General Discussions > Anything goes...

How Old Are You?

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I just turned 18 this January 21st =) I'm finally legal!  :icon_cheers:

--- Quote from: LSD on January 28 2008, 02:56 am ---close to be 20

D: oh gosh,, years come-- time goes-- and winkles start to appear

--- End quote ---

Don't worry, you won't get winkles in your twenty years, and possible not even till high thirties =) Your still and will always be pretty.

zomg i'm old now D:
i remember when i first joined here.. i was underage...
.. now i almost can have a gun
well thats goood
but i'm aging.. thats bad

I'm kinda 14 and I'm gonna be 15 at March

Had my b-day recently (NO ONE REMEMBERED IT HERE!!!) and so now I'm 43 :(



Okay, I'm 15.
Will be 16 in April. ^_^


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