AuthorTopic: Fai - Character Discussion  (Read 174316 times)

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #480 on: August 13 2006, 11:44 am »
peharps that now that Fai has his magical power cut in two,he will be less reluctant to use it because even if he can't control it fully without his tatoo,he will not cause as much damage as when he had plenty of it  :okay:!

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #481 on: August 14 2006, 09:47 pm »
peharps that now that Fai has his magical power cut in two,he will be less reluctant to use it because even if he can't control it fully without his tatoo,he will not cause as much damage as when he had plenty of it :okay:!
or he might start using it more as he saw what happened when he didn't use all that much.. .. because Fye is powerful and if he wants even half his power he can really help out the group and save the day.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #482 on: August 15 2006, 01:38 am »
exactly,his power is the key to victory  :wink:!
i'm sure that now Fai is really going to "fight like a man" like Kurogane always asks him  :keke:,because due to the gravity of the situation the time has come for him to put his strengh to good use (and stop wasting his energy to do cooking or to run in the house pursuing by a mad Kuro-toutou  :haha:)
Fai character has reached a new level,everybody need him as much as he need everybody,so now he isn't anymore "the dancer who avoid and run away" but rather a determined warrior  :okay:
(it's time for him to show us his mainliness  :lol:)

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #483 on: August 16 2006, 02:32 pm »
err...hi. First post here, but I've been a long time lurker of and a long time Fay fan.
And just like with everyone here, the recent chapter of Tsubasa blew my mind. So I thought "ZOMG people have to know!!" and I'm a stickler for making sure that everyone can get the right info. So, I've decided that the most well known spot for internet info on everything would be wikipedia. I've been adding and editing of most of the TRCness of wiki (I'm a nerd, so I edit it quite often), epecially Fay.

My point? Someone deleted alllll of the new info posted about Fay, Kuro and the whole...recent development. :'( Not a big deal, but it really bugs me since it was properly marked with spoiler tags, and I'm positive all of the info was correct. Anywho, was thinking I'd get some sympathy, and maybe some followers for making sure that people can get the right info they need on our favorite characters. Anywho, sorry for ranting. It just really irritated me...and the first place I thought I'd come to was here. Anywho ^_^ Thank you.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #484 on: August 16 2006, 03:07 pm »
aww that sux that someone renoved all your info :( *pats*
perhaps someone thought it was incorect...thinkin about it, perhaps a TRC newbie, anti kurofai person thought it was just fan-craeted and erased it...thining about it, it DOES seem rather far fetched XP
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #485 on: August 16 2006, 03:26 pm »
It does seem kind of far fetched doesn't it? I remeber thinking about how in the world they would save Fay...everytime the vampire thing came up I thought "nah.....they wouldn't do that"

And there is a heck of a lot about Kuro in Fay's character section.  Which isn't my inner kurofay fangirl at all influencing that, hehe.

Anywho, more or less restored all the goodness.  Have a look if you like and let me know how it is.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #486 on: August 16 2006, 03:41 pm »
maybe im not looking in hte right place, but i dont see anything about the cutrrent chapters on the TRC pagfe on wiki :confused:
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #487 on: August 17 2006, 01:32 am »

My bad. I'm trying to put it up first in the character's section. The bit that I was talking about is in Fay's character section with the big spoiler warning.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #488 on: August 17 2006, 01:55 am »
waouh,thanks a lot for sharing those fascinating informations about Fai,all is clearly and merely explain  :keke:!
the only thing that is contestable is the spelling of his name  :surprised:
in this forum (so in english) it is "Fai",in your site it is "Fay",and in my country (France) it is "Fye",so it's rather confused  :sweatdrop:
« Last Edit: August 17 2006, 02:16 am by Tatasenko »

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #489 on: August 17 2006, 02:09 am »
I just read that page a few days ago and I loved it :wave:


It's also "Fye" in Germany! Here, he's called "Fye de Flourite", so he always seemed rather French to me *laugh*
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #490 on: August 17 2006, 02:23 am »
I just read that page a few days ago and I loved it :wave:


It's also "Fye" in Germany! Here, he's called "Fye de Flourite", so he always seemed rather French to me *laugh*

we can suppose that Fai came from an european country due to his features (blond hair and blue eyes  :inlove:),which contrast totally with Kurogane's black hair and red eyes who is him,definitely born in japan  :keke:.
Fai a french  :surprised:?now that you mention the "de flourite" i'm totally excited about this possibility  :rotfl:!
it would an honor (i'm going to find as much similarities as i can between my country and Fai's personnality  :okay:!)

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #491 on: August 17 2006, 03:08 am »
I just read that page a few days ago and I loved it :wave:


It's also "Fye" in Germany! Here, he's called "Fye de Flourite", so he always seemed rather French to me *laugh*

yes..wikipedia is very helpful...i think i saw that link the very first time i watched too much of a book/reference person, i just wanted know everything i could about TRC, leave it to me to look it up on an online dictionary :dodge:

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #492 on: August 17 2006, 10:38 am »
Umm, unless I'm much mistaken, there's no "de" in Fai's name, it's "D." as in an initial.

I really don't think Celes is meant to mirror any particular real country - it's just a very, very cold country where they do not use chopsticks or the Japanese (or Chinese, for that matter) writing system. Also that they use magic, are unmodernized (if that's even a word...), seem to have a monarchy, and a floating castle.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #493 on: August 17 2006, 02:30 pm »
Eh...I like it "Fai" better, just because I keep wanting to say it like it rhymes with "way"...but I guess Fay is supposed to be the official spelling of the name...according to the data book or some such thing. Spelling it any other way in wiki makes people angry.

I try and associate Celes with Russia...cold, big fluffy coats, a monarchy...I'd bet if we could hear Fai...Fay speak his language it wouldn't be smoothish like Japanese...but up and down tones or something...but not gutteral like Dutch...

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #494 on: August 17 2006, 02:34 pm »
well in ep 5, fai speaks in his original language. i dont know whats being said, and the subber used windings (or for kuro one for fai, the one that had the astrological symbols for fai :heh: ) does anyone have anyidea what was being said by those 2 in that ep?
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #495 on: August 17 2006, 02:47 pm »
well in ep 5, fai speaks in his original language. i dont know whats being said, and the subber used windings (or for kuro one for fai, the one that had the astrological symbols for fai :heh: ) does anyone have anyidea what was being said by those 2 in that ep?

I don't think we can really say that is the way their languages sound, because for the most part I think the scriptwriter just threw a bunch of syllables around in a random, nonsensical pattern in order to make it sound like something that isn't able to be understood by someone who doesn't know Japanese.  So I don't think anyone will ever know what was being said, because neither in the manga nor the anime do they really say anything that is actually understandable. But given the situation you can probably assume what they are talking about.

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #496 on: August 17 2006, 02:57 pm »
I never thought Fai was actually French, he just reminded me a little af France. (Though I've never had much to do with France until now ^^")

I think his language sounds very pretty and delicate, it fits a land with flying castles and glittery skies *g* I don't how to describe it without my synaethesia, but it'd look like some curvy line with irrgeular dots and knots. Very fluid and melodical.
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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #497 on: August 17 2006, 08:11 pm »
I never thought Fai was actually French, he just reminded me a little af France. (Though I've never had much to do with France until now ^^")

I think his language sounds very pretty and delicate, it fits a land with flying castles and glittery skies *g* I don't how to describe it without my synaethesia, but it'd look like some curvy line with irrgeular dots and knots. Very fluid and melodical.

Fai is certainly a french poet  :haha:!

now about what Kurogane and Fai were saying:
they were discussing with Shaolan about the fact that Sakura's feather could be hidden in a strong Kudan.then Mokona has been kidnapped (By the "Mokona's kidnappers" guild that i form with ishiyaki of course  :wink:),and they couldn't understand each other anymore...i recognized the word "mokona" in Kurogane's language,he was certainly wondering where he could have been taken...and cursing this damn manju to be so troublesome  :shifty:!

but what i found funny is that Fai was smiling despite the situation,and Kurogane seemed irritated,maybe they were understanding each other through their look and were saying something like:

Kurogane: why are you smiling stupidly damn mage?
Fai: because your language is weird !
Kurogane: you think that your is better ???
Fai: it sounds like a dog's bark  :keke:!

or maybe Fai was telling to Kurogane some nauhty adults things because Shaolan couldn't understand them  :rotfl:
« Last Edit: August 18 2006, 02:39 am by Tatasenko »

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Re: Fai - Character Discussion
« Reply #498 on: August 17 2006, 08:49 pm »
Fai is certainly a french poet  :haha:!

now about what Kurogane and Fai were saying:
they were discussing with Shaolan about the fact that Sakura's feather could be hidden in a strong Kudan.then Mokona has been kidnapped (By the "Mokona's kidnappers" guild that i form with ishiyaki of course  :wink:),and they couldn't understand each other anymore...i recognized the word "mokona" in Kurogane's language,he was certainly wondering where he could have been taken...and cursing this damn manju to be so troublesome  :shifty:!

but what i found funny is that Fai was smiling despite the situation,and Kurogane seemed irritated,maybe they were understanding each other through their look and were saying something like:

Kurogane: why are you smiling stupidly damn mage?
Fai: because your language is weird !
Kurogane: you think that your is better ???
Fai: it seems like a bark dog  :keke:!

or maybe Fai was telling to Kurogane some nauhty adults things because Shaolan couldn't understand them  :rotfl:

lol, thats probably what they really were saying XD

also, i just relaized. that is the ONLY time kurogane's called mokona, or anyone else forthat matter, by their given name O_o. (i wonder when he's going to ccall fai by his given name ^^ or fai kuro's full name :P

btw, the fai in your sig banner he youthful? or is that just a trick of the water. :unsure:
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Re: Fay - Character Discussion
« Reply #499 on: August 17 2006, 09:25 pm »
oops, meant to delete my post. i see no option though. ah well. fay's a vampire. i hope he sucks on kurogane 10x a day.
« Last Edit: August 17 2006, 09:52 pm by seichan80 »