CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Tsubasa Chronicle is getting from bad to worse...or is it just me?

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Yeah. Maybe persons who has seen the latest chapters could think that TRC is "gore" and very bloody. Demo, that's Clamp's style: in a side cute and pink; in the other side, bloody and very tragic. All this is the ingredients of its succes. :)

I'm not a good anime critic but I think TRC is a great anime ... I don't think is better than CCS ( I loved and I love it) but I like TRC too...I like the characters style a lot... Maybe isn't a very good idea to borrow them  from other anime but even so I think isn't a bad or a worse anime...*my opinion"

little kittie san:
it's just you cuz fans wants to see more of sakura and syaoran. ALSO CCS moved it's epsiode by ONE CARD at a time. thats same as TRC which SOME epsiodes are moved by feathers or/and mokona. and i'm happy to see syaoran and sakura again.


--- Quote from: Arcademan on August 28 2005, 08:32 am ---The Japanese version is one year ahead of the English translated version.

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yea u're kinda right about that......................
.....................but............... ......................
I don't think u'll understand......................


--- Quote from: harry_kinomoto on May 31 2005, 11:54 am ---To minimuze the injuries from beatings by all you obsessed fans :hehe: I'll first say that I am a MAD fan of Card Captor Sakura (Tomoyo FOREVER :D), and was thus attractted to Tsubasa Chonicle upon hearing rumours of a sequel. But well...perhaps it is just me but I didn't really find it catch my fancy...

Primary reason was that it became annoyingly obvious how they were writing just to attract viewers. For them, CCS sold, hence the reusing of characters that looked EXACTLY the same, with EXACTLY the same personalities. Also the awfully contrived trailers to the next episode by Mokona...urrgh...

Second reason is the storyline-it's just unrealistically "feelgood"-not that being "feelgood" was bad (CCS IMO was tastefully feelgood), but well like...Sakura can simle and convert a bad guy of many years!? That's just a bit...unrealistic, no?

What do you all think? Is it just me? Or alternatively, do share with me the reasons why you all like the anime so much!

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Well I don't like the anime, at all actually,  there are some very few things that are good but mostly I don't like it. I love the manga and to me the anime and manga are so different in many ways so it would take to long for me to write it all down.


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