....that was funny Smile for Me-chan....but i believe CLAMP will bring up Fai's past in a matter of time. It's been 15 volumes already! O.O actually who am I kidding? Maybe they'\re never going bring up Fai's past. What if it all ended as a cliffhanger?
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #245 on: May 10 2006, 11:48 am »
Well CLAMP did say TRC was going to be longer then X/1999, which is at 19 Volumes,
So Fai's past might, hopefully come up in Volumes 16-17? or maybe It will come in the recent chapters, he is starting to use his powers now, little by little.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #246 on: May 10 2006, 08:30 pm »
Waahhhh!!!!!! B-but if x/1999 is only 19 volumes long...then that must mean....there are LESS chances of CLAMP actually showing Fai's past. I mean, they can actually show such things near the end of the manga???? Uwaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @_@
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #247 on: May 11 2006, 08:28 am »
What if it all ended as a cliffhanger?

omg...don't even go there lol
I think I'd have to attack someone if that happened. I'm desperate for Kuro to fins out abotu Fai's past, but only because I'm a steadfast KuroxFai shipper. :P
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #248 on: May 11 2006, 10:12 am »
*Another Fai-lover joining in*

CLAMP revealing Fai's past is for sure going to happen. I have no doubts of that. It's just a matter of time. I feel like they're building it up so much that they're waiting to toss it on the fans when they least expect it. A very CLAMP move. ^_^

Did anyone notice how the Ashura from Fai's homeland looks more like Yasha than Ashura? I know Ashura's supposed to be a character whose gender is ambiguous, but they've always seemed to have more of a feminine touch to them. Although I could be wrong...

Anyways, back to Fai. Anyone ever wonder how much power Fai really has? In one of the earlier volumes (I forget which one) it's hinted at that the tatoo Fai gave to Yuuko served not as a source of his powers but as a limiter to his powers. Which makes me wonder several other things. Did Fai place that tatoo on himself? What happened to Fai that made him realize that he needed to keep control of his powers?

When Chi tells Fai that Ashura has awoken, I really don't think he'll return to Celes. That is the one place, his wish to Yuuko, that he does not wish to be. He gave up what was most precious in order to get that wish. I think the reason for Chi to warn him is that it seems like he expects Ashura to come after him. Once he knows that he can go all out offensive and perhaps we can see Fai use much of his magic. That's my theory anyways.

So many questions and theorys and we still have yet to even scratch the surface of this character. I love Fai most because he is truely one of those dark mysterious characters that you just can't help but love. For me that love was first sight. ^_^-

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #249 on: May 11 2006, 11:19 am »

Did anyone notice how the Ashura from Fai's homeland looks more like Yasha than Ashura? I know Ashura's supposed to be a character whose gender is ambiguous, but they've always seemed to have more of a feminine touch to them. Although I could be wrong...

The Ashura of Fai's world isn't the androgynous Ashura that hangs out with Yasha from RG Veda, but rather that Ashura's father, who is dead before the story begins and is only shown in flashbacks. They share the same name, it's true (and unnecessarily confusing, but hey, that's CLAMP) but the Ashura in Shurano is not the same as the Ashura in Fai's world.

I agree with you, though, bearmoon-san. It's would be incredibly anti-climactic if Fai's past was never revealed. It would just be bad storytelling, structure-wise, and CLAMP's series' are usually very well-written. They understand the conventions of good storytelling, and you can't just hint away at something like that and then never reveal it. Plus, it would drive me insaaaaaaane!

The timing of Fai's past being revealed is probably going to be deliberate- it will probably affect the latest feather-quest in some way.

There's also a theory going around that Fai's marking only paid for the ability to traverse the worlds so that he could get away from Celes, and not actually to prevent him from returning. I have to admit, I'd love it if the group somehow ended up in Celes, real or otherwise. There have been quite a few splash-pages where various characters are pictured in settings that look extremely reminiscent of Celes (the cover of the Del Rey volume 9, for example- the same icicle things were in the background of that picture of Fai from the Japanese volume 4).

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #250 on: May 11 2006, 12:58 pm »
Well like Clamp did In Tokyo Babylon, they left it at a cliff hanger, only to continue in X/1999,
Maybe Fai will get his own spin-off with Kurogane. I can dream can't I....
CLAMP hints that Fai's past will come to light, because we all know Ashura-ou will awaken, and do what CLAMP-Knows-What, which I hope is very soon, cause Fai is cool, and show more emo then just smiling and little dark expressions....

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #251 on: May 11 2006, 01:30 pm »
The Ashura of Fai's world isn't the androgynous Ashura that hangs out with Yasha from RG Veda, but rather that Ashura's father, who is dead before the story begins and is only shown in flashbacks. They share the same name, it's true (and unnecessarily confusing, but hey, that's CLAMP) but the Ashura in Shurano is not the same as the Ashura in Fai's world.


I didn't know...I think it's time to invest in the RG Veda manga...of all the CLAMP series this is the one I know least about. Thanks for the little insight. The whole Ashura Ashura thing threw me off quite a bit.

And I agree Smile_For_Me! We just know that his past will be revealed. It must be soon. It's gotta be! ^_^

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #252 on: May 11 2006, 01:55 pm »
its always cool when fai's mask slips and he shows soem real amotion. this is my fav "Fai dark look" from the first season.

the splash page from ch 112 is also one of my faves.

as for how powerful fai is,
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Kuro's mentioned that Fai must be REALLY powerful while they were in the library at lecourt, and fai could tell where all the protective spells were. they were powerful spells protecting a very valuable artifact: A book containing sakura's feather. plus the spell he cast at the end of lecourt, that allowed them to dimension hop. to block all those defenses like that, he is EXREMLY powerful IMO
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #253 on: May 11 2006, 04:31 pm »
I know this is a long, looong shot, but did anyone notice that Fai, from Manga #1, that Fai had always called Kurogane liked he had known him or known of him for some time?
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Maybe it has to do something with his past, you know, when Kurgane lost his mother and father Manga #13-14?, we know for a fact that the mother was killed, but not to sure about his father, right? And since that what's his name, the old creepy guy...., messed with Kuroganes past with the demension gate/thing, could his dad ended up in Fai's world? Fai finding him, and bring him back to health? Well thats what I think, like I said long shot.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #254 on: May 11 2006, 04:56 pm »
I can really see that beig a possibility, although I don't think it's that complicated. I think that it's just part of Fai's demeanour. (There's that and I think Kuro has a big sign hanging above him saying "Easily annoyed, please irrtate me" :lol:)

But it is a good theory and, as proven, anything can take a huge turn in this series. So don't think it's too far of a shot even if that's not the case.

*My turn for a long shot* Also, anyone else pondering about the ending sequence to the second season? They show both Kuro and Fai when they are younger and I wonder if that means that they may cover Fai and Kuro's pasts in this season. If that's the case then maybe CLAMP's planning to reveal Fai's past in the manga sooner than we expect.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #255 on: May 11 2006, 05:06 pm »
Or Bee Train is just Joshing us around like they can,

But I did like seeing Fai as a kid, it was so Kewl, I'd like to see more of that, but it happaning anytime in the second season is very unlikely, that is unless they branch off and have two different pasts for Fai, one being Bee Trains, the other being CLAMP, and in the past, this has happened before.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #256 on: May 11 2006, 05:52 pm »
That's very true...

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #257 on: May 11 2006, 08:29 pm »
I like the theory that Fai's deal only gave him the power to avoid going back to Celes, but they will end up back there. Wow, that would a good chapter. I just know though that I'm going to cry when we get to Kuro's world.
I think that -judging from the anime picture etc- that Fai's world was lovely and green etc until Ashura came into power and then everything went evil and cold. I also like it how Kuro had a painful childhood but Fai had the painful adulthood, by the looks of things anyway!
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #258 on: May 12 2006, 04:41 am »
Well, we know there was no guarantee that Fai would not return to his world, same as there was no guarantee that Kurogane would return to his, they're both travelling on the chance. I'm so worried they're going to make Fai some kind of mass murderer and I'll end up hating him~see next post *rolls eyes* (unlikely  :wink: ) but my sister reassured me it'd be ok, lol! They can't not cover his past, that would be awful!

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #259 on: May 12 2006, 04:45 am »

Anyways, back to Fai. Anyone ever wonder how much power Fai really has? In one of the earlier volumes (I forget which one) it's hinted at that the tatoo Fai gave to Yuuko served not as a source of his powers but as a limiter to his powers. Which makes me wonder several other things. Did Fai place that tatoo on himself? What happened to Fai that made him realize that he needed to keep control of his powers?

When Chi tells Fai that Ashura has awoken, I really don't think he'll return to Celes. That is the one place, his wish to Yuuko, that he does not wish to be. He gave up what was most precious in order to get that wish. I think the reason for Chi to warn him is that it seems like he expects Ashura to come after him. Once he knows that he can go all out offensive and perhaps we can see Fai use much of his magic. That's my theory anyways.

So many questions and theorys and we still have yet to even scratch the surface of this character. I love Fai most because he is truely one of those dark mysterious characters that you just can't help but love. For me that love was first sight. ^_^-

Yes, I think he must have been (and probably still is) a very powerful wizard, especially if he needs some device to help control his powers... either that or he's not a strong enough person to do it himself, maybe thats why he's travelling with Kuro and the others (I don't really think thats the case, but its worth a mention). Me and my sister think he could be some kind of a crazy and totally loses it with himself and his magic, killing thousands, lol!  :lol: