I haven't seen much of this anime...just the clips I've seen in amvs. But it looks very sweet! I can't wait to see more of it!
I now have the complete series downloaded onto my PC, and I can honestly say I'm in love with it! Sasame has to be the best character there, because he's so kind and tormented at the same time...poor thing. He tried to stay strong for the sake of the others, but in the end had to give in to his heart....
I like Hayate too, but not as much as Sasame! At some points, I have to admit that I preferred the dubbed voices to the seiyuu, but I still adore the original series!
Pairings? Hmm...definitely HayatexHimeno and SasamexTakako....but I also kinda like the HayatexSasame one that I've seen in a few fanbases too!
(And if you look at my amv thread, I've just uploaded my first ever Pretear amv - try it out!)