Pretear is nostalgia for me.
Once upon a time there was this site called "Anime intro archieves" which told us what anime was on tv currently and which channel. It's was pretty much like tv guide. They got also downloadable intros and clips.
Well, I had been stalkin' that site for long time. Then one day Pretear came there. I downloaded the intro - and omg I fell in love with the video and especially the SONG!
It took me around half year to find first few episodes tru Kazaa (lol, it was still mostly era of 'peer to peer, P2P', not torrent >_>). So, I saw first 3 episodes. Couldn't get more back then. Laterly, ADV got licence for it. But I was poor person with no DVD player at all back then (2004, I think). Then they translated manga (poorly, but still). I bought it. Then I accidently bought bootleg of anime last May. But at least I was able to see the whole series - finally. After that, I borrowed bootleg for my friend, and then I get rid of it. Now ADV has published thin-pack of the series and I think I'll buy it any time soon.
And what goes for anime vs. manga, I prefer
+ musics
+ mawata-based endin'
- too.. childhish to watch (just WHAT was that jungle episode?! XD)
- Sasame (I lost all my respect for you

- the very ending (what happened to Sasame and Takako. uh.. don't wanna spoil ppl.)
- Leafe costumes (fusion, and knight ones. I know it was too hard to animate all those costumes used in manga but I still don't like all anime ones)
- Kei (just what in the world happened to you? It took me a year understand you were a man xD)
+ art
+ other Leafe knights, than Sasame and Hayate, got their spotlights too
+ ending (there wasn't actually any huge climax, which positively surprised me)
+ costumes (ooh, so light coloured and fluffy)
+ Sasame (Yes, I'm a fangirl)
+ Hayate (Houhouhou, I didn't like you in the anime but manga is a different thing)
+ Many precious scenes like for example: Himeno waking up in the bed while surrounded by all 7 knights (Remember similiar scene from Disney's Snow White?)
- no voices or musics, aaaw ;_;
- What about Mawata? >_>
- oh no, why Shin instead of Sasame? That shocked me into tears. *sobsob*
Note: sorry for weird english, I have drank too much sugar for this day.