CLAMP's Famous Works > Cardcaptor Sakura

The heresy that is Cardcaptors.

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Miss Jenni-Maie:
Nope. You didn't go overboard. You took the words out of my mouth.
They should just subtitle all anime on TV and leave it as it is. That would do us all a favour instead of random anime fans having heart attacks over bad dubbing.

Cardcaptor Takato:

--- Quote from: fisah on April 23 2005, 01:21 pm ---*gives cookie*

We have a theif among us *looks around*

But yeah, I don't blame the voice actors, well, it isn't there fault there not expereinced and stuff, its just Nelvana's fault for not taking their project seriously. I mean, no effort was shown at all, there main priority was just to create another Pokemon >.<

--- End quote ---
Actually, according to this page the only VAs in CC who didn't have any experience prior to CC were Sakoorah's,  Li's, and Tori's.  Even Madison's VA had played in anime before (only one series, though), and she did play Kitty in X-men: Evolution, although acting in an American cartoon and acting for Japanese animation is different, so that probably doesn't count.  Really, the VAs aren't that bad....they just don't fit the characters any is the problem, so it is Nelbaka's fault after all, and not the poor VAs themselves for just doing what they're told (although I still don't like them).  And if I'm not mistaken, I seem to remember reading somewhere that Carly Mckillip was about ten years old herself when she played Sakoorah, which is the same age as her character...

Xiao Ying:
w/c made her even more bratty.. T_T raar!

Miss Jenni-Maie:
Haha I was just looking at
I was reading the FAQ section and I had to laugh at their answer to this question:
Why did Nelvana edit the shows and alter the content from the original Japanese version?
The answer:
Nelvana has a strong reputation for priving quality children's entertainment worldwide with 30 years in the industry. Carcaptors is directed at children between approximately 6 to 14 years of age and we have made certain decisions to exclude portions of the original in keeping with our standards for children's entertainment.

Hmm..okay. But here's the kicker:

We believe these edits do not take away from the overall positive Carcaptors experience for viewers.

 -_- -_- -_- -_- . . . MUahahahahahha! Then how come everyone hates you??
Doesn't sound positive to me. Oh my god I fell off my chair laughing.
There were other ones that made me laugh/angry but this one was just....HAhahhaa!

Ruby Chan:
Think about it...most people wouldn't know about Cardcaptor Sakura at all if it hadn't been for Nelvana showing Cardcaptors....we should be thnaking them for at least trying to show it to us!


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